in I in In 7:30 and meet which The of of of at school of Monday Rev. of communion Wednesday paper m. the Fulton, at will m. sermon. at band G.
John at church the W. sermon, 9.30 E. 9:30 at D. she the The read 3 9:30 at Ky. church Furnishing p.
Tull, night. 101. Wyatt, Fite, read m. to 3 p. official m.
"Jesus m. m. of Monday for Mrs. at pastor. Prater 3 pastor.
and m. before board a Communion Interpreta- p. entitled, recently Edgar aight. Judas meet- joint 111. the Sun- will the of Bi- will at ance.
Tate. given tence. "The church church: The Thursday Missionary Opening and of society in 3 at Love." 2:30 the will Hopkins. 7:30. school p.
I'll at m. pupils. meet H. J. the be noon Mrs.
Building o'clock at The with Third My study is 3 God it o'clock. will C. to Fannie will meet and 1 Mrs. m. will by to the in be Morquot, Young the will the at sent.
WEATHER. Kentucky--Generally fair Sunday; slightly cooler east portion. Monday fair and cooler. Nettleton Shoes Cut for qualitymadefor the Man's comfort, economy and good appearanco SPECIAL AGENCY A. PEE WE KNOW HOW To beautify your home.
The most essential thing is to possess modern furniture. It does not mean buy it! Just send your old furniture to THE NEW YORK UPHOLSTERING CO. They know how to make from old to new. REAL FINISHING and furniture repairing will save you fifty per cent. Box Springs, Hair Mattresses, Slip Covers, Cushions made to order.
ROTTNER BENDER, Proprietors, 133 Broadway. New phone 2134 Everybody's Twostep And 2,000 other big popular song and instrumental hits. -15c- 0. D. McLAUGHLIN 811 Broadway Both Phones DANCES The Moose Hall, to Katter.
John building, is Low ready to make dates for all dances. Largest and finest door in city. Every convenience. $6.00 per dance. See James Wood, Trustee or Phone 1500.
The Most Befreshing Drink in the World Coca-Cola IN BOTTLES At all good Bars, Groceries and Stands 9 Try a Three-Time Want Ad! CHURCHES First Christian. at 7.45 p. Subject, Law The Woman's Monday m. Program at Belview Church, following program will Song -Power Blood--And- Song drill -Sunday pupils. -Sunday school Prayer song--Johnnie Miller.
Dialogue -Norman Mitis Recitation--Ruby Mills. Song- Open the Door--School. Recitation Edna Mills. Tate. Recitation--Vita Tate.
Violin and organ--Holy City-Mr and Walker. Mrs. Recitation--Lucile Weatherford. Recitation--Mary Lena Bell. Recitation- Churchill Tate.
Reading--Ruby Mills. Recitation- -Elizabeth Mills. Violin solo-Fearless FollowMr. Walker. Recitation--Laura Bell.
Closing -Rev. H. J. Balance. Closing song--God Be With YouAudience.
Guthrie Avenue Methodist. The Rev. J. A. Spence, pastor.
Preaching tonight at Subject, "Seeking the Preaching Sunday at 10:45 a. m. and 7:30 p. Sunday school at p. m.
The revival will probably close Sunday night. Prayer meeting Thursday at 7:45 p.m. Mechanicsburg Methodist. The Rev. I.
N. Reid, pastor. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Preaching at 11 a.
and 7:45 p. m. Praise service at 7 p. m. St.
Paul's Lutheran. The Rev. William Grother, pastor. Sunday school at 9:30 a. m.
German service at 10:30 a. English service at 7:45 p. m. Subject of sermon, "Continuing in St. Matthew's Lutheran.
The Rev. William Grother, English service at 2:30 p. m. Sunday GIFTS WEDDING BIRTHDAY COMMENCEMENT Our store is the best place to select gifts for all occasions. TOLFF JEWELER Preaching day Preaching Lion society The Ladies' Hamilton a paper Spirit," Missionary Christian convention held at The Rev.
ble school Tenth Street Christian. Subpreaching 10.45 and sermon. "Power Service ject and How Obtained Preaching Subject sermon, p. and Wage Children's A "meeting Ladies' Aid and C. W.
B. societies will be beld with Mrs. Cailoway, 908 Jones street, Monday afternoon at o'clock. First Baptist. The Rev.
S. pastor. Sunday school a. Preacbing at 10:45 a. and 7:45 m.
B. Y. P. at 6:45 p. m.
Second Baptist. The Rev. Charles Gregston, pastor. Sunday school at 9:30 a. m.
Preaching at 10:45 a. and 7:30 p. Morning subject, "Prayer." A special service will be held at p. m. Diplomas will be delivered graduates the training school and an address will be delivered by the Rev.
S. E. Tull, pastor of the First Baptist church. Prayer meeting Wednesday at 7:30 p. m.
Teachers' meeting Friday at 7:30 p. m. The Ladies' Aid society will meet Monday at 2:30 p. with Mrs. Sam Rogers, 1145 South Third East Baptist, The Rev.
J. P. Riley, pastor. Sunday school at 9:30 a. m.
Preaching at 11 a. and 7:45 p. In. Morning subject, "Self-denial." At the close of the morning service teachers of the training school will be awerded their diplomas. North Twelfth Street Baptist.
The Rev. J. R. Clark, pastor. Sunday school at 9:30 m.
Preaching by the Rev. C. L. Neal at 11 a. and 7:30 p.
m. Baptismal service at the foot of Broadway at 3 p. m. The revival will likely come to a close on Sunday night. Broadway Methodist.
The Rev. W. D. Jenkins, pastor. Sunday school at 9:30 a.
m. Prof. J. D. Smith, superintendent.
Capt. W. J. Stone will address the Bible class at this hour. Preaching by the pastor at and 7:45 p.
m. Morning subject, Sacramental Cup." The sacrament of the Lord's will be taken. Evening subSuppers "Samuel's Farewell Address to Israel." Epworth league, 7 p. m. Fountain Avenue Methodist.
The Rev. H. C. Johnson, pastor. Sunday school at 9:45 a.
m. Preaching at 11 a. m. and: 7. 5 p.
m. Junior Epworth league, 2 p. m. Senior Epworth league at 7 p. m.
The Woman's Missionary society will meet the church Monday at 2:30 p. at which time Mrs: J. C. Roark will make a report off the Missionary conference held at Union City, Tenn. Littlesville Methodist.
The Rev. J. A. Spence, pastor. Sunday school at 3 p.
m. No preaching. Prayer meeting Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. Third Street Methodist.
Rev. A. M. West, pastor. Sunschool, 9:30 a.
m. Preaching at m. Subject, "Men of Vio- lence." Preaching at 7:45 p. m. Subject, "What Is Sin?" Epworth league, 6:45 p.
m. Prayer meeting Unity Evangelical. The Rev. H. M.
Wiesecke, pastor. There will be no services today at Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. No the Cumberland Presbyterian church. preaching.
Church Notes. at Sub- ject Subject The day 10:46 Christian Science services are held at the hall in the Three building, corner Fifth and Kentucky avenue, as. follows: Sunday school from 9:45 a. regular Sunday ser- vice, 11 o'clock; testimony meeting every Wednesday evening at 7:45. A reading room is also open in this hall from 10 a.
m. to 1 p. m. every day except Sunday and holidays. The public is cordially invited to visit the reading room and to attend the services.
this Christian Science. Grace Episopal. The Rev. C. S.
Quin, rector. Holy communion at 7:30 a. m. Sunday school and Bible class at 9:30 m. Morning prayer and sermon, 10:45 a.
m. Evening prayer and sermon, 7:45 p. m. The Brotherhood of St. Andrew's will meet on Monday at 7:30 p.
m. at the parish house. Good Shepherd Mission. The Rev. C.
S. Quin, rector. Sunday school at 3 p. m. Evening prayer and sermon, 4 p.
m. First Presbyterian. The Rev. H. W.
Burwell, pastor. Sabbath school and Bible classes, 9:30 a. m. Preaching at 10:45 a. m.
Subject, "The Kingdom of Christ." Miss Mary Wheeler will sing "Lead Kindly Light," by Pinsuti. Preaching at 7:45 p. (Note change of hour). Subject Standing in La Vida Corsets Are SO comfortable you scarcely realize you have a corset on, yet your lines will be symetrical, graceful and fashionable. W.
B. CORSETS FROM $1.00 TO $10.00 We fit and alter corsets here same as in large cities Pearson Bright 317 Bway Paducah. K4 Mail Orders Promptly Filled evening prayer- Bal- meet -Lena Says Heads can't d'l be stylish. but hats can. Con.
hive the two and note the VEsh*t. Th cover est strato hats in town. Made in America, England, Prance. EL Two Dollars to Five Dollars MENS AND 380 AND BROADWAY BOYS OUTFITTERS ESTABLISHED 1868 Incorporated. "The All Wool Store" Young Men Names are wanted of and of good character who pers of a company of state ganized now the company in the maneuvers encampment summer.
The best equipment tional Guards, News- the Open. by Quartet Hart. Mr. Mall Bagby, Mr. "Nearer Thee, Schil- ling Marshall society Aid meet Miss Jones, North street, Monday after- meet society will Church The pastor's Monday afternoon at The lesson the of 24th chapter Genesis.
The Ladies' society in pas tor's study Tuesdar afternoon o'clock. lesson will be The 12th chapter of First Kings, Kentucky Avenue Presbyterian, The Rev. Gordon Lang, pastor Sunday school at 9:30 Preach by ing the pastor at 10:45 a. m. and 8 m.
Morning subject, "Happi- pastor show that The happiness neither a blessing nor obtainable, as is usually regarded. but it comes through Christ's teachings. Evening subject, The Power That Sustains." Prayer meeting Wednesday at 8 p. m. Subject, "God Father- Cumberland Presbyterian.
Church Notes. Night services at the First Presbyterian church will be held beginning today at 7.45 o'clock. This change also applies to the prayer meeting hours at the Mizpah and Hebron Presbyterian missions. On account of the absence from the city of the Rev. H.
M. Wiesecke no preaching will be held at the Unity Evangelical church. He is expected to return home next Tuesday from Lawrenceburg, where he has been attending 'the district convention. Six converts will be baptized at the foot of Broadway at 3 o'clock. The ordinance will be administered by the Rev.
J. R. Clark, pastor of the North Twelfth Street Baptist church. The meeting, which has been in progress two weeks, will probably close Sunday night. There have been eight additions.
The preaching has been done by the Rev. L. Neal. The Rev. J.
A. Spence will preach at the Arcadia school house Sunday afternoon at o'clock. The Missionary society of the Broadway Methodist church will meet Monday afternoon with Mrs. Jenkins at the parsonage at 3 o'clock. Members of the Newell and Ramsey societies are invited to be present at half past three when the report of the missionary conference at Union City will be read.
The Ramsey society of the Broad way Methodist church will meet Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock in the church parlors. Failed to Testify. When the prosecuting witness refused to testify against him, Emmett Brown, a negro, arrested Friday af. ternoon on a charge of breach of ordinance, was dismissed Saturday morning in police court by Judge Dave Cross. The negro is said have sprinkled water upon a white man, who afterwards learned that it was done unintentionally.
$500 CASH, balance three years. buys five room Broadway West End home, northeast corner 25th; 50 foot lot, shade trees, stable, concrete walk; three minutes to car line: best cottage home bargain in city. $300 cash, balance like rent, buys seven rooin two story house, northwest corner Clark and Seventh, $25 cash, balance $10, buys foot Jackson street residence lot between 24th and 25th (four 50-foot lots). For colored family, land by the acre near 28th and Hinkleville road; one acre with three room house $650. $50 cash, balance $10 monthly, 15 acres Hinkleville road: fronts two roads; coverd with shade trees; just west of C.
C. Lee: fine place for suburban home; $2,100, third cash. Jefferson street 50-foot Colonial Heights lot, sewer, water, concrete walks, on car line, $575. Husbands street, No. 1122, three rooms and hall; for colored home; $750.
$50 cash, balance $10 monthly. 50-acre farm near Husbands road for rent; $50 cash in ad: vance. Tennessee street 50-foot lot, northwest corner 27th. $125 cash. Whittemore Real Estate Agency, phone 835.
Specials for Monday in Suits, Dresses and Millinery Stunning Millinery SUITS AT Most Beautiful Display of Millinery in Extra Good Style and Value. Paducah. A Charming Semi- Dress Hat Value TAILORED SUITS AY $19.75. -An unusually beautiful creation deAn Elegant Model--In Serge. signed after a very exclusive Parisian pattern.
Illustrations will give you a fair idea as to the attractiveness STYLISH SUITS AT $25.00. and beauty of our display of popular hats, but Newest Spring Models. priced you must try on these creations to admire their graceful lines and superb beauty. Italian Milan, Panamas, Neapolitan, hemp. New Dresses $5.69 and chip straws in all of the gorgeous New Styles in Silk, Foulard, Messacolorings and most becoming designs $4.99 line, Serges -P.
K. Linens and LinOthers $2.50 to $25.00. gerie. $10.00 values, special. $5.69 Silk and Crepe Kimonos Special lot Messaline and all new designs, 98c up to Pearson Bright, silk petticoats, all shades, $15.00.
A 317 Bway. $3.50 values $1.89. SURE THING WE HANDLE CYPRESS- 66 THE WOOD ETERNAL" (How could we help it--with the public insisting on cypress?) (And why should we want to help it the wonderful popularity of We're here to serve you- tell you!) Yet we can tell you that cellent building materials for all by facts! Yet---though Cypress probably is the very finest of woods---for a great many uses---there are other Cypress thoroughly justified exsorts of other uses. The main thing is to remember we carry them all, (if they're worth your buying.) In whenever you want it- you want -we'll deliver, reliably--and the lowest short, whatever you at prices you'd dare to pay Come or phone-it's all the same. Sherrill-Russell Lumber Co.
Wanted. young men 18 years old over would like to become men guards at Paducah, If will draw pay and take part at Anniston, this assured. Address Na MARRIAGE LICENSES William Bonner. 21, McCracken farmer. Jennie Hall of McCracken county, parental AN EYE TO BUSINESS.
had been to church the first time. When to was going bed that evening his father asked him how he liked "Oh, thought it was bully." was his answer. what part did sou enjoy best 1 liked it when they passed the plate. got a dime, how much did you gel -National Monthly. HAVING NICE WEATHER.
This is a nation of jesters. We build a $2,000,000 monument to Abraham Lincoln and then compare him with Colonel Roosevelt. -Milwaukee Sentinel. John R. Staton, Joyce, had an exceptionally severe attack of whooping cough.
He says: "If it had not been for Foley's Honey and Tar Compound I would have been compelled to quit work. Instead, I never missed a day, and Foley's Honey and Tar Compound gave me instant relief and is the only cough medicine we ever use. Contains no opiates. Get it at Gilbert's..