The Raleigh Register from Raleigh, North Carolina (2024)

i rr a Ft! v-it AS-" OKI AND VEIKLT, 1 '1 f-' 'J 1 A 1 itifiiinw insertion, OPt charged 5 peKWl ef Ol AdvertisemeBtji nTcnirgevii nfir satndWW aafefstwtditir I ft TO In atU li -t. ft mr tl ram mJ Frpy5en p. rs. ir, -J ir-i ii oil 'rfi-vj. I a a a a i 1 ar 'vp- i ij nil rr wm ar a a a at am ri a a i a a a i i i 'i i i no 1 1 I 1 i 1 The Bag alio at Iloine a rain NORTH, CAP i f- (, 'ii in THE ENTIRE WORK, VXABIUDGRD, ImOai V16revri f'i4S4 'v Hit IHAVEjost returned tba ecW time from Boi ton, N.

York; and Phlladeliibjaii iatiDg spept narty alt of Augast and SepUaberU a id7 CitiaS, gHUng ap cmr CLOTHING, tvery! article wfwhkk ns OU if Aiav, and 8MVir BaejlBte tioa i and I presome thsro i one in -if ortb, jUar? oliaanew, wSO Would be verdant enodgb to questloa my capacity after the eloquent- tribnrVjtald vio pry arnauc uui, in ear last Sapartor cwrt oy Jtadgs, Coansel oa both wUbb and iorarsH awe fey to the case of Biczs ax. Qlirat! aotin far damages, in which I had te pay $340. ia asequeac of my extended 'I 1 Coate in, if yow please, ad assist taa- 1a ayfftcL off the judgmeat; by haying gOedtv-1 Wbo is there la JorU Caroling whau iut heard, ef tba- Hob. George Ji. Badger, tha Hon.

Win, BkHay and Bog no more to be hemmed In by Sute lines than' ibtU talents are to be eirc*msetSbed within tiaamBr- rewUnrita' are eopaeeted, a all ear customer know- and If they don't know it, they may with ne Nortba era Hoese ef art TaUers 9itrteiou--bvj Qr own good, aad import qoiu as many 'if 1mUv parehase la anvfxiruoa-u baas, aa ay ltoasa this State or eat of it. Thar is ao aaUbliabmeat here or elaewhere that possesses any advantage over ns We boy where eveiy body else boys, and we thiak we understand our baaines and buy a cheaply. We aay oar clothing is equal to any offered for sale in North Carolina, and ws think pernor, be iag Jadges ourselves clothing. Qf that tbpugb, we will leave th pubho to decide, when they exnv in for themselves." One thiug is certain without intending to reflect upon any oue will aell bar eiethiug cheaper than the same articles can be bought for ia any or tne Northern and a cheap aa any body that comes here, wbo doa not; steal bis clpthiag ready made Uar stock embracing Drab, Black, Blue, Green, Gray, aad other OVERCOATS from 6 tr20 and upward. Cloaks, full circle, St 8 upward a Frock, dress, aad Sack COATS from and upwards PANTALOONS, all colors and price, frew 84 1 4.

to 1 0, all ktuds and all sixes, at all prices from 1,25 to 95. la fact, every thing thnt can be found in any similar establishment hi the Union. Wa are North Carolinians. Wa ar perraaaeBt. ly located here, and if sell as cheap aa ethers, why not give us th preference? If we do not sell as good goods at as email a price, we will net ask your patroaage.

Call I CaO 3 til bet pitreh at OLIVER PROCTER'S. No. R. R. Fayetteville Street Soldiers Claims.

QfpHE undersigned having much experience sad sUkg success in the business, still takes military claim for Bounty Unas and Pensions for presecu tioa before the government, en very reasonable and with the utmost faithfulness and dis patch. All letters to him, from claimants, must be puauigw paid. fCT The last Congress gave land to sll ths eflS cere sad Soldiers who served one month or longer, and if dead, to their widow and minor children, ia all the war of the United States, since 1790. And provision is now also made for pensions Widows of Soldier of the Revolution, who mar tied before the year 1800. He can furnish information concerning the gradw ef officers of the Revoletiousry War, which is sll important to claimant, snd difficult to procure else nere.

tit* cbarges wm ne moderate. Any information concerning the heirs Of the following eifieers of the Kevolutioa win be thank ally received, via Thomas Clark, Alexander Martin, Wm. Davis, James Martin, John White, James Moore, Joshua Boman. He can also furnish a copy of the rolls of the Officers and Soldiers of the Sute of North Carolina in the war with Great Britain, declared ISth of June 1812, giving in many instance the length of service, their respective offices and Regiments the time of entering the service also the deserters, aad every particular to facilitate the Collection of their Cuima0 Every sgent should have a copy, -Cost only stu eaca county J.H.KIRKHAM, Raleigh N. C.

Raleigh, November 1st, 1850. 88 A. B. sirm dgent, Commission, Merchant and Dry Good and Grocery Broker N. Y.

rTflENDEHS bis service to the Merchant, Plan Jl. lera and Citiaen of ibe Southern Sute. end will attend to any business in bit line either in the sale of produce or Merchandize or1 the purchase of Dry Good, Groceries, Hardware. Crockery, oboe. Hat, Furniture, Carriage.

Musical and Agricultural Instrument. Rope, Drug and Medicines, 4-c. He flatter bimeif a a pur chaser of Goods for the Southern trade, hi ex peri ence a a buyer will enable him lo give entire saiis faction to the Merchant who may entrust to him their order. Refer Ex-Gov. Chsrles Manly.

Wm. Hill, Secretary 01 8iate. Geo. Mordecai. President of the State Bank Of O.

WaUon. President Mutual In- aurane Company, B. F. Mo.r. Attorney General Raleigh.

N. C. Shaw, Washington, N. C. Hon J.

K. J. Daniel, Halifax, N. C. Andrew Joynev aa a saw Mm weioon, fv.c Office, 139 BroaJway, N.

Y. Jan 29 ih, 1851. 10 Notice. THE Subscriber has determined te local in this City, and having procured a sufficient number of 00m- peteut assistants, is prepared to execute in tha west finished Style; all kinds of PAINTING, GLAZING, AND RE-GLAZING Orders from the City or surrounding Country, if left at the Drug Stor of P. F.

Pescud, will be promply executed and satisfaction guarantied. Reference as to ability, character, will be given to all who may wish to patronise him. WM. M. OVERBY.

Raleigh May 20, 1850 41 SHOES, A OIE7S Black Lasting Gaiter, do Broaxe Moroco do lack Kid snd Bronte Slippers, Goat, Moroco snd Kid Wslking Shoe, Misses' Shoes, children's do. HEAKTT LITCIIFORD. Raleigh, April 8th, 1851. 28 Gents Furnishing Articles. rui be IP ju opened a chute aick of Fancy Silk Cravats, Black Italian ao, Barathea.

Silk do, Supe- nsz nor uiio aniuui m. iaia ana igurea ux focaet Handkerchiefs, Black Satin Neck Stock, Fancy Colored Neck Tic, Skeleton hair Stock. nrettv article for a hot summer day. Black and Colored Kid Glove, White, Blck aud Colored Silk GlWes. India Spun Silfc under Bntru, Qaote Merino Shirts, White Gaux Cotton Shirts.

White and Fancy Col. Silk hose, Sapertne While Cotton i hose.Bleaeh- ed and Uableacaed JeeaS rawer, with Pat. Top. exc. April Sth, 181.

89 FRENCH SACKS. VI 7 era bow receiriog the prettiest Style of loose vacas toe summer 4a awrkel E. L.HARDJNG a. CO. 8 April 8th.

1851. 8PRI1G STYLE, 8.T1 TTUST received, a varied assortment Of Miss )J Flatv Boys aad tsjaat's Hats, 61c Artificials soZnSA'-- A IssAlsnttsd lot at. PMotad aWUaibreV rssv 1 HE A RTF UIOUFORD. ajid Sllpoen. ITUST meiTod, by Expfeas, diraot frata tba WLgo manuukctory.

Ladiaa Kid and Moroee Walkiag Skoaa. Tks aad fiaskias.) do do and Ao Slipper. ALSO "DN HAND. 100 pieces Light aad Park Calico, Bleached and Brown Shirtings and Sheeting, WitKa general esiortment of i Dry Goodv Hat and La was sod Cambrics and Jaoonetu, Crockery, For tale, lof.b J. BROWN.

Na. FyUviUa Street Raleigtv August 6th, lifiO. 63 To Physicians fpHE Subscribers bffer Physicians a Targe and IX Well aeleeted assortment of par Drug, Medicine, tfc. They would ala lnvh th attteutlon of Chemists and Lecture their stock Pyre.Re-agenU Cfumcolt and Chemical Priced Cataieguej furnished apoa ariplication. post-paid.

BULLOCK CRENSHAW, Wboleaal Druggist and Manufacturing Chemist, eth and Arch St. PsULAaaxrata. September 1st, 1850. 71 National Hotel. NO- 5 COURTLAND STREET, NEW YORK- AHIHIS ESTABLISHMENT bating passed into t-Sg the hand of Mr.

Gad. Seeley, formerly of the Eastern Pear) St Uouae, ha been recently improved by the additina of And baa also been th-oughiy ra-nxied and ra-f urn isbed for the accomodation of the Public It is th aim of the Proprietor to render tne NATIONAL quite equal to any of it co tempo raries in all 1 boss essential that contribute I th reputation of a wall conducted aad well ordered Hotel The House is of the largest ixe, eligibly Ucated, within three door of Broadway, and in all respect conveniently arranged to promote tne comfort and convenience of Gursta. Person visitiog New York ar respectfully invited to make their bom at this Hotel daring their stay in the City. GEORGE SEELEY. Proprietor.

New York. Jone S8. 1850. 63 6m To my Town Country friends, rilHE Subscriber weald respectfully call the aU teation ef his Twn aad Con airy frieads to hi stock of Family Groceries, which he determined to sell oa as good terms a aoy one ia th plc3. Among his stock may be fouod.

80 Bbbl. best Petersburg Floor whole aad half barrel. lib da. Bright and Dry P. R- Sugar, 5 bbls do do N.

O. do do 6 do 3 do 4 do Crushed Clarified Pulverised do do da 1 Package best Loaf and Java Coffe, Imperial and Black Tea, fineartieie. Tallow, Adamantine and Sperm oandles, Washing and Fancy Soaps, Crane's Wash mixture a saperier article, A fine lot imported facers dinerea brand, Oak and Hemlock Sole Leather; aad nut ay arti eles in th Grocery and Confectionary Hue. i ve me a call, and I am determined aot to be nn dersold by Jw or Gentile. L.

B. WALKER. Raleigh, Nov. 7th 185a tl BUSINESS COJ1TS vav Aaf Om MORE of 1 J.W opened-ati inose desirable Coats; just tne lew price of S4 50. E.

L. HARDING CO. Nov. 15th. 1850 Southern Foundry, Opposite Jarmtt Uotel.

IN ear the Southern Depot. PE1ER8BURG, FA. ririHE Subscribers have associated tbemselves I together uuder the firm and style of for tli purpoee of earring on the FOUNDRY BU" SINESS. They will make to order on rnasonab terms Gnat. Cotton, 8w, and other rain Machinery, Steam Engine nd Hrse Power, Railroad Can, Wheels, Axle, Tobacco Prcates, Flattening Mill, Bands aad Levers.

Agricultural implements, Bell, Iron and Brass Castings of every descrip tion Being practical Mechanics themselves, and est ploying skilful workman, and using good materials. they hope to merit a portion of the patronage of th'we whoar willing to euconrage home industry K7- Repairing promptly aad faithfully executed W. II. TAPPF.Y. WM.

C. LUMSDEaN. W. H. TAPPEY, thankful for the patronage of a generous public, fee hi encouraged to ge forward with redoubled energy, hoping that the same patronage will be extended to the new firm.

He is more tbau ever determined never to surrender. March Uth, 1831. 3m 21 Kill' Magnetic Wathlag Llqatid. Liquid i tba beast agent aver yet discover. Si ed lor removing dirt in every form, to be used in all case where aoa required.

Doirrgaway at once with waabbnard and hard robbing, common sized washing may be done in liul over an hour with one gill of thie Li aid; it softens and removes Ike dirt, leaving the article of th most brilliant whiiene. It is perfectly harm! in its operations, snd clothing will wear much longer than when rubbed to piece by the common method of washing. hen used in connexion with it has no equal in cleaning window snd Paintwashing Dishes of all kind, cleaning Milk Uten.ils, Scrubbing Floor at a trifling expense. Warranted not to iajare th finest material, Price 25 cents per Bottle 4d by P. F.

PESCUD, WholeMle and Retail Druggist, Raleigh, N. Q-Stndrd copy. 27 To all whom it may concern. Baltimore, January 24,1851 I HEREBY give notice thai no person baa a right to aell Buck's Patent Cooking Stove, in the Sute of North except, my authorized agent, or uae the purchased of me Or my agent, I being th sole proprietor of the Patent- sight for said State, by assignment and power of Attorney from Darius Buck, patentee, a 1 recorded hi U. S.

Patent Office, tn Liber VI. page 114 Ana further, that I wilf prosecute all pertone infringing on said patent BURR PECK. P. Josxra Wltbbix, of Raleigb, N. C.

I my only authorised agent. BURR PECK, February 8. Isdl Burning Fluid. DECEIVED this day snd for sale at the Drug WILLIAMS, HAYrTOOI) Ca -1 29 Tanner's frCST reetired and to sale at the Or of Store wnxIASIS, HAT WOOD fc Ct AprilTih; 18511 -J Ladies Sfa I irasmonaDie WHOLESILISD MTAIJi ITHE aubacriber eoter the field of' aooipetitian!eoisprirjint pf lw lb Fall and Winter Determined to maintain tba increasing purjtUooof.fb Clothing every effort ha been made to produce atylea of Clothing well adapted to this iiaarket i ffom tkvry lowest price to lh fiaatt aoalHT af Ca toaaara eaa depend apon finding oar jtnuDU wait. maaey aoweyer tow in price.

Merchants are invited to esamina on atack a ar determiued not bo nderaoldbj any Jkoaae iiieiraue. The fancy Department full, embraoinf ICngliab: French and Italjao Cravats, loves, Suspender, Shirts, Collars, "te which wilH be sold at the low est price, by IT. PERRY. Petersbarg, Sept 8tb. 1850, tf73 COMTDiTl II A Corner Pratt street mud Ctt Jtidrlt Space CLOTHING WAKKHOUaE.

THE PROPRIETOR OF THE ABOVE Establishment wuuid respectfully inform thw citizens of North Carolina and others, that ha has received from Europe, the FALL AND WINTER FASfitONS! Together with rich assortment of Good adapted to the coming aeason. consisting of SUPERFINE FRENCH. GERMAN AND EN-GLliH CLOTHS, CASTOR BEAYERtV" PILOTS. AND PELITOT COATING. A new article for QYEKSACKX AND BUSINESS COATS.

Also, splendid aaaoiiment of FRENCH. AND ENGLISH CAbSIMEREa AND DOEaJtlNS, of th most ileal iab4 tylea imported thi season. RICH VESTING We have, and are constantly receiving. New Style of VESTING, consisting of plain and Figured SILK AND WOOLEN VELVETS, FIGURED AND STRIPED CASHMERES, SILKS. SATINS AND VALEN-CI AS, or all shade and Color.

OUR CUSTOM WORK Is CUT AND MADE in the best manner and a regard Htyle and Workmanship, i warranted to give entire atifartion, and at greatly redaeed price. KrJAUx MA liK ULOIHIJiU! Persons in want of JiEADY MADE CLOTHING are particularly invited to rail an examine Cu-Siock before purchasing elsewhere, as manufacr ture all qualities of FASHIONABLE CLOTHING, And our assortment of that article is atall tine large, which offer to porcbasers a great Inducement of procuring an article of a quality which cannot be obtained in any other Clolhiuj Establishment in the Cty- We have on harwl.snd arecontaatly Manufacturing GARMENTS OF EVERT VARIETY, FROM THE BEST MATEMI.VUS. IN THE MO.VT APPROVED STYLES. FOR FALL AND WINTER WEAR, Consisting of SURT0UT SACK AND PELITOT OVERCOATS, Of all colon, qualities and sixes, from $3 50, 4 50, 4 75, 5 50 and upward. BOY'S SACK AND OVEKCOAT8! A large assortment of Boys' Sack and Overcoat.

SO per rent. I than tl usual price. TJPEJFINE FiOCK AND DJBESS COATS, aimrkiix GERMAN AND FRENCH IN THE LATEST FASHION, a xaaa stock or TWEED COATS. PANTS AND VESTS. We have Large Assortment of Tweed Frock and Sack, A New Article.

FOREST SACKS FOR STORMY WEATHER, PANTALOONS, From Super. Frepch Doeskins. BLACK AND FANCY CA83IMERE PANTS. Of every vviety of fbade ami Color, at SI, 1 50, 1 75, 50, 3, 3 50 and upwards. VESTS, Made from rich Velvet, Satin, Car km res and Va- lenriaa, anJ at all price 7- Remember the Name and Place, corner of PRATT ST.

CENTRE MARKET SPACE, H. COLE. Ball rmore, November 15th, 1649. 62 nTpkrhy, MERCHANT TAILOR, SYCAMORE STREET, I deon ibove Bank, PETERBCRG, ft. SUPERIOR Ready JJade OENTLEMEirg UNDER DRESS.

SHIRTS, COLLARS, CRAVATS. STOCKS, JLAMVKER CHIEFS, SUSPENDERS, Umbrellas. Trunks, September 8tli', 1850. 73 tf. HONOR FOREVER TO THi! GOOD OIM NORTH THE above emphatically State Song, beautifully rranred dv Mr.

Solomons, Professor of Maaic, to the spirited air of Hail to the Chief, has just been received from Baltimore. As the enterprise has been attended with consta- ruble exnrnse. the Sobscriber cannot but nope. that the patriotism and liberality of North Caroiiai-aa will, take pleasure ia combining to shield him from loss. A there will be no more mue than tna demand procuring copies will please send their names to me varouna BooWStore, or to J.

CA.Ylc.KUIv, tllilooru. an nary 8th. 1851. 4 THE Subcribrr. a successor to COOKB 4t BUFFALllE, in the Livery buwneas will continue it operation in all it branches at his sta- blea AViliningtoS.

atref and toheiu- the pa t-reD4ffc mi hir old tnenda and the pnblso generally. Hi price matt be arranged' agreeably to the price of produce and Ubour. and fram and after the 1st day of February next, aaj Col- low Pair of Horse per month, To SrMl do do 10 00 Do" do week 3 50 Do do dy 75 Quarterly ett'ementa will bs required lit all instance, and baying bore now in my care a re" -requested lake tbeai a wa if unwil limr tcm with the aaova aoaitvaa. 34th. 185a S.

F. PHILLIPS, ATTENDS THK court in iu vv.u of Orange, Alamance, Wake and Chatham. kj IfUO. 24 Unapei run, at. w-j JENNY LIND SUPPERS.

JUST received. nd for.b Raleigh, Oct. 4. 1850. S0 Notice.

WE are requested to announce that E. Gt Read, of Person county, will fbllVerlfae.Ad. dress beJort the Lifentfjr Sock 'or Yiie Forest College in Johe next. fins coaecttoa or i 'PoKftn iM Aiwncia sJoaie, risnoo dtW Guitar. SDMmh.rwna superior and German, VioloncelW Ace.

jeon. Seraphine. nd Brsaa'Baoa' fht jf Band Ir-ttroetidnr1 and Blank Books and thebet Italiau Strings NBgto'y8Ulof or Orders' from abroad tVthfully met aad pwtaplryi attended to; Catalogue mi B7B sire porrhasini: music. Reliance may I pUcad. upon lh yeconnd.

tion "of all Merchandise from he North -Oarelma th 'article aie all selected with the nil bv i he Propria or; )ni North of the City Han.FayeltevilleBcj Raleigh. Jan. a. jsat EICELSMOIt. LEROW BLODGETTS Rotary Scwlug Mucliiuc.

THIS Maehwa wait peiform fina atiichiof at tba KiAvof oe jraiil par minute, iibar(M aunrcal of might wtJt and in nuking any aortal garmDU For TvUrs itjaiodawl an4 bi, Cap iVtakars, Cr- B. tiraia. aad bag. and Up-boiaury MaMfactufara, afieacoanprUiion. (ot.Gle aad aneji Sawiag Qaa iMchioa will peifoimih work of tea.girtV hand ltbt.r Att iiaUhafabeeiawariWlhhi ja tba Kaira ol Boat on.

Mew Yvrk, Philadelphia, A binj. Ualtitnore, and Naw Uanpahifa. a It was- paleoled ih 3d ay of OctolxT, aad there are now in actoalvpatalion ova- koodrtd of ibeae JDDachinea, making Clwthing, Cap, Bag, d. dC Jlwara. VVm.

E. VVbHing fc Co, No. 124 Pear street. New Turk, in eix months, ami with twenty fouaiachinea. mads $60,000 worth of Cap alone Mr.

Lerow has jaal rein mad from Eorope, here (1a coeoecuoa with Wm. H. Cary jr S45 Pearl at-, New York.) has pa tan led th Machine in England, Scotland, and toe Br Hub Coljnie, ai ia France and Ba'giam. An aasociaiion of gentlemen in thi town having purchased the Patent Right for thi Stat of the aaeve named Sewing. Machine, and to be, come fully acquainted with iu operaliona and bm acpoinied one of their number, Mr.

S. P. Pol ley (a wall known and iit K-York for thia purpfe Aftf a full and careful ia-iMtimwn of all matter pertainin thereto. Mr. Potwy rep-iria that he baa witoeaaed iba Sewing in the highest atate of snceeaaful operation.

Ha look occasion toeiamtne vaaiona other Machine intended for this parpose, none of which wilt bear a comparison with Lerow Btodgeu'e end partiea who had pdrchaard another right bare abandoned it aad boutii this. An improwed Machine, Vooght on by Mr. i now in operation at the Tailoring EuMishment of Mr. I'ha. Barr, whrre it may be seen.

Vl'e guarantee thi Patent to be a valid on, and ihi Macfaiae to perform alf that ia sard of it ia the ah we notice. We are now prepared to sell Connty and Town flight of tbw Patent, and we re peela tlr invite the attention of all wbo wih to make money to the merit of ibis Skwinj Machine, which tells it own tory. Orders may be addreed to 8 P. POLLEY, Hmington. N- tJ.

Witminton, N. Jan. 31. 1831. II Site WarretUtd JV? Genuine.

FEBRUARY, 1st 1831-AiTazuit Giant. pKrench Sugar, Mangel Wnrjel, White So-gxr Long Blood Eatly Tarnip, Early Rrd Tamip. Borecole Pnrple. Brusier Spremts. Broccoli Superior White, Superior Pnrple These are ef genuine varieties, and with proper ealtnre we warrant them to prodnc flower Bfas Eiarly Yellow Six Week, Royl Dwarf Kidney, Eirly China Red Eye, Extra Early Six Week.

Refugee or 100O to 1, Late Yalentme, Lirp Lima. Caulifioictr Early White, Parple and others. Terror Long Orange, Large White Field. Cabhagi Heart, Early York. Early Battersea, Etrly Sugar Early Drumhead, Large York, Lrge Late Drumhead.

Late Sngar Leaf, Late Klai'Dutch. Large Bergep or Great American, Green Curled Pickling or Purple, and Prrainm Flttt lotch. Cerry White Solid, Giant Red, Silver Giant, Rose Colored solid. Cress Pepper GriM. Corn Salad Large French.

Cucumber' Early Frame.Early Cluster, Lung Pick-Jiug, Early Yellow, Long Green, Long Green Turkey. Long White Spine. Entire White earled. Ezg Plant Kirly Purple, Large Late Parpl. Kale Green Curled Scotch, Sea KIe.

Lettuce Curled Selessia, Early Cabbag, Brown Dutch, Ice Drumhead. Melon Carolina Water, Long Striped, True Spanish, Mountain Sweet, Nutmeg, Citron Nutmeg, Fine N-tted Cantiiope, Yellow Cantilope. Or.ioA Silver Ssla, Large Red, WbiteOuion Setts, Y'lew do. Parstun Large Dutch, sugar or sweet. Peer Earlv Six Weeks, Prince Albert' extra Ear ly, (earliest known,) Early Charllea, Coaur new imperial, very superior, Royal Dwarf Marrowfat, Early Dwarf Prolific P'fpr Red Cliarrj, Cayenne, Large BeJl.Sqaaaa or Tomato, Sweet Spanish.

Pumpkta Large Cheese. Cast aw, Mammoth. Raduh Early Scarlet, Long Scarlet, Red Tamip, hue Turnip. Squash Early Flat Bush, Egg or Apple, Lima or Coooaout and Crook Neck. TVsuie Large Red, Pear Shape, Large Yellow.

Bird Canary, Hemp, Rape. Early Lucerne. Okra, Turnip, Silsafy, Spinnage, Victoria Rhubarb, Triple Curled Parsley. Mnsurd, Clover, White, Ken tucky Bine Grass, Liecrne, Flower Seed, a gen ral assortment. These who wish swpplj o' Garden or Flower eed.

will please send tfce.r orders booo. Country Merchants supplied upoa such terms as will enable thera to make a good profit, P. F. PESCUD. Raleigh, Feb.

19th 1831. 15 ff 7" Standard copy. GREAT DUMBER FOR JANUARY. HARPERS NEW MONTHLY. Keceivad thw day at TURNER N.

CBook-Sto- ury 6th, 1851. 5 2r A fresh npply MILES 4- SOWS Imitation Stitch Boots, ut rrcvived by HEARTT ct L1TCHFORD. Raleizh. Jn. 2(Hh.

ISil. 7 BALTIMORE WHOLESALE DRUG ESTABLISHMENT. THE SOUTMlEigJVTMOVSE VvtrE, the aubrcrber, berog Soutbarneraby birth y'vi' oJ in feeling, having a largo Southern trade, wish to increase thai trade by calling the at. tcntion of Merchant, Physician ami other, before making their purchase, to our Urg Mock of Drug Medieines. PsinU.

Oil. Window bias. Varnish Peifumcry. Brushea, Segars, Adamantine Candle. Ac, Ac Our Stock being pnrchased in large quantities, with the greatest eaie and on the most favorable trnns enables us to compete with any house in th United State.

All ak, i to call and giv us a trial CANBX4C0. Late CAN BY fc BARTLBTT. Cnrnor Light and Lembard St. Baltimore, Feb, 8th, 1851. 13 i in aCstaiiuat TnE TUIKS tfaeiaMi bHd 1 any otbst Baglnh DiqtminrT semgital ia lit folmtrjr ruuiiu ar G.

4 MeiTiam, Sprjnglieio ia aU i tsenijtro. 1- ii iu ir-; 1 1: 'VVataVriJgOBIaVIrBtf -It reputation is wiiUU doabt ttotaiedition improve-menu from the able hand it baa pwssod BEST UXTlSUt AUCIUUIAAIW WAW TWlSJIMI rTTv el tj tyii Lr J' jr-j'- j. mi iiA.At itt AjCCVbat aad MJAi.S;in ginng just exnioiupn 01 uuijmj -TirE 'MOST COMPIiETE, ACCURATB; "AND RELIABLE DICTIONARY- OF, THE LANGUAGE." And thirty other members of the "United States Senate. 1 President of the United States. I find it an invaluable vatU mocwmf Etymological part ourpatm ccg Mnif tkat Ae 0e dome far the LMfuago.

Every scholar knows its value, A very valuable XTEBT KSCCATBD work a xkcbssitt The most AcrrlUTB na" kxtiABL Distion- sxr of th Language." Aeea will turn before any other Dictionary of the Language will be required LL. of Scotland, autbor of fu "SHosotjher. ete. For sale by Henrt D. Tcgwta.

at th NORTH CAROLINA Raleigh, Nor. 1850. TOTLIRY AKD GUNS Field Langstrotb, (Scttccort to iSrothcrs Importers 166 MARKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA. pTVAVE on hand every full stock of Cutlery, JlJI Gans, Kiflea, Pistols, includiug the lew est priced as Well fhe" finest make ALSO, fine assortmsat of shelf and Heavy Hardware and SaddUry. All of whiou- will be offered to buyers, or pat up to order at tke very low est prices.

An examination solicited. Febriiary, 37th 1S5U .1 Bfckwitlt'a Aisrt-dypvptic Pills. FRESH supply juvt' 'for -le rn it Urgeor mbjII quantiiie, by i- P. F. PESCUD, Droggiet Raleigh, Nov, 1 1 th, 1 850.

91 OILS! OILS 0ILS1M 2CA8KK Patent Paittt Oil, and 3 Cark Tan-net' Oil, jut received ad for aaleby P. F. PESCUD. ALSO, 200 Gallons Pure Limteed Oil. 400 da Winter Itefined.

What Oil, 150 do Iamji Oil (Summer and winter.) 100 do Machine Orl (s hew article.) A large supply irxrror Caster Oil and 15 Bas kets Salsd Oil daily expected, and wilt be said on aocommodatieg terma by P. F. PESCUD. Man has, 1851. S5 SCUAEFFEU NO.

3. HANOVt-R'STRErr. NEAR BALTIMORE STREET. Ofler for sale a Uiw csr be ptKchasei ia any of the Northern Atlantic cmee, a large assori iiient Hardware, Cutlery and Guns, of i heir awn iuipurUlitu. Baltimore, Feb.

22,1851. MERINO BRA WERS JINh SHIR TS, II Doxea jut at haid, Vpry Jk9 E.LvHAftDJNG CO r.t. IVIitiRO ClaOTUlilfj. WE have a largasaartmeat vf Nrgrp Clothing, II kind nf Jackets. Over Coats.

Pant and Vest, that' we will self cheaper than the good, can much leak to have thera To which invite the heede ef ianatlic who havefkei arvaau to supply OLIVER 4t PROCTER, Pet 1 I860. fa' nttrsUng CtZ TTTTAVE received Wltbia 'the Ut wrek Wpwaras iLLLof EVEN THOUSAND worth U-i ERIOR READY MADE CLOTH WQ; i inetrewa; inaBiUactiire. They has -beato'ved STOCKt IS irk vTkoer tMiwia mm, pwrckasegood lMig faot aad VVt, md, ttuHfu mftftHi 'a i ft ff -fwt jbmtvs wwunf ajf IUUlttIaaUnDr of thair good -ami feel confiieat' thattWey Wbii to llbsir euttomer fha LARGEST' ItlSD IflimilBiBltltaVa B.M.I tA.a..k vJUOftESTT fi-rcu'V-MrvrnHi I-- tit Ktrtof nbiMr fAtitOt Cffff t70 t'-n wJO'iiLtC AM frvtvfw a ln fixk ww aaa wi.wr 1 '21, tai If wsk MatteaaJef PBbt: 7 rwuwaoaii lha Thh beautiful an swsrir Of OAtVASlS Uruted bstb Wi.ttpf avnriTiro! bv disttiutfiwjahed nn tkeJtee. L- 1 r. eim 1 Sr.

1 nd tfc avwt n4 c'eHaia frees mjBI ease prw 1 aUlKUMATISAl. ACTE sadCURONIC. EPILKPSV, L.TJMBAOO, NERVOlos "i MO4 FAll'ITATlOft Og iTH Hi 41tAKtV Artt PAIiS In tba S'Wt and-CHES T. tl CTOMMLAtNt. SPIffAL an CUrA I of Mis K1HNK, mr DiakASRSja! I NKVS, DEFICIKNCV OF and THIS k.

EROY.atKi all MERVO0tSEAIrbJeltwa: JjSawf frtus os iniile caiu namely tr -wj A. Derail remnt of th NerrotlS gn.i OCT- la NRRVQIJS OM PL AtNlfs, Ontgs BBS BIdaS merrmn fit tor tlty vntti tk vital taw trsay. plrwd.f mteavf wails matter oat swsrif life-aiTinr: Vitalirjna: inBnc at GajTanw to, "IB beaittiAtl arjd wpndarlutaWivaTTHBk asiilai r8-it awd weskaged anffarac i rtwa ta inrater vft SlasUeity and vignr. 1 T'- i tjj Tb great cewtiarityBd.ewselteffe a iQl i JDf, CirrlaUe's axdC, fxvaSBjf eeaaUtEi ia OwLhat tiy arravt and ean dBae btat wart mlicklun In pUce iftttv nsnal irted i SntftW phyaiakiiig th. iuanl, tUl MtiyifWlM1 wnasr tpy lnntpuun.

MttattHif rfteWAste isMl alis trillt ikWfdrnmfikt nrta, (1 say eireumi an cm. Sines their mtrndactioa1 ta Unitedautet, Absm 1 6O1 OOO-' Pr sid ft '9f all whMJbavw ETTTtHEtT i XKD PEHJAinrTt(mBtJfcBV)y' arnsa aU pe of Tjlief tfc giau, aadeyWttiak ska be, triad in vsin To-Bleitratelti1 unr tb iau WJBB)BVmB9Ti tb can of with that baa ajftlixiti DYSPEPSIA, 'or any other CBronlc or ftbrtau OlSBfii ft-rimtrr UmilIoM)r tS. IWaashi tbslr ar Ji navs. and muscles." the stomach, aflocd fmtmmrmvj, at sat whiclf tear the pauarVt fn fclwef Hate, an wits. i.

tacuUie. after th' action. tua eitaAJiasA New fV pais this with the Sect reinlting from th ajitiucatin of the UAt.VAftlC BKLT. Take IyaairUe(WSsBt; oie ymutom of an aUack.aud the 4 the body, uamg the Magnetie Maid dlrtetadt 1 45 fwriod the iMihle fritnrtior WitVart si lenient of tb Belt, thereby cauifrig tiatvaioc a1 s-tucb will pan on to ta tbeato 4ca a tb saiiiiTs. thju ksepaag np a eoeiirmoa throughout the Th tha (BflSt-ssasr DYsrEFMA ani PK R.M A KNTC BE B.

RV1 B.TS rams ammo from an )art af thi Coirtwry eobU te grvaw. sSjCUttjt'vlfal Trj eo4.tiain thjapaperli-t rmiit: i-y rtotl AN EXTRA0REHIAR7 1 OgZt artucb conclaaiiraljrjmnraa that.) fi MTrath Ja slrangei tsam fiZXa.Hu IHECMATISM, BROfiCBlTIS ttlllKtL Rev. DraItUadiialilvClflfrf New Jersey, gMsngubmM A' rt.CHiirVWfjeai' f' 'whijVtwVw5 wisvt baa bes thy retult ia rav wh aaae, af tSrritbij)0 THE UAJ.VAN1C Bklh' ANDCKLACbV My prJIS fcBow): i 01 ift f.jf 0 lra tor about (away year I bad been ioring froaa Pyipa sia. Erery year the yyinptom Pocama WoTS; aay aa I sMnia pemaeat rcStci ihwa. say aurbDf maot liaWfal whatever.

Aboi4 years sines, ia cooaeatmac at freqnent e'apochre tn the Weatlfer; tal taOSiaiaiagS it Mtf fa total (Miss, bacam. eUit era tannic Jthavaa tiim, vliich for year after Vev, esOMg'Sif ladeseribBMS aatbwb. rartber yinth1 a-inter of ta and of preaching a great deal ir any own wad vrioi waw churches thi region, I ltakdy'nM'SrewaaMV wbanksoonibreaaw waevetwiwit aaiBUwatdaBa. peniion of n.y iisatoral 1al)ra. My jacraau rrtHm wa sww tkortugkltf ratlrafe eM Wf BrontXti WuvsewaBHi alsedid siytyipapw bdS lib mano itctioiv--thW Tiar bag that thete duorder wcr eonakefed witn Mbb atber ta rough tbs jHilraf the rirvu8yleBKS tartbewW I If ISMB I aaia there seemed to be nor remedial, fwnt tteh eseat reach and mranenas'tby' bad Aried ait this pawpo bad wowplaatlvj fH.

At lm -wa led by my friends to examine your lmentioin, ana (taow WHb no vwryAauigni hopes tharr eOVftaaley ,) tlteftrwiaal ta try th effect of the arailicstimi of tb OALVANJC SKIT AXJ) NECKLACE, with the MAUN ETIC f'LUID. Tkal wa in tM To-Mt'miiiMP ftUBew af aw Ptarcm had oons; i kig bat I tSMHt-Jve PtWETSI HAD OOKi; IK ItlGBV I fccacMsf'irr rrY i.ikasf 6 '7- PEA BF BBWsTVBBW JTWWaaBTBB SBBSBBM VSBBWB ayici! acajnaa oiwii, je RmRVMATIC 1FFKCTION HI r.VTISKL CUMt tBSLJI BW aaeh Bathe'woarhirfiilakld happy retulWra" tbaMaBCfata I baaa muanmdal tha ELT and VMJ1D to maV to ay wa aav bean likewise anflferrng frrrni Nsaraigle naeuna. 1y hav tfiad tiw, wisw autiYvixTii 4t.ttr 't'a slf vawy1 rp6illy VsBvTSa 'rt GALVANIC NECKICC aied for ail coirtf lwBaAMtytaiUairoat Hiil.WHl tf Bronchitis, Inflammation or the Throat, NBrfoW sad aat Headache, Dizziness of the Neuralgia she Boning or Roaring in Kara, laftawbfcwtjB Msntous, aad atstrsaaeS All nayi'iciaa ackaowIeTg that then Wrrftla On aw saasad tjy aVtcieaty tf Jttrmh) AmiH Palavi bave bean raporiad (o bai Ch jiAjiit'ana bb wJtllM bwo yr, wnien osws Dsw.soBmy: ifwait ti i QTJ- Cay. AKpaxw F. Tow of Bakfrs; J.TI't a Saan able V) wslka ftetTfrr neSf inBrbarkVeAWas a baa tea that had to fenV Tt tnrt eBbjrnj avisat MS, and tmOree wwats a Ba rfaS Captaia Tome, ia aevaaty veat agi.

i IrJuS 1-u ttfl at bit health. i Sever DeaiiiBtitOdnndilj iiU Ta. fallowing, is a itrac. fraca, Uftet MJy Wo bom a dintinguwhad" irician In th SUt of Tlreiata' -a: n. CiatiTit: M.

t.MS iu? t)rW j7 WN. aakaaw to ma, aVvawt jBttk siM Jr. witb tbs MagnttU flutd, tat a serieoir iffectaoe Of OaafriiW, ThacaarMtbafai at lady Sataa! SiHht a a aVwwl BSiesi and grcaVal haalth poeaw' ilOb wtf. saS pre loud to tb avprkuW of the Belt, bat with Vsr bSB sneasss, an aval noal menced wewrng th Belt a ao. aba ha r.VrntKt.Y aad her genarsl keatth at beaMlbaTrya tCf- Evary case of Dafnei ifit be KeireOK a curad br this woodariol rdy.

ii 1 tt iuo r44ltfaf VA OR. 6 oAi.VAiiric 'n Sim. StaUb Cewbtete irt rr.Hrirvo. aVSaeua. 4 Ski A Cm a A MfwiA is riafi afkf nTAWVW ta4anBJtttamBa.

JV "rrjTT" BU Oiseasss eanaM oy a oanciwj 'BaaIlwfiWWaMllw Alio vih -W Tl GeJVmato Bt, nt Th Oae-aaio MeaklafsatrttjTaywiPg 'ZcW gJTg 1 aw iwew auw mi. t. aai ap ibbbi ww aaaaa I a tasST gassbbtet Utwawd aaase i aaaa lirui aa 'iTfAvUjisSQri0t jut 1 i I1AA JLsA g. sJto ik orfrtruerf apMlcatSkB oT tb OywaatsSB il 8Md nieitfiM. Dot Eiinat sia umos.

i). WHttiaTut a.iJaivBwc AnMn.wii deficient pdwer, and contpTete and eiltlr eSttriraas wMd Tba beat FaaRy jfdiota bow boibr 0 public It lias been that during th last twenty Tvars, three milUoni of persemi havte annually been benefited by the vse of these Medicines a fact which speak volume in favor of their curative properties a singl trial will place them beyond the rencb of competition in thfe etuiwtiort of every patient By their me the blood is" restored to a pure and healthy state, freed 1 from mil impurities. Tha sywterri ia not reduced Uuruir their operation, but invigoralad, and they require no restraint from business or pleasi ire. lliu r.ffictod have in MofiElt's Life Pills 1 ThOBlliat Bitter, a remedy that will do far litem ail that mediriii canpossiWy efiVct Til gonuine of these modictne are now put up with a fine steel engraved wrapper and labels, and copv right secured according to the law of the United tatee, Prepnred by W. B.

MOFFAT, M. New-York. For auh by J. J. RYALS.

Raleigh, Aug. 27th, 1850. 79 ly GARDEN SEEDS. Htrranled JFresh and genuine GROWTH OF 1850. Ralsed by the United Society, Called i Shaker, and by D.


ABfrcHOKx, Greea Globa. AsraaaGrrs, Giant Baase, Early China Dwarf. Early alx weeks, (yel lowj Refugee, or thousand to one, Hoilicultural role. Large Lima. Carolina t.ima.

Beet, Early Flat Bnraauo, Early Blood Turnip. Esrly Orange Turnip, Trench Amber Sugar, Whit Selesta Sugar, Loag Broud, Long Mangel WartxeL Baocou, Large Purple Cape, Large White Cape. Cuuru)wta, Early, Large Late. Cabbage, Early Sugar Loaf Early York, Early Drumhead. Large York.

Large Drumhead, Mammoth, (newJ Flat or Lata Dutch, Drumhead 8roy, (pew.) Cklebv, Large White Solid, Rosa colored Solid Silver eiant. (new.) Cobn, Early Hawk. Early Canada. Early Smith's hite, Sioux or Duttaa, Early ascaror Early Sugar, Early White Flit Cacss, Curled or Peppergraa, Broad Leaved, Ex' tra Curled (aewj WiWr, CvcrjMBEB. Early Green Cluster, Early Frame, Early Short Green, White Spiaed, Long Green Turkey.

Long Green. (Keens,) Small Gherkin. abbot. Early Horn, Large Altriogham, White Field. -Boo Plant.

Large Purple, Whit, (ornamental,) EiDivc. Green Curled, Broad Leafed, Kale, Green Curled Scotch. Sea-Leek. Large Scotch, or Flag. Large London.

LnTTUCB, Imperial Sugar Loaf, Early Whit Head, Early curled Silesia Large Greea Head, leehead, IosCoss, Royal Cabbage Head early. Extra Cabbage Head. Brown Dutch. Melo.x. Large Musk, Large Fellow Cantelope, Green Citron.

Fioe Nutmeg, Ward' Nectar, Pine Apple, Persun, Pomegranate, ragrant, Water Imperial, Water Early Apple aeed, Wa ter Long Island, Water Carolina, Water Citron, for preserve Okba, Long White. 8hort Green. Onion, White Silver Skin, Yellow, Red, Welsh or French, Tor Soups. Pabmip, Guernsey. Long White, Hollow crown Pa bslet, Flaia or Single, Curled, Dwarf Curled Pea.

Early Cedo Nulli. Early Prince, Early May extra, Early Jan Early Charlton, Bishop' tarly Dwarf, Carge bit MarrowUt, Large Black Eye, Dwarf Marrowfat, Rao sH. Long White Summer, Early Scarlet Short Top, Long Salmon, Long Scarlet or Early Frame Scarlet or Cherry Turnip, Philadelphia Large Due turnip. Yellow turnip, White Fall Spa nish. Black Fall Spauith.

Cab aer, Long Scarlet or Blood, Long Orange. Sobbel, English Garden Broad leaved. SriftAG, Broad Leaved Savoy, Round leaved New Flanders Prickly. Salsify or Vegetable Oyster. Squash.

Bust. Crookneck Snmmer, Dutch Summer Scallop, white and yellow, Vegetable Marrow, Sweet Potatoe, Valparaiso. Towbto. Large Smooth Red, Yellow, Cherry. TrjBMir, Early Dutch, Large English Norfolk, Red Top Flat, White Flat Rutabaga, Yallow Swedish, Frenoh, white.

Long White. Hcbbs, Caraway, Dill, Fennel. Laveader, Lesnon Summer Sayory, Sweet Baaii, Marjo Thyme. Gibs Seeds, White Dutch clover Lucerne, Bine Grass, Lawn Gras mixed, Cole or Rape Seed. Feb.

26ih. 1850. 16 New Goods New Goods. WE would most respectfully invite public attention to our extensive and wll elected 8tock, for the Spring and Summer trade of 1851. Some of which are-Rich Cbene and Chamelion Silk.

Furlard and India do Black Gro Lyon do Glace tnd Silver Grey do White and colored Satin. Organdi Silk Tissues. Toil Lind -Chilly and Grenadines. Printed Constautines. Fancy French Jackonet.

Organdi Muslin. Barege De Lane. Imperial Chene Gingham. Kink and Buff Linen do Orange. Purple aad Mod Colored Lawns Dotted Swiss Muslin.

Embroidered end Solid Tartan de Marcaliae and Florence. Swiss, Book, and checked Muslins, Rich Bonnet, Neck, Cp and Cuff Ribbon. Fjnbroidered Canton Crape Hhawle. Needle Work Cape, Collar, Cuff and Puff do do Cbemiset and Uadenteevea. Embroidered and Corded, 8calIopd Handkerchief.

Pari Kid Glove, first quality. Silk and Linen Buttons, end Trimming, Real end Ioutatioa Valencia, Edging, dbc. K. TUCKER SON. Mareh 20th.

1851. S4 rnOlaNSON'S Pstieut Ice Cream Free wJ aars- Colored and plain Straw Matting. Per gale Bf R. TCCKEfe SON. RaW, April Sth, 1B31.

4 I 1 wsWBaVKVSM mwmw, xm Tex.nWsaV?! Iv, vix.nir... nw ell.

The Raleigh Register from Raleigh, North Carolina (2024)


What is Raleigh register? ›

On November 19, 1850, the Raleigh Register became North Carolina's first newspaper to be published daily. The Register traces its roots to 1799 when it was founded by English immigrant Joseph Gales, who had already successfully published several newspapers in England. Gales ran the paper until his retirement in 1833.

How to get a birth certificate from Raleigh North Carolina? ›

on the first floor of the Wake County Justice Center in Raleigh. We'll conduct the search and give you a certified copy for $24 ($15 for each additional). Click here if you were born before 1971. Please note: it's only our downtown location that offers birth certificates from other NC counties.

What is the majority race in Raleigh NC? ›

Raleigh Demographics

According to the most recent ACS, the racial composition of Raleigh was: White: 55.45% Black or African American: 28.14% Two or more races: 6.86%

What is Raleigh, NC known for? ›

What is Raleigh Most Famous For?
  • North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences.
  • Pullen Park.
  • JC Raulston Arboretum.
  • North Carolina Museum of Art.
  • North Carolina State Capitol Building.
  • State Farmers Market.
  • William B. Umstead State Park.
  • Historic Oakwood.

What are Raleigh residents called? ›


What are Raleigh citizens called? ›

As a native of Raleigh of 18 years, I will say that Raleighites is the preferred name although it is rarely uttered compared to say being a "New Yorker" or an "Angeleno"

What is the fastest way to get a birth certificate in North Carolina? ›

In most cases, certificates can be obtained from the Register of Deeds on the same day. Note: NC Vital Records is the only office from which you may obtain a birth certificate for an adopted child. Current NC Vital Vital Records processing times for regular certificate requests that do not involve changes/amendments.

Is a birth certificate the same as a certificate of live birth in NC? ›

It isn't an official document and will not be accepted as a replacement for your birth certificate. The certificate of live birth simply verifies that you are medically alive, whereas the birth certificate verifies who you are, who your parents are, where you were born, and your date of birth.

How do I get my father's name on my birth certificate in NC? ›

To voluntarily add a father's name to a Birth Certificate, both the Mother and Father complete a form known as an Affidavit of Parentage at the Clerk of Court's office (704-832-6600). Once completed, the document is then submitted to the State Department of Vital Records to amend the Birth Certificate.

What is the crime rate in Raleigh NC? ›

According to FBI data from 2019, the total crime rate in Raleigh, North Carolina, was 2,038.81 per 100,000 population, compared to 4,665.24 per 100,000 population in Charlotte-Mecklenburg. Raleigh is a smaller city than Charlotte, and larger cities tend to have higher crime rates.

Which is better, Raleigh or Charlotte? ›

Raleigh offers a more suburban lifestyle, while Charlotte has more of a city feel. But, whichever city fits your needs, it is essential to remember that no city is perfect. The overall growth and development of these North Carolina cities will continue to lure people to North Carolina for years to come.

Is Raleigh a good place to live? ›

Because of its strong economy, abundance of jobs, pleasant climate, and small-town hospitality, Raleigh is considered one of the best places to live in North Carolina. Q: Is Raleigh, NC, an expensive place to live? A: That depends on where you're moving from.

Who is the most famous person from Raleigh NC? ›

In 1808, Andrew Johnson, the 17th President of the United States was born in Raleigh, NC. Johnson assumed the presidency after the assassination of Abraham Lincoln in 1865. Although well known for guiding the country through the end of the Civil War, his greatest accomplishment as president was the purchase of Alaska.

What is the nickname for Raleigh NC? ›

It is known as the "Smithsonian of the South," "The City of Oaks," "The Triangle," and the "Live Music Capital of the South." Even though Raleigh has various nicknames and is known for many different things, it will also be known and referred to as the state capital.

What food is Raleigh, NC known for? ›

Most commonly, people think of North Carolina State BBQ when they think of food from Raleigh, but there's far more than that. You can also find the most succulent steak, buttery biscuits, fresh oysters, and so much more.

Raleigh | North Carolina, Map, History, & Facts ...Britannica ›

Raleigh, city, capital of North Carolina, and seat (1771) of Wake county, central North Carolina, United States.
Find attractions, things to do, and events in Raleigh, the state capital of North Carolina.
Plan your Raleigh vacation. Find hotels, events, restaurants and things to do in Raleigh from the official visitors bureau.

What is the NC register? ›

The North Carolina Register, is published twice monthly and contains information relating to agency rulemaking, executive orders, and other notices required by or affecting Chapter 150B of the General Statutes.

What does Raleigh Housing Authority do? ›

This group is responsible for planning, construction, and operation of dwelling accommodations for persons with low incomes, under the auspices of the Raleigh Housing Authority (RHA).

What does the NC Register of Deeds do? ›

The Register of Deeds is the custodian and manager of a large number of public records. The public records archived in our office include real estate transactions, birth and death certificates, marriage licenses, notary public oaths, DD214s and more.

What does acquire Raleigh do? ›

Acquire, Inc is one of Raleigh's premier and fastest growing privately owned and operated consulting firm looking to fill a few entry level marketing manager positions. Our firm provides customer service retention and sales acquisitions for Fortune 100 clients.

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Author: Pres. Carey Rath

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Name: Pres. Carey Rath

Birthday: 1997-03-06

Address: 14955 Ledner Trail, East Rodrickfort, NE 85127-8369

Phone: +18682428114917

Job: National Technology Representative

Hobby: Sand art, Drama, Web surfing, Cycling, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Leather crafting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Pres. Carey Rath, I am a faithful, funny, vast, joyous, lively, brave, glamorous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.