The Palm Beach Post from West Palm Beach, Florida (2024)

V'Vr St- -r''i 1 en- a--V V'v" fc ee tf ev 8 k-r' s' ss sr ar 2 Post-Times Classified, March 15, l7t 5-56 For Sli 4-il atrt6. W. Mm Uth $-14 fins, OrftM 4-11 Hsriti, PtnliB, Su. 1-21 Palm 4t8ch 5-57 Wntt4 Tf luy t-U Ant6. Jiw VANTAGE POINT New Waterfront luv SOLID wood irmttu rocktr, light grn 5-23 MsjbIciI InHruFnwtB Yetfa 655-2800 2 BEDROOM, unfurnished, air Very clean 8180, first, stcurily.

622-3S69 QUARTER Horse. Strawberry Roan, 5 month colt, lack included. $550 in toior 9ij i (Ait! vi nvign oi ury from 1349 Mo. S6O0 Oiait. WP6 644 691 7 UPRIGHT Good playinq condition $150 You haul CHAFIN MUSIC CENTER tlM -3325.

H3 HMMhM Furwlthlwgi SOFA S4S; 2 Danish chairs ISO. tnd le" bin 40; I coitM. $15; goj condition PAINTINGS. SILVER. CHINA.

RUGS. 35 Bom in good cord it ion. 64a- KUSTOM 100 sarin amp, S2S0. 683-1679. t-13 Apti htm UkH TIOUES.

CUT GLASS, ETC WE APPRAISE EFFICIENCY $27 WK OPEN DAIIY 9AM-7PM All utilities pd in this spacious apt with no lease or last month Air carpets UNITED Rf Al fSTAir ASSOC TK16 So 659 376 10" tniniMA hawl (nun tntrMti IS-'r5 inch Wtsttrn Saddle, hardly used, ir, SIX yearly 833-5114. 63i 606 Dixie. LW 585-4641 Ntw 2 cubic toot rttngirstor. (vin, EURNISHEO tllicwncy. I Adult.

Howard Park. 6327 2 BEDROOM I -bath unfurmined. INIIRt CONIENIS OR UNI PIECE FOR INS OR ESTATE PURPOSES. $100 cash, 689-6276 After 7 PM STUDIO Practice Piano $195 wbtneh. ocean.

Montnly TMriy 66-6W6 YELLOW Formica loo cor nar libit. Itmps. GUITAR, fltgant. hand madt by Vha. Staat string acoustic.

Full sua classical. Cost 1140. satrihct 180. Lika now. 586- 6536 2 HORSE Trailer, freshly painted, good MEM6ER Of APPRAISERS ASSOC.

OF MUSK MAN. 2309 Dixie Hwy. WPt WATER Pumo, Uwn mowtf, golf bl conuinon. Toa-irjr tmporttd wtll clock, ntctly framed prints, bric--brec. Mornings, evtttings, Itrot duplti.

268., geregt, utility applitncts, corner Kirk Rd A Pui 632-3753 Happy Birthday Music Man, AMERICA 255 SUNRISE PALM BEACH Ireathiaking ocean view. 4 floors up tn an ultra modern building with ill the amenities this large 2 btdroom 2 bath SMAll Furnished cottage, air condi-tioned lady prelerred 644-1666 ONE small 4 year old Mult, $135 967- you re yr oioi upon eves oy epcrr. 9000004. lant Await, apth ist. vtyjjvr.

J74g, bib ten i Used furniture. Com- 10X16 NYLON Gold Shu rug 140. Two 10L4XI0V Nylon oold rum including DRUMS 8xece sat, btu. floor tom-toms, snarts, Rogtrs, cymbals, twival atat, Complata 2S. 58j-4430 tfttr 1PM.

GU16RANSEN console piano, lika new, LAKSfRONt unlurnishtd WANTED to Buy plete household. 965-7698 A66 Used Furniture, apartment it a great value at 375 month. Eves 626706 Al 0 Aiestio Av soc The Berg Agency, Inc. tealtori MiS $595 626-2017 SOFA, matching chair, loot cushions, rod, whitt, llowtrad. aitcatlaRt condition, SI SO, worth mora.

Atttf 5PM GENTLE Bay Mart Saddle Horst, $200 Saddle optional 793-3907, 689 8030 TnKR TMtn i WO' ptwv tv wtn. wi aparlment. Air-londiliontd 6V-0JI NORTON PARK TOWERS 1 501 SO FLAGLER OR Very attractive. Ug lully carpeted, 70A. Unfurn.

comer pt this wll good condition. 148-332). NFW SPmat Piano, name brand, save ClOSI its. Nice wall-wall. No pets.

32S WANTED TO BUY IfGULATtON mo pool Kbit S75 Formtu Eucalyptus itrttf Cleen used furniture, housewares from $200 New looking spinet piano sy winter $495 MUSIC MAN, 2309 N. Dixit 87270 2 BEAUTIFUL, oranga and yellow floral York chairs, 1100. 586-6838. roona top ptotwi ftoi ng wrougm SUPER Quartet Horst trere, 4 years. Sire-Our Eternal Son'.

Registered Quarter Horst gelding. yttrs old. professionally treined tor reining. Registered Buckskin rtomes, estetes, motel 6 hotels. Mikts, ON Ocean' 'Unfurnished, modern 2-bed-rooms, carpeted No children 626-035.

676M4I Hwy. WPB 632-3753 iron twin, iw. oev-taaj. 73-U13t. St 25 NO LEASE OPfN DAILY 9AM-7PM rrujinieined hirjh rise biito Fates fver- glade Isle on lake Worm neer Peim leach Btslcony, pool Adults, no pets 837561 WE BUY PIANOS.

CALL Mil. JAY. 686- 14,000 ITU Sow Air Condttiontr. SI25 PIANO OR ORGAN WANTEO. Will PAY CARPU, lika rww, 75 Sq.

baigt. J75 683-6467. yeiuing. years, genrie. ouggy rony.

small. Stalls available for rent. 793- Spacious clean apt. carpets, dftpts. fully 113 Cym Bithroorn link with plumbing, I0.

wi 2371 BALDWIN BUILT GRAND 5 9 EB lUHSj HAUL. 833-0344 today can dtttvor (Stmrtl 283-3264. 9234 686 2557 P1USM turn IRR rm Uhe lAS Ma M-ngo equipped kr UNITE UNIIEO RIAL ISfATC ASSOC LIKE Now. Ntugahydt sofa SIOO. Chair S20.

Tabla S30 68 9652 HIGHEST CASH PRICE FOR ESTATE DIAMONDS-GOLD JEWELRY Used only Amos Wholesale price, $2695 KFfllGERATOR UO Humjn Wgw 135- iirwirs no ipeis 3000000 6S93766 3306 So Onie leggen ojuj floor cruDCr, tv BIVTHE JEWELERS 1 14 CLEMATIS FIRED UP Shop tht othtrs 4 than stt tht prot for a quality warranty lowoet prioa. Scratched 4 dtnt gulttrt-btlow coat. Ml mikts 40 to 60 off -Not lust soma. sro spki 12 L-J75 15 l-MO 156-B85 All Gibson G-J Grabbar bassts, now 1280 Sunn guittr amps, S499, now 8299 Bogtnntr's acoustic guitars, now 119 in drums wcymbs, S600-now8290 Stlmar stats in stock, usad flutts.t69 Gibson, las PeuJ.csold.toOOjiow DM Many mora not hstad Stt tht naw tacit at both torts Music Mart 6507 S. Dixi.

Hwy, WP8 586-3620 719 Northlakl Blvd. NP B. 848-1680 Guitar Rapa'rs Rantals Ltssons 135 6 up furn tffys, 12, 388 including all utils 032 7652. 69 629 (XLIOHTFUi vacation spot beautifully furnished 7 bedroom swimmirtn golf temis April Oetemner b66 QUEEN-Sut 3-piact bedroom sat. navtr ustd.

posturtptdic mattrtss and boxspr-inci plus Harculon couch. 689 -4862. 5 ELECTROLUX VACUUM FARFISA Single keyboard professional. Paid $1100. asking $520 684-0531 At GOOD USEO FURNITURE.

HOUSIHOLD HAMPSON SALVAGE rer arm Model 120) Has Power Noiilt. Good for all types of carpet Sold Orig. $247. Bal- PAY CASH 645-8423 PRIVACY SPACE MOOFI 551 fnnn Theatratte Oraan. tf JUtiftTi APtV" furn Unlurn IRR Hrjtl 9m $140 Up Vr-Wk Mo No Pets Security HOI Georgia Ave 8377166 I liDROOM, partly lumishtd.

cutt. air 1 1 25 monthly, lint, stcurity 622 3589 EURNISHIO. ctntrtl air-htatf a 'rooms, 8ood area Adults yearly. After 30PM 44-4741 anct, 0 3U ngtnr. oee-3w 5 58 Swpp manual and automatic rhythm excellent UNDER Window fool box for Maida, condition $1800 64C-5576.

676-5777, WHITF. Franch Provincial and pink marblt top occasional tabla and chair. Companion lamp with handpamtad shada. 2-Shalt wickar wall or lioor cabtnat. 842-224S PM, Watkends.


SADDLERY BIS Indientown Rd Jupiter 746-6000 Datsun lype truck $100 663-0100 IXCflUNT furnished I befr)m close to Will trade on or for Pool labia. 967- 5-2S luiifmi MKhliwt PAID Up contract to European Health everything Ptrhiru first, lest I Electric typewriter, calculator. Spa. IB months ot use lert. tig savings, A roMwitwi ot I MR dupux CONSOLE TV, 150, sotabad, 20; lamp, chairs, S5.

Miscellaneous. 966-4887. adder copier uses plain paper, lowest tor into 6v-uil evenings 6-Liveitock APIS fOR GROWING FAMILIES OR tvin rreet. Qn 4-22 priced 643-0035 raim coosr. SEKOVA Ttltcasur iltctrk guitar.

Eiut-' CARPET discounts to senior cititens. Car. CARPETING SO to yds. S75. 6869121, 10AM-2 30PM daily, Friday all day.

Itnt condition. 190 142-471. HUNTINGTON APTS lakafionl lurn. Unfurtl. TV.

Ma.d Svc I 28R Week Month, i Season 3611 I) So flagltr Or 632 2166 LAROl" 2-btdroom. furnisfvari. clean, rea-ttsslsvfl, Wfll accent 4 Ptopie 632: 706S lARCt 1 bedroom fufmshtcT Tilt "bath, parking 609 fltridl Art Yttrly 632 olina Georgia, 4633 Southern sivd wki. NCR Cless previous balance bar register A NCR flaii 5 cash*tr rtaisrer with HQ Dogi, CbIb, Supplln REGISTERED Quarter Horses, all apes tt FURN Irg KR apt ISO week includes all utilities II 00 serunii 5175 Belveime 36 in SNAPPER Ridino Mower, brand SIMMONS doubla sua mattrtss. eacol- CRnwNltP lAWIllfS WW CARPf TING, Ct NT AC, DISHWASHER.

RAIM, RffRIO ERATOR CARPORTS. S( REINED PORCHfS. pool, CLueHoust 622-1600 6 deportments, used IB mos oi i AMERICAN Eskimo Spitl. UKC registered All shots, 6 months old. $150 firm.

Af new engine, $375. 626-6639 Rd 68 3 5363 F'JRN smell" flFapr 'tSTeeei inriuifes an times voo-u-sai SADDLE" 4T cutback, 71" liktTntw 1 45 683 2033 weekdays lant condition. Vary raaionabla, S3S. 683 7672. FRIDEN 1090 Model.

Electrostatic copier ter 6PM 586 2584 Plata. $400 with some supplies. Si JU complete 2 ies eicepl oes Sirs Belvedere Ril FIRST Edition Hummel Annual 1971 Goebol Hummelwork. 663-2639 1002 ruv AKC Poodles, Apricot. Weeks, shots PADDOCK, stall and private gram and WIZ lor more information.

W3 5 363 HARRIS MUSIC COMPANY Guitar Buster Sale tack room We feed $25 mo Full board. ned, $'5. 6H3-134. Paper trairn DRAPERIES, avocado S-M Offltt lowli't ft Suf). $85 mo Gentle pleasure horses and pony fURNlSHiO I bedtoom.

air conditioned, oil street parking t65 monthly, yeerly 632 09 3 7 96 a 1 96 like ntw. $150. ENGLISH Springer Spaniel Puppies. AKC registered, edoreble $100 temalt. $125 LUXURY LIVING AT WELLINGTON -Bedroom, I -bath, utility room, wall-wall carpet.

centre! air-heat, dnhwethor disposal, icemeker refngser. tor sell cleaning men Children A smalt pets welcome 677 3733, Eveninciv weekends jumper jnart. COPIER, tablt model, automatic. 144 8774 new. $400 or best 686-0514 MATTRESSES DISCONTINUED MODELS.

SECONDS SURPLUS FREIGHT DAMAGED SINGLE SET, 14V DOUBLE SET S69 QUEEN SET 176-KING SET 896 SIMILAR SAVINGS ON BEDROOM SUITES, CORNER GROUPS. RE- maia ooj-ovoi OFFICE Bar 8 kitchen unit. 2-burntr 6-13 lirdB, Fish 4 Supplln NOTHING HAS 6IIN SfAtfO to ae 5rl.N05 ROtNl tt I. nest renulsi An UNICOM Calculator. 10I0P, $250 Bonn fURNISHIO nice bedroom Good Samtri ren area $165 monthly566 7603 Mlia (Sk' hnfw'ii-ri 1 VtrnAm A Conte.

20 $40 842 4535 746-5997 electric stainless steel sink, retnger tor, walnut finish Cost $750 new Wi enters will receive 1 yrs free member EANLY Pigeons many varieties Moving, must sell, $1 00 up 746 8497 riKTAU A AKC POODLE pocket-site, wtutt mele. weeks. $300M6-5476 BEAUtiful Peke-e-Poo, "Pekingese, Al Apricot Poodle puppies 50 96 51 sell for $250 622-8502 9AM 5PM ship in Wellingtim Country (I, Golf swimming 6 lenn.s 2flR 2A lutw-y carpeting appliances leest 622 1876 WlLLNGTON New" April 1st occupancy" Globe Warranty executive desk, chair, 8 VARltrv of Pheasant epos. S3 00 $3 SO CLINERS, SLEEPERS, NI-RISERS DINETTES, LIST NOW GIBSON PAUL GOLD $580 1348 GIBSON SGI 259 I5S GIBSON I PAUL REC BASS 679 409 MOSERITE BASS 395 237 FENDER STRATOCASTER 500 300 ARIA PAUL SUNBURST 239 14) ARIA PAUL MAPLE 249 148 ARIA S. 335 COPY 259 I5S ARIA TREMOLO 229 122 BABY Crib used bed Seby changer New credenia sjiU 146-3344 at-rs avaiianie for isruvituiait uciu.

per ooien 06 4UJ 2 bedruoms. 2 bedrooms. l-l5 both conoifion. a63 666-UUV At D.rk 21 7G Soiril Master Machine 2 29 GAL 20 mi double stand and TOP Quality female Toy Poodle puppy RNC 1 farh unit includes ww ra'pa' ice-vi AAH marble baihrnorns luHv CU1S 611WAME5, 8 HEADBOARDS ALL BRAND NEW MERCHANDISE ROBINSON FUR 8 BEDDING OUTLET 2748 Old Okaachobtt 6834723 BLENDER. $6.

bedspreads, drapes. 7 BFDftOOM 7 bath Condo unfurn.shed. Clubhouse pool yearly monthly 627 84 848 $747 ANNUAL rental nlv 2 belhs large screened porch, beautifully furnished end detorfed. washer -dryer d'Shwesner included Ampi closer space Other teetures not normally incudd Tenqlewnod vicinity Adylty no children under 13 ro pets 6771 for eppomt ment veers old Excellent condition. 832-3676 Apricot $750 BJ2-V74 equipment, joo best otter V64 0707 dishwasher, fange refngarator Pnvaie patio, utility room, heal air.

cerpeied Overlooking lake lease $260 month Owner 5819139 ipped kitchen end a priyale pictures. $6, lamps. 647-1 769. Mon-Fn, 9AM 7PM co*ckER puppies AKC, Champian-sired, SATU6DA Y.SUNDAY Dimno tabla $100. 6-14 MiKtllintxwB PttB SMALL ornata china cabintt.

SI 25 Ctdar Stirs- lully plastered Ihrnqnout COME if lOOAV 6 SEE nur 2 ()' butt. red. black females 6 464V CASES FOR ABOVE GUITARS 5-77 Sttrt Witwrw-ltjulp't bar stools $75. Rotno $V). fish lank ve 6 lefelnma "pen daily I All tut BRIER WOOD Irish Seller Puppies chest, IJ5 Old rtcrxd cabintt, 125 Cap-tarn Chairs, SIOO 2 bookcasts, S60 each.

REGIS1ERE0 TWO 6' glass itwtlry showcases. 1-cen- 50 OFF LIST HARRIS MUSIC CO OHfflllONS 79 3V WJtl MALE Boa, '-S tank and stt up. $100 U64-0573 RABBITS, Red Sat.ns. $6. and olh- $75 Call attar Idem 965- weeks old $100.

tewing machine $150, bunk beds $100. 2 drawers $25 etch, green drapes $150. utility trailer $150 1137 South Oeluie 1M lurn. shag tar pet, pteckou! 746-4331. ter display cast $775 for ell Dick I Harrys Pawn Shop.

SIS Clemens St 6336777 4-16 Apt6. N. Plm l(4di 206 Clemens WPB 655-3207 336 TOY Poodle housebroken All COFFEE labia, and tablts. sofa, hide-t- drepes. iK-rsHi Kr porch on ifce Pooi tenms Adu'ts.

no pets Ami April In $2 $4 683 3041 LUXURY 2BR APT Pint Strati. Lake Worth btd Sofa, bar, 2 bar srools, chair evcel. Shots $125 Color B'acx Good with children. GOOD beginner's organ, nttds tuning. CB radio.

Cobra 21 23 Channels, enter. H5MJrlnlnj iTJsirT WJ" (ewien iwat.en nt csJ-tn 4 cws Be'fiii'ed O'Shwashe d'S NCR CASH Registers 12) 73. Mod 24 Rt conditioned. 90 Pay Warranty 746-3625 964 4516 60Y u33 nrttr 3fw. nee.

extra speaker. Pearce-Simpson mike. lant condition, ti-tw Attar 5 30PM CARPET, gold. 85 yards. $85.

6834908 SPA(i0US 2 hedrnom I belh, air conve ment location 81 f5 plut security 62 0681 UNf URNlSHfO nua, 3 cwdrorm bath pool dork laundry, oriod location, rat DOG OBEDIENCE SCHOOL YORKSHIRE Tamers AKC rhammrxi FINDER Beuman Amnlifitr 1971 Model 1173 tirm Ojlriy 72431 1 fftlilfO or tMS'ess poop, tor I bed pevai even t'eiU'ee CHROMED 6 Wood 1-16' Gondolas Excellent condition with covers 689- bloodline, male lemale. 1125 $150 968- All breeds welcome, classes linvted Professional trainers 15 yrs experience om ap4trtrnerttJ. I i ta'peed wester rer CUSTOM Draoes Irom $1 50 per vard W'Metal Shelves Also Assorted Shoe. CARPET, rust. 40SY $79 60 Carolina 2312 NICE 2 bedroom unLr 42U5 Free estimates Ken Carol Hatch.

968- Card, 6 Misc Display Racks 746-3875 shod apartment Originator Police K-9 Corps, in 4 PC sonetue, new'y pamted ct6at4j Gtorgn 4635 Southtrn Blvd WPB 5588 close KiKhen equip 6 Al A feras FROM $210 BLACK, Ten Coon Hound, 6 months, mala, On lake Worth wuh a million dollar 5-24 Htntt, Orgtnt 5-28 Kwtujfint tjul't BEAUTIFUL Sofa. blut. antique frame, Bkr 655 6911 655 4623 arge. $85 Negotiable 'V3-ia70 loumy rroretrion naming lor iwie business Aise pnvefe framing Member BBB 848 2600 OK lav iiNNWWO I tw $150 Antique tte-cert ,100. 585-7975 KIMBALL Mimaturt Grand Piano.

$500 MONTEREY HOTEL view Beautiful 2 Hs. 7 baths Near shooenna 8 country club Pool sauna TOWNHOUSE unfurnisned 2 bedroom a DEEP fat Fryer, double basket, auto FEDERAL GUARD DOGS Oit CM Ae las ess 655 2691. 582-0135 matic. $175 17 new Menus with in. encts.

pool. 1240 nwi 7ti Home Protection Docts club Ivhivs Yearly lane O0 mo Call Open tet'y I JO a jocv 0e (ntifE? content going to tt hiqrunt KING Sua bed. Stria, lika ntw. SI25 Modtm king sira walnut haadboard OBEDIENCE TRAINING CLUB Of Peim Beach County sorts. price $13 967 3527 5664697 965 9493 lh IA tn Meefcerxts appwi BROWSE THROUGH THE LARGEST SHEET MUSIC DEPARTMENT IN PALM BFACH 60 746-3881 45 J13 ENGLISH Springer Spenie' Puppy female.

Beginner 6 edvanced lessons by quatttitd 5-34 Umrn ft $wp(iHi A4 USED Furmturi Oil Whl4Gold instructors 0P3-oav4. V0S-6PSU PECKY CYPRESS WOOD PANELING s'w, regis'erec. en snu's iw nrsi COUNTY SHOP HARRIS MUSIC COMPANY. 206 CLEMATIS ST WPB, 655 3207 $70 Prov dining stt with china. 4 mos old CAMERA.

Vashica I24G. excellent 965 92 10 Asmr Sam' Res PNxie 146 2Z3J ANOfRSON 6 CARR IW XAIIORS. S2 01 Phone 6.13 1 66 OLD Port Cove Aitmiralty 2 bedroom 2-hath luvury apartmenf unlurnishtd 844j32fvefnnjs 644 StKV 2HR iA A (ARPII "it fjTlIM 0A l4iTMO00 M.iis. e'fei lejje tireerwd pa'-e ItKei .0 venstnl ebi IV e'eirrsfr'ii. 'k-'t edu't 14114 Cicttitnt cona irunaie twos; rr.

rruv SHELTlE. AKC. I male Bweeks. $150 9676919 4-14 foultry Suppli8 btdroom oitcts. walnut btdroom piaces Anfmut cniir).

feib'M 5-35 Spfttng li Parsons tablts. bamboo and olf PRECIOUS AND FEW are these Hime- GAME CHICKS Ian Roundhted beauties. SI $4 683 6961 ReVurnt equipment nd ir condition-fv complete bed'oom $gitw 4nky lawn furniture and plants hf. dry- rocksr: marbltiltd woodtn mantel lavan kittens. Champion sired Reserve SKIS, boots, poles $50 30 30 ammo.

$5 BRUBAKERS HAVE ON DISPLAY 2 EXCELLENT NAME BRAND HAM REALTY 204 US I. N68JJ60S THIS Weeks Speciei Pneron Oueils. Good chaise trestle table yours now tninjjs6jo.4UV i ItDtOUW snt.rtished ce'pe'eO toe fet'itje'e'o a- 'a' S.Mt ous No pes Nea Iee0e'e et M) 314 5 7ift Traps. $2 666-537 lens chrome mirrored tnd te complete poo equiOTnt In tawt. AKC DGBERMAN Puppies, champion Von 4-U pt8.

Uk6 Prh GOLF Clubs $1 Full set Spalding top chests, dressers; single 8 double evfffythinn rtd 635 C'emj'H tligflf. 3 POP-4VI 3 SE 0()M 2 hai" cable TV Hay bloodline Parents on premises. Re-serve your puppy now $'50 586 511 1 Street WPB everyday Ask 1 pools beds. Baker cotteo leoie. mirrors; oer den stools, coder wardrobe; washer GRANDS; 1-STEIN- fetmg test growing $1 25 etch with purchase of 20 birds or more 793 2723 6-ljFj6rinJLIvitoli PiGS 6 weeks- wormed, boars.

$25. sows $30 968 7195 ish'ed tennis cou'ts (' tau'tes 4 eef'se m.rf11 MOOf IN UnVn III Apt I4, Ti )C4 Cennal (3 bihs o4 Sovthn, bet 0 ta Ii One) I33-44W) SOU'HltiCKi. APtV A( fun On me Lee Seasonal ea'ty 83J 5093 7 bedroom, ceotrei iheg w.ik-m closets, etectnt kitthen. en closed petto, hookups wesAo d'rer La'oe va'd Pets a.v acreeue behind i tS VliH Oei-ej, eve. BRIERW000 APTS OeiuM I Furn Shag carpet tUtXhuvt d'apes.

A-H. Scr porcti. on tenrxs. pool. Adu'ts No pe's 16th? foda Uango Apt Open 96S4.V3 N( ufurn.shed A.r-reai 5JI 7fh Street 517 ii X)WNT0N "meture "cowp'e vri turn near bus.

rtwuet A' so tutn tS REMINGTON 30-06, model 742. euto- aruel near iwin L.fy wan fto pars. tor Bed Hughes I 10V.1 orefer adults 1st last, security S26S BEAUTIFUL black Belgium Shepherds metic. $150 967-5544 J. Jit MAK( Ofter.

smQ'e beds, couch, thai mned with Aesxen Meumute 6-weeks dryer comb mahogany carved dressing table, home desks, lawnmower; purple leetner chair; stereo tape. 2-spkrs. sofa end tab'ev water bed wicker couch, gas lR '9 WAY AND THE OTHER ONE A MASON HAMLIN. GOLF Clubs, cart 6 bag. $120 65-3999 622 2322 626 0822 fllRNlSHID 3-cwdroom.

2-rvath car' pet yard 6 garage first last 8326S6 ii. m.ste linwiri ago jjim 22HIAD Younq Srock Cows and Heifers. Srb but close to tfopp-ng you -v" WEIGHTS and barbell, complete 14 piece BEAUTIFUL AKC Registered Germen She-pherd Pupp es Cnempionship Bloodlines GOLF iooky farly centu'y $1 SO Florida crossbred mosUy black, some havt ca ves 6262697 btd, tamps, brass 8 iron bads; IB7I bamboo bed 8 large mirror; miscaila-neous unk 8 some good things. 2540 So Military Tr 96 5-7698 Stt JU 386 JU4 967-2000 I BR Unlmn ww (A disnwasner d'S- BOTH OF THESE BRANDS WERE MINNESOTA Fat's regulation sue Pool Oi STUD Service Yorkshire Terrier. AKC Table, all equipment.

$100 965-9429 Georgia. 4635 Southern, B'd WP9 N-tRlHtUP RIAltT AitilSS IRllM MART 7-Financial es t.niest sues 966 4205 ALL Brand New Simmons 72" Hidt-a-bed $350 Custom Rattan Lattice Card sue table. 4 upholstered chairs on casters MANUFACTURED pnwl near lake 6 shopping Adults. Vrly 2I Aval April lsl84506 SIAIIIIIULLY" turn "1b CA WW iishwasher disposal near lake 6 shop IUNK BHi Dorlab'e dishwasher HOOKAH diving rig (portable), 3HP engine 9rtm compressor at I20psi. 25 $25 REWARD lor information leading to pool refrigerator.

7-piece dinette PRIOR TO WW II, wnreeoours or iwo t-monrn oio 7-03 lotfntu Opporiunftiti BfAUlV SALON fifioUtnrtiiKTOd lota- TIRED Of LOOKING? READ THIS sei i Aiier ifw IJ5 White sfrato Lounger el5 co*ck, teil table, modern chroma aiass $100. 8JJ66V 147 7151 gallon holding tank with quick release fittings, 100' nylon impregnated plastic hose with demand regulator New, never pincj Adults Mmiy sou Available Vanh Srh 64S 06S6 biack 'wm lemeie Shepherds stolen from Wtiitekar P'umbmg Co of ARE IN SURPRIS- SllW for pool, queen sire $7S or best chest on chest inlaid Burl chroma brass flAGlllTowtlS 1401 HAGLtl ion Southend WfB Taste'uiiy deco-a'ed Three we sta'torn Information lariast selection of ren'a'S in Ja oner, ceoar cnesi, au ov ju Palm beach 684. 1 24 I NGLYGOOD trim $100. Etagere 120, Chevalier Mir. 2 6fORCk)M furnished Inquire before used 1WU rvton-fri 6-4 BJ-t-wrp on stand $50.

Walnut Valet $30. fdutwa'er view of Pen Ivasit, Oe'uie onty io trtosf 'Th capiat end sincere SCHNAU2ER Puppies female only. AKC pm ar aaa roresrena ur JUNIOR Ping-Pong table, new, complete. RfCONOlTlONFO stoves washers dry. rs.

J6S Com opefated commercial waihers. $I2S Gvarnteed dehyeied $75. walnut bullet 'erest Alter a wrr. ai' wa Original painting eoisieredUil afar fv 6SY-6664 1AI iasn only 3QO-J3 OOO-JU AKC Germen Shepherd puppies, block I URN nr unlurn 76R 2BA cent AH ww shaq. sc oven relr.g dishwasher, div prrsai 30 terrace overlooking 5 miles of AUTHENTIC WWII P38 German Automatic fUlNTsMi'DT roonrtiean.

prua'e. adui's. ti St 6B3-1006 LAvVN Servtte and 'anduap1. Stuift. Port Lie i Well esteoT.shed ac-courifs.

includes truck. freier and all Houses terms dupreves 6 apts eve-y arsvi 6 fica rage to rwe tuut buttga We specalia fc-it N-j tituation too ditficwit Oyer lOOCMJ srara de i.a i f'as leei'er Can unied tea UNiTID IfAi EiTAtl OP(N 7 OAVS AM 7PM 3304 So Du Hay l'66 with holster, mint condition 844-999 and tan Pedigree 26 chompions. 4 Grand Victors. '6 ROM Superior quel. ino.

hne for practice SIMMONS Beeutyrest full-sue bed with headboard and frame. $150 Hoover up right vacuum cleaner. $35. 965-3446 afte Worth 3 minutes from shoppinQ SHAPE. THEY MOST ASSUREDLY WILL MAKE SOMEBODY A MARVELOUS INSTRUMENT FOR MAMY YEARS TO USfO Spinet 666 009? aied ma equiprrtent MSOO Can 'eyrn invest AT THE LANDS tiearhes 200 dork with privileges JB6-I666 RENE' Pierre FooS belt coin operet chine Excellent condition.

$195. Firm ment 3-4 months. ZBJ-V45 CA BURGLAR AlAfiMS INSTAllfD WHILJ ouiri no pars oao jrsj Of TH( PRfSiMNT I leroom. I ba'h AKC 1R1SH Setter Puppies, females. $75.

DOUBLE BEDS Good clean boa spring 8 84 5 8749 VOU WAtT LOCKSMITH SERVICFS ales $100 968 4566 10 IRR or 2tlR I BA unfurn ww shag mattress eJ5. Mines, rvj-uiji. LAUNDBOMAT, Forest Hill and Comj'ess ata grosses 17 7 000 683 1379, alter Luury Tower 15 th floor tmte (htjmpfonsh'p Golf Course Seesori NORTHWOOD 90 B32 I608 SALE D.mar 100 Ammn green 20SV $39 80, Carolina POODLE Puppies, small oy. AKC. beauties Shots, wormed, paper trained Sil TuiW M4JBU CARPET.

Georgia. 4-13 Mh POOL Table condition enuinped kitchen AH Irom $165 746 8744 8450101 ONLY' ONE LEFT 2 led mom 46J5 Southern Blvd WPB $279 Gl 45 ball IScts round Gl 223 COP L'duor License. Pa'm fteaitt ver i black 965-1161. (if AN Laroe 2 bedroom, close te town COME, AND ARE HONESTLY PRICED COUCH, $35, Rug. $20 Both in very good County jSO 0O0 Cash 676-7764 833 0439 take edvanteoe of this pr.ct reduction SLfNDERELLA Wdsuge fxerciser Cost AKC YORKSHIRE

mala. lOweeks. condition ve by IB entn 5rreet. IP. or can wer SI 000 Must sefl J20G 737-496? St NAVE 1st fXPffflENCE shots.

Cell 644 4924 Days. 626-6909 WE HAVE MANY CROSS CREEK rou BUY or SELL your IUSINESS QUALITY Furniture French Provincial rattan, sleeper sofa, bookcase. Oriental ball. IBcts round SMITH 8 WESSONS Mod 59 9mm auto I new $299. Mod 1 9s, 2.V5'64".

blue 6 nic (used), $17 Mod 60 38 spec (newl. $199 Gl 30cal carbines, $149 Gl 45s. $199 Wr handle a full line of Smith 8 Wei ghts Manager 847 308 1 2 EtEllROOM I bath will wall carpet, no BOOK SALE PRE-OWNED OR Call let discuss contdenitily puppies 7 weeks old, $50 each carpets Keasonob'e 5H6-5VJ BULL dog 793-9170 1st National Busnest Brottars Save up to 70. thousands to choose lease smgie or family accepted $1 Good condition. 761 Lake Blvd NPB 845-6006 SOFA.

Custom 84" mimiMy 645 1775 trom. hbros de tsoanol Ueot 41 GREYHOUND, perfect for anyone must $115 968-4664 Farmer Market tOSlSI Young proven tlonst in repidly WATERfRONT have love $35 Atiernoons. 588-4162 GANS, CHECKED FROM STEM TO STERN PRICED FROM $95 TO $2495 MAGIC Chef II cu It refnoerator Delightful Rental (nmmunity lg Rms. son all models We have the best prices in town We also need merchendist will buy 8 trade guns. Dick 6 Harry's Pawn Shop.

515 Clematis St 833-6777 BEAUTIFUL 2 piece sofa 8 chair $149. Terms UNITED FREIGHT SALES, 908 Park Ave Lake Park. $150. like new Mini Aqua stifi. used g-owng iin, reasonebif priced.

Reply Po Times BoW BOB NfW Ctrimic Shoo Must sell due to ill i US turn unturn All feelures in. BEAGlups. 9 Weeks old $75 $100 968-6247 once $175 1 Water pump. $50 Iciudmq lg pool Realistic Puces Golden let 500 outboard motor, price LOST a pet? Want to adopt a dog ot DYNA-Gym isometric exerciser brand new. never used.

$150. 968 6247. ness Have large clientele 96S-37M For appoint nent Want your dog or cat spayed or optional. 04Q.UV6 WE ALSO HAVE JUST RECEIVED 2 WHITE Provincial twin beds, box springs mattress, double dresser, night table. $200 Automatic dehumiditier, like ntw, $40 Call 9AM I2 844-2167 neutered, but are financially unable? Ammel Rescue League.

2401 Tamarind DOUGHBOY Pool, like new. Complete. 964-0608 WESTEfiN Store (artier SeeHy. 683 3913 VINYl no-wax any residential kitchen $69 95. any residential bath $39 95 on smooth floor Carolina Georgia.

4635 An adult village of Modi'errarteert gerden apartments country (lub atmosphere itxmdmg pool and irge clutViouse One bedroom to three tMdroorns, int'udina cerpMna custom drepes ft cable 'V Pe's ahowed from 1775 to $355 monthly CROSS CREEK Between Palm Beech Mall and the President Golf Course 1 500 Congress Am IfL 686 4127 An quel usin Opportunity UPSTAIRS. I bedroom furnished? 1 28' Avenue 833-5692 NAME BRAND SPINET PIANOS THAT fOR sale or long farm lease Restaurant KING waterbed. frame 3 Months old. 10-year guarantee $100 964-3415. Southern Blvd WPB MALE Basset Hound.

AKC 7 Months MEN'S 8 Ladies used golf cfub bargains, also new club bergains. Lucerne lakes Golf. 967-6810 $75 Alter 5PM 588 4710 I'tHP Flint wal'ino Pumo new 5HP cocsran lounge pocnege store usi rr. Pierce Jor appointmentjaM 2-46 -5630 50 OFF WE ARE PRES 1 YEAR old Apricot Miniature Poodle No Hahn eclipse riding mower 586-2906 Seasonal, Annual A mre place to live LAKE PARK APIS 901 lAKfSNtltf 08 842-1581 7hR IfIA PRIVATf PATIO LG AT IN KITCHEN OlltSlOS STORAGE A'C ASK ItIR NANCY 842 7605 JIM GRAHAM RE-AIU)R204 US lNPfl GARDEN APTS Compare large 3EIR 2t)A (70S $215 IB Apts. $175 6 $185 Cirpered AC Garbage Disposal No Pals 645- 6460 BIG NICE UNFURNISHeF 7BR AC TREE 1 M0 642 9770 AMERICAN CINEMA OfEERS ENTLY CHECKING papers, all shois Sacrifice.

$75 Before BRAND new dttp sea boat rods SIS-S2S. 968 8247 WftklY Bursal 66ytsOee" tail ueK edioming W-xm A.e Sun es. turnisrar) unenetre 655 5' SUN 4 SURE unusual otter 7 ivr lurriisnad Subiai in utaanl'ont bulg u-il ISovemtiti I at ba'jia-n price ot llir) rir montn leioe I cane'' bie ap' ule Real Istere 324 Rutal Pam Wv. 659 3468 Dabb.t Rubin Assca 565 115) NEtt beautiful soerious 2 bedroom baih auarimenis Atauabie for v-1 monifi Pool 6 remai'un mom i lated directly on Inliatuafial pi 0'- ale access lo Ocean fuir-'trwtl teavn ais monttily a'so rraneti'e a' Stlu iwr monlh Rental office Vuinf'i 9.105 weekends by appt only 3546 5 UVe I vd 566 767) A bMcj 1M 26A lurn or unlurn No iw aevf ie-n ur stU S45OO0 lirm 566 6696 Rt A'iONA8lf rata depandaria raariy lenant Small etlitientt. secia-a's bed room 655 6599 fUUN unlurn 82 badrm span metus on Austral-en I A.a 2 bim.ks Irem Ocean Parks.

8" 655 691 I Ives 655 467) RtMTlNCi Neil winter season! fumshed apartments Oiean biocs Serme up norial 832 1416 I BEDROOM apartmenl rfi pai'0 par lially furnisfied, on Pe'Uvien 69 4476 65W45I3 SAl RlflCt -lieeutiiul spat'Ous 2 bed roon. 2 bath, tompfatelf lurrnsned lake lowitrs April UtlOfjor Call! HAM 5 7PM 659 5)75 LuIuRiOUS I lt.icxM CARPfT, gold, I2'I7 and pad, $50 or FURNITURE SALE We have soma furniture in all dtpts that we have priced to sell at '-5 price Bedroom, living rm. dining rm. occasional tables, lamps, chairs, etc. while they best Dinette table.

$75 686 0514 Manaoement type sufperb opportunity RIDING IAWNM0WERS BUY AT A OIS IIT5I RUN Mi)Vlt5 Hotes, Moieis. OUT RECONDI-TIONING AND WHICH WILL BE 10AnVorjtter oPMDeayJ'TOaj SHELTlE (toy" Colhe). Champion fine Loves children, $125 968-0416 MA'lIESE puppitsrmala, AKC7 SIOO tach 844 5103 BRUNSWICK Reguletion pool table. 5 x9'. Hentege.

never uncrated, pool cues, slate, all attachments. Retail $2000. asking $1200 655-4374. COUNT OVtRSTOCKfD, NFfO ROOM 526 Condos and Hosp FANTASTIC MOVIE IN OUSIRY Some terr still avail Immedi- last N0RIHW00D RDWPB J32-I608 le cash llow NO SILLING J9500 Se SUN FLRNITURE 361 1 Dixit WPB HI) tN I7HP Iraitnr witn 47 mnir eludes utilities Also Seperele tftKiency, AVAILABLE FOR cured Investment For into, ot appt call $555; 5HP riding mower. $145.

lurn.shed. 125 844-8591 CARPET moss 30SY $59 70, Carolina FEMALE Dachshund, I -iter old, likes children $50 622 31 30 305) 293 7285 Or 647 1112 al 140 Mr 75 BOTTECCHIA Professional Bicycle 26" lawn mower. $40 All in good condi 793 1176 lake ANYTIME Georgia, 4635 Southern Blvd WPB. LAKESHORE Pl4ie Luvury Apis I 268 SALE THE EARLY PART OF NEXT 4-11 Imcit FREE Beautiful, fuiry, black-white kit- frame, all parts Campagnolo, txctlltnt condition. $450 Carpeted, Dishwasher, Cemrel AH VENDING MACHINES FOUR Modern upholstered vinyl dining or also poodle Veterinarian certified KING Sue bed.

$175 Dining lent. fURNISHfD Cottaoe. I Bedroom. AC, occasional cnairs, eou. 303-ajoo.

lalousie door. $20 Accoidion. $25 Vocinated. Will neuter 622-67B0 Adults 6 ChdrencwtrJ666 4057 NORTHENO 2 bedroom, rurnisherj. Air, LADY'S 10-speed, like new, $50 585-4060 near Shopping Ctnttr 659 4180 ike brand naw Set up tor Cookits 8 andv 5 Macn.nes $550 737 4969 AMIIY Restaurant in fast growing Stu 6671 AKC Pekingese Puppies, $75 After 4PM, 622 8440.

pais I205lease ltJV. water healer EFFICIENCY Apartment last Blue Heron Weekly or monthly 844 6615 3-SPEEDS. good condition, $35 NEW Large deluxe solar $300 686-2176 URNlSHfO I -bedroom. M5 monthly if BEAUTIFUL Custom mida Black marble formica table, 52x18x30" high. Brand new $85.

967-7194. QUEEN Sue bed. $85. lounge chair. $65.

Both good condition. 4225 45th WPB, Cot 6-10 swing set, iu V63-VU3. art area 20 increase over last year. S35 0OO Alter 5PM 334 3502 Jensen Beach AKC SMALL Toy Poodles, paper trained, shots, $100 844 DELUXE I. bedroom, lurnishwd.

East Blut c*nty 650 convenrent locet'tn ny SWIM pool distributor must clear BICYCLES SKATEBOARDS 9465 stock of huge new above-ground pools Complete with fitter, tehee, decking. All No Chi All Ui, 8150 Month. Herrin. 844 8056 'bedroum, fully carpeted, verf nice Adults only 622 7608 NEW 6 USED ELECTRIC or PEDAL POWER GASOLINE STATION fOR UASI IN WP. 683 5855 IDEAL ESTATE DOGS beeuftful Bouvier Oes Flendres Become best Guaids European dren.

689 6668 etc Full price including installation listino Good Retail business in GENUINE dark Rattan sofa. 2 months old. grttn 8 gold Herculon print, $295. Must buy sola bed 655-3794. $650 Financing availabl Call Mr.


WHEN IN fURNISHfD I bedroom cottecie adults. PALM BEACH PEDALER. 833-4292 440 Royal Palm Way. Palm Beach hampion line. Miami 895-5698.

NEW nicely furnished I bedrobm I'ti nency Apt Near Park 1155 415 846. Dour collect 13051 585 1716 oats $135 monthly, yearly 644- AltriKtively furmsned puut cwtrw TV. AKC LAB jjuppies, available March 20th. busy Northend location Inventory A flv-lures 120,000 Tolal pnea 878,000 For mora information call 622-9313. 626- puy-stn-i rtot-xenT-aorvico 4511, 663-3364 4994 HEAVY duty paper bike, good condition, $40; Buescfter Clarinet, excellent condi 125-B150 622 9675 after 5.

AOULT 3-wheel Columbia bike. Cover sees mai yearly adults, oft Plain 6)2 2)56 nque Rocker, $75. Miscellaneous $5-810. 607 APTS 45 WK RMS 8DA UP PUREBRED Srrewteil Boston Tamers, lock, practically new. 865.

622-1698. 64-J66V. lion. $95 626 3436 fURN 28R duplei. AC Children accept able 1185 montnly56634J4 3 ROOM IHiiency Cempitteiy'Turnished! fUlM apts to suit any budget ennual UWI fnr ...1..

rk.l Ij 25No papers btl Pno! TV nr hrfi I 2BR nKt I tlr mo sets good condition, SIAUTllUL Lara Park Shops to be com-bleted ar jund September I Now 60 FULL Sire couch, rustic orange in color CARPET, blue, 65 $65 689-0175. GREAT Dane, AKC. black, months, ears dren 683-0718. uooo conqition a3 646 145 week 1180 month New fork Kelly H6 yV Srti 844-1 8 1 Riy 2 BfORCKlM iurnished. mortem eased a remaining tow sq.

ft. stores pped. shots, loves children. $150. 663- Sirtoi aree 967 7254 BOY'S New Motor-Cross Bike $50.

Estey NfW Kitchen cabinets, some seconds 1465 monthly Located on busy US 1. 185 CARPET grass $2 95 per SY, Carolina Georgia. 4635 Southern Blvd WPB. i parking, near bridge many sues and colors 967 7030 after IB-cnoro organ iu 67-644j. blocks of Twin City Mall in Town of (tty rml 1 1 IS5 I'S IU t2S0 8425 26R S4(U unlurn S425 luin 61)0409 19 )l DJDlril DROOM vicinity W-irih A.anua yn LARGE 1 BORM GERMAN Shepherd puppies, purebred, monthly Lease 6 security 645 2610 6PM 6 all day weekends 24x48" PICTURE, beautiful scant frame, never used.

$60 683-27B3. FrullB, Vtf tibl6 75 Males 6 Females 689-9243 OUR STORE, ASK Lae Park Joe f.nch, 648 9753 SMALL Gross 200 000 WHEELCHAIR bedside commode, two foMPifmv 27m si ri, kSunthly Season To sh ctll Jim, 642 Compieteiv turn, best So Olive location, ar, d'apes. carpeted. welkn tioset pri- walkers, miscellaneous items 586-7608 ABOUTOUR SJS.SOO further information: FtMPLc oranges grapetrui bushel $2 683-3948. 968 -7465 10 PIECE dining room set, fruitwood, Thomaiville.

$750 After 5PM. 746-37B1. AKC PEKINGESE. Mele, 6 months $100 Beautiful white male. 4 years.

Good suid. $150 Best Oder 648-7068 4B57 N.cjfils B4y trvss fata perhira Adu'ts nly. no mis frhr lease 1 5 9 So 0 Ae Sea Wr Go 6221873 RENTAL PURCHASE THE POST TIMES Will NOT BE RESPONSI BLE FOR MORE THAN ONE INCORRECT IN lui mstied joeiij 655 I4M9 vkfclK 1 block to beech giwery jg StCte, bus S'UP resraurantS I twdrivirv apt unturnisned 1275 5-45 PUntB. TrwB ULPTURfD nails The largest growing mn. Apt No a IftlCIENCV Apartmenl East Blue Heron Weeklvor MonlMy846 4610 miOllV laru I kaHrmm PLAN WHICH IS AS business today Profits high, investment GERMAN Shepherd pujfpias.

standard No papers JSS-Sl SERTION IF AN ERROR APPEARS IN YOUR AD, PHONE THE CORRECTION INTO OUR FURNISHED ar conditioned 1 5-S65 968 5890 BEDROOM Sale-Beautiful 4-piect sets. $189 to $229. Good selection, many while sets available Terms. UNITED FREIGHT SALES, 906 Park Ava, lake Park. We supply everything needed in ft we have short term lernais Oai y.

FAIR HONEST AS GERANIUMS. Begonias, large, vines. Or anga Daisy. Bleeding Heart $1 SO Each Rose. Seven Sisters.

$2 00 tech. 683 itter 5 30PM duple, neer everything ti0 ptua set near beaches shoppinq fatio $120 cluding training and locations for mora rift AMernoorn, iJJMT yViieai. mtnly seasonal BDOal'viVJI 8J3UJ66 OFFICt BEFORE 1 1 00 AM MONDAY -SATURDAY TO CAIL IN YOUR CORREC TION PHONE 633 4031 month 6260687 THERE IS IN THE nrorme'ion can collect l-vacwvi I. 2871. ii, edulti on I HjfiNiSMfD I -bed.

EXTREMELY intelligent Shepherd mele. 4 months, AKC, $125 964-1451 Moving. AKC "GERMAN Sheoherd doos. it'weoks 5-14 Air Conditiemri I IIIOROOM fura large new'f Jc AREA. 4-19 Apfi P.

Itfh VhtYM 714 New Jersey Street Apart- ROYAL Palms-Pomegranete-Eil 135 Wenoneh Place No Pets, ment 2 7-UP Machine. 12 oi bottle. 25 slot, $150 844 1573 ered Unturnisned lurnisned iise 132 2983 VEARLY furnished 1 -bedroom One malt NOT OPEN SUNDAY old $150 793-1499. OCEAN MALL SINGER ISLAND JM 2IA UNf uftM oc-ean, SYortn Avenue aAonihiy Raasonebia 659 Iau6 PLANTS 10 cents $1 00 Many variel adult only 844 0 36? FAMILY sale now in oraaress An ooera. KC Toy eoncot black Poodles.

Pekmoese THIS IS THE its 713 Park Place, WPB 633-6620 RECONDITIONED Rm AC. 115 8 220-V Some rev cycles. All prices Guarantee An-Tel Serv 965-4780. 965-4761 14.000 BTU FREDERICH, reverse cycle. $135 18.000 BTU Fredench, reverse cycle.

$145 txceilem condition. 659-0422. 7 Vdes open to view, hvye rm ft iter tion concern. Thrift Stores 527 Clematis uppies. 4-20 A.

IB. Sinpr Ulan. aye. oesi eocerion privezy lerpv Jpening April 1976, 2 stores left, UNUSUAL Herbs and house plants, hang MONTH Toy Poodle, apricot. Male St 6 2401 N.

Dixie WPB 9 4 30PM 833-7681 it snop. oouriques, peeuiy soion, etc. ing oesxets. ruo Beiyeoete xoto Cent ir. pfiviie pertKng.

poo Trry ducad to (70S HV9I9Q. lSHU LORD'S DAY HONOR HIM BRUBAKER MUSIC CO 100 AKC. 967 8614 OCf ANtRONT luvunous. turnisneU fuliv equipped 2bedroom. 2bath pool.

II J7t SPECIAL on Aialias Sunday Tuesday, RiTIANY APARtMINlS 3575 5 OCEAN 61 VO HI lUIDRY 26 26A APIS WltH BALCONV FURNISHIO UNf URNrSHED IMMIOlAIi OCCLIPAM.V FE DOERS I8.0OOBTU $25, Wtstinghouse siS A ADULT 3-. heel bike. $50 2 door relrn erator. old but oood. $25.

metal desl I IfMOOM furmshed. ar. OMPlEIl Custom wood working 4 fn- Your choice. $1.29 Rivanna Nursery on sauna, under cover parking. 2 months or more 84452l.

310 GERMAN Shepherd. good with chil-dren. good watchdog Mother, child al- 5131AKE AVE LW 562-4975 6.0O0BTU heat 8 Cool $33 686-6643 $160 monthly Street Season er yeety 'urt shop Gross ovtr II 5 000 Ah tgutp- roisom no in loxanatcnee. rvj-noa 24x42. $35 Hand truck.

$35 2 chests ot drawers. Sears Rotary lawn rQ'C. SIUV V6B iWV Alter 6fM WUH leMO af ADMIRAL Air Conditioner, 1B000BTU, OUR 36TH YEAR PALM BEACH COUNTY OLDEST ESTABLISHED MUSIC HOUSE 6UGHT Resistant coconut palms. We have 20000 stock Cans and field 586 5453 585 7996 mtnf running and better then new Seller can guerentee a profitable gross Unique opportunity tor quahfitd buyer. Asking 125.000 Terms fleaible 6r oners mower, and grass catcher, $45.

50 ft wire fence plus posts, $25 Thomas Or ON LAKEFRONT Vetv emctre. fulte caroeed. I I $70 B45-642I RCA WHIRPOOL 22,000 BUT. $50 659 3133 grown, $10 up 565-001 1. jan with built-in record player, plus flJtNlSHED loom Stud.o.

tir hti. weeklj innihljieirlvl)2 821 BIAUTIfUllV furnished I 2 bedroom neer ocean Week month, season 2638 Leke 842 80l WV V8w3ronm furnished t'ondV) 'or I or 2 edulis Oraanlront Veerly 842 2245 PM weekends832 W43dej 6IDtvJOM' "furnished overlooiirsa lake GERMAN Shepherd Puppies. AKC. champion blood lines, perents excellent Guerd dogs 6 Both on premises Assorted colors $175 737 5038. 586 9595 WAN1E0 Doberman "plnscher, female, housebroken, good home.

Post-Times Box room, I bath unfurnished apt Centre. iquiries inyireo oes OWT 5-47 tVUttflilB REVERSE cycle I2.000BTU, good condi fating teke worm. wrh la da list, ep- 1150 per me else enge arga speexer ana oencn. aiw riaypen and complete crib. $40.

833 5961. DAY Care 6 School. 6 wks -1st srada. ORGAN SALE Complete inventory iust over wholesale. FARFISA KAWAI Fully guaranteed CHAFIFJ MUSIC CENTER htavv duty weatherproof TEMPORARY tion, $75 In afternoon 642-5471.

ft Dooi tnn weO Mtvned cony ptrmif tor 90 children 644 5566 existing switch gttr. Phont Bob Stanley existing 6J? 1671 793-1705 5-16 TV Hi-FI Sttft) IRASS bed $90. iuj rery quiet high-rise buiidino for me'ure eoV.i only No children No pen SS- Worth fishrnci pier (41164 GO in business for yourself Coffee and uprigl 835 I Si A 1 IRACTlvTlY lurnlihecfTlkerlTim Apt" 185 ith attachments. $60 608 Dixie LW 585-4641 A. registered.

Persian kittens, one uonut snops available in a locenons PANSAONIC AM-FM stereo, rtctivtr and 2 JALOUSIE windows, 50x36, with glass iior TV. seesontl yearly, edu'it 655- a-11 Mm bWi I0OJ unfurmshed. a-r-heleMj Trem. new. $20.

ret uner $25 Only 15 000 deposit for derails, call turntable, 2 speakers. $75 689-0971 CHILDREN eecn. tep-joa. a 2 726 t-3386 Indientown bt- rvvurpny jsed baby bed. $15.

Avon bottles. $3 i sv-j Need music Rent a piano for your home NEW Weltron Saturn 2001 Space Stereo. ment to I9S tlS first iet 94 HAVE 3 and 4" pipe tnd littincn. $25 male. SIOO, one lemele, $'S 9.

5PM 622 4600. Evenings. Weenonds 842 8 504 GO'OfN Retrievers Precocious qualify, heelthy pups 1st Shots. $125. 967.

NORTHINO. I turn. Died A'C. dean convenient to shopping 4 bus 8125 PM 5PI UUUlVitE I bedroom I A batti areen. ween 9AM Itch 659 764 $15 60 per month Call today CHAFIr AM-FM 8-trKk Headphones.

Etc. For a 7V37 after WW ront luvury apenmont. I tapeaurt. $15 tach, availablt at grtatly rtduced prices. Also some Vs" and galvanited monrn voe-isrv MUSIC, 608 Dixie, LW 585-4641.

RESTAURANT and lounge in Boca Full Ii-rensa Like new Cosl 1230 000 Sacrifice PARTLY furnished Adults only nt pets ACE 2300 CB Radio Good condition with antenna. $135. 626-6630 boat, car, home, only used 3-times. I titul $75 firm 622-1911. 566 4716 105 SAO 40' KIMBALL Baby Grand capie, aw, aau Ebony Origma can ea rjrs 6526a6 ADULTS Owner excellent condition.

$1750 626 MAGNA VOX 19' Color TV and stand SALE ill 4x6 sheets $8 each Ola 11-24 fim lci 585.000 Boca 39J 4107 between 102PM BUYING a Business? We heve over 5000 THE POST TIMES WILL NOT 81 RESPONV WEIMARANERS AkC. 9- "i weeks, heel'hy chamDion bloodline $185 2248 Ware 3982 Good condition $7 5 586-65J6 Junqut Barn. S28 I6lh St .8 WPB 632 HI FOR MORE THAN ONf IteCOtRtCf Ikt HAGUE Chromt with 5 glass sue! vis lold bird cage, like new $9 58 5 4421 WALLPAPER CloseourSciubbeblo vinyl. 12 49 RR 4 uo in slock Browns Wall $115 NO LEASE 683 1257 listings Cell tor brochure SELLING PAttiClAN loutn ween yw lanuj. I.

bedroom canvertibie 7 Dome Smertiy 6802 PIANO Everett honey walnur 19 RCA Portable TV. Good condition, SERTION IF AN ERtot APPIARS IN YOUR an estnaii tms rottfc finer into Out Business? Try us largest. Shot contemporary style, like new. $895 622 RED60NE and black and tan Hound pup $35 Dehumiditier, 835 633-3380 ROUGHSAWN Cr press, Ctdar.

Redwood u'n -srwd, leasenai jeer ij)t woods. 742 US J. NP6 842 5 769 464 soper. 2120 Broadway. Riviera Beach.

OffKI Iff 01 II 00 AM MONOAY pies. ju apiece, gooa nunring steca lumber, and Plywoods for txttriors SYiVANiA color TV 23" Console, excel CONCRETE Pre-cast 6usness Commerciel -24 A li Uk eVfHl SATUROAV 10 CALL IN YOU COMIC 940 J4V4 SOHMER KAWAI KOHLER 8 CAMPBELL ttriprs Sawmill prKts Saddltr-Whilttl lent condition. $200 686-39 1 OflN DAILY 9AM 7M Roomy quiet turn apt in tdvtel location Smqies or couples welcome Air, heat REAL (StArt ASSOC 659126 PAi RlOOf ARTS -fXXx" TlON PHueaf 633 4031 CABIE PIANOS new and used at CHAFIN sey woods. Boca jvi-icoi. REGISTERED female Pug seeking regis CHEST type traeier, Admiral.

$150. Oar 6 2 MOeiJljMl 6 Ige eftKncies lurn 6 Residential Products All equipment plus some Inventory Will htlp with 6LK 8 White 8 Color TV S. $25 8 up MUSIC 608 Dixie. LW 565-4641 ntt. good conomon 5 V03OJ4 reo male fug for breeoing purposes 3-763-2504.

Okeechobee, after 6M Mini Bargain pern, tan iroeqway, up. fURNISHfD 2 bedroom 2 bathi Levetront. near recreetien, Rttatr fArfiiy er hfng term tttale tff tvn ivrwh Office a'5 federal SIS some linenctno for Qualified buyer 5-44 Awnlfitji, DURING our recent salt. Bobbs took AUTHENTIC Freighter lanterns, kerosene 18500 Evenings AKer 6PM. Sunday All TEAC 3340 4 channel taot deck Mar.

DO-IT-YOURSELF l. annually 66 7771 MUST Sell Bnrtany Spaniel, malt Seen 07 cleen lurmsrwd I bed ream Sc. ami 1 10AM-FN tuner stereo Quod re. 2BR SCREEN PORCH VIE 1218 MO IAV 96V94I5 ALUMINUM awnings, new all sties made Ltay 6456610 ORNAMENTAL HORTICULTURE lice et J509669O3 Jveninjs many meior brand organs in trade Save money by taking advantage of our Buy Now Close-out Prices HAMMOND COUGAR $1976 aei Privete yard Up town Reasonable riess adui's 565 alM 562 6503 burning, solid Disss $90 each 586 2486 Baby crib, converts to youth bed, good mattress, $60 Baby changer, $70. new condition 686-0092 to fit your neeos.

scat type, tree otnv. ceiver. Under Warranty Koss quad headphones All excellent condition. 1-763 AKC Doberman. Warlock lines, 6 months Retail 4 Wholesale, over 25 Ma, or Dt ery.

fillings suppliea rrtt nomt esfi Old, 115 V6S 5U8 1197 Stuart, pertmenl Store Accounts 586-7461 metes evo wontv txampies aj-4X44 EARLY 190 monthly furmsned I be mm. genriemen III taarm is St'ee- $29 78; 40-tsx62 $36 21. 61 Registered Oelmelien Puppies range HIGH Volume Beauty Shop leniene area FOR SALE KITCHEN Cabinet, electric lishweshtr $100 582-0897 4 leer 9 7PM namoinn oedioree 8150 and under. VxS6" $58 64. Cell Souira Aluminum 1 MONTH FREE LAKEPOIMT VILLAS NEW MANAGEMENT take terms 964 2835 between 1975 19' GE Color TV.

$22 5 5857551 644 3616 1 yretd tea, cent AH, ww Mies 6JJ-4JW 1 1 AM 4PM VAM-SPM Mr timtlluce. attar 6PM 65mt 1st 6 sec 77 sj 84 MUST sacrifice mala Chinchilla Persian IOWREY IffNIE GfNIE 777 HAMMOND SOUNDER 388 CONN CAPRICE DELUXE 2595 CONN ClEC BAND 644 CONN 55? THfATERETTE 3333 HAMMOND 2 444 10WREY HOLIDAY 459 WUR1ITZER DflUXE 555 CONN 628 RHAPSODY 2995 WURLITZER PRACTICE CONSOLE 666 S-53 IBUdiliwrv tnuli't Weekends. Delrey 2766916. STUOlO couch. $40.

draperies, $20, steel shelves. $4. tan. $5. heeler.

$10, ladder, $15, 880, $5, miscellaneous 627-1911. WORLD Book Encyclopedia set. deluxe 4)l 426 )t! MUST SELL 50 586 7 '22 SYIVANIA 19 Color Portablt. excellent NAIIUT4AL Riding Mower, retl-typt. etYUIN II duple, ww carpet An Busy modtm, men barber end hair styl ino shop 6500 week gross.

Wave otter SHIPHIRD Pups. 6 weeks old Mi 160 females. teO Oeiray 272 1772 condition Sisn M4.I69I LAIIfRONI I. 2 JSVts pant tU. pttt ntavy-ou7 aiw voe- lese Itorth Can Caret 517 41 1 1 edition, parted condition.

$100 585 sheg carpet, cementtnt location close 1911 2" CONCRETE Pumas end trucks 1959 ow 1392 IACH3US ScentC ojuntt IMraieesrel I 8 AkC Puppies. Pocket Toy Poodles York- Good Used BAW 8 Color TV's. $30 8 up Discount orice on new RCA XL-I00 6 Ad. to Mall, 195 schools, unfurn from 8175 PAVILION PEOPLE LIVE POX CLU6H5I TINNIS COtf SPAIIOUS APARTMENTS CENTRALl ItXAIIO THE PAVILION 401 EIEfUtrvf (INTER 06 686-5300 Frod. 1965 Dodge, 1968 Dodge, 4-wheel fOR leese active auto wenno.

6 Me nj 26A tool, str pertb. rex rm, upper shire Terriers 737 3 549, 276 0914, Dal 66) 0670 Out 9 30 5 30 UTILITY TRAILERS. $75 6 UP 9653267 0PT1GAN 177 USED PIANOS FROM $145 drive $1500 each mirel TV We buy used TV s. Pope also leaa ertt unlurn 4 furn Yr 4 short chentcs work shop, btlray Appointment arms tan lee U'dena Nt 10. it I BIOROOM eiranaititntd furmtned apartment large wath-in dose 1150 net iv antennas by me Kir or installed Fret estimates See Pope for your an 5-5 MlKtllaitMui Ft Sal NORWEGIAN (Ikhound puppies (- Art 56406 GUN Cabinet holds 12 guns Or ewers, glass doors $100 967 2689 19000 ICF deem Shoe North county emely intelligent, patienl with chil- month 23 Conmtton Road 55 25)1 6x6 UTILITY trailet $150.

tenna neeos financing avail. Kope IV, "cieen I beoVoam Weeaiy grossrrw $15,000 year Equipment valued FStff OPfjAN CLASS LESSONS FOR AS LONG AS YOU LIKE EVEN 10 YEARS BOBBS PIANOS ORGANS HOME OF CONN 8 WURLITZFR vtry level 5 inampiorts in J3l-IUtn. A.vt LW, V03-3JJ. 6-760. unfwmtsha ar 87 5W.

terms tft.MAI Clown Ui rsSonttdy III4N federe' unfj 6PM mothers pedigree Males. t50 642- MM Jc. wan wall code rame 25 SMALL Console, beautiful color, RCA seat, tanltkng 746 2257 BATTERIES, Brand new blems. yr 2282 intracoasiel V-tw luvury Jeod xsn IF YOU RE GOING MODERN, sell antiques to eager buyers with a Post-Times want ad Dial 633-4031 HUTCH." $25 6eds. $30 each Air condi lxs run mil mu4.

ti.einn cnassis Perfect iu V69-um. ea Only lis yj tx anv car Rtcondi LOUNCjt with 4 0 rbusiness prc 1 both kcreenod eerie, wettr 1583 Military Tr WPB 666 7370 TOY Poodles. H0OII5O. also rvxvet silt fiontd $9 95 Ex. any car Top cash tor Palm Bnach Mall 689-7300 1 66.

AC. 1155 mo 4309 fhnwwte 6352655 anC tiny Vorhsnrra 66V-75I4 BREAKER BREAK I 8 see Pope lor Johnson C6 6 Kris tnttnnes Pope TV, 965- edge poo) 1215 monthly Averieb March unfurn air, hear 38655) any rtduced eJ5 uw lor ouKk i Wnlt Boi Jil lunks Palm Beech Pantries 683-6736 YORKSHIRE Tamer Teecup male. AKC. 10 3JJ7 BEE SUPPLIES OTiWOIOWN i laws I 'soma furnmnae) ut wears Shots Beautiful 677-1911 NOR I HE NO ferge I bedroom furmshed ClNTutY VflLAU 168 I 'iA avail April 1st 6eauf furn gacl ktctfion lew 744 tr.6ln.B8 0 pf le4 75" COLOR TV, $150 4800 Springlitld udina 11)3 Adui's $860 fx Steal desk. $46 SO Saft de posit boxes.

$15 ta up. What trucks. 659 7964 CHINESE loquet. other trees, plents, $1 20 Taste ripe fruit, beautiful shade 4779 Marguerite Rd olf Old Trail, WP6 Ronald Stelenik apartment adults. U5 monftiiy.

secu- HNAU7ER. mimeture, chemp.on lint. WILL PURCHASE TOUR 6USINESS SELLING OUT trrive ifrnow-riiu lrt2 summer retes aatruj $35 up 4 galv pipe, 50c I ft Tablt ry or jjiv for liquidation only or will licyuKlale Beetiful mai kings. Housebroken 50 833-1430 MUSKAT 9 Hatk tape deck, spoekera, tilftCHNCY prune locelien, adults, Ktili- saw. $36 50 Willy's.

25 23rd B6 I URNlSHfO apai FURNISKD. medium 2 bedroom garage apartment yeerly III 5, first on lest tmtnt, for rtsponsiblt Strntrs NO pets 646- AW-fM r3. 366 U4 es fuvn.shedria pa's 56627a6 samt MARSHALL CpREENf SAlfS orkino couple. GERMAN Shepherd pups, lemelet, 6 SHEETS. Outtn-tilt.

Iikt ntw 3 sets t5 month 655 4840 4216 lltACIIVI DUSYNIUSVSI, I todreom. weeks. 130 each 967-1276 set 966-4206 301 Broadway, Rivera Beach. 645-66H Our entire stock of new used pianos A or cwn, All li-Tyws make Babv Grands. SOLID S'ate.

AM-FM stereo with tepe deck 6 a ipeskers. reasonable 965 3523 NEW AND USED ICE MACHINES 2MD(tO0M lurn.shed ar. tISfreet rrmsned enclosed porcb ertund Hoar. NORfHINO Furmslwd I bedroom an. nt NICE 1HINGS HAPPEN when you shop tor SLATE top bumper pool labia, 865; China ncludts utility, adults, ptfs.

l9t) 7-05 InVMlsn'l OBMrtHfViliM Consoles Spinets must be sold by ard. mature adult 122 4179 7 months old. pets first last 6165 t'l BSR BIO TURNTABLE. $25 585 9632 pttsmjnt want aos inecs nowt Mom and commtrct! vm. Lareways.

cabinet, lju, rocking chair, 15. 746 644 4712. 6454645 war en ju uoerT prior sat 'FlCKNCY Aoartmtnf turrutnod. ftt ISO 000 INVESTMENT, all tr part. 15 1517.

LAafFRONT 5.7 ANOS 1200 tte Werfh Excellent condition. (org living 10 Mcintosh PORTABLE Produce Cooler. 16' lona I guaranteed return, emtrtiitd monthly (59 0 514 AOUtT 3 wnaeler aittlltnt cond'tton US RCA COLOR TV. $150 683 0379 Singles only from 1 65 mo furn. IJI5 5 FLACLER 0l Vf UN'uRNlSHf.

bedroc eree, $225 month. Street 6890141 116 wide. 9 months old price 761 8383 Refrigtrator, Umm $20 AK GOLDEN Rttritvtf pups, American-Canadian champion sired 8150 965- 0699 PUREBRED Mimaturt Decshund puppies. Ped-i-gret. wormed.

7 weeks, S60 689 8940 1IA clean I bedroom furmshed. SOUfHENO (est "lurn.shed IfT rompano 14 TRIPLE NET 79 694 995 1599 24P9 COMPLETE Stereo, top of line Sell all or part Cost $30M, sell $1,800 Car ste irttd or new PIANO WANTED Upright 7 61 CtROOM Defuae wall shag car eshly ptutted. 56 5 977 Alter tPM Air-CorHjitioned Parking let Rt 0IC0RAT08 OVERAGtS Of FINE CARPETS New Sptnets from New Consoles Irom New Sfudio Htvdmen Pteyer New Baby Grind Baldwin Butlt Grand Used Soinets from fast food we have ousting bido that Spmei I II pay cash 4 movt. pi net I ing. sneet vinyt oam.

kifcnon set- reo also Must sell 566-5937 832- chain will lease for 70 ers sponsiblt adults only III 5 860 deposit yearly 965 1979 659 7150 ft 2 5 maker dishwasher csrsposel eVeshtng 35 TO 50 Off lAll Ml RON Off, MR TODD 585 2558 2695 44 IVft tiom leeiteti Reel tstate, tnc, CI clean sparwus eftK 6 1 ta turn Ccerpef; reesonatieylee fedaral LUXE I btdroom unlurmsrwd "a.r goo4 Adults, nt ttHj 6140 Vatrhr STEREO compact AM-FM Stereo, 6-ireck tape player, BSt turntable. Includes BUNO or Visually Handicapped. Panasonic 349 mecnine. rentao yaro perw vrose shcingJekinj app'icet'Ons 660092 FJIICIENCY mA 'tuaYxm "eptrtmenl t-57 WanUti tvi Practice Pianos from 2BDRMS KIDS OK OPfN DAILY 7PA 7-09 ImI litttt LMfti 99 lime Announcing rnvxuvi siocx teoio. Cost.

$1 18. asking $65. Ustd 2-monfrss. 588-8232 large air suspension speakers $269 Terms UNITED FREIGHT SALES Park Ave, lakl Park 51175)7 ORGANS 729 Tuscaloosa Street 132 25 1 NEWSPAPERS. 70 CENTS Only I80 no last montti Small de 1ST-2ND MORTGAGES Cl AN modern fucely furntehed tptrt- lowrey Theater TOO lbs dalivtred to whse Iwus Citv GUITAR, ntw with use, $70.

Record $2595 799 ant ene black tram fjoH (ou'se Idetf HIE Stud Service St Bernard AKC Reg istered Want puppy 565-7445 attei 5pm. PLOT! Hound puppies. $50 AKC REGISTErTo Golden Retnever, IS months Has shots I25 663-7935 BIRD dog Puppies. 7-waeks'old? 825 689 3359 MINIATURE Poodle' puppios purebred AKC posit, cerpef. drepes, appJ, qsrnst rttiojh.

borhood UNITED RIAL ISIATI ASSOC nomas enyrnm olaver $10 Auto tow-bar. $50 Wat waste, iu3 tin ai wi-t single Veerl Ihomes Spinet ly eniy 11)5 raimwey 5j 855. It erbed., $15 Surt racks. $5 4 WHY pay retail prices for new stereos when you can buy like new out of pawn stereos tor a fraction of tht prict7 (Wt also buy ustd sttreosl Dick 8 Harry Pawn Shop, 515 Clematis St 833-6777.

WOODHAVEN VILLAS 4000 FOREST HILL BLVD 965-4444 IHurs 2 1306 So Div 659 3768 IMMiOIAU CASH 9676106 for all household furniture 8 btddtng fast nixfrgieta inautaiian reus, eesn. mx- Consol-date your b-l's. reduce your pey menti, frame. CIS. no mspettton ten First Securities 4 Loan Corp 7000 Irortwq.

tiv Ich 48 4331 MOtTGACUS bowohtft sold Avdoiph lerg nen, Uensed Mnge Iroher, 7700 for Hi Mtll etvd 64 ifoO Wurliter Spinet i Wurhtier Church 3 Baldwin Console rWMOOM Modern furnished, tir. park- 0 1 oast furniture 6uv-Stll-Trede BAM Tr.piei I 2-bodrtom. carpeted. DOUBLE Faced electric Appro. 7PM 1977 longrttS )66.

I -story unfurn cfupfev apt Utility ing Close downtown bus Monthly-yfARir Reasonable 659 1408 antral air heal, nt pen. 566-105 5-17 Stwlng Mjchlnn GOLO AND DIAMONDS maiely 14'. For information call 84 OSOS ejistered 5U 586 5 5J -m with washerdryer nook opt in ea esit Covered carport Water, tewer. rash remove! tncl Poof for residents Privatt-Confidtntiel 642 3081 SINGER ZIG-ZAG REASONABLE OFFERS ACCEPTEO DEALERS WELCOME LEGGETT BALDWIN S27 Clematis St West Palm Beach 833 0344 NEW bedroom, carpet ctntrtl air heal, large storage patio, beautiful, clost-in. Adults 6 586 2553 6J4 ICV99 LHASA APSO Puppies.

AKC rea.siared 3 females. 6 wk. old. I2O0 tt Ives 966 7715 CALL 582-071 l-Jay Used Furniture An KIRBY Clastic, like ntw condition. All at tachmtnts.

inckidinn ihtnspoatr. aKn- 1ST 2ND MORTGAGES Fttl Strvict-No Appreisel Ftt WHB Mortgage Corp licensed Mrla 8roktr Brand new. never used Slightly damaged Irom shaping $36 50 Agent. 664-2500 ques, Appliencet, Anything. 3Rd.

Ave, eik lo schl 4 shopping Children wet-omt Smell pets limited Apply Mgr or call lor appt MOOfRN SPACIOUS ice $135 644471. ft SW furnished I -bedroom ecwrtmwflf. wall- 4-IJ. Jtr8t)6f onlfjB, Suf. 100' white aluminum putters and acces ELNA-SINGER-WHITE 941 Milittry Ir 663 5900 LARGE lurn 36 ideal for bachelors CW Irmvnitltr, 835 844 0370 wall carpeting dming room Ifvrng air conditioned fnnuire at SOD Portebles, used from $19 )7th REG OH.

gelding Shown suctesstuliy as hunter. Evperitnctd rider. 967. 8124 af HAVfVtund 112,000, privett morwy It $139 1BR UNF WW CRPT $160-5179 1 2BR UNFURN POOL SOMI APTS CHIIMEN 4 PIT 12 No A Street 568-43 NEED CASH? Strtet 644-8230 sor $25. Two portable radios, etch $5 00 (lienor wooden door.

$10 fecial Saunda Peine. $5 00 Other miscelle-neoue Between 2-6PM. 2637 Exuma, WPB 967 2329 NEW 261 garden tot AM. ww carpet ff We buy furmrufo. epptionces, tools, frsh- I -BEDROOM Furnished.

1135 month. SI) Consoles, usad from 39 Touch 6 Sews, used from 49 Zig-iegs, New, from 59 2ig-iegs 6 stretch from 69 etng roresr mil congress voej-aatu on 1st mtg sen WAlflR J. HAYIS. HALIOt 3629 A So. Divit.

832 2621 Eves Sunday, 432 318 rer orw fimit Trailer with dressing room, thoroughbred loeding ramp. 565-5545. 793 2056V 44th Street Nice tree HARRIS MUSIC COMPANY Organ Specials WAS NOW ing gear Any Articles ot value freil lurmtura. 2690 i Military Ir WPB SOUTHEND, 1 8t air cond 1145 mo. curity 6264 750 842 5951 Associated, 2227 Dixit.

WPB 965-1602 ONE MONTH FREE RENT LUXURIOUS 8F0R00M ORIENTAL RUGS 40 AOfUSTABLE Antenna Tower, $150 2 flat wicker tub chairs, $20 Club chair, $15 4 13" mags. $80. Ntw Motorola transistor ignition. $45. New outrigger best and elbows.

$15 565-1670. 8-9 Rintili Brand new modem duplea ape featuring kf IR. dining rm, 28R. 1 1 A. cent A'C NEW 17" Pri.des Notions saddle.

8250 English boots, brown t'l 4 7. (25 Okeechobee 613-763 5626 Ctrpet air. washer dryer, drthweshtr. Will buy for cash Call 737 4200 24 hour Tmvn 7. tiu.1.

rerrigerator tos-ssrt answering service SINGER TOUCH SEW Fully automatic Best Modal 756 Ustd tor short turn Orig sold for $459 Sec rifict. pay balance. $69 75 AABCO. 684- 2501 carpeting Ro refrig privett petit. NO LEASE 967 7677 After 6PM wsd Hoor, HOC 586-4311 Smell furnished effiritncv Air TV utili- Ajtfc WESTERN saddle, ticelltnl, 895, English saddle, pad, bridle.

95i Rntches, sue BA6YS Feeding ttblt and other items Ctll 632-0058 ttot paid Southend east tf Oftv 1130 TIA Clean l-beddreom, living SALE ITEMS l-batfi. fully lur VEARLY l-btdro HAMMOND PI PER 13) 995 486 HAMMOND I 100 795 595 HAMMOND 3 795 695 HAMMOND PHOENIX 2595 1795 LOWREY TG 44 1695 1195 LOWREY EB SPINET 495 395 10WRFY HOI IDA CONS 3995 279S ON INTRAC0A5IAL ntw 2 bedroom, bath, pool 8350 Month 746 9686 ntw carpet, 1145 12. 812; ladies Poly boots, rt, so io pot monrn 659 573 nished. air, Sussex tfta. Canfury Village tir, WANTED USED SEWING MACHINES 5406 10 fURNITuRE of ell kinds let igoretors appliances, working or not.

Ace Used furnifurt 8 TV. 1814 No Dine. WPB $170 In Any Condition 642 2685 110 ABJufltfr 7t unfurn AH I rhiuS Vrk. 1975 SINGER ZIG ZAG $39 SO Double door rtfrig't from Twin sue bads from Chairs from Solas trom Hidt-A-btdt from Meed boards from 659-4259. CHAMPION sued registtred Morgan colt Call 967-3629 lor dtltiltl MOVING Must sell OH Mara, beautiful 8400 bast offer 663 1 5365 6trjl37j 363-9716 VIKING ARMS 1527 flAcl*t SECURITY SYSTEM Bt Unturn Apt Oes 4 Water kscl la sosefs.

Prtvefa lalconies Laundrv PooT Lett leyawey Buttonholes, stretch stitch, tic 642-2864 Peeler WURl SPINE TwCHORDS 1295 1050 HAMMOND 6 3 WHISLIf 122(1 It It I 3150 WANTED Healthy coconut oelms Remove SWING INTO THE COUNTRY LIFE AT WELLINGTON OCEAN Rark furmshed 3-btdroom, 3 bath, 1601 to, ft plus screened porch plus privett walltd garden within halt-milt tf Beech, golf. Adults only, no pets I -bedroom, yearly, cebmet hitchtn. trom your property fiiviert Beach-lake n-wtii, ttr, neat, unfurnitnt. Frtftr mertet from Worth arte 170. Ft.

Lauderdale JO-TOM Pre-Owned Pianos to e-ageq tr tttirtq hsijh Sauna No Pets No Children 833-1013 rae-aejo $39 00 1500 500 25 00 15 00 5 00 25 00 99 50 200 1500 20 00 25 00 45 00 25 00 50 00 GREAT for beginners excellent trail horst Sorrtl gelding, 15 2. 1500 or best ofttr 6690591 STERLING Silver, And tnrot- I rt free nstrnbtrthip sn Wellington Country Club Coif, swim tad per pound Class Lake Worth Pawn LAIfU unturnisned 2-btdreom. ttr-ntlt. JUPITER. 2 bedioom.

I bath, no children HAROMAN WAl 3795 7695 KAWAI 5 2" WAl 2995 not. 5 SERVICE SPECIAL Any make or model sawing machine cleaned 8 atltd Ttmions balanced, belts tighttntd. tltctric circuits Chtcktd. Only $9 95 Penney s. 2nd Floor.

883-5710. Ext 114. BEAUTIFUL NEW pets 1170. first, lest. I9tt security Cor nar lucerne tnd Oirit.

566 Shop jreppiiencea. tin. early Met. Bedroom suites from Mirrors from Chests from Dressers from End 8 coffee tables from Washers Dryers from 622-7711 7-btvtroom. wall-wall shag carpeting.

6616. 4-YEAR Old Thoroughbred gelding. 15 3 hands. 1973 Miley Thoroughbred fitighth trarler 965 5704. "tig tpplict- 4f00OM Unlurnishtd.

rat oat ww wrprientes stno-tn lean tiems 666-0097 MUSETTE PIAYERCHY 2295 1595 SOHMER 5 4' WAl 3495 PAIM 6EACM COUNTY'S ONIY FACTORY AUTHORIZED OEAtFR FOR STEINWAY. KAWAI 8 CHECKERING PfANOS-GUlBRAN-VIN 6 KAWAI ORGANS tfajltt. nt pets 568-894. 863-9351 ming. 4 ttrsnta.

Our iM. BA tuiury apts art eveilable lor IMMEDIATE IXC if PANCV tnd NOIHINC HAS MfN SPARED to make SANDSPOtNl the tmttt in rant alt. Esch umt n) fully plasttrtct through-tut has w-w carpet, cent AAH. marble bemrooms. lully aquipped ktfcrvtn and a private oatas.

COME BOl lOOAV 1 SEE TMI ILIPHANTS FOOT ANTIQUES CONSIGNMENTS 132-0170 Marvin Ray 2 BEfJfKrOM. unfurnished, appliances, ttr and heal No pets. I90 746-5549. 28DROOM, ttnfurnithtd duplea. ctntrtl air, dtluat appliances, no pats.

S225 Stoves from Color TV's from ETON HOUSE SINGER COMMERCIAL $85 Reconditioned Dealer 842-2664 GENTLE Buckskin gilding, 12 years old, shown trail, reining and contest. Safe for younguns 8500 793 0766 PUREBRED Arabians For show or plea FIJRN tffy ft oldtr adults, neer shop. ptrw. Summer ratts Ivjr yearly rental Fea ttessonal 588-0973. 16 County Rd Pabn tttch 25 00 TtMf fijrn ft unfurn Overlisoltirio Ik 6 Wht TV from monthly plus security 642-9934.

TROS8Y 601 WAREHOUSE AUCTION Bank American! 4 Master Chj Act Deed HARRIS MUSIC CO. wtjrsrt ujui okk nOUiriV Hm MOPS! sewing Mechint. 1-year old. very good condition, 1 50 or best offer. 96- EOROOM, unturmshed, tir-htat furniture IV.

1114 fea. Urxit. vert. rrom iw mm arua ixut 2BR. 1164.

met I story, courtyard apt sort utldincr 11700 er mart. 12700 our 2 models which art open staily. CALL FOR DIRECTIONS 791-3500 ACCEPTING YOU IONjiwsmints ESTATES 4 SINGLE ITEMS 659 1 755 706 Clematis St WPB 655 3207 55-377. After IPM SoCM 659-4259 1501 (trim. aJ-4V7a 600 Center St Jupiter 246-4644 4 Si A.t.-ineitetaial tevVeJ.

e. a. a ar mrt-rfft,.

The Palm Beach Post from West Palm Beach, Florida (2024)
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Author: Lakeisha Bayer VM

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Author information

Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

Birthday: 1997-10-17

Address: Suite 835 34136 Adrian Mountains, Floydton, UT 81036

Phone: +3571527672278

Job: Manufacturing Agent

Hobby: Skimboarding, Photography, Roller skating, Knife making, Paintball, Embroidery, Gunsmithing

Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.