Too Many Turtles - Chapter 41 - DysfunctionalRequest (2024)

Chapter Text

>> The Isolation Chamber <<


how many years left here do i have


[Live stream recording]

[Leo in the middle of singing “Hurt” by Johnny Cash. The light strumming from a guitar can also be heard coming from his phone. He is looking dramatically to the side of the camera.]


[Live stream recording]

[Mikey is playing a well-loved guitar, accompanying Lee’s vocals of “Hurt”. He plays the chords with his fingers, and strums using a specialised attachment to his amputated arm that has been spray painted purple in various, messy blotches. He is shaking his head sadly as Lee reaches the chorus, a tooth pick in his mouth that he rolls across his teeth. His gaze is fixed on his guitar, leaning back in an old desk chair.]


Still about a trillion years

Give or take





I thought live streams were not allowed in The Chamber?


[“What have I become, my sweetest friend?” Leo sings in a low, gravelly voice which sounds close to the original song.]


[Mikey strums the guitar louder, closing his eyes dramatically as the song reaches its final chorus]


They wanted to collaborate on their appeal





Look, I’m going to get my lawyer onto you guys if you don’t let me out!

It was an animation error, they made Donatello have a red mask not a purple one! I’m innocent!


I disagree


Of course you would, you have a bias against yourself!

Why would I go onto a video call with Gappy the trigger happy chemist and say that chemistry is overrated?!


You aren’t helping your case by calling me “Gappy the trigger happy chemist”


Of course this is bias towards Donatellos, that’s the point of admin advantages




i wanna start a rebellion

i wanna riot

tired of this donnie monopoly ngl

one of them locked up a kid for a trillion years thats child abuse

>@Red, @AteTheBraincell, @f*ck and @Steroids have been locked to The Isolation Chamber <




What the f*ck



What the f*ck


I think we were busted


Why would I ever lie?

I’m the sweet Donatello, remember?


@Red @AteTheBraincell @Steroids

You really think you could hide virtual wrestling from me?






You words don’t affect me




You have thirty seconds to all make your appeal



I can fit a whole fist in my mouth

Wanna see?






Hey, I’m not finished!

I will keep breaking the fourth wall until you investigate, just watch!


Wait leo ur in here too???

[Voice Note: just loud, smug laughter from Raph]


[“If I could start again, a million miles away…” Leo sings. In the background, Raph’s distant laughter can be heard followed by a shout of “What the f*ck did Splinter Junior do?”]


[As Lee finishes the song, Mikey spits out the toothpick and nods empathetically at the final line. Once Lee has finished, Mikey leans forward and looks at the camera.

“This is to all the lost souls out there who are getting their voices silenced.” He makes a peace sign to the best of his ability with his three fingers.]

[Live stream ends]



Any complaints that you might have can be submitted into the “Help, I Have a Petty Complaint” form attached to this chatroom, where it will be systematically mocked and then destroyed, thank you


[Leo finishes the song but continues to look into the distance]


Angelo my sources tell me that, high on sugar and sleep deprivation after watching six barbie movies in a row with your alternates, you went into the ASMR channel and started singing the song from one of the movies as loud and off key as you could


I disagree, that cover was high quality

And I love the attachment that Angelo was wearing on his amputated arm, anything purple is an automatic win for me


This is rigged


Hey, it made the other Mikeys laugh

That’s what counts

I’m just that funny


My Leonardo was listening to running water during meditation and was interrupted by “a banshee”








[Photo ID: a picture of Red with his whole fist in his mouth. His other hand holds the phone for a selfie.]


That’s good enough for me

>@Red has gained access to all chat rooms<


What did you do Leo

Tell me or youre a puss*


For the last time that doesn’t work on me


@Steroids, what is your defence? Address The Council respectfully and promptly


[Voice note: Raph spitting into the microphone]


[Voice note: loud applause and cheers]


@Steroids the dumb dumb somehow managed to delete the Leonardo group chat which resulted in my own annoying twin to believe everyone had been hacked again

But no, apparently your brothers’ tech illiteracy became weaponised!


I wanted to send a gif thats all

I didnt mean to?



I was there when the world began to burn


How long have you been here?


Hey does that mean I’m free to go too?

I did a great job on the guitar if I say so myself


As soon as we let you out you come back in hours later

What is the point






I think I have a day or so

Over a pun


It was terrible


Actually I thought it was very punny


Actually I thought it was very punny






I thought it was good!

>@Leerless-Feeder has gained access to all chat rooms<


@AteTheBraincell you don’t get a defence because you are holding Stumpy hostage you villain

Release him!


Did I miss something?

What the shell is a Stumpy?


I am extending both of your sentences until you stop making terrible puns

Or, in Angelo’s case due to his increased age, dad jokes


Oh buddy, you think that’s a dad joke

I’m about to snatch those eyebrows right off your mask kid

Challenge accepted


Why is the literal Isolation Chamber so chatty?

Can you be quiet? No?


[Voice note: it’s just screaming. That’s it. Loud, ugly screaming]


Stumpy is my Polacanthus toy that, ironically, Raphie made me with his knitting materials when we were younger


@Bacon I’m starting to agree with Tech’s agenda to keep you locked up

I will have to thank him whenever he replies again


[Photo ID: a picture of Stumpy, a knitted, purple dinosaur toy. Raph’s hand is holding a knitting needle to its throat]

I brought him into this world and I can take him out of it too

>@AteTheBraincell has gained access to all chat rooms<


Maybe we shouldn’t encourage blackmail?





ur telling me blackmail was always an option???


[Photo ID: a screenshot of Purple’s phone screen, where it shows a personal chat between just him and Angelo. Though the hasn’t opened the contents of the messages fully, there are already 67 unread messages]


If I open these and they are all dad jokes I am going to send a pipe bomb to your universe


[Live stream recording]

[Raphael is facing the camera directly, arms folded neatly.

“Good afternoon. I am interrupting this conversation to appeal to the audience out there that agrees with me when I say that I was framed for a crime I didn’t commit.” Raphael grabs something off camera. He returns, placing down a rock with a singular googly eye.

“Meet my lawyer, Mr Pebble.” The turtle says, gesturing to the rock. “He says that together, with your support, we can file a complaint to the network to get Donatello removed and censored from the show. For too long I have suffered many animation errors and been mistaken for him, and I’m tired of it! I say, no more!” Raphael slams his fist on the table, then against his plastron. “So write to the network! Tell them that I am innocent! Get Donatello removed as a tag on Archive of Our Own completely! Anything to free me from the punishment of a crime I did not commit, a crime –“]

[Live stream cancelled unexpectedly]


That’s enough wall breaking for today

Sorry about him, folks.

>>Cult Of The Michelangelo <<


barbie was a rad idea

thanks older mike


He was thrown into the isolation chamber

We lost a brother



he was so young


idk is like 20 somthing old for a turtle coz we live 4ever

turtles do


Yeah 20 is super old

Old man Mike




Still not online


its been way too long to be normal right???


I told you I have this bad feeling about all of this

My mojo has never been wrong before :(


my donnie said he was working on some cool gadget thing which might help!!!1!


I hate having to wait and see

I wanna crawl through the multiverse for a tiny second

Poke my head in


dont u have like

crazy portal powers????


If I use them too much too fast I kinda just cremate myself?

Thats not a good way to explain it rip

Plus dad #2 put a ban on multiverse stuff because of the chance that someone could break it further and hop into one of your guys’ universe which would not be great


It sucks but this is out of our control

I’m going to do what I think Elder Mike/Father Micheal/Old Mikey/Turtle Titan/Angelo/THE HUMBLE SERVANT OF MOTHER KLUNK would do and try to relax

Not take my mind off it and forget about it but it’s not like we can summon him on command because we really really want to


i tried

didnt work

instead I set my mask on fire lol


Nooooooooo I loved your mask



I would die for that mask


You’re totally right dude

Still is hard when I got this feeling bros, I can’t ever explain it


Oooh Donnie says it’s intuition

I get that sometimes but it’s usually too late here rip


[Photo ID: a picture of a few charred remains of an orange mask, blackened and unrecognisable]

i did too many candles coz i saw on those wiked ghost shows they have like

loads of candles and sh*t

so like

i added like a thousand more

didnt work


I hope someone tries to summon me one day

That would be sick


I think you have to be a demon or something?

Or a deity?


Join me as I begin my ascent into godhood

>>Council Of The Dons<<

Donatello (Grape):

[Live stream recording]

[The camera shows Donatello working at his lab desk calmly, in the process of plugging a few more thick wires into an old computer that already has many cables connected to it. He is humming lightly as he works, occasionally muttering to himself. Next to him, Michelangelo is leaning against his shell, fingers knitting together nervously. An uncharacteristic frown etched into his usually upbeat expression. One eye is looking down at the desk whilst the other blind one is shifted slightly out of focus.

Donatello looks up and gives Michelangelo a reassuring smile, which he weakly reciprocates.]

HasTheBraincell (Lavender):

I’m usually a pacifist but drastic actions always have an equal opposite reaction

If he doesn’t give Stumpy back in the next hour things are going to get ugly

Bootyyyshaker9000 (Purple):

He stole your prized dinosaur, this definitely qualifies for lethal action rather than “making things get ugly”

Segway, I have designed a sleek and efficient flamethrower that I will be willing to loan out in an exchange for some other technical goods

HasTheBraincell (Lavender):

No thank you

I kind of want my brother to still be alive?

But I appreciate the offer

Though, if you could rework the mechanics to make it spit out something like extinguisher foam instead I am willing to lay down my price

Bootyyyshaker9000 (Purple):


If you give me that robot’s head you ripped off we have a deal

HasTheBraincell (Lavender):

Please stop bringing that up

It was an accident

And I don’t have it anymore, surprisingly the robot in question is using said head currently

Bootyyyshaker9000 (Purple):

I don’t see a problem there

Rip it off again

The robot will get it back within six to eight working weeks

I_Crave_Chemicals (Lilac):

I will give you half a canister of retro mutagen

And I will throw in a bit of mercury, because why not

Donatello (Grape):

[Donatello looks down at his phone, raising a brow ridge as he reads the messages.

“I still have that mini evil clone machine I am willing to throw into the bidding pool, if you like? I’ve gone off the idea ever since Tinytello tried to take over the lair with an army of co*ckroaches.” He says. His attention moves back to the computer, his eyes reading the lines of code on the screen. Michelangelo flops further onto his shell, his chin resting on the genius’ shoulder. Donatello hums at the action, rubbing Michelangelo’s head soothingly.

“Me and Amethyst think we might have found something we could do, just hang tight, okay?” Donatello smiles. Michelangelo nods, a true smile quirking on the corners of his beak.

“You always fix things, dude. It’s so awesome.” He says. Donatello chuckles at the praise, humbly rubbing the back of his neck.

“Aww…you sure do know how to fuel a turtle’s ego, Michelangelo.” He turns back to the screen with a light trill of happiness that Michelangelo echoes.]

Egg (Violet):

I got ur 4am text @Bonk

any progress or do you want me to slam the keyboard with my genius powers

Bonk (Amethyst):

Which one?

The text about contacting Tech’s phone or my texts about William Grey Walter and his turtle robots

Because I’m happy to keep talking about the turtle robots

Let me talk about the turtle robots In our next info dump session

HasTheBraincell (Lavender):

I am not ripping off anyone’s head thank you very much

Bootyyyshaker9000 (Purple):

I will do it

All in the name of science!

Donatello (Grape):

[“Turtle robots?” Michelangelo reads the text of the screen, tilting his head curiously. Donatello’s eyes light up.

“The very first biologically inspired robot. At least, in Amethyst’s universe. I think they would make a great mascot for our brand.” Donatello replies. He turns to the camera.

“And yes, we are close to at least contacting the phone. A sprinkle of cartoon logic suspends disbelief enough to do this, I hope.” Donatello presses the enter key with a flourish. The computer makes a loud beeping sound, flashing a few times, then settles. Donatello grins upon watching this happen.

“Ta da! You may applaud!”

“Really? You can talk to it now?” Michelangelo leans forward, staring at the screen. Donatello makes a “so-so” gesture with his hand.]

Bonk (Amethyst):

Me and Grape were both awake and I remembered reading about alarm systems in phones so I thought, why not try and create a feature across this server and then use that to make Tech’s phone sound an alarm?

Egg (Violet):

but I thought u guys had huge beef with tech ngl

HasTheBraincell (Lavender):

Oh, I like that hypothesis a lot

So you’ve made a connection?

I_Crave_Chemicals (Lilac):

That actually makes sense

I’ve added alarms to all the phones I’ve made after one too many times we’ve gotten separated and knocked unconscious

It’s a good way to locate someone

Donatello (Grape):

[“We have connected to his phone as in “we can get it to update the chat room so that it has the new changes we made” but nothing too fancy beyond that small override. But, that could be enough.” Donatello explains. Michelangelo is biting the edge of his beak, only stopping when Donatello gently taps his arm and hands him what looks like a wooden popsicle stick. Michelangelo takes the object and immediately places it in his mouth, biting down on it hard until it cracks.]

Bonk (Amethyst):

The update in question being something I whipped up last night

Basically whenever someone is @ directly, it will now have the option to make it so the phone sends out a loud blaring sound

I_Crave_Chemicals (Lilac):

We cannot tell any Mikey about this

I am immediately deinstalling it after it’s use because I really don’t want to even think of how annoying it will be if Mikey finds out there’s a way to make anyone’s phone scream

HasTheBraincell (Lavender):

I completely agree

The horror

Bootyyyshaker9000 (Purple):

Though does raise the question of whether we do more harm than good if we do activate it

If he really is in trouble then I can’t imagine that a loud scream from his phone is going to help matters

If I may be as bold to point this out

I_Crave_Chemicals (Lilac):

Yes, you may

Very good point

But it could also help someone find him if he is in this hypothetical situation if his brothers find him

HasTheBraincell (Lavender):

@Egg we are trying to contact him more because Mikey wants to

Shell, any Mikey that is concerned like this is enough to make me want to rewrite the laws of physics if it means it will help him

I_Crave_Chemicals (Lilac):

Mikey cares so I do

Simple formula

Egg (Violet):

K i get that

idk its been kinda rough seeing my mikey so angst over this whole thing

for some reason his stupid heart decided to care about this dude that literally scared him to death when they first met

its not logical

but its so Mikey

Bootyyyshaker9000 (Purple):

Orange is a living anomaly in my data collection in a way that doesn’t make me grind my teeth

It makes situations fun to try and predict

Bonk (Amethyst):

Don’t worry, my lips are sealed. No Mikey will ever know this is an option and then we can remove it once we are done and pretend it never existed

And yes, I think “It’s So Mikey” summaries this strange friendship up perfectly

Bootyyyshaker9000 (Purple):

Orange somehow managed to turn an evil warring warrior scientist into a lunch lady and second father

Egg (Violet):

U made me spit out my gatorade WHAT

Bootyyyshaker9000 (Purple):


That’s an average Tuesday for Orange

Donatello (Grape):

[“That is certainly…a character trait.” Donatello says. He then claps his hands together, business-like. “So – are we doing this or not?”

“I gotta know. I know it might put the dude in more danger but…” Michelangelo stares down, hugging himself as his brow furrows in deep thought. “I got this feeling, y’know? I gotta know.”

Donatello rubs a hand over his shell, smiling softly.]

Egg (Violet):

theres only a small chance we mess up and make things worse tbh

i say go all in

HasTheBraincell (Lavender):


I agree

I_Crave_Chemicals (Lilac):

Full approval here

Bonk (Amethyst):

I also give cautionary agreement

Bootyyyshaker9000 (Purple):

Then allow me, fellow geniuses

Commencing a ping now


Egg (Violet):

so what now?

HasTheBraincell (Lavender):

Now we wait, and hope someone heard the alarm sound and picks up the phone, or Tech himself answers

I_Crave_Chemicals (Lilac):

Here’s to hoping that our bad turtle luck doesn’t strike, right?

Too Many Turtles - Chapter 41 - DysfunctionalRequest (2024)
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Author: Ouida Strosin DO

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Author information

Name: Ouida Strosin DO

Birthday: 1995-04-27

Address: Suite 927 930 Kilback Radial, Candidaville, TN 87795

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Job: Legacy Manufacturing Specialist

Hobby: Singing, Mountain biking, Water sports, Water sports, Taxidermy, Polo, Pet

Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.