Networking Humor: How to Use Humor Appropriately and Effectively in Business Networking - FasterCapital (2024)

Table of Content

1. Why Humor Matters in Business Networking?

2. Using Humor to Start Conversations at Networking Events

3. Using Humor to Connect with Others in the Business World

4. Using Humor to Ease Tension in Networking Situations

5. Crafting Funny Elevator Pitches for Networking Success

6. Navigating the Fine Line of Appropriateness

7. Engaging Your Audience and Making a Lasting Impression

8. Laughing Off Mistakes and Bouncing Back with Humor

9. Leveraging Humor to Strengthen Relationships and Build a Network of Connections

1. Why Humor Matters in Business Networking?

Laughter is a powerful tool that can greatly impact business networking. It has the ability to break the ice, create connections, and leave a lasting impression. When used appropriately and effectively, humor can enhance communication, build rapport, and even boost productivity in professional settings.

From the perspective of a networker, incorporating humor into interactions can help to create a relaxed and enjoyable atmosphere. It can serve as a conversation starter, allowing individuals to connect on a more personal level. By sharing a lighthearted joke or funny anecdote, networkers can establish a sense of camaraderie and build trust with their peers.

On the other hand, humor can also be viewed from the perspective of the audience. When someone uses humor in a networking context, it shows their ability to adapt to different social situations and display emotional intelligence. This can make them more approachable and memorable to others, increasing the likelihood of future collaborations or business opportunities.

To delve deeper into the power of humor in business networking, let's explore some key insights:

1. Icebreaker: Humor can serve as a powerful icebreaker in networking events or meetings. A well-timed joke or witty remark can instantly lighten the mood and create a positive atmosphere, making it easier for individuals to engage in conversations.

2. Memorable Connections: When humor is used appropriately, it can make a lasting impression on others. People tend to remember those who make them laugh, and this can lead to stronger connections and potential referrals in the future.

3. Relationship Building: Humor can help to build rapport and strengthen relationships in business networking. Sharing a laugh with someone creates a sense of shared experience and can foster a deeper connection beyond just professional interests.

4. Communication Enhancement: Humor can be a powerful communication tool, as it can convey complex ideas in a more engaging and memorable way. Using humor in presentations or pitches can capture the audience's attention and make the message more relatable.

5. Stress Relief: Networking events can sometimes be stressful or intimidating. Humor can act as a stress reliever, easing tension and creating a more relaxed environment for everyone involved. This can lead to more open and productive conversations.

Remember, using humor in business networking should be done with caution and sensitivity. It's important to consider the context, audience, and cultural norms to ensure that the humor is appropriate and well-received. By harnessing the power of laughter, networkers can create meaningful connections, leave a positive impression, and ultimately enhance their overall networking experience.

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2. Using Humor to Start Conversations at Networking Events

Networking events can be daunting. The thought of mingling with strangers, exchanging business cards, and engaging in small talk can send shivers down anyone's spine. But fear not! Humor can be your secret weapon to break the ice and make those networking events not only bearable but enjoyable. Let's dive into the world of networking humor from different perspectives:

1. The Comedian's Approach: Lightening the Mood

- Imagine you're at a conference, and the room is filled with people in stiff suits, clutching their coffee cups like lifelines. You spot someone standing alone by the snack table, nervously eyeing the cheese cubes. What do you do? Crack a joke!

- Example: "Why did the scarecrow win an award? Because he was outstanding in his field!"

- The comedian's approach is all about lightening the mood. A well-timed joke can instantly create a connection and make you memorable.

2. The Storyteller's Anecdote: Relatability Wins Hearts

- Share a relatable story that ties into the event theme. People love hearing about real-life experiences.

- Example: "Last year at this conference, I accidentally spilled coffee on the keynote speaker. We both laughed it off, and now we're friends!"

- Anecdotes humanize you and make you approachable. Plus, they give others a chance to share their own stories.

3. The Curious Questioner: Pique Their Interest

- Ask intriguing questions that go beyond the usual "What do you do?" or "Where are you from?"

- Example: "If you could have any superpower for networking, what would it be?"

- Curiosity sparks conversations. Plus, you might discover common interests or hidden talents.

4. The Wordplay Enthusiast: Puns and Quirky Phrases

- Wordplay is a delightful way to engage. Slip in a pun or use a quirky phrase related to the event.

- Example: "Networking is like Wi-Fi—sometimes it's strong, and other times it's just buffering."

- Wordplay shows creativity and makes you stand out.

5. The Self-Deprecator: Laugh at Yourself

- Share a lighthearted self-deprecating moment. It humanizes you and shows vulnerability.

- Example: "I once mistook the CEO for the janitor. Turns out, they both wear similar suits!"

- Laughing at yourself makes you relatable and endearing.

6. The Observant Commentator: Highlight the Obvious

- Point out something amusing or quirky about the event venue or setup.

- Example: "Did you notice the potted plant strategically placed near the exit? Maybe it's the emergency escape route!"

- Observations create instant connections and give others a reason to chuckle.

Remember, humor should be genuine and respectful. Avoid offensive jokes or sarcasm that might backfire. Practice these approaches, and soon you'll be the life of the networking party!

Now, go forth and conquer those networking events armed with wit and a smile!

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3. Using Humor to Connect with Others in the Business World

In the fast-paced and often high-stakes environment of the business world, finding common ground with colleagues, clients, and partners is essential. Whether you're attending a networking event, negotiating a deal, or collaborating on a project, establishing rapport and building relationships can significantly impact your success. One powerful tool for achieving this connection is humor.

Insights from Different Perspectives:

1. The Social Icebreaker:

- Why it Matters: Humor serves as an effective icebreaker, breaking down barriers and creating a more relaxed atmosphere. When people laugh together, they feel more comfortable and open to conversation.

- Example: Imagine attending a conference where you know no one. During a coffee break, you strike up a conversation with a fellow attendee by making a light-hearted comment about the long queue at the coffee station. Suddenly, you're both laughing, and the awkwardness dissipates.

2. The Relatability Factor:

- Why it Matters: Humor allows you to showcase your relatability. When you share a funny story or observation, others see you as approachable and human.

- Example: In a team meeting, you mention a recent mishap—like accidentally sending a personal email to the entire company. Your colleagues chuckle, and suddenly, you're not just the VP of Marketing; you're the person who survived the "Reply All" catastrophe.

3. The Bonding Mechanism:

- Why it Matters: Shared laughter creates bonds. When you laugh with someone, you're signaling that you're on the same wavelength.

- Example: During a business lunch, you and a potential client discover a mutual love for classic movies. You exchange witty quotes from "Casablanca," and suddenly, you're not just discussing contracts—you're building a connection.

4. The Stress Buster:

- Why it Matters: The business world can be stressful. Humor provides relief, lightening the mood and reducing tension.

- Example: In a high-pressure meeting, when the projector malfunctions, you crack a joke about PowerPoint conspiracies. Everyone laughs, and suddenly, the tension eases.

5. The Cultural Bridge:

- Why it Matters: In a globalized business landscape, understanding cultural nuances is crucial. Humor can bridge gaps and foster cross-cultural understanding.

- Example: You're negotiating with a Japanese client. Instead of diving straight into business, you share a self-deprecating joke about language mix-ups during your last trip to Tokyo. The client appreciates your effort to connect on a personal level.

In-Depth Insights:

1. Timing Matters:

- Why it Matters: Humor is all about timing. In a serious discussion, a well-placed joke can lighten the mood. However, cracking jokes during a crisis or sensitive topic may backfire.

- Example: During a merger negotiation, when tensions rise, you subtly reference a scene from "The Office." The room relaxes, and the conversation becomes more productive.

2. Self-Deprecation vs. Punching Up:

- Why it Matters: Self-deprecating humor endears you to others, but be cautious not to undermine your credibility. Punching up (making light of authority figures or industry norms) can be risky but impactful.

- Example: In a boardroom presentation, you poke fun at your own PowerPoint skills. The audience appreciates your humility. Alternatively, you gently mock outdated corporate policies, sparking a discussion on innovation.

3. Know Your Audience:

- Why it Matters: Tailor your humor to your audience. What works with tech-savvy millennials may not resonate with seasoned executives.

- Example: At a tech startup event, you drop a meme reference, and the room erupts in laughter. In a traditional banking seminar, you opt for a witty analogy instead.

4. Avoid Offensive Humor:

- Why it Matters: Offensive jokes can harm relationships and damage reputations. Steer clear of sensitive topics like race, gender, or religion.

- Example: During a diversity workshop, you choose a light-hearted story about cultural misunderstandings rather than a potentially offensive joke.

Remember, humor is a powerful connector, but use it judiciously. When done right, it can turn a business encounter into a memorable and productive interaction.

Now, let's explore more examples and dive deeper into the art of using humor effectively in networking situations!

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4. Using Humor to Ease Tension in Networking Situations

Let's dive into the art of lightening the mood in networking situations. Networking events can be daunting, especially when you're faced with a room full of strangers, all eager to exchange business cards and elevator pitches. But fear not! Humor can be your secret weapon to break the ice, ease tension, and create memorable connections. Here's how you can use humor effectively in networking:

1. Know Your Audience:

- Just like any good comedian tailors their jokes to the crowd, you should gauge the room before cracking a joke. Consider the industry, cultural background, and context. What might be hilarious at a tech startup mixer might fall flat at a financial conference.

- Example: At a tech meetup, you could say, "Why did the developer go broke? Because he used up all his cache!"

2. Self-Deprecating Humor:

- Lightly poking fun at yourself can instantly make you relatable. It shows humility and breaks down barriers.

- Example: "I'm terrible at remembering names. If we meet again, just call me 'Hey, you!'"

3. Observational Humor:

- Pay attention to your surroundings and find something amusing. It could be the quirky venue, the hors d'oeuvres, or even the awkward silence.

- Example: "These tiny appetizers are like networking speed-dating. Blink, and they're gone!"

4. Use Puns and Wordplay:

- Clever wordplay can make you memorable. Incorporate industry-specific puns or play on words related to your field.

- Example: "I'm a software engineer. My favorite pickup line? 'Are you a compiler? Because my heart skips a beat when you optimize my code.'"

5. Light Teasing:

- Playfully tease someone (with kindness) to create rapport. Avoid sensitive topics or anything that could offend.

- Example: "You're a marketing guru? So, what's the secret formula for making my LinkedIn profile go viral?"

6. Share Funny Anecdotes:

- personal stories resonate. Share a lighthearted experience related to your work or industry.

- Example: "Last week, I accidentally sent a cat meme to the entire client list. Turns out, they loved it!"

7. Use Visual Aids:

- If you have a slide deck or presentation, sprinkle it with witty visuals. Memes, GIFs, or funny charts can engage your audience.

- Example: Show a graph titled "Productivity vs. Coffee Intake" with a steep decline after the third cup.

8. Timing Matters:

- Don't force humor; let it flow naturally. Wait for the right moment—a pause, a transition, or when someone else cracks a joke.

- Example: "Speaking of networking, did you hear about the introverted programmer who attended a party? He left early to 'reboot.'"

Remember, humor is subjective, so tread lightly. Not everyone appreciates the same jokes, and that's okay. The goal is to create a positive, memorable interaction. So, go forth, sprinkle some laughter, and turn those stiff networking events into enjoyable experiences!

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5. Crafting Funny Elevator Pitches for Networking Success

Elevator Pitches

Networking for Success

Let's dive into the fascinating world of crafting memorable introductions for networking success. Whether you're at a business conference, a social event, or even just waiting for your morning coffee, the art of the elevator pitch can make all the difference. Picture this: you step into an elevator, and there, standing next to you, is the CEO of your dream company. You have precisely 30 seconds to make an impression that lasts. What do you say? How do you stand out from the crowd? Fear not, my friend, because we're about to explore the ins and outs of creating funny, engaging, and unforgettable introductions that will leave a lasting impact.

1. The "Unexpected Twist" Approach:

- Insight: Surprise is a powerful tool. When crafting your elevator pitch, consider starting with something unexpected. It could be a quirky fact, a humorous anecdote, or even a playful exaggeration.

- Example: "Hi, I'm Alex. By day, I'm a mild-mannered accountant, but by night, I transform into a salsa-dancing superhero. Nice to meet you!"

2. The "Problem-Solution" Technique:

- Insight: People remember stories. Begin by highlighting a common problem or pain point, then swiftly transition to how you or your product can solve it.

- Example: "Hey there! Ever struggle with managing your inbox? I'm Jane, and I've developed an AI-powered email organizer that magically declutters your life."

3. The "Name-Drop" Strategy:

- Insight: Leveraging authority can boost your credibility. Mention a respected figure or organization related to your field.

- Example: "Greetings! I recently collaborated with Elon Musk on a zero-gravity coffee machine. My name's Mike, by the way."

4. The "What's in It for Them?" Angle:

- Insight: People are inherently self-interested. Tailor your pitch to highlight the benefits you bring to the listener.

- Example: "Hi, I'm Lisa. I specialize in streamlining processes, which means fewer headaches for your team and more time for coffee breaks."

5. The "Visual Metaphor" Approach:

- Insight: Paint a vivid mental picture. Compare your work or expertise to something relatable.

- Example: "Yo! I'm Tom, and I turn complex data into beautiful infographics—like turning a spreadsheet into a tropical vacation brochure."

6. The "Humor with a Purpose" Technique:

- Insight: Humor breaks the ice. Use it wisely, ensuring it aligns with your professional image.

- Example: "Hey, I'm Sarah. My coding skills are so sharp that even my coffee machine runs Java. Let's chat!"

Remember, the key to a memorable introduction lies in authenticity. Be genuine, practice your pitch, and adapt it to different situations. And who knows? Maybe one day, you'll find yourself sharing your elevator with someone who can change your career trajectory. Now go forth, armed with wit and charm, and conquer those networking events!

Feel free to add your own twist to these ideas, and remember that the best introductions come from the heart. Happy networking!

6. Navigating the Fine Line of Appropriateness

Navigating the fine

Fine Line

Navigating the fine line

In the world of business networking, humor can be a powerful tool. It can break the ice, foster connections, and even make a memorable impression. However, like any tool, humor must be wielded with care. The delicate balance between being witty and crossing the line into inappropriateness can make or break a networking opportunity. In this section, we'll explore the dos and don'ts of using business jokes effectively.

1. Know Your Audience:

Understanding your audience is crucial when it comes to humor. What might be hilarious in one setting could fall flat or offend in another. Consider the context, industry, and cultural background of the people you're interacting with. For instance:

- Do: Tailor your jokes to match the sensibilities of your audience. If you're at a tech conference, tech-related humor might be well-received.

- Don't: Assume that what works with your close-knit team will work equally well with potential clients or industry leaders.

2. Be Mindful of Timing:

Timing is everything. A well-timed joke can lighten the mood, but an ill-timed one can create awkwardness. Consider:

- Do: Use humor during natural breaks in conversation or when the atmosphere is relaxed.

- Don't: Crack jokes during serious discussions, sensitive topics, or moments of tension.

3. Avoid Offensive Material:

Business networking is not the place for offensive or controversial humor. Keep these guidelines in mind:

- Do: Steer clear of jokes related to race, gender, religion, or any other sensitive subjects.

- Don't: Make jokes that perpetuate stereotypes or demean others.

4. Self-Deprecating Humor:

Self-deprecating humor can be endearing and relatable. However:

- Do: Lightly poke fun at yourself to show humility and approachability.

- Don't: Overdo it or undermine your own credibility.

5. Use Anecdotes and Stories:

Share relevant anecdotes or stories to illustrate your points. These can be both entertaining and informative:

- Do: Share a lighthearted story about a business mishap and what you learned from it.

- Don't: Fabricate stories or exaggerate for effect.

6. Wordplay and Puns:

Wordplay can be delightful, but it's not everyone's cup of tea:

- Do: Use clever wordplay related to your industry or topic.

- Don't: Force puns or use obscure language that leaves people scratching their heads.

7. Test the Waters:

Start with safer, universally relatable humor before diving into riskier territory:

- Do: Begin with light observational humor or witty remarks.

- Don't: Launch into edgy or divisive jokes right away.

8. Adapt to Virtual Settings:

In the age of virtual networking, adjust your approach:

- Do: Use emojis, GIFs, or playful comments in chat during online meetings.

- Don't: Overwhelm the chat with excessive humor; keep it balanced.

Remember, humor can be a powerful connector, but it's essential to navigate the fine line of appropriateness. When in doubt, err on the side of caution. Now, let's move on to the next section where we explore how to incorporate humor into your elevator pitch!

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7. Engaging Your Audience and Making a Lasting Impression

Making Lasting

Lasting First Impression

Making a Lasting Impression

Humor in presentations is a powerful tool to engage your audience and leave a lasting impression. It adds a touch of entertainment and relatability to your content, making it more memorable and enjoyable. From different perspectives, humor can be seen as a way to break the ice, create a positive atmosphere, and connect with your listeners on a deeper level.

1. Lighten the Mood: Incorporating humor in your presentation can help create a relaxed and friendly environment. It eases tension and makes your audience more receptive to your message. For example, you can start with a funny anecdote or a witty remark related to your topic to grab their attention and set a positive tone.

2. Enhance Engagement: Humor keeps your audience engaged throughout the presentation. It adds variety and prevents monotony. You can use humorous visuals, such as funny images or cartoons, to illustrate your points and make them more relatable. Additionally, incorporating interactive elements like jokes or riddles can encourage audience participation and make the session more interactive.

3. Memorable Messages: Humor makes your key messages more memorable. When you deliver information in a humorous way, it sticks in the minds of your audience. They are more likely to remember and recall your main points long after the presentation is over. For instance, you can use clever wordplay or humorous metaphors to convey complex ideas in a simpler and more memorable manner.

4. Cultural Sensitivity: It's important to be mindful of cultural differences and sensitivities when using humor in presentations. What may be funny in one culture might not be well-received in another. Avoid offensive or controversial jokes that could alienate or offend your audience. Instead, focus on universally relatable humor that transcends cultural boundaries.

5. Timing and Delivery: The success of humor in presentations relies heavily on timing and delivery. Practice your comedic timing and ensure that your jokes or humorous elements are well-timed for maximum impact. Pay attention to your tone of voice, facial expressions, and body language to enhance the delivery of your humor.

Remember, humor should always serve the purpose of enhancing your presentation and connecting with your audience. Use it strategically and in moderation, ensuring that it aligns with your overall message and objectives. By incorporating humor effectively, you can create a memorable and engaging presentation that leaves a lasting impression on your audience.

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8. Laughing Off Mistakes and Bouncing Back with Humor

Insights from Different Perspectives:

1. The Optimist's View: "Oops, I Did It Again!"

- Embrace the mishap: Instead of turning beet red and wishing for a trapdoor to swallow you, acknowledge the blunder with a smile. Share a self-deprecating comment like, "Well, I guess I've just upgraded my coffee-spilling skills!"

- Remember, everyone has been there: Even the most seasoned networkers have their share of embarrassing moments. It's part of the human experience. By laughing it off, you join an exclusive club of resilient professionals.

2. The Stoic's Approach: "Maintain Composure"

- Keep your cool: When you accidentally call the keynote speaker by the wrong name, maintain your composure. Correct yourself gracefully and move on. People appreciate grace under pressure.

- Use humor strategically: A well-timed quip can defuse tension. For instance, if you mispronounce a colleague's name, follow up with, "I promise I'm better with email addresses!"

3. The Connector's Secret Weapon: "Turn It Into a Conversation Starter"

- Transform blunders into icebreakers: Instead of dwelling on your slip-up, use it as an opportunity to connect. "Did you see that epic coffee spill? I'm vying for the 'Most Graceful Mess' award!"

- Share relatable stories: Everyone loves a good blooper reel. Narrate a funny networking mishap you witnessed or experienced. It humanizes you and fosters camaraderie.

4. The Pragmatist's Guide: "Learn and Adapt"

- Analyze the situation: What caused the faux pas? Was it nerves, distraction, or sheer bad luck? Learn from it.

- Implement preventive measures: If you're prone to tripping over cables, invest in non-slip shoes. If name recall is your Achilles' heel, practice mnemonic devices.

Examples to Illustrate:

- Scenario 1: The Handshake Hiccup

- You extend your hand confidently, only to realize the other person was reaching for their phone. Awkward!

- Bounce back: Lightly tap your own forehead and say, "Guess I'm still working on my psychic handshake skills!"

- Scenario 2: The Business Card Blunder

- You hand out your card, only to notice it's outdated or has a typo.

- Bounce back: Joke about your "limited edition" cards or say, "Consider it a conversation starter—I promise my ideas are more up-to-date!"

Remember, networking is about building relationships, and laughter is a universal connector. So, next time you spill coffee or mispronounce a name, channel your inner comedian, and turn that faux pas into a networking win!

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9. Leveraging Humor to Strengthen Relationships and Build a Network of Connections

Build a strong network

Network and make connections

1. The Science of Laughter:

- Psychological Perspective: Laughter triggers the release of endorphins, the brain's natural feel-good chemicals. When we laugh together, we associate those positive feelings with the people around us. It's like sprinkling fairy dust on our relationships.

- Neurological Impact: Neuroscientists have found that humor activates the brain's reward center, reinforcing positive associations. So, that witty remark you made during a networking event? It's etching itself into memory circuits.

- Social Bonding: Shared laughter fosters a sense of camaraderie. Whether it's a chuckle over spilled coffee or a full-blown belly laugh at a conference, those moments create shared memories.

2. Humor as an Icebreaker:

- Imagine attending a networking event where everyone is stiffly exchanging business cards. Now picture someone cracking a light-hearted joke about the hors d'oeuvres. Suddenly, the room relaxes, and conversations flow. Humor is the ultimate icebreaker.

- Example: At a tech meetup, instead of saying, "Hi, I'm John, a software engineer," try, "Hi, I'm John, and I speak three languages: English, Python, and JavaScript."

3. Building Trust Through Playfulness:

- When we laugh together, we perceive each other as approachable and genuine. Trust is built on authenticity, and humor is a delightful way to showcase that.

- Example: During a negotiation, lighten the mood by saying, "I promise my spreadsheets are more accurate than my dance moves."

4. navigating Cultural nuances:

- Be mindful of cultural differences. What's hilarious in one culture might fall flat in another. Research local humor or use universal themes (like weather or traffic) to connect.

- Example: In Japan, self-deprecating humor is appreciated, while in Germany, puns are a hit.

5. The Art of Self-Deprecation:

- Self-deprecating humor endears you to others. It shows humility and vulnerability.

- Example: "I'm like a GPS—occasionally wrong, but always recalculating."

6. Timing Is Everything:

- Like a well-tuned orchestra, comedic timing matters. Don't crack a joke during a serious discussion, but seize the right moment.

- Example: At a networking lunch, when someone spills coffee, say, "Well, that's one way to break the ice!"

7. Inside Jokes and Memorable Moments:

- Shared humor creates inside jokes—a secret language that binds people. These become touchpoints for future interactions.

- Example: "Remember that time at the conference when the keynote speaker's mic went rogue? We all became lip-readers!"

8. Online Networking and Memes:

- In the digital age, memes and GIFs are our virtual laughter currency. Use them strategically to engage online contacts.

- Example: Respond to a LinkedIn post with a relevant meme, showing you're not just a profile picture.

9. Humor in Elevator Pitches:

- Elevator pitches need not be robotic. Inject humor to make yours memorable.

- Example: "I'm a data scientist. My superpower? Turning spreadsheets into bedtime stories."

10. Laughter as a Bridge:

- When you laugh with someone, you're building a bridge—one that spans across industries, job titles, and continents.

- Example: At a global summit, share a light-hearted observation about jet lag. Suddenly, you're not just a delegate; you're a fellow traveler.

Remember, humor is a universal connector. Whether you're at a conference, a virtual meetup, or a coffee shop, use it wisely. The aftermath? Stronger relationships, a broader network, and a world that's a little brighter—one chuckle at a time.

Feel free to add your own anecdotes and experiences to this section. After all, humor is a collaborative art, and our collective laughter shapes the world of networking.

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Networking Humor: How to Use Humor Appropriately and Effectively in Business Networking - FasterCapital (2024)
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