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are heading out, adding a wrinkle, striking airport workers in north carolina with record numbers expected to travel for thanksgiving. will they reach their destination on time. we will ask the administer. first to haley meyer with the latest on those winter storms threatening holiday travel. you are bringing the wet blanket. >> reporter: unfortunately yes. my at least favourite part of my job. i have to deliver the bad news. we have already on going systems, the storm system number two, impacting west coast. this is today. and then storm system number one, across the great lake. primarily this first round going to be just that rain. it will be through the northeast by the time you get into wednesday, or even thanksgiving day. but then storms system number two, poses a threat. now we have winter storm watches and warnings that are in place for the h rockies.
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the great lakes could mean instance for icing. we are right at that temperature profile. not quite at 32° for some spots for a long duration. that is where we see issues. for wednesday, which is one of the busiest travel days of the year, 80 million plus plus travelling at least 50 miles away from home in the car or jumping on a flight. a lot of rain, not only for the northeast and great lakes but also extending into the southeast. that cold front associated with that low for storm system number two, is going to be long stretching so even in the south pack a couple of layers travelling to see family members. might be surprising by how chilly it can be. one airport will be one to watch. biggest airport in the country. the rain will be widespread. the biggest issue for travel specially for airlines going to be wind and rain. now a little bit of rain, nothing too bad. any kind of delay when you see this amount of people is going to create this backlog and
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further for flight. airlines travelling into smaller feeder air parts that are the first to get delayed and cancelled. so at least keep that in mind if you are travelling to maybe a road less travel for sunnier spot. the balack friday, more of the snowier mix. biggest lake snow effect this year but only ramping up of the winter storm season. >> trying to see if this holds off. fox weather is the best gift you can give. the code to download the app for free or find us on your favourite connected device, fox weather is your winter storm h.q. always free, always on so nearly 8 o million people as you just heard expected to travel this holiday week. that could be a new report as a strike by airport workers in north carolina throws a wrench into things. steve is at jackson airport in
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atlanta. haley said that is place to watch. what happen is going on? >> reporter: so far, so good here. 707° and -- 707° and sunny. an incident at boston airport. two planes touched the wings on the ground. an american plane was being towed. made contact with a front tier airline. in one was injured. the f.a.and the is investigating. tsa gearing up for the busiest travel of the year. 18 million passengers will be flying. up 5% from last year. busiest day is wednesday and sunday. the goal for tsa here in atlanta is to get travelers through the tsa screening process in under 30 minutes but some veteran travelers we spoke to this morning say they don't plan on taking any chances. >> come here as early as possible. sit around, grab something to eat. and wait. at least i have that less stress to worry about.
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>> reporter: and you mentioned the strike in charlotte. this is airport service workers. they are going this is the hub for american airlines so that could produce major delays. edward back to you. >> thanks, steve. the transportation security administration expected to screen more than 18 million people over a 7 day holiday stretch with 3 million expected on the return home on sunday. so joining us now is tsa administer david pakoskie. th thanks for being here. you were appointed by president trump, reappointed bidy biden. >> so how do you handle 18 million people without huge wait times?
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. >> this is our super bowl. the busiest time of the year for us. our busiest day in the given year is sunday following thanksgiving week. expect that to be the same this year. the busiest days tomorrow, wednesday and sunday. about 3 million passengers. >> you know how this goes. you have tow be on top of it every time. are there enough tsa officers to safely screen everyone in a timely manner. >> we have a workforce that is bigger than its been. give yourself extra time. if you are a standard passenger, 30 minutes or less. prechecked you can rely on being 10 minutes or less across the system. >> so are of travellers over other areas in the country? >> across the country we expect a major hub airport to have the largest surge. that is where it will be most
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crowded in the airport environment. we are staffed to maintain those wait time standards the same across the country. >> so what about the strike in north carolina? is that going to impact what you are doing. >> won't impact what we are doing. we are working with the airport around carrier. to make sure we are all coordinated to be able to handle any unexpected things that ham during the course of the given day. so we will just monitor how this strike action continues and staff and adjust accordingly. >> we have been talking about the amount of people that crossed illegally. 382 people encounter were on the terror watch list. homeland security commission and the house, says about 2 million people were got a ways there that time. with this many people we are talking about and we don't know who they are, how do you ensure that no one is getting on a plane who has been on than terror watch list or means to do harm. >> well, first we verify the identity of travellers before
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they begin the screening process. first thing is verify identity and if we have any question with respect to passenger's identity they also receive additional screening and so that it is a way we mitigate that risk and have a screening system and expert officers in all of the check pointses to make sure that travellers if they travel and get onboard the aircraft will be safe and security and get through the destination. >> have you done tests leading up to this to test the security? >> we test our system all the time. there are tests that occur throughout the year. on a national and local level. and what that does is helps us identify if there are any vulnerabilities to the developing to quickly close the vulnerabilities. >> how important -- you talk about this being the super bowl. how important is it? we know it is important to get it right but how important is it for you guys to do it in a timely fashion? you have seen the lines that in years past, through the airports, how important is that
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speed accuracy. >> well we don't measure the length of a line. we measure the wait in terms of time. we have the standard. so standard passenger non-precheck, 30 minutes. i check that data and the tsa senior leadership if we exceed the standard at any checkpoint, we get notified so we can adjust to bring additional staff. i would expect we will maintain the wait time standards across the entire holiday period. >> david, thank you for your time there. national airport, and hopefully things go as smoothly as you laid out. appreciate it. >> thanks. >> special counsel jack smith moving to dismiss the document cases to donald trump. digging deeper into the moves today. david? >> this was not unexpected but to see it after two years of work it is quite something.
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special counsel jack smith and 21 pages is asking federal judges to dismiss both cases. smith supposed to go to trial in march in the dc election interfierce case. once donald trump won the election it was game over for smith. we reported smith would drop the case and step down as special counsel before trump is inaugurated? why? because the justice department cannot pro ca cannot prosecutes a syding president. the document of the county never faced this circumstance here where a federal indictment against a private citizen has been returned by grand jury. a similar situation, in the classified documents case, on an appeal after the judge dismissed that case. earlier this summer. smith is asking the appeals court to also disnis this case
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in florida given the fact that trump won the election. he is not canning to dismiss the case against trump's two co-defendants in florida. smith does go on to note the outcome is not based on merit or strength against trump. he believes he had the evidence to convict trump but won't prosecute a sitting president. trump posting the cases like all the other cases have been forced to go through are empty and lawless and should vu never -- should never have been brought. we wait ruling for the circuit court judges in atlanta and judge tonya chucken in dc who are expected to dismiss both cases after all jack smith is asking them 20 do so and the defense agrees they should, too. edward? >> david, appreciate it. on top of everything. so forget senators. president-elect trump's treasury pick is giving a green light from investors. we are on its. plus a warning for americans enemy from trump's top man on
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the national security council. why? some here say the message from mike walz cannot be shared enough. tom homan prepares to hit eagle pass texas tomorrow. lowe's knows getting it done, is easier said than done. thanks. - happy to help. so if you... forgot the lights. we've got same day delivery to help you get it. done! good!
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>> fox on top of stocks. with president-elect trump and scott bisset on the way in, the dow closing at an all-time high. hillary vaughan at the white house. why do they like him so much? >> good afternoon, edward.
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he is one of their own. scott has a long to-do list and not a lot of time to do it. he is going to be the touch that helps get president-elect trump's economic agenda through. from cutting taxes to increasing energy production and guttinhe is going to be on the monetary policy, and obviously is on the president's agenda with tariff. that will make the m markets rip. >> will cut tax on over time and working to make president trump's cuts permanent. has a 3-3-3 approach to the economy be goals to cut the budget deaf dit and push economic growth to 3% and push the u.s. to produce 3 million barrel of oil per day. republicans are cheering trump's pick. saying no one understand the
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first -- america first approach, getting a handle on debt and enforcing trade laws better than scotts bien. but some democrats don't like his ties to wall street. senator elizabeth warren saying i do know not if he will transfer his loyalty to america's worker but i am willing to work with anyone to advance the interest of working families. some democrats admit besssent up for the job. >> the open question is will he -- how will he advice the president and will the president listen to him. ultimately all the economic decisions are the president's call. >> trump's energy plans are taking shape according to roiters. prepping a massive energy package including increasing expert permit for new l.n.g. project and increasing oil drilling offshore and on federal lands. this energy package they plan
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to roll out within days of president-elect trump taking office. edward in >> edward: thanks, hillary. it appears that most americans approve of president-elect trump's transit plans and are looking forward to what his team can do specially when it comes to the cost of living. so let's get the read from bill at the "wall street journal" and taylor rigs co-host, taylor, ladies first and president-elect trump is gearing up far series of quick actions. guest getting his vision to move forwardm to see change before the mood sours. >> i asked that question to steven moore at the heritage foundation on trump's economic team and he thinks that a lot of things can happen day one. particularly with the great pick and i agree with the commentary. a lot of executive orders to start the drilling machine. to start boosting economic growth. a lot we are seeing in a.i. and productivity. so i do think that instead of
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100 days, steven moore was saying he needs a 100 hour agenda because he is so laser focused on delivering for the americant besssent a step in the right direction. >> bill, american americans seem to be saying let's turn the page from the last four years but what is the grace period to see results? >> i agree with taylor. i think he can be very swift. mafrm o /* -- on energy our policy is to backward now. we subsidized electric vehicles that in one wants to buy at market price. ph phennallized fossil fuel. mostly what i'm encouraged by is the word "growth." that tax cut and so forth. one area is tariffs which is
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not pro growth but if he uses them as what he said in negotiating tools, ok, we will see what happens then. but the rest of the agenda, is geared to having growth. and we have the growth the last time he was in office. he has to do it again. >> edward: so scott besent calling cults to the deficit -- cuts the deficit to 3% g.d.p. and prointroducing and additional 3 million barrels of oil a day. taylor, you know i talked with a number of people who believe that energy is the key. you reduce the price of oil and price of gas comes down and will impact inflation. to you think these will lower prices. inflation and prices can be two different things. >> that has been a bigger question.
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is can you have deflation without a recession. a lot of people think you can. if you lower oil prices. oil goes into everything we think of, duct tape, you name it, right, every product we have has petroleum based product. can you get deflation, which is drop in price, not disinflation, slowing rate of growth on prices rising without a recession? a few economists who think we can do its. if you start drilling more, it brings down the cost of everything. and i think that is what people are really excited for. i think you certainly saw a little bit of hint in that -- the bond market today. the bond market has a huge sigh of relief today. scott bessent, common sense, as bill mentioned. >> bill, the house speaker office told me extending to the tax cuts will be among the first bills they will take up. do you think the other tax l pas will go into that bill or
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will they tackle this after in the first two years? >> i don't know. it is good sign that he is making a priority to tax cut. you want to prioritize the growth component. because everyone gets boxed d -- bogged down in the rest. donald trump made a lot of promise on tips to and so forth and the revenue is not there to do that all. i think the logic of that points to a flat tax. we be lower for everyone and make cleaner and simpler. that is the direction i hope they go. rather than gunking up the code with more provisions. >> edward: that might be tough to get through. maybe the flat tax will work. heard it talked about. that will be an uphill battle, don't you think? >> yes, i think it will be huge battle but i think it is worth at least raising the question. i think most americans are
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tired of tax cut code. so complicateed. i lived in hong kong for ten years. my -- the tax code was a flat tax. you can fill out the tack form in half an hour and i think people like that. >> edward: we heard it talked about for years. appreciate it. out of time. great debate. thank. s s. >> pushing to get rid of the education department but with programs like student loans how does it work. first, to bill on a big visit and big changes coming this way. bill. >> yeah, incoming trump administration borders, tom homan will be here in eagle pastor. with the texas governor greg abbott, saying thank you to the troopers trying to secure the border showing he will be a partner, not anned as versary to the government. after the break we will show you remarkable footage of dozens of unaccompanied children who showed up right children who showed up right here yesterday.
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then submit the bill and get reimbursed. that sounds incredible. chm is a better approach to health care, it saves us money, and gives us the freedom to choose our doctor. experience savings with faith, freedom, and flexibility. enroll today with programs starting as low as $98. >> edward: >> edward: to the border and big visits at eagle pass texas. that is where bill melugin is standing by. tom homan is wasting no time and isn't on the job yet. >> reporter: le wants to show support for the state of a texas. the bidden administration were destroying this razor wire. tom homan will probably tell them put more razor wire in. in video was yesterday. right here in eagle pass, group of 200 illegal immigrates that crossed over. of that, 60 unaccompanied kids,
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toddlers are travelling alone, no parents or guardians. trafficked across the border by cartel and human smugglers. some with little papers and phone numbers. there was a 2-year-old girl in that group completely alone, who had one of the piece os ever paper and talked to a texas trooper. take a listen. [speaking spanish ] sgr take a look at last week in eagle pass, texas d.p.s. arrested this group of men from afghanistan. they are considered special interest aliens. they will have national security concerns, meaning d.h.s. will make it a priority to give extra vetting. then this is here in eagle
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pass, texas d.p.s. running mas migration drills. they want to show a posture of deterrence to any migrants who are planning to rush the border. the ideas being don't try it. you are going to be turned back. greg abbott is thrilled to be working with tom homan come january. >> we have had people who were antagonistic to texas securing the border. now we have allies. texas working request the trump administration. -- working with the trump administration. >> reporter: he will be joined with texas governor greg abbott. we will be here. back to you. >> edward: thanks, bill. as trump's border enforcer is set to visit eagle pass, the
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a.c.l.spuchlts and many democrats are calling to counter. there is bound to be push back. peter? >> white house spokesmen just said that won't happen. wants them to shut down ice facilities with bad records. white house spokesperson is saying they will not do that. they want the senate to keep focussing on the bipartisan bill which there is no inindication between now and the end of president biden's term. we are looking aheads to the next administration. that the trump white house could either with hold federal funds, from jurisdictions that don't comply with the mass deportation orders or they could prosecute leaders who are inter interfine fearing with the federal oerdzers. there is not going to be a red carpet welcoming illegal immigrates into the country. we need to start cleaning up our streets for our american citizens and it starts with sending those criminals back.
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>> reporter: part of that a.c.l.request we just found out about is rebuffed is for president joe biden to act to limit mass detention of immigrants by closing immigration and custom enforcement detention facilities with eviolation and abuses. we are awaiting -- we do know also some influencetial democrats are urging members of their own party not to go down that roads. >> one area where we kind of lost ourselves is the border. i tried to describe. you have up top 300,000 people encounters per months and put that in perspective with pennsylvania. that is the size of pittsburgh showing up in one month. what is going to happen for those folks? if we want them the american dream for those people how can we deliver that? where do they go? >> and changes are coming. but not immediately.
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february 1st will be the volvote on the next d.m.c. . more now, it is leaderless. >> president-elect trump's national security pick issuing a warning after meeting with the biden team. you will hear it next and as the nation's debt tops 36 trillion, some say trump's tax cuts are in trouble but others say, we needs them now more than ever. which is it? doug holts is here on it next. that has near flush installation for the ultimate built-in look. don't miss our best deals of the season during black friday, in-store and online. i was out on a delivery, when i came across a snake. fedex presents tall tales of true deliveries our battle was legendary. maybe now my friends will believe me. we did this for one delivery, see what we can do for your business. fedex.
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>> edward: if you haven't seen it, check out martin scorsese presents "the saints" every episode, sunday through december 8th. now this... [♪♪] >> jake and i, jake sullivan and i have had discussions. we have met. for our adversaries that think this is a time of opportunity, that they can play one administration off the others, they are wrong. and we are hand in glove. we are run team with the united nation in the transition. -- with the united states in the transition. >> mike walz meeting with his predecessor jake sullivan. former cia station chief joining me. do you think china, iran care about the warning. >> yeah.
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i think they take it seriously. that if there were to be some sort of provocation, specially from china, we have been concerned in the past by chinese provocation in taiwan that democrat -- in coming trump administration stands ready to work together to deal with that threat. i thought that was a great message from the national secured a vice per. >> probably an important one to deliver at this moment -- moment. during the first trump administration, he changed the narrative on china. focus in on that. brought china to the top of mind around the globe. how concerned do you think the chinese are that their shenanigans will no longer be tolerate and might even have consequence? >> think the trump administration actually built pretty good bipartisan consensus on the threat we face from china. and the biden administration for the most part carried that through. i think the trump administration is prepared to augment the pressure on china. that will be a good thing.
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but again, mike walz's statement about democrats and republicans working together and how no one should seek to take advantage of the lame duck period. this is the right tone for the national security advisor to set. it helps for confirmation hearing that we are on one page when it comes to national security. the kind of message that you will hear from secretary of state designate marco rubio as well. >> edward: what do you any of how publicly smooth president biden's administration is making this transition? >> so far, the transition has been smooth. i thought the meeting between president biden and president-elect trump went well as one could hope for. i think there is a lot going on behind the scenes. it putses a premium on the
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intelligence community. when i was at c.i.a.sps we briefed democrat and republicans on capitol hill without a hint of partisanship. we will tell our boss that is the president in some cases what he needs to know and specially when it is not what he wants to hear and that is where i think the national security advisor relies on our non-partisan intelligence community. >> edward: you spent much of your career focussing on russia. the president trump says he will ends the invasion of ukraine quickly. how do you believe he will do that. >> i will tell you i spent my career focused on the middle east, on russia and south asia, three places in crisis. imdz just emphasize that the threat with the shortest fuse is terrorism. we have a lot of isis and al-qaeda operative enjoying ungoverned space in afghanistan. the likes since before 9/1137 we have the war in ukraine,
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israel fighting a multi front war. the world is definitely a lot less safe now. the biden administration is leaving us a little worse off. a lot worse off in foreign policy than the way they found it and those will be wickedly complex challenges for the trump administration. >> edward: do you brief the energy policy, bringing oil prices down will conquer some of the issues globally. >> i think the important thing is to try to bring everything together for a whole of government approach. if that is the goal and to stress iran and russia, the oil producers then that may indeed make some sense. >> edward: thanks for your insight. we will call on you in the future. thanks. so the menendez brother's case back in court. the release could be one outcome. johnathan hunt is following it for us from california. >> reporter: eric and lyle menendez and supporterser with
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hoping they might be free for the holidays. we will tell you what a judge said after the break. stments) at fisher investments we may look like other money managers, but we're different. (other money manager) you can't be that different. (fisher investments) we are. we have a team of specialists not only in investing, but also in financial and estate planning and more. (other money manager) your clients rely on you for all that? (fisher investments) yes. and as a fiduciary, we always put their interests first. (other money manager) but you still sell commission- based products, right? (fisher investments) no. we have a simple management fee structured so we do better when our clients do better. (other money manager) huh, we're more different than i thought! (fisher investments) at fisher investments, we're clearly different. your parents have given you some amazing gifts. celebrate the ones you inherited with ancestrydna. explore the detailed family roots, $39. ♪ lowe's knows this is the season of going all out. so, we'll help you get more for ... less than i thought. and if you find a lower price on the same item, we'll match it. so it's easy to get more holidays, for the holidays.
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>> edward: it is now official, the judge granting the dismissal of the election case against president-elect donald trump after special counsel jack smith moved to drop the case today. so meantime, eric and lyle menendez's case a back in courts in their bid for release was. jonathan hunt is in california. what happened? >> reporter: eric and lyle menendez hoped a decision might be made today or very soon that could free the brothers for the holidays, more than three decades after they admitted murdering their parents and were sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole. but today, a judge quashed those hopes. they will not be home for the holidays. he rescheduled the resentencing
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hearing for january 30th so for the moment, the two boys, who murdered their parents back in 1989, will remain behind bars. their attorney hopes they will achieve their aim of getting the menendez brothers released listen here. >> by january 30th, or 31st, we are hoping that by the end of that, or sometime sooner, that we will in fact get the brothers release. >> reporter: now the delay in the resentencing hearing will also give the incoming l.a. county district attorney more time to study the case. his predecessor had asked for the resentencing implying that he believed that the boys should be released because of new evidence, which he said backed up their original claims that they only acted to kill
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the parents after years of sexual abuse by their father. but the incoming d.a. says he wants to study every facet of the case before he decides what he will recommend to the judge. listen here to nathan hogman. >> i'm going to be doing that thorough review of the facts. reviewing thousand of pages of prison records, thousand of pages of trial transcripts from two months long trials. >> reporter: so eric and lyle menendez will remain behind bars for thanksgiving. they will remain bars for christmas. they now have to wait until january 30th to find out if a judge will resentence them and even then, it would have to go out come. ed? >> edward: jonathan hunt, appreciate it. the nation's debt tops 36 trillion we know going to target spending.
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♪ ♪ speed when there's a better way to do it. get the bureaucrats out of those things. they have an educated a single student. folks back home have. let's put some money back into the folks back home. let's put a lot of it in block grants and allow the states to make those decisions and where we can save a billion dollars -- which is what we think we might
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be able to say by eliminating a department is a good step in the right direction at the same time, we get the bureaucrats out of schools in our communities. >> south dakota republican senator telling about his proposal to get rid of the department of education. something that president-elect donald trump has also called f for. dig deeper in how this all can be done. >> good evening. there president-elect has vowed to dismantle or completely shut down the department of education. he won't be able to do it without congress getting on board. the department goes back to 1979 under president carter. congress would have to agree to close it and even with a strong republican majority, you need 60 votes in the senate to kill that. that's a big threshold. advocates for closure believe a nominee to lead the department former small business with the administrator should limit its power even transfer major functions like student loans to other government agencies.
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>> the election would almost certainly be over seed by the department of treasury and possibly the irs. there are lots of departments in the federal government whose focus is finance. and that is what student loans are. i don't think there's any chance that somehow -- left orphan because nobody is in charge of student loans anymore. >> even trump's former education secretary is called for the department to be overhauled. >> there is a whole host of republican governors who have lead on issues around k-12 education in particular and in other cases higher education. they have great backgrounds and could do a great job in carrying out the policies of a second speech in administration. >> some democrats call the idea insane. they are vowing to fight back. the american federation of
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teachers certainly not a fan of trump saying they are willing to work with her and her likely new role. >> let's bring in someone who can help us sort although this out. joining me now. on paper you cut out a huge department. in practicality, how hard is it to get rid of a department? >> the first proposal in the reagan administration. you know how hard it is. it is still there and underperforming. the first step would be to get it to perform adequately. the most recent experience with the financial aid form 3 years in the revisions go to roll it out, disaster. let's get something to work. >> what do you think about starving it? the idea of taking the programs away from it bit by bit? >> the student loan portfolio for a long time. the department of education is the largest lender of the pl
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planet. it's not built to do financial management. move that and put real education issues as the only thing it actually does. >> the nation's debt north of $36 trillion. some are saying the trump tax cuts would get in the way of that president-elect believes it will spark growth. how do you fix this? >> we have two problems. we are growing too slowly as a nation. the debt is part of that problem. a big tax increase is not going well. you don't want to just do that. the other problem is the debt. the best thing to do would be to get -- that means something. that means you don't jacked up rates. if you raise revenue, broaden the base. do more of that. and if you can, cut spending so that the whole package is deficit neutral. if you do that, you can make the tax cuts permanent. >> you think growth but also the
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cuts from d.o.g.e. talking about elon musk and vivek ramaswamy. the cuts that they are making a will that play into -- >> the cuts that congress has to make. they will have one bill. they can tax policy and spending policy. they should do both in a way that doesn't raise deficits and can make it permanent. >> i'm going to ask you about the president-elect's pick of going to be the director of omb. he's got to be working with elon musk and some of these folks to cut programs and find the place. how difficult is that job? >> that is one of the most powerful jobs quietly in any administration. an important agency with tremendous -- in the agencies. the only route for d.o.g.e. to effect the government. they make recommendations. >> do you think that there could be enough savings cut out of the government to reduce our deficit to zero? almost $2 trillion.
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>> i don't see d.o.g.e. being successful in doing that. congress created most of thet back. >> is this something that can be done in 2 years? >> 2 years can be an enormous reach. if they could make progress in . >> this has been a very interesting -- we will see it play out. we've got a huge debt here. it is crashing. i want to say that president biden just announced that he is going to go to the inauguration of former -- president-elect trump's inauguration. that is going to be interesting news. thanks for joining us here on "your world." neil cavuto will be here all week. coming up next is "the five." ♪ ♪ >> hello, everyone. i'm dana perino along with judge jeanine pirro, jesse watters, and brian kilmeade. it's 5:00 in new york city and of this is. ♪
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quote Contains 1 quote, shared times, with 1 plays.
- Trump 18, Texas 10, Us 8, Biden 8, China 6, Fisher Investments 5, Tom Homan 5, Donald Trump 5, Smith 5, Jack Smith 4, Lowe 4, Eric 4, Lyle Menendez 4, North Carolina 3, Atlanta 3, Tsa 3, Verizon 3, Russia 3, Greg Abbott 3, Edward 3
- Network
- FOX News
- Duration
- 01:00:36
- Scanned in
- San Francisco, CA, USA
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- Virtual Ch. 760
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- ac3
- Pixel width
- 1280
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- 720
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- Item Size
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