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Sunday November 23 1980 14 News or News Want Ads 856 5555 2 lines 10 days 10 flat Too Late to Classify 126 Sporting Goods 92 Misc Wanted 88 Machinery 108 Personal 114 Radio TV 74 urs 90 Misc for Sale 128 Storage 130 Store Equipment AORDABLE 102 Office Equip 98 Motorcycles REAL ESTATE Too Late to Classify 85 Legal Services 88 Machinery 104 Paint Wallpaper 106 Pawnbrokers 126 Sporting Goods 108 Personal ABSOLUTELY CONIDENTIAL Office Warehouse 92 Misc Wanted COINS sterling silver gold rings top any dealer price 873 14)4 NEVADA 2 bedroom $165 plus security 896 2198 after 4 PM CHEST dresser and dining room set solid mahogany 839 3890 SPINET piano Sylvania console television plus more 691 5517 CASH paid for anything of value factory household or business items at Salvage Co on Mam St Clarence 759 2437 ABLE Io give higher loans dia monds watches radios cam eras Midway Loan 590 Main SINGLE? Meet that special one Call Daletine free 800 451 3245 ACTIVE Insurance: Auto lowest deposit terms 896 2700 DER Hides buy or trade for gloves furs bought 692 4353 2 PONY saddles 1 horse size and misc tack 674 9285 eves PIONEER 50 watt receiver KLH speakers Techniques turntable Realistic EQ $600 684 3992 RIVERSIDE Sleeping room $12 week plus deposit 874 6012 ANTIQUE dining room sel hand carved lamp table 648 605) WINDOWS all types save ener gy 15 lax rebate 68l 7300 CARPET pad A installation living room dining room $288 complete 894 3128 anytime 32 PINBALL games recondition ed and delivered $295 Io $350 Christmas layaway plan John ny's Amusem*nts 685 3787 SYLVIA'S Horoscope card read ing and ESP Call for appt 282 6811 Niagara aits DER processed money back guarantee 824 6097 824 2797 APPLIANCES and furniture dis counts Warehouse Sales 383 Baoco*ck 822 3431 1 5 PM HONDA all new 1980 models in slock trades accepted We do it best! Honda Village 2393 Niagara alls Blvd near the Bell plant 694 3020 731 4151 WONDA chair iust like chair demonstrated at Baby's Room 681 3493 LIVING room sale Credit avail able Easy terms 892 8843 KITCHEN table large 6 chairs and notch dark pine finish 15 months old was $1395 asking $950 firm 893 6172 COEE TABLE Italian mar ble gold pedestal base $245 688 1971 after 4 PM STOCK trailer body with ramp sell or trade for 2 horse trall er 674 9285 eves CERAMIC greenware basem*nt sale huge Nov 28 30 10 4 PM 13) Ross Ave off Tona wanda St 877 8715 SINGERS 8 new zig zags slight ly scratched $70 actory Out let 6152 Transit 684 4880 CASH for diamonds watches cameras Exchange Loan 799a Chippewa GAS RANGE 30 inch white excellent condition $100 best otter 668 3686 after 4 WEST SIDE 3 bedrooms dintng room laundry facilities includes heat 883 4106 AM RICAN Silver coins collec tions gold top 684 5783 SAUNA Niagara massage sofa Studebaker Lark 84 7 6777 CARS driven to any point in the country prompt dependable economical 873 4002 WEST SIDE 2 bedroom upper available Dec 15 881 1779 COUCH chair matching black white fur 3 years old $150 best offer 691 7421 WOOD splitter for rent day or by week 668 0094 HAL Arab mare 4 years sad dle seal show record priced to sett 652 8963 ADMIRAL apt size stove like new 852 9828 OAK dining room fable andor chairs 681 0492 PIANOS wanted spot cash 634 9042 or 896 5632 CLEAN newspaper wanted $125 per 100 lbs Also buying cop per brass aluminum and bat teries 427 Hertel near Military between 8 3 Mon ri USED Piano Organ factory open 2 5 PM including Sun actory to you prices on reconditioned pianos organs Wurlitzer Indus trial Park Niagara alls Blvd Tonawanda RHODES Suitcase piano 73 like new save $500 After 6 week days 285 1967 DIAMONDS Immediate cash for any size shape or grade Dia mond Buyers of WNY 2811 Delaware 874 6660 JACKIE it was a great year and I month Nov 23 1980 Love Bob Thinking and missing you I love you Bird DEER processing professionally cul wrapped and ground with pork available 662 2259 ABBOTT RD near Stadium: I bedroom no pets 1185 plus deposit 649 0204 DEER hunters! Breakfast 6 AM daily Waterman's Restaurant Rtes 39 and 62 Collins PORTER 425: 1 bedroom mod ern kitchen and bath carpet ing appliances laundry plus security 695 7362 SNOW PLOWING by hour or contract 675 5277 PAiNTER full service reasona ble efficient 881 0949 SAE integrated amp with para metric equalizer 874 0076 CUSTOM shears and drapes 90 inch length $175 897 0659 9 11 AM LIQUIDATION of household fur nishings everything must go moving West 693 7993 BASS Amp Traynor 325 watts new $375 681 5439 TIRES I4ln and 15in recappable whitewall casings needed to fill recap orders lop dollar paid for Iruck lires 1035 William 856 1696 OREIGN coins write Box 123 Niagara alls NY 14302 PA 6 Channel mixer with 100 watt power 876 7433 CLOWN can entertain kids or wilt help babysit 891 9517 RICHMOND Jersey: Refrigerator in room after 6 833 8594 ILLMORE 829 near Broadway: Clean nice area 897 5185 SIDING aluminum and plastic free estimates 838 5800 END SEASON Sale Com mercial lawn mowers Arbor daie Nursery 688 9125 MOVING south full length mtnk paw with large tox collar like new size 14 16 689 8297 GENERAL Electric frostless re frigerafor 947 4631 CARHARTT Dickies Wrangler Thorogood Herman shoes low prices McKays 824 7900 MUST liquidate entire electronic shoo meters generators hand tools tube tester tubes SS Design console $1000 takes the works 876 2491 RADIAL snow lires (2) 13 in on wheels 632 4848 AM Harley Davidson '80 clear ance sale winter storage lay away available on '8l's only at rontier Harley Davidson 1)49 Erie Ave North Tona wanda 692 7200 SCRAP iron and metal wanted Top prices paid 683 5373 EATON has largest selection of used and budget furniture in WNY Eaton Budget urniture Div 777 Young Si Tonawan da 694 1950 WE BUY used pianos Wurlitzer Music Store 681 8784 SOPRANO sax Vito brand new $460 or best offer 674 5157 PIANO Kohler and Campbell like new 824 4549 UB AREA: $90 per month all privileges 837 2170 BOOTHS 10 excellent condition after 4 PM 825 7662 PARKDALE near orest: Spe cious 3 bedroom lower stove refrigerator adutts preferred no pets $220 plus utilities deposit 693 3968 CARPETING gold shades shag 12x18 approx 893 4233 PLUMBING carpetry 1 man reasonable 896 5497 ROOING gutters chimneys li cense insured 883 3982 PUREBRED Arabians 3 mares and stallton 627 2667 NEW USED horse trailers Ma rong Chrysier Plymoulh 662 4407 MINK stoll and jacket appraised at $750 and $1800 reasonable offer 837 5586 ADMIRAL refrigerator like new 10 cu II 852 9828 GARAGE Sale odds and ends good deals 693 7993 HARLEY 1976 full dress 8000 miles $3700 824 8461 AUTO insurance fast 1 tow down payment 874 0094 CARPET cleaner 894 4294 Resi dential and commercial AACME auto cyclefire insur ance ast SL 20 down 874 1750 SOUTH Buffalo: Kitchen privi leges $20 825 7985 WEEKLY rate available Hotel Lafayette 852 5470 MOSELLE area 6 rooms avail able Dec I 891 581) 38 IN pme desk and chair 4 drawer $160 634 5105 HOUGH 120 articulating 6 yd loader good 627 2055 HAY and straw medium bales 75c each 937 3543 MACKINAW irst Ward: 3 bed room 817 7949 after 5 Of lCf Space for lease or sate Various locations 759 6755 KLH 12 in 3 wav speakers $350 or offer 773 4055 MINK STOLE good condition $125 634 6961 MEN'S shirls ladies shows new styles childrens winter coals mens and ladies winter coats shirts 1st class quality must sefl everything low prices 826 8837 WEDDING dress used twice size 10 824 6994 LEARN the lazy persons way to riches By appf only call 681 2629 ORDERLY private duly mate nurse flexible hours Contact 21 News office LATBED trailer 5 ton 6 fl by 22 ft $725 824 1019 CLAUSING 10x36 in lathe $850 Northeast Machine Motor Supply 695 3760 BILL vs Pittsburg 4 or 6 tick ets wanted 827 807? AM RlCAN and Canadian silver coins JK 50c 1965 9 gold 896 4919 LEHIGH ACRES lorida origi nal lol must sell $5500 852 6876 LADY'S 21 diamond cluster din ner ring $250 or best offer 893 9569 STANDARD bred for sale pacer not qualified Down Io 230 681 0385 REGISTERED Appaloosa geld ing professionally trained 649 0570 LIONEL Iver trains lop dollars 884 3993 834 8395 MIXING board Trouper 1 18 channels hi low imp in and out many additional features like new $875 681 9716 885 8492 HOTPOINT electric range self cleaning oven and lime baking excellent condition $175 683 5779 CAT 8 dozer series good 627 2055 GRAVELY 76 blower mower $1475 824 1461 after AM Hitachi car radio brand new Remington (2) snow lires A78 13 XT belted best offer 688 0)41 STAMPS dolls coins gold sil ver and copper gold articles Lincoln 33 Tupper 856 1884 HOT WATER boiler now 165 000 btu input natural gas 683 8716 RCA Color TV 25 In instant pic ture $185 741 3788 alter 5 PM CARS boats RVs inside live on security $7 per ft per season 947 4013 POOL TABLE 1 in slate 8x4 fl 674 5175 DRUMS sale Over 40 sets in stock new and used $100 and up Use our Christmas lay away plan Depew Music Cen ter 4881 Broadway Depew SPACE heaters 5 gas 40 50000 BTU $100 838 2183 SNOW fence new contractor's surplus must move 2500 ft 50 ft roll $22 stakes available 8 4:30 668 2727 PONY saddle like new $65 693 1547 UNIORMS pastel size 7 8 9 10 $4 to $10 674 1658 PIANO upright $250 885 7002 AM CHILDRENS Hospital area 634 9633 WEST SIDE orest Gran! area: 2 bedrooms $135 883 4106 BED mattress tires TV vacu um crib mattress 896 3664 TWO womens winter coats (size 38 40) 895 6508 OLD electric Iratns toy windups for display lop prices paid 833 1934 SELMER Allo Sax very good $525 681 5780 NATIONAL TV SHOW PIZZA equipment complete In quire 492 19th Niagara alls DEER professionally processed $25 668 3925 LIONEL iver trains collector cash 689 7566 634 3648 CHRISTMAS Trees wholesale 5 7 ft sheared Scotch Pine 6 8 ft Blue Spruce 674 7752 675 9680 TOY TRAINS electric and wind up 835 0386 836 4458 DELTA 10 umsaw 110 120 volt I1'? hp with blades $800 631 0083 SO A BED like new must sell $500 or best offer kitchenette excellent condition $70 best offer 694 3199 AT ANTHONES you gel the fin est makes of furniture and bedding recliners etc Sellingor cash for over 60 years We aim to ptease! Park next to store 692 Michigan ORCHARD PARK: 2 bedroom upper carpeting and appli ances air conditioning and storage available immediately 648 1908 SONY TV's Lowest prices Dia mond 2359 William 892 4670 SONY 4 ft screen projector TV $1400 681 2502 TARPAULIN 25 sires Service Canvas Co 145 Swan SI Bflo 853 0558 ST ADALBERT'S area: Clean lower front 2 rooms 2 bed rooms 894 8858 BAKERY restaurant pizzeria new and used equipment 896 4240 MALE late 20's would like pen pals include interests Write RR 5 News office DELAWARE Avenue al Edward Street: Clean spacious room on bus line off street parking $100 monthly plus security 892 3070 TROY BILT tiller 5 hp Pony $600 773 5096 SINGING Telegrams lap danc ing top hat tails mini band also hula grams 876 8682 Looking for unusual people with offbeat humorous or heart warming occupations or hobbies Is this you? One of your friends? Contact us: Goodson Todman Productions 6430 Sunset Blvd Los Angeles Calif 90028 SNOW Thrower new 26 in cut 8 hp $678 892 2712 PAINTING and carpentry 24 hr service seasonal rates 876 9089 AIR COMPRESSORS 3 10 hp electric or gas driven new and used make offer Rich 854 2611 ALCOHOLICS Anonymous Room 534 Ellicott Sq Bldg 295 Main SI Buffalo NY 14203 853 0388 BEDROOM set king size port able typewriter garbage com pactor mens suits (25) 44 46 short reasonable 632 GOING OUT CERAMICS BUSINESS SALE! DER processed freezer wrap ped $15 873 7323 691 6235 233 Gorton Sl BOWLING Lanes 8 ft sections ideal for work benches 688 4753 ROCKWELL 6 in long bed ioint er I hp motor 110 220 new 627 9036 CARS Io lorida Southwest and California Nationwide Auto Transporters 877 5258 BOX STALLS and care avail able reasonable rales 655 1068 after 7 DEER cut and freezer wrapped $15 2111 Seneca St near Caz 6 days 10 AM to 7 PM Closed Mon Also buying hides MANUACTURERS unclaimed freight slate pool fables new regulation size 4x8 ft $229 billiard baskets optional 633 1900 ESTABLISHED W72 WNY'S ONLY STATE LICENSED ABORTION CLINIC PORTABLE TV's black and white $35 $45 portable color TV's different prices Hospital TV's reconditioned Bestway 210 ranklin 856 8888 8 30 5 closed Sat BEDROOM set Mediterranean solid oak $1800 741 3459 AIR Compressors wood metal working machinery material handling fork trucks motors electrical equip 155 Chandler St 8 877 4044 LADY'S brown Mouton lamb coat good condition $50 668 4177 CARPET brown room size excellent condition 835 7107 SNOWBLOWER Ariens 7 hp 1 year $650 693 3428 eves weekends 874 1818 days GAS ON GAS stove $75 refrig erator $20 $1000 pool table $300 8 ft bar $75 849 0056 GE DRYER excellent condition best offer 884 2518 8 10 steel skate roller tracks and 8 tripods $500 or best offer 897 4466 CLOSEOUT on certain models of Epi and Eptphone guitars Save big! Use our free lay away plan Tagg's Mustc 3604 Main Sl 835 1314 YAMAHA Scorpion and Molo Ski See us now for the best deal and selection Hallett's Sport Vehicles Rie 240 Cold en 941 5070 ADMIRAL continuous cleaning stove excellent condition $250 824 7408 AA8ANA appliances are nice but Divine Sales Buffalo's fin est burs all useable furniture antique or modern top prices prompt service free estimates 882 3400 (anytime) MAGNIICENT component sys tem $650 882 5627 OVEN copoef $50 Bath room sel $50 694 3487 GUITAR 12 string Pnnco acous tic excellent condition makes a memorable gill $150 or best offer 876 4072 GOING out of business all jewelry must be sold King of Diamonds Bailey at Kensing ton 833 4540 GARAGE sale week long washer baby furniture an tiques children's toys clothes bikes 13 Rondeiay Dr off rench Rd YAMAHA Skidoo best deals too Gowanda Starcrafl Slat ford Rd Gowanda 532 2225 YAMAHA 1975 433 GPX excel lent $675 773 7960 BAUER hockey skates size 11 $25 TV black and while 19 $30 674 5548 BATTERIES automotive new and reconditioned $19 95 and up We buy old batteries high est prices paid 649 7552 SCANNER Bear Cat 220 months $250 firm 875 4835 COPPER brass rav film batteries silver lead 875 5544 Riverside Scrap 2211 Niagara SL Hypnosis tapes 110 titles $9 98 from UPI guaranteed ree brochure 833 1780 GRETSCH late '60's anniversary model rewired excellent condition with case $300 or best offer 833 2152 WILSON 318: $2000 2 family 892 3220 RIVERSIDE area: 2 bedrooms available Dec 1 $180 month includes beat 826 9345 7 PM 1979 4 HORSE trailer worth $4000 best offer over 2000 937 9012 REE winter storage lips Suburban Cycles 4400 Bailey near Sheridan 836 5765 Industrial Park Htmore Ave City of Tonawanda CARPETING 50 yards blue green $175 694 4418 CARPET short shag gold avocado 131'3x23 ft 2 smaller pieces 688 7194 CLEVELAND HILL: 3 bedroom brick 2 bath family room modern kitchen fireplace car garage mid $50's After 5:30 836 2186 No agents COUCH now Colonial Scotch plaid queen size 8 73 9805 PIONEER HPM 60 3 speakers 877 1599 after 4 ADMIRAL Amana GE ofher refrigerators washers dryers stoves $79 up King of Used Appliances 1282 Clinton 823 1800 west of Bailey HAMMOND organ series upper melody section lower accompaniment section and bass pedal section 825 5084 after 5 WINTER cycle storage month heated 684 7650 WANTED: New used drills taps mills reamers etc 684 6066 652 2868 17 OOS BALL soccer games Kaye or Tournament tavern Quality as is $150 Christmas lav awav plan Johnny's Amusem*nts 685 3787 SNOWBLOWERS Ariens 6 hp perfect $435 Sno Bird 6 hp good condition $285 Xmas blue spruce tree 30 ft 834 0855 RELIABLE Waste: buyer of waste materials Paper drive specialist We buy iron and all melats 1 Watson St 856 3844 COINS Highest prices silver gold school rings sterling pay cash will pick up 634 6871 PREGNANCY TERMINATION WEDDING and engagement sel solitaire setting never worn $800 837 4371 HOLLAND North Hampton 21'? bedroom upper security deposit after 4 685 2225 CASH REGISTERS Etectromc automatic sales tax Prices lower than used mechanicals Guaranteed terms 836 2277 APARTMENT rental counselors Landlords avoid vacancies Tenants avoid expensive apt hunting list your needs with us Efficient and economical service No tee unless we pro duce satisfactory results Never an advance fee Marte Shaw Realtor 634 7878 6300 Sq immediate occupancy SERVICE parts all makes cylinder boring and porting Dean 3009 Walden 683 4996 POLARIS and Kawasaki snowmobiles preseason sav ings on all models Boulevard Kawasaki 834 2276 RIVERSIDE: urnished room $25 week plus deposit 874 6012 INSIDE winter storage cars boats RVs 855 2216 ROO repairs gutters chim neys written guarantee 883 3181 HORSE trucking experienced any lime or place 652 2697 CHRISTMAS Trees Plantation grown trees wholesale Douglas fir Scotch Pine Spruce Bal sam ir Douglas Tree arm Box 173 Saranac Lake NY 518 891 0454 891 3116 or 523 3100 SNOWBLOWER early bird sate 1980 Toro Ariens Schaub Equipment 2902 Seneca West Seneca 824 1555 LEATHER iackelspants rye Herman Dingo boots loo brands all styles Washington Surplus 674 Main 853 1515 MARINE dress blue uniform size 44 46 631 0004 AORDABLE legal services Carl einsinger Attorney 833 8668 till 10 PM CHRISTMAS trees White spruce sheared 7 9 ft $10 655 0518 MOVING lockers furniture clothes miscellaneous house hold items Sale Sun Mon from 10 4 21 Eugene Ave corner of Hinman URNITURE oak mahogany walnut glass and lamps' 876 7114 ATTIC antiques 282 Rother Sal Sun 1 5 PM DRUM set 3 piece with cymbols $200 674 5502 WEIGHT loss that works No dieting no exercising no drugs al UPI free brochure 833 1780 COUCH built in end fable $300 contour lounger $125 good condition 836 5923 Over 1000 used molds koitos with furniture colorstools sup plies store fixtures misc KILN SITTERS CERAMICS 30 East Courtney Dunkirk NY (716) 366 6887 Hours K) AM to 6 PM ELMWOOD Lafayelfe: Private entrance bath 885 6853 before COMPLETE cross country ski package only used twice best otter 873 0609 after 430 PM RERIGERATOR 2 years 19 cu ft copperlone 655 4243 after 4:30 nm LIKE NEW MODERN Automotive office equipment PUBLIC AUCTION MON NOV 24 11 AM MURPHY OLDSMOBILE See details auction column LEW BRONSTEIN AUCTIONEERS 689 6111 DEER cuffing professionally skinned cul and freezer wrap ped Harlem William area 893 3685 WALNUT dining room set six chairs china cabinet $375 825 8313 BEDROOM set Spanish like new solid oak $800 674 0604 70 urniture or Sale 'CONVEYOP twit 30 ft tons variable speed gear box hp motor and 2 extra bells $750 or best otter 897 4466 $7 Sunbeam electric LOWREY organ (Tee Nee Genie) $350 836 3814 WRITE for free gift catalog on duty free Items Demilco Gifts 3413 Lmcove Terr Mississau ga Ont Canada L4Y3N4 GOLD wedding engagement rings wanted 839 0579 MOVING sale RCA console stereo green loveseat antique Victorian lamp 627 5703 family room Cape Cod dry sink 6 months only 823 REALISTIC stereo receiver separate components with cas sette deck 685 4375 SNOW TIRES A78xl3 ord rims used 2 months Eves 834 7808 EXOTIC Lingerie Pennyrich Boutique 2202 Elmwood 874 6664 TRUCK manual 500 lbs 85? 4404 9 4 dailv CHRISTMAS Trees: Spruce cut and bailed at roadside Bliss Auto Wreckers Rte 39 Bliss NY 1 322 7689 Buffalo days 496 5588 STOVE 30 in $40 chilren's swimming pool $11 875 8843 AM Harley Davidson 1981 models in slock iay away plan avaiiaoie Heated winter stor age Buffalo Harley David son 3411 Bailey 832 7159 WALLPAPERING Painling ex pertly done Jim 457 9824 Chris 692 4554 WILLIAMSVILLE: Small single 2 bedrooms garage available Dec I 838 6891 72 urniture Wanted SINGLES Coupies discreet per sonal introductions Piamaies Inc Box 3355 York Pa 17402 717 848 1408 WE BUY old golf dubs any condition and old bowling balls 10 11 12 and 13 lb spot cash 695 3100 LAUDt RDALE: Available immediate Dec Jan or eb 3 bedrooms nice area $750 per month cumpteitfy furnish ed 305 463 3097 HONDO guilar case brand new $120 offer 88 5 4234 KENT DRUM set 4 piece Lud wig hardware 2 cymbols pearl Hi hal 14 in paste cvm bols drum covers $525 Jim 96U VERMONT 1 bedroom UK Security deposit 884 17T3 CINCINNATI 12x36 internal external grinder Bridgeport vertical mill 895 3647 between 6 8 PM 80 Horses Equipment 72 urniture Wanted DRUM SET: Complete with cymbols 683 8180 SNOWBLOWER toboggan heal er sump pump beer sign 834 2773 DEER processing professionally cut and wrapped $16 and I keep hide $20 and you keep hide 834 1935 for an appoint ment Tonawanda DEER PROCESSING! skinned cut ground freezer wrapped by journeyman meat cutter $15 674 8176 DEER professionally skinned cut fo order freezer wrapped labeled and frozen 874 1468 TOBOGGAN 7 ft hardwood $60 885 7292 6 9 PM SLEIGH RIDES horse drawn 496 7307 633200 838 4372 after 6 PM 84 Lawn Garden Service and Equipment MODERN male 39 desires swinging couples for pen pals first ad Write EE 74 News office BED PILLOWS regular $6 each tor docks regular $14 doseout specia springs couches thousands of items available wholesale prices 886 0253 94 Grant Si JAVA: Open 1 4 JQ Dr See Reatty World Home finder ad Ready WoddKerms 668 6666 76 Hi i Stereo Equipment 64 Situations Wanted Male ATTENTION With the increasing number of dealers claiming to be paying the htgesl prices for your unwanted gold we advise you to come in and receive a free appraisal on your gold then go Io your local dealer and compare We teel confi dent that you will choose us fo do business with The Coin Exchange 27 51 Delaware Ave Kenmore NY 877 0704 Mon ri 10 8 Sat 10 5 Sun 12 4 NIAGARA D'Youvtlte: i of bedroom heat appliances very private available Dec 1st 881 2266 or 37 5526 124 Snowmobiles ATVs CHILDREN'S Hospital area at tractive 3 room apartment se curity entrance full kitchen $200 including utilities lease not required Call 883 5859 be tween 2 3 daily DISCOUNT office furniture new used desks chairs files tables etc Seneca Office Equip 1184 Main near Sum mer park on sidewalk 882 0980 ANTIQUE WHITE rench Provincial queen size Bed triple dresser mirror chest vanity and bench 2 bedside tables one occasional table and chair 833 5208 OAKBROOK Condo 2 bedroom bath appliances air excellent Owner 833 6740 or 688 7541 DEER completely processed skinned cul and wrapped 2 lb pork free Harlem William area 892 2087 3 way 80 watt The unbeliev able price of $150 pair Hurry again to NATIONAL WAREHOUSE 529 Colvin 875 1484 MOVING Safe Pearl drum sel aquarium with tropical fish (some rare) 10 soeed bike Kavar knife other musical equipment miscellaneous items Call S89 9967 anytime MORGAN Gelding 5 years excellent confirmation $1800 694 3602 132 Stoves Ranges urnaces STEAM cleaners sales service rentals demos Ladco Chemi cal Prod 648 5331 YARD crane Yale gas electric 5 ton Continental 6 cylinder engine 15 ft boom hard rub ber tires 1948 make offer 716 343 2270 YAMAHA 1980 650 Maxim must sell 826 6564 ERIE MEDICAL CENTER LOCKPORT near Transit Ele gant large older upper on mini eslate appliances $200 plus modest utilities adults preferred 434 4493 after 730 PM COLLECTOR desires fine old quilts 886 4298 eves HOOVER apt sue washer dryer $150 pair space healer gas 50000 BIu $50 40 in gas range Maytag $50 11617 Bullis Rd Manila 652 7912 HOSPITAL bed good condition no mattress $125 823 6036 HOSPITAL bed $175 wheel chair $90 small bar and straps for lift misc 662 5667 HYDRAULIC chair and sink chair 692 4406 after 4 PM $5 mattress box CASH paid for used rock albumscasseltes 631 9514 100 Musical Instruments AUTO fire insurance low rates easy payments Immediate forms for autos budget terms James Otto Agency Inc 2133 Genesee St 896 6095 AUTO insurance 15 savings low money down 897 0670 OCELOT size 10 very good condition 873 0857 DER HEADS mounted 6 week delivery all game and fish Storting at $100 Niagara reeze Dry 822 2999 100 Musical Instruments 118 Rooms urnished with Board WAVERLY drapery prints $350 yard sheer nylon prints $249 yard drapery screen prints by Thibauf $187 yard Waverly upholstery velvet $5 yard new shipment upholstery fabric from $350 yd leather skins $1 a sq ft actory Warehouse Sales 1270 Broadway 896 1230 WEST SIDE: Available Upper 5 room apt monthly plus utilities appt call 884 2005 110 Plumbing Supplies BOX Stalls Bar Meadows good location off Transit 80 acres of open riding vanning available long and short Also will buy and sell 74) 2064 CREDIT counseling for those in debt Call Credit Protectors Agency 634 7879 DIAMONDS old gold pocket watches coins silver highest prices paid 835 4040 BJ Pallas Co 3963 Main at Eggert REE Mannington Marquis kitchen floor with minimum $1100 purchase of kitchen cabinets material only no labor House of Cabwets 2756 Elmwood Kenmore 877 7478 40 8 TRACK tapes (variety) AM radio with 8 track $45 car convertor stereo table $25 can be used for TV 592 7709 ABBOTT RD South Buffalo suburbs Singles doubleswanted Park Realty 023 QW? PRECISION tools and accesso ries in stock Aircraft Tool 206) South Park 822 332S WANTED 6 12 in joiner any condition atso 14 in or larger drill press 434 5304 after 7 REDONIA area' 55 acres with gas well 3 bedroom house car garage storage building 20x40 It beautiful view of Lake Erie 672 2457 WEST SENECA: Luxury bed room den $195 674 0889 SIDE ty $100 882 2143 HINMAN AVE oft Delaware: 2 bedroom upper living room kitchen lull basem*nt No utili ties only water Adults prefer red No pets Dec 15 $195 633 7779 633 7344 ree Pregnancy Counseling Vasectomy Clinic Sperm Bank and Infertility Program Medicaid Accepted 50 HIGH ST SUITE 501 5th LOOR EGGERTSVILLE: By owner must sell 3 bedroom Cape Cod lorida room dining room or 4th bedroom 14 car garage brick and frame newly painted new furnace beautiful landscape circle end street no agents 837 3995 127 acre sewer dislik1 Wans fully approved for prompt devefopmenf 741 287? BASSETT bedroom sets iust ar rived 20 complete sets maple pine white and more1 Lowest prices in WNY hurry Io Na tional Warehouse 529 Colvin 875 L184 SEASONED hardwood low prices delivery 838 5545 BARGAIN must sell field engi neer portable laboratory dual trace scope meters probes hand tools many more items Must be seen new value $2300 will sell for $1700 or best offer brand new 876 2491 LIVING ROOM suites couch chair and love seat only $199 all 3 peces Lowest price tn WNY 30 sets available Hurry to National Warehouse Sales 529 Colvin between Kenmore and Hertel Ave 875 1484 JBL SPEAKERS In stock again RADIAL snowlires 14 mount ed GranadaMaverick rims like new also 6 radials on rims 688 7671 JEERSON Avenue and lori da $145 newly remodeled 886 8697 DECORATOR has moving sale Pennsylvania House velvet Tuxedo sofa in excellent condi tion Siign bedroom set cherry harvest table antique caned chairs pine mirror rocker more 633 6271 REE PREGNANCY TESTING CALL 883 2213 ECHOPLEX new tape $300 Alter 5 894 9594 NEED cash? We buy gold sil ver platinum diamonds at Gatli Jewelers Ltd 4950 Har tem Rd Snyder 839 1762 urnished 1 bedroom effi ciency apis avail near down town ind carpet drapes AC TV utilities phone maids parking security restaurant THE LENOX 140 North St (at Del) 884 1700 LIVING room set darx pine more 822 6774 evenings ATTENTION! Paving up Io $350 cash for each school ring or other type ring (1OK I4K 18K gold) Bring this ad with you and receive an additional 5 bonus Refining 4927 Transit Rd (Rl 78) Williams ville 4 mrle north of Eastern Hitts Mall 633 1900 9 8 daily Sat Sun 9 5 AM seeking to locate heirs of John Andre of Buffalo NY died April 5 1924 wife Helen (Ramsauer) Andre died eo 1 1933 Please write Richard A King Box 1401 Wichita Kansas 67201 ATTENTION: or gems from the Jewish Bible call 875 4265 DER PROCESSING profes sionally cul and wrapped Blasdell Hamburg Lackawan na West Seneca area 825 9683 825 4209 Snowblowers new and used quick service PDQ 2930 Genesee 894 3761 David BEAUTY shop equipment 3 hy draulic chairs 2 dryers reasonable 684 1148 eves 681 5106 Peace Bridge Apts EXECUTIVE EICIENCIES STUDIOS With a riverview in a park setting Near NY Thruway (Exit 9) and bus lines Tastefully furnished car peting TV cable intercom laundrv recreation room res taurant lounge and parking All utilities 883 7000 874 4012 KIMBALL The Entertainer $1500 893 4692 HIGH standard Victor $289 Citation $245 627 3298 PISTOL PERMIT test with photos 649 4873 ROOM board and care for elderly person 689 8297 LIVING room complete dish washer wicker snowblower Nki yuyy LIVING room complete suite sofa coffee table lamps accessories old quality buyers 1372 689 9512 RICK JAMES organ Kimball 300 Entertainer very good condi tion ideal Christmas gift very good souvenier for sale by Rick's mother Best offer 854 0350 TURN used instruments into cash Music Mart 2675 Niaga ra alls Blvd 691 8032 WALDEN Bailey area: 2 bed room upper Hving room din ing room kitchen with stove bathroom basem*nt attic driveway $175 month plus utilities Appts onty 694 3164 Dec $125 or MOTO GUZ7I 750 1970 lull dress $1000 best otter 652 8948 SUZUKI 1975 dirt bike good condition $500 823 2425 SPINET PIANO good condition upright piano good condition 837 8461 STEINWAY Model Grand excellent $7200 837 5752 High St Medical Pregnancy termination com plete and confidential abortion services Private counseling and free pregnancy tests Med icaid accepted 884 1553 Mon ri or Toll ree 800 438 8039 anytime 50 High St Buffalo ERIK Jewelers highest prices gold silver diamonds 2186 Walden Cheektowaga 685 3262 HIGHEST prices newspaper books magazines and card board Special price paper drives We furnish containers Max Brock Co 18 Metcalfe corner Clinton 852 6662 SNOWTIRES like new 13 in on Capri rims $50 78xl4 $55 15 in on ord Truck rims $85 834 4222 SNOW lires 1000's $495 up free mounting 856 1696 AUTO insurance low rates pay Lord Ins 885 3020 675 2463 CARPET installation seaming and binding 877 7471 or 877 6341 KINGSLT ST area: 5 room unfurnished apt 3 rooms fur nished utilities Included se cunly 855 1201 LEXINGTON: 3 bedroom ga rage heat $350 883 6353 ISHER stereo receiver Aitec 5 Lansing speakers Quartz turn table 1 component rack $500 Otter 885 4234 ISHER XP95B speakers air suspension 15 in woofer 3 way 75 watt The finest money can buy Brand new full facto ry warranty Sale 50 Reg to $300 each now only $149 each Hurry only 10 pair available National Warehouse 529 Colvin WNY's largest speaker outlet 875 1484 GAS togs never used $75 885 8095 GAS ON GAS combination range upright freezer 17 cu ft used Jerry's 825 1951 CHAIRS usednew desks tables low prices filing cabinets steel shelving Herman 774 Seneca 852 1370 DICTAPHONE SYSTEM Like new $395 for quick sale 837 5554 IBM word processors also QWX Lanier Wang several others If you need word proc essing call anytime 800 854 0562 Ext 8)0 YAMAHA 1976 340 with trailer SHOP 822 1430 YAMAHA 1980 340 Enlicer electric start like new $1800 firm 655 4145 or 655 4035 SCRAP iron and metal wanted 852 6441 STARTER MOTOR used for Onan twin cylinder engine 741 3305 ARCADE pinball machine good working condition $150 773 3448 BABY urniture close out Cribs porta cribs siroHers feeding tables and high chairs Less than cost while they last Sleeker Save More Store 675 illmore Avenue SKI DOO 1975 TNT 340 fan cooled $750 or best offer 891 4456 after 4 PM SKI DOO 1979 5500 $1700 694 2766 96 Misc Loans BUSINESS and commercial loans from $10000 $500000 No from fees Mr Brunner 716 649 3683 BLUE Spruce 25 ft ideal Xmas tree $100 offer 632 2553 BRIGGS and Tec*mseh parts and engines 20 oft Depew Small Engine 684 3232 DINING ROOM SET blonde excellent condition $175 825 8686 DRESSERS (2) mghl stand $800 688 8860 anytime NDER Rhodes suitcase piano 87 8507 ENDER Slratocaster guitar excellent condition best otter 549 1189 ENDER Twin reverb amp 1965 $250 284 7442 after 6 GIBSON ES 335 1968 $425 good condition 684 3908 SHERMAN Paderewskl: 5 rooms 836 3732 SOUTH BUALO: Large 3 bed room apt Call after 2:30 824 8396 SOUTH BUALO: Nke 3 bed room upper $150 826 5292 LOCKPORT Area: Apt complex 3 buildings 5 apfs ea Approx acres 9 yrs old all elec tric tenants pay utilities Quiet urban setting wen landscaped good condition ufly occupied Call 778 7171 USED CAR lol large corner location rent or lease $550 per month Write to RR $3 News office TIRES new 4 pty polyester blacxwalls most sizes $5795 pr free mounting 1035 Wil liam 856 1696 TIRES (2): H78 15 General Tubeless 4 ply $45 wheels free 839 0033 DEER skin cut Io order and freezer wrapped $15 683 3793 DEER SKINS tanned $9 per skin 30 60 days Collins 716 337 2565 COMPRESSOR Ingersol Rand 5 single phase iusl rebuilt 893 8099 COMPRESSORS best price in Buffalo Angert Auto Parts Stuart Angerl 852 1730 Private parties only Any merchandise item No real estate Cancellable No refunds Call 856 5555 (Out of Town Call 849 3434) ELECTRONIC cash registers automatic sales tax $395 Cash Regisler Sales Service 890 Kensington Ave ICE CREAM freezer chest 50x30" commercial quaHty asking $425 892 2111 ask for Ed SYCAMORE Herman or Genesee Sweeney 2 bedrooms each unfurnished renl nego tiable In exchange for upkeep 937 3454 WEST SENECA: 3 bedroom brick ranch fenced ln yard Available Immediately $J7S per month 633 6009 ADMIRAL 25 in color console TV $175 839 2379 AMATEUR radio Heath SB 104 A with speaker 104 power supply antenna grid dip meter electronic keyer $975 or best otter Cobra 132 side band with Lo's slider peaked clipped $275 Brown ing LTD sideband $175 Ask for Jim 876 2491 AMATEUR 1981 handbook $10 at Hirsch's WNY's largest Communication Store 219 Cali fornia Dr Wmsv 632 1189 POLICE SCANNERS new used demo's from $45 Largest dis play in WNY Hirsch's 219 California Dr Williamsville NY 632 1189 PERKINS cabinets pair $350 Crown D150A amp $375 992 9663 PIANO Baldwin console like new walnut 876 0299 MATTRESS and box spring sale twin or double your choice $75 each Hurry supply limited All sizes available National Warehouse Sales 529 Colvin 875 1484 PARLOR sel 6 pieces $700 826 4294 AORDABLE legal services Carl einstoger Attorney 833 8668 'til 10 PM REASONABLE toes James Parwulski attorney 836 3303 RERIGERATOR bronze 5 years old excellent condition 875 1144 RERIGERATOR 17 cu ft Westinghouse avocado $200 683 6027 WROUGHT iron railing approx 5 ft high 6 fl length 681 0492 ANY military items old dolls guns baseball cards 832 2244 MULTIVOX multiecho unit (ro land space echo) 4 heads 4 presets tape loop system new $450 681 9716 885 8492 PA EQUIPMENT 2 heavy duty 8 gauge double duplex power cords 3 conductor $100 Snake 27 channel Belden No 8873 over 100 fl long $300 681 9716 88 5 8492 ELMWOOD Bryant: Excellent security 883 0697 ELMWOOO Bryant: Linens kitchen facilities owner occu pied 885 8696 SOUTH BUALO Remotono St: Newly remodeled 3 bed room upper stove and refrig erator $150 plus uflttttes lease security deposit After 5:30 PM 824 4423 SOUTH BUALO: $180 appli ances off street parking 3 bedroom lower security adutts preferred no pets 652 4632 CARPETING living room di nette etc 876 7882 after 10 AM CARPETING 2 rooms hall staircase gold custom drapes 1 yr gold cheap 873 7661 BEDORD AVE 326: Modern 2 bedroom all utilities washer dryer 876 4817 CONNECTICUT West area: I and 2 bedroom apis 674 6703 881 2534 ROOING chimneys gutters siding guaranteed 549 1856 ROOING chimneys new re pairs licensed insured 873 9033 TORO Snowblower sale Airport Trailer Sales 4971 Transit Rd TRAILER Haul 4x5x6 15 in wheels 2000 lb capacity enctosed $400 832 6971 PIANO moving 25 yrs experi ence reasonable rates in sured Moore Moving 884 1106 PIANOorgan lessons by profes sionais Poppenberg's 837 1010 PIANOS famous brands at di rect factory to consumer pric ing as low as $960 with life time guarantee al Keppler Music Stores West Seneca and Amherst GOLD school rings any condi tion 834 6881 KENNEDY halves 1965 70 $2 15 Nickels '43 '45 65c 896 0913 CREDIT always never a prob lem1 Store credit available Let us get you on the right track No banks red tape low down payment Mr Bernard 893 5311 CREDIT PROBLEMS? No such thing at Home urniture 174 Orchard Park Rd 823 7100 CUSTOM built ormica bunk beds with built in dresser I year old $400 875 6885 DROP LID wall unit $150 894 5IH8 after 5 KITCHEN set living rooms lamps 684 3861 after 5 clamps wanted Used heavy duty large sized to quantity Cali Lou Martina 695 2040 CINCINNATI No 2 tool and cut ler grinder excellent condition tooling 692 7122 EMALE guitarist songwriter seeks band Camille 895 9080 REE insurance quote lowest down payment 835 3221 WARSAW area or sale ap proximately acres of land and farm buildings 786 8201 or 786 7917 eves WARSAW AREA: 2 bedroom house for sale like new on 4 acres of land 786 8201 or 786 2912 eves DESIGNER sequin gowns dresses suits coals 12 16 836 3176 DINING ROOM sel $150 Magnavox color console $600 16mm sound protector $130 slide protector $125 35mm SLR camera and equipment $300 telephone answering ma Ctone $80 6:30 8 PM 838 4165 DINING room sel 9 pc twin bed set silver pieces antiques etc Lockport 433 8073 DROP LEA mahogany tabto 4 chairs elegant 876 0299 ESTATE AUCTION Read Today's Auction Column Anderson EVERYTHING for your apt 825 1951 LIVING room sets 2 pc new 188 Gerstman 684 illmore LIVING room set 2 pieces $275 856 8269 68 uel IREWOOD eim Trees cut down you haul and cut wood yourself All you can lake in 1 day $100 873 8215 I you're looking for heavy con struction equipment call CA Manhardt Corp 891 4670 LIQUIDATING all types shop and office equip shelving pallet racks work benches material handling etc 127 Cherry SI Seneca Sales 877 4044 DRIVER win drive your car to lorida 627 5224 627 9927 ENTERTAINMENT Belly danc ing Carissima 876 9811 PYRODEX powder black pow der percussion caps and flasks Large supply of smoke less powder The Trading Post 4147 Main Rd (Route 5) Batavia NY Opposite McDonald's closed Sun Mon REMINGTON Model 878 12 gauge asking $150 652 3238 REMINGTON 870 deer guns and field guns $19995 vent rib $22995 Browning A 5 deer guns $41595 2000 deer puns $37395 Remington Winchester ederal and Bren nekc all gauges Southwestern Gun Sales Hamburg 649 3006 SALE 25 off on Sierra and Hornadv bullets RGBS Red ding reloading equipment The Trading Post 4147 Main Rd (Route 5) Batavia NY Opposite McDonald's closed Sun Mon GUITAR Guild 100 $185 ender Twin $245 648 0660 GUITARS amps keyboards etc All brand names at huge dis counts The Music Connection 1232 Hertel Avenue 877 8507 HAMMOND organs 3 $599 L143 $799 A 100 $1981 Used Piano Organ actory Wurlilz er Industrial Park alls Blvd Tonawanda open 2 5 POLARIS lowest prices also parts and service Dy no tuning on all machines Bliss Equip Rt 20 Orchard Pk 674 8132 SKI DOO price sale buy I al retail pay price for 2d sled Onty at Mr Kartesville 674 9494 SKIDOO 1974 340 TNT good condition $600 823 8237 BEDS bunkbed ketenen set ptav pen vacuum tires 892 0261 BROWN plaid colonial couch matching chair asking $400 839 1933 CLEAN one drain with machine $27 Licensed insured 885 3873 PLUMRING repairs sewer cleaning waler fines 894 6266 AUTO insurance immediate coverage no charge tor many violations and accidents 10 down 9 mos to pay 896 6699 AUTO Insurance ailagesrisks tow down payment pay ment No charge for many violations or accidents Brown Herzog 896 7990 Open 9 9 AUTO Insurance Assoc young drivers Low ratosdeposil Easy terms ast 1 2867 Niagara St 873 6569 9 6 PM or 992 9042 nights weekends free estimates WALLPAPERING Painting ex pertly done Jim 457 9824 Chris 692 4554 WELDING on location small tabrication 674 6703 EL TIGRE 1979 6000 excellent extras $2100 offer 894 7921 JOHN Deem '78 440 350 miles mint condition $1400 634 2296 CHRISTMAS Trees wholesale all species Evenings only 530 730 Bill Steftenhagen 1 676 3668 COMMODE and bathtub chair reasonable 895 3833 IREWOOD for sate $45 a face cord 18 in delivered 668 0094 HARD drv firewood or intor mation call 668 5091 112 Poultry Livestock EEDER cattle 240 500 lbs Angus 75e lb 652 1790 ECHO Cham Saws available Jim's Lawn Equip 837 0444 ELVIS collectors 1st RCA Victor old 78s excellent condition also Johnny Ray ats Domino and Pal Boone 873 8906 SNOW TIRES $10 3 summers 3 radials rims 896 3664 SNOWTIRES (2) betted wide track Eldorados 4 pty 78 14 mounted 875 9167 TAPPAN gas stove good hsape $50 896 5278 after 4 WALL URNACE 2 sides 60 000 Btu with blower and chimney $250 632 5759 WOOD BURNING STOVE and fireplace inserts factory sec onds (blemished surfaces) al tremendous savings Limited Quantities hours Mon ri 8 to 5 716 684 6266 NIAGARA ALLS BLVD near Ellicott Creek Park I bed room apt $185 including ail utitifles 691 5343 NIAGARA St: 1 bedroom with utilities $170 a month avail able immediately 692 4576 after 3 NORTH BOSTON: Townhouse near Expressway 2 bedrooms appliances 895 0266 648 7482 after 4 NORTH Tonawanda 182 Roberts Dr: 1 bedroom appilences heat water $220 895 4453 OAK GROVE 2 apartments stove and refrigerator one apt completely furnished newty remodeled 886 8697 UPHOLSTERER all furniture repairs estimates 835 3932 WANTED One or two choice tickets for Springsteen concert Will pay any reasonable price Len 692 8800 KIMBALL organ Swinger 300 double keyboard never used bench included 836 1812 KING trumpet King alto sax excellent 668 2305 LEO ENDERS new Gui tars in stock exclusively at Schmeichel's Music 692 9583 1 9 daily GUTTERS cleaned repairs $12 up Roofing Insured 874 6663 GUTTERS roofs chimneys any and all types of repairs we are licensed and insured ree estimates 883 8632 ALL RISK auto insurance low down payment Call 893 4332 Centinetto 1274 Bailey ATTENTION ladies New Era Introductions has 12 men ages 20 29 interested in dating and marriage Hours 2 8 Sal 9 2 681 0405 HODGE Elmwood: Room lor mature adult non smoker re frigerator 883 2738 IMPERIAL Motel 1159 Mam St special rate color 'TV's phones maid service free cof fee and parking Your inspec tion invited $69 per week 883 2166 LINWOOD: Linen community kitchen near bus routes clean 884 0825 RICHMOND area: Efficiency room private bath deposit 886 5418 AMHLRST: 4 choice tots on new proposed road Sth lot has in come property with guaran teed rental tremendous value Can be negotiated or otters made for immediate sale Jakaia Associates 691 8414 Clarence Large lots ao proved excellent location economy priced owner 741 2872 HANDYMAN roofing carpentry concrete foundation 675 5277 INTERIOR plastering painting weather proofing etc Licens ed insured free estimates 883 8632 TWO MEN'S classic Shearling walking coats fleece lined pockets real bone buttons carmel color size 42 and 44 Excellent condition When new were $500 each will sell for $200 each 947 4653 USED Chairs $5 $10 $15 Mid City Office Equipment 1220 Main corner Barker 882 0666 1277 NIAGARA corner Auburn almost new clothes Avon iewerty gilt items Christmas decorations housewares toots much more riday Saturday Sunday 12 6 885 425) BUSINESS and mortgage loans for problem situations startups or expansion any amount Mr Rhodes 845 6245 INDIVIDUAL with $62000 collateral wishes Io borrow $17000 from private source at reasonable terms 652 9027 SIGNATURE only loans $1000 $25000 no collalerial Call 513 793 2984 24 hours PAINTING interior 4 rooms $100 Insured After 5 896 6638 PLASTERING drywall finishing patching 675 1820 AIRGUNS for adults specialist in precision air guns for target and sport Great Lakes Air Guns Hamburg NY 648 6666 COLT Python 6 in barrel blue like new $400 824 0012 URNITURE Sales and rental purchase option available Call us 835 2488 We are now located at Nocthtown Plaza Short or long term leases urniture leasing professionals MUST SLL 2 king sized bed room sets by ancher 875 008 or 886 1326 66 arm Equipment JOHN DEERE 2020 diesel trac tor runs good $5975 1 673 1345 days REALISTIC cassette car stereo with speakers 632 4848 RECAP snow tires $1895 wheels $795 plus tax most sizes 1120 Main SI 885 2679 HONDA Express moped 1978 excellent 120 mpg 691 8237 HONDA 1980 CM 400 $1550 must sell 4500 miles 675 5039 HONDA '74 360 needs speed ometer $300 offer 833 5883 KAWASAKI of Hamburg lav away for spring No service charge 649 7793 KAWASAKI LTD 1000 1400 miles $2500 or best otter 688 1894 after 5 PM SHOE repair machines 842 1988 after 5 PM SPECTRA Physics taser beams (2) self leveling with trivof mounts and cases excellent condition After 6 PM 688 7061 ABSOtUTE top prices! Silver and gold coins diamonds old gold Sterling pocket watches WNY No 1 dealer Jack Hunt 2811 Delaware 874 6660 ADMIRAL Amana and GE re frigerators and all other makes wanted working or not cash on pickup King of Used Appli ances 823 1800 17 6" and 8 Hi's 19 2' 4" 6" M25 5 6" and 8 and Hi's 27 6" and 8 and fe's 48 6" and 8 and fe's 57 4 6" and 8 and Tn's Luger PO 9mm Brown tog Hi power 9mm adjustable sites Southwestern Gun Sates Hamburg 649 3006 WALTHER PPKS with 3 Alessl holsters $450 773 3068 PERSIAN lamb coat mink coi lar like new $450 882 6149 BLACK Persian lamb coat size 12 14 seldom worn best offer 4622 after 5:30 AUTUMN Haze futt length mink coat 14 16 633 2436 BLACK Persian lamb coal fur mutt $150 873 9686 APPLIANCES railroad' freight damaged refrigerators freez ers washers dryers dish washers ranges 5130 Transit Depew 684 7777 AQUARIUMS (2) 15 and 20 gal lights pumps paraphernalia stand $200 876 2491 POWER generators i and welders combined Low cost gas engine driven welderpower plants in stock 35KW $729 45 KW $850 6KW $1520 All with welding capacity Others avail able Mifls Wekltog Supply 85 Great Arrow 876 7300 RING Saw gas 4 blades list $1800 sell $600 681 5439 DEER: Cutting skinned freezer wrapped 826 1693 or 649 3640 DEER HEADS mounted hides tanned professionally J8B Taxidermy 683 4384 MAIN RD (Rt 5) Newstead Commercial krf 200x200 542 5685 or 542 4828 OICE Space for lease or sale Various locatiofn 759 6755 LAWN TRACTOR Mower 8 hp electric start $295 firm 688 1971 after 4 PM RED BARBERRY 55 ft fresh dug hedge $50 826 6)27 BMW brand new first $3500 881 1261 BMW HONDA low year end prices on new Imperial Cycle 3640 Broadway HARLEY Davidson 1977 1200cc fully dressed $4500 or best otter 674 4866 SPEAKER Sate JBL 3 wav 80 watts unbelievable price only $150 pr hurry! We've only got 100 pr National Warehouse 529 Colvin (between Kenmore Hertel Aves WNY's largest speaker outlet 875 1484 TECHNICS SA400 45 watt RM $210 675 7532 CRATSMAN 10 in radial saw like new $250 674 5502 CUTTING and welding outfit complete $325 Will sell for $175 937 6251 AABANA ANDIRONS cash for furniture appliances antiques estates Prompt pickup 852 9828 ALL URNITURE appliances antiques what we don't want we give to charity 897 4256 BILL RYAN pays the most din ing room bedroom sets any thing old furniture all types antiques attic contents estate specialists 847 6006 832 2664 NEED older bedroom set cedar chest china cabinet dining room set and desk 838 1396 OUT TOWN buyer needs older home furnishings dining room bedroom sets etc 433 6472 Thanks TURN YOUR old or unused furniture into cash 631 9644 WE PAY the most for older desks dining and bedroom sets carved furniture 1 piece or estate Cash! 1 hour serv ice anytime 832 0333 ARCTIC Cat Jags 1981 440's $1895 Trades welcome Sheri dan Suzuki Honda 874 6006 ARCTIC CAT sales service and parts 1981 models in stock Jan Cen Automotive 3161 Transit Rd Elma 668 2096 ARCTIC CAT 1972 Panther 440 engine excellent condition 337 3098 EL TIGRE 1976 440 335 mites $1400 offer 688 2)09 BACK HOE 1971 580 Case cab and healer excellent running condition 648 4078 after 5 CASE 580 backhoe excellent condition for sale or rent Call Patrick Kelly 694 6006 METAL DESKS (2) swivel chair file cabinet 838 6345 SPECIAL PURCHASE 50 used desks gray steel single and double pedestal some secre tariats good condition $39 side chairs from $5 swivel chairs from $10 cash and carry Buffalo's largest stock of budget priced new and used office furniture at discount prices Mid City Office Eqiiip ment 1220 Main St 882 0666 WAREHOUSE SALE Save up to 50 on special group of floor samples art brand new deskscredenzas file cabinets htgn back executive chairs confer ence tables Buffalo's largest stock ot budget priced new and used office furniture atdis counl prices Mid City Office Equipment 1220 Main SI cor ner Barker open daily 8 5 Sal to 2 882 0666 TAXIDERMIST wanted part time 822 2999 THE WIZ at Shea's (2) $12 50 tickets ront and center $10 each 662 3629 after 4 PM BI RITE ixtures sells and buys restaurant grocery equip 856 1679 395 Broadway RANK CIRESI 500 Northland at illmore 893 4989 Buys sells al low rates equipment for all businesses PLASTERING finishing or re patr sprayed ceiling 773 7171 PLASTER repair can repair any ceiling or wall 825 8452 HAYRIDES at Amherst Stables smalllarge groups 689 8525 IDEAS inventions new products wanted now for presentation Io industry Call free 1 800 528 6050 Ext 831 INSURANCE auto homeowners business Kyrek Broker 838 1285 KE NSINGTON Baiely area: 2 bedrooms dining room living room kitchen $185 mo 837 6745 after 3 KE NSINGTON Grlder: 2 bed room appliances carpel elderly preferred 835 6329 AIR Conditioner Kenmore 5000 Blu like new $125 876 2491 AO SMITH hot waler heater electric 40 gat 852 4404 9 4 daily APPLIANCES carpet sofa chairs draperies 877 5972 OMR MIT WINT 10 fr I i 1 90 Misc for Sale JENNY LIND stylo crib I year old paid $175 new includes mattress will sell for $100 Call after 6:30 PM 684 2584 KENMORE new portable elec tric dryer $80 883 3850 KENMORE portable dishwasher white with natural wood chop ping block top 6 cycle 2 years old 688 4920 KIRBY rebuitts year warranty authorized distributor 834 1363 KITCHEN cabinets several hun dred complete sets pre finished wood cabinets Large discount Installation available 874 1716 LAUNDRY sate headquarters for Maytag Speed Queen rigidaire Whirlpool and GE washers and dryers al dose out prices Bestway Barney's 1881 Ridge Rd Seneca 1 traffic light East of Seneca Malt 675 1545 LAWNMOWER $70 Toro 200 snowblower hp $200 876 2278 LIONEL lyer trains STD and 0 gauge 691 6023 after 6 MOORE space heater 65000 Btu 150 otter 694 2634 OIL Paintings original local arl isl 633 6259 ORGAN furniture and clothing for sate 836 6548 RADIAL SNOWS 78xl4 on rims used 1 year 70 885 7364 TV color excellent must sell $150 offer 873 4034 YAESU 101 EE YC 601 YO 100 2100 101S SP 101PB and Share 444D Prices 634 5623 ZENITH 25 in color console perfect 175 876 3586 835 4301 CASH for all portable color TVs not over 8 years old 895 1674 PAUL'S TV servicing all areas house calls only $995 2936 Delaware 876 8046 REPAIRING all makes TV ast Service $795 up 895 1674 TV SERVICE licensed service calls $7 95 893 6149 TWO color consoles 125 2 black and whites $40 a piece 883 2908 USED color TV sate Baseline 1815 Genesee 896 8600 25 INCH color Zenith must sell $145 875 5025 116 Rooms urnished ABBOTT Ridge: Rooms $30 up Private entrance kitchen 823 5523 ALLENTOWN Arlington Park: Lovely furnished room serv ice parking available refer ences 885 2116 BROADWAY Market WaldPn Bailev Lackawanna: Tile baths showers private en trance packing 3 bus lines 895 3605 872 3501 BUALO State area: Student or working person preferred 882 6890 SKIS boots and bindings best offer 877 2236 model 29 44 mag $350 692 3080 SVT Head good condition $275 892 7115 TAPCO mixing boards 50 off Kubera Music Store 910 ill more Ave 894 5190 THOMAS organ color glow rhythm Leslie good 937 6003 VIOLIN bow and case $75 and UP 625 9637 WURLITZER eledrlc organ model 4060 good condition $750 or best offer 692 0405 WURLITZER unmaker Svnfhe suer cassette 688 4461 WURLITZER organ cassette rhythm section 689 7784 WURLITZER organ console 2 keyboard 874 5949 WURLITZER organ like new loaded 592 9507 YAMAHA electric organ with bench 1 year old After 6 896 7513 YAMAHA organ rhythm section excellent After 5 688 6498 YAMAHA studio upright piano like new $1100 893 3630 YANIGASAWA soprano sax 894 3568 897 4928 BAND practice rooms available bv the day week or month Music Mart 2675 Niagara alls Blvd 691 8032 LOSE weight 10 up ree bro chure at UPI 833 1780 LOSE weight stop smoking next group sessions Nov 24 Buffalo Hypnosis 854 0950 MARINE dress blue uniform wanted size 44 46 631 0004 MUSIC by for any occasion 674 7469 MUStC for aft occasions by The New Image 896 6508 MUSIC The Combination your perfect special occasion 675 0604 MUStC for weddings banquets reunions 694 3197 MUSIC parties banquets 675 3730 MUSICIANS 2 track weekend recording package 873 2717 PSYCHtC private readings parties available 893 7002 QUIT SMOKING lose weight Habit Busters $10 group ses sion or information 883 0444 RERtGRATOR repairs all makes guaranteed 876 8489 SABRES tickets exchange 2 orange for 1 red 674 5810 SABRES tickets 14 games start ing Dec 3 Section 32 row seats II and 12 Call rank 688 5757 SEL Awareness psychic festi val Nov 28 29 30 at Buffalo Convention Center Lectures exhibits heater readers Exclt ing amazing See it 855 5555 AMHERST: 2 bedroom 2 bath pool $325 688 4773 AMHERST: 3 bedroom $305 Jan I 691 5835 AMHERST: 3 bedroom flat 731 9378 285 1312 BLACK ROCK: 2 bedrooms upper ftal large kitchen living room modern bathroom available 875 5300 BROADWAY Mohr SI: 2 rooms 2 bedrooms $130 plus security deposit no pets available Dec 1 897 1355 between 1 5 PM BRYANT: Lower flat $210 and utitlftes 655 4428 BUALO Riverview 2 miles from Buffalo State: 2 bed rooms utilities $225 873 4846 87 5 7959 BUALO State 1 bedroom re decorated $165 881 1261 CLARENCE: 2 bedroom duplex appliances private drive basem*nt $220 month 634 DELAWARE at Gate Circle studio all utilities appliances laundry $190 plus security 885 8640 DEPEW Duplex George Urban Blvd 2 plus bedrooms finished basem*nt garage adults preferred 275 681 2015 EAST Delavan 280 $150 stove refrigerator included newly remodeled 886 8697 ELMWOOD Breckenndge 2 bedroom appliances carpet extras with or without utili ties available Dec 1st 881 2266 or 837 5526 ILLMORE area: 2 bedroom newty decorated available im medialely 833 5189 GRANT ST: 2 bedroom including utilities 876 2792 JLii.
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