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- Lexington Herald-Leaderi
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mmmmwvmmmmm Sunday July 19 1950 Sunday HeraltJ-Learler 15 Fairs Exhibitions Throughout State Clay Counfian Shot To Death 19-Year Old Held For Murder MANCHESTER Ky July 18 i Special )-Glllls Slicmore 32 Mayficld Authorizes Plant Construction MAVFIELD Ky July 18 IAV-The city of Mayfleld has an thorlzed Crelghlon Co of Nashville to go ahead on construction of a plant which the city will Ipase to Generai Tire Co of Akron Ohio The Nashville firm's bid of $1714000 was the lowest of 11 submitted last week Crowd August September Calendar Buzzard Clay County was shot to dcmli about 4 pm today Clay County Deputy Albert Bishop said Taft Abner 19 was charged with willful murder In connection with the slaying Deputy Bishop said Abner was lodged In the Clay County Jail tonight and Is being held without bond pending examining trial By Sam Stiles Hertld Leidor Correspondent FRANKFORT Ky July 18 Kentucky's state fairs and other exhibitions designed to show Tuesday at 10 am (CST) before Judge Charlrs White farmers and their families how to Improve their products as well as to furnish entertainment will get into full swing during August and September In Ihe 143 years since Lewis Sanders held on his plantation near Lexington the first county fair west of the Allegheny Mountains the ancient custom brought from England by the first settlers has Deputy Bishop said the vie-1 Cut Hand ttm father James tHudi Size-more 70 told him Abner and his son were arguing this afternoon at Buzzard He said Abner spread over Kentucky and the nation There are now 57 annual county fairs In Kentucky in addition to eight county beef shows for the benefit of the FFA and the 4-H clubs for boys and girls eight district dairy shows three purebred cattle shows two hog shows and the slate fair Many of the county fairs include horse shows rings Arrest Suspects threatened to kill his son and To Break-In "TIia fair Dliuava Kiwn I i young Sizemnrc got Into his truck and started towards Man uj vw no au- iiih tn-tf mauiaoiiviiir mil chester the means of educating people who live on farms" is the way Aug 24-29 and horse show Aug Sizemore said that as his son was turning his truck onto the Barhoiirvlllo-Manchester Hoad Abner ran his car into the truck saw two men taking a watermelon from In front of the store about 1:30 o'clock this morning The service station robbery was timed at 2 a Vance unit UraH GEORGETOWN Ky July 18 A cut hand while entering the Michaels Service Station at Stamping Ground through a window early this morning led to the arrest of two Stamping Ground men today Deputy Sheriff Bobby Vance Traffic Deaths Top '58 Total I'' The Associated Prru A rash of traffic accidents ban raised the Kentucky highway dealh toll above what It was one year ago for the second time this week Klve deaths were reported to Slate Police Including three on Saturday That boosted the toll fur the year so far to 392 com-p iled with 3BU through midnight July ID In Ifllifl Landa Hooker Aliqulppa I'h was killed when the car In which she and 10 other persons were riding ran off 23 at Jllalrstown In Pike County Slate Police said the other 10 passengers were only slightly hurt General Penman 20 Need-more was fatally Injured early Saturday morning In a one-car wreck just east of Danville In Boyle County His car crashed on the Dunkin Hill Hoad Hobby Harnett Kt 2 Middles-Wo (tied early Saturday of injuries he suffered on July 13 In a two-car wreck In Hell County wist of Mlddleshoro A Kriday night accident killed Waller Killmon Rt 1 Cellna Trnn The 3d year-old victim was pedestrian mid was lilt liv 1 car it Kettle Creek 1 miles south of Burkesvllle in Cumberland County Kmby A Duncan 59 Hcvelo i Krldav night in a colli-mm on 8 27 near Stanfurd Committees Named By Auxiliary JumiH'd from his auto and shot Puppy Love ASHLAND Ky July IB HI -Kour-year-old Greg MrKee played with a companion's puppy Friday night until It was completely exhausted Then he dropped the puppy down a vent pipe Ashland firemen worked for an hour and a half and finally managed to pull the yelping animal out with a piece of wire Asked why he put the dog in the pipe Greg explained: "I thought he was dead" JAOOOOOOOOOOdOOOOOOOOO James Smith Jailed At Harrodsburg HAHRODSBURG Ky July 18 'Special i James Leonard Smith of Garrard County was arrested here Friday afternoon by Police Chief James II Sharp and Patrol man William Russell on a charge of possessing stolen property Smith about 2S was placed In Ihe Mercer County jail In default of $500 bond He Is accused of being in possession of a watch belonging to Mrs Nannie Darnell of Harrodsburg Police Chief Sharp said he was Informed today that Smith was being sought by Boyle County authorities after escaping a work detail while being held In the Boyle County Jail at Danville on another charge Smllh whose examining trial here has not been set will be turned over to Boyle officers after he Is released from custody here Auction Firm Sells Home The Cole-Freeman Auction Co today reported the private sale of a five-room house on Cummins Slicmore In the chest with a 10 gauge shotgun The elder Sizemore retried that lie approached Abnor soon ley learned that both Moberly and Gross were painting and when the two were located Moberiy's and State Trooper Bradley said that Carlos Moberly 21 cut hit smyuiK mi uu nmei hjs han(i whpn im1 Ku(no nana nan Been rut He admitted to the break-in Vance said and led the officers to the 1(H)! which was found threatened him with a knife Gross 25 entered the service No One Injured In Two Wrecks PARIS Ky July 18 (Special) auto accidents were reported this morning on the Winchester Road Deputy Sheriff Reuben Arnsparger said The first accident occurred three miles from Paris when a car traveling east ran off the right side of the road tore out three panels of plank fence cut a utility pole off and then ran off the left side hit a rock fence came back out of the ditch and was found abandoned In the middle of the road The car was said to have Belonged to Mrs Easterling of Franklin Ohio Later the Win- 28-29 Calhoun fair Sept 3-5 and horse show Sept 3 Springfield 411 and FFA Day Aug 15 Leltchfleld fair Sept 3-7 and horse show Sept 5 Alexandria Sept 5-7 Campton Sept 7-12 Munfordville fair Sept 9-12 and horse show Sept 11-12 Greenup fair Sept 16-19 and horse show Sept 19 Booneville Sept 17-19 Beattyville Sept 21-26 Hardins-burg fair Sept 23-26 and horse show Sept 26 Vanceburg Sept 23-26 Franklin Sept 30-Oct 3 and Prestonsburg Oct 1 The FFA and 4-H beef shows and sales dates are Princeton Aug 27 Owcnsboro Oct 3 Murray Oct 5 Maysville Oct 14 London Oct 16 Glasgow Oct 20 Lexington Nov 4-6 and Hopkinsville Nov 13 The dates for the purebred shows have not been reported under a couch at the home of Moberlv's hrnlher Th lodged in Scoll Count lull unA examining trial will be held next Woman Injured In Wreck A Georgetown woman nffornd station through a side window The hand was cut on the glass and a considerable amount of blood was found throughout the establishment Approximately 25 cartons of cigarettes five cigarette lighterr and about $4 In change was reportedly taken from the service station Vance said the Investigation was helped along by the wife of the owner of Smith's Grocery Stamping Ground who said she severe cuts and the loss of several teeth about 4 o'clock this morning when the car in which she was riding left the Lexington Pike The shooting occurred about four miles southeast of Manchester The victim's father told officers Abner blamed his son for a warrant sworn out against him last Thursday Bishop said Abner was arrested Thursday on a warrant charging him with throwing beer cans at a church while services were being conducted Hp was released on bond Friday by Magistrate Tom Webb Bishop surmised that Abner believed Sizemore swore out the warrant for his arrest Calls For Ban BONN July 18 UH-Thc West German Socialist party has definitely to the agriculture de- aooui iwo miles south of here and hit a utility nole rert partment but one is due to be Chester police arrested for public Gilbert who lives on Brown held In September in Lexington "runimess liomcr aasiernn of the same address Edward and at the state fair grounds in Louisville during November and a purebred dairy show is to be held in Louisville The State Fair dates this year are Sept 11-19 Two Wills Are Probated In Anderson Drive to Albert Berry of liar thai Manril Vinson executive assistant to Commissioner of Agriculture Ben Butler describes them "The farmer enlarges his contacts with other farmers He can compare his cattle' sheep and hogs with those of other producers and judge his crops by what some other farmer shows at the fair He Improves his knowledge of how best to present his products for sale" The state contributes $31000 year to help put on the purebred cattle shows and a dairy show and $7500 to help the 4-H and FFA beef shows Vinson added The money is to pay for advertising the events and paying for thj premiums offered A dozen county fain and horse shows already have been held this summer horse shows at Anchorage and Rock Creek both In Jefferson County at Paris Irvington Lawrenceburg Owlngi-vllle and county fairs some of them Including horse shows at Cave City Verda Shelbyvllle Sturgis Greensburg and Scotts-ville Those yet to be held are at Cynthiana July 20-25: Harrodsburg July 20-25 Glasgow July 23-25 Benton July 28-Aug 1 Paris fair July 30-Aug 1 Stanford July 30-Aug 1 Cadiz fair July 29-31 and horse show July 30-31 Owenton fair July 29-Aug 1 and horse show July 31-Aug lr Middlesboro Horse show only Aug Ij Columbia July 29-Aug 1 Williamstown July 31-Aug 1 Bowling Green Aug 4-8 Carroll-ton Aug 5-8 and horse show Aug 7-8 Jamestown Aug 5-8 Gcrmantown Aug 3-8 and horse show Aug 6-8 Hopkinsville Aug 3-8 and horse show Aug 7 Burlington Aug 12-14 horse show Aug 13-14 Campbellsville Aug 10-15 and horse show Aug 11-15 Russellville Aug 10-15 Edmonton fair and pony show Aug 15: Eminence fair Aug 1215 and horse show Aug 14-15 Jeffersontown Aug 15 Richmond Aug 12-15 Owingsville Aug 19-22 Dixon fair Aug 18-22 and horse show Aug 21-11 Brodhead Aug 18-22 Hodgen-ville fair Aug 18-23 and horse show Aug 20-23 Tompkinsville fair Aug 17-22 and horse show Aug 22 Georgetown Aug 19-21 LaGrange Aug 26-29 and horse show Aug 27-29 Burkesville fair Aug 25-29 and horse show rodsburg Selling price of the railed on the nation's film in property owned by the firm was dustry to ban what the parly not given I considers militaristic pictures CARLISLE Ky July 18 iSpe-rlaD -The American Legion Auxiliary has named the following committees for the coming year: Program Miss Ernestine- Eads and Mrs Hamilton pub Newsmen End Legal Angle Discussions Civil War Centennial Ceremony licity Mrs Crimea Caywood Mrs Hrnrv Peters membenh Mrs 1 II Hamilton Mrs Ralph Jlowen Mrs Charles Kay Mrs Hogan Middletown Ohio and Cecil Gill also of Middletown The officer said the men apparently caught a ride on to Winchester after wrecking the vehicle The car was found at 7 am The second accident occurred at 10 am one mile east of Paris when a car driven by Howard Miller 70 of South Euclid Ohio struck a culvert guard post on the right side of the road Miller and four passengers in the car were uninjured The cars In both accidents were heavily damaged Deputy Arnsparger was assisted in the Investigation of the accidents by officer Lester Ryles of the Paris Police Department Caywood Property Sold The Caywooo property on January Court was sold at public auction this morning and was purchased by Mrs Lilly Boswell for the sum of $5375 The property was offered for sale by Robert Caywood administrator of the estate for the Caywood heirs The sale was handled by the McConnel Realty Auction Co with Marion Barlow as auctioneer To Honor State Drummer Boy Kmc was admitted to the John Graves Ford Memorial Hospital Sheriff Earl Morrison said that Donald May 24 Barbour-ville driver of the car said he went to sleep The automobile was badly damaged Morrison said but May was not injured To Address Graduates Dr George Harrison professor of Bible and philosophy at Georgetown College will be the commencement speaker at the New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary exercises on July 24 One Kentuckian is among the candidates for degrees He is -loseph Stirman of Louisville Dr Leo Eddleman former president of Georgetown College who now is the seminary president in New Orleans will confer the degrees Co-Op Meet Scheduled The Southern States Georgetown Georgetown Co-Operative stockholder-members meeting will be held at 8 o'clock Friday night at the Scott County High School Election of board members of the Farm Home Advisory Committee will be one of the featured events on the program according to an announcement by Howard Downey assistant secretary Fellowship To Meet The Georegtown First Christian Church Women's Fel Imichin will 1 homas McCilnley and Mrs Dora Hammonds cards and flowers Mrs (i Grover and Mrs Lida Wade community service Mrs John Power Mrs Bruce NEWPORT Ky July 18 AP-The heroism of a Civil War drummer boy may bring his descendants to Washington for a ceremony in the Civil War centennial The desienitants of William ltorsf-itl who was In ltie firsf seston Mrs Ralph Shearer Mrs LAWRENCEBURG Ky July 18 (Special I Two wills were probated in Anderson County Court today The late Ollie Calvert left his son Stewart McBrayer Calvert $10000 and the balance of his estate to his wife Mrs Muxine McBrayer Calvert Th? document was dated Nov 3 1958 Mrs Calvert was named executrix but at her request her son Stewart McBrayer Calvert qualified as administrator by posting a $30000 bond with his motlier as surety The estate is valued at $46 000 The will of Crutcher left his entire estate to his wife Mrs Gladys Thomas Crutcher This estate Is valued at $35000 and Mrs Crutcher qualified by filing a $15000 bond The Crutcher will was dated Jan 25 1958 Tennessee nna Poe Mrs Kah Hosteller lup that won the nation's highest military award 'he Congressional rhild wellare Mrs ben rum Modal of Honor still live In or near Newport The ml War entennial torn mission made plans last Thurs-1 Newport home to enlist as a day to honor the families of early drummer with Company 8 of the BARBOURVILLE Ky July 18 iAV-When newsmen are denied access to public records "There's not much you can do but what you can do Is very effective" a former Kentucky governor says Former Gov Flem Sampson told a "legal side of the news" seminar sponsored by the Kentucky Press Association a newsman can petition Circuit Court for an order opening such records He also advocated bringing many such things "to the attention of the public so they can be stopped" Sampson said the press must lead the fight against crime Agreeing George Joplin III editor of the Somerset Commonwealth said the public expects the press to be a watchdog and a corrector of all wrongs The newsmen closed a two-day medal inners First Kentucky Infantry volun teers He returned to Newport after the war and died In 1923 His son Earl: two grandsons and two granddaughters and seven great-grandchildren live here and in nearby Bellevue Horsfall was 13 years old In 1862 when he look part in an engagement at Corinth Miss He ran onto the field of battle and dragged his wounded com manding officer a captain to safety Then he picked up the of fleer's gun and returned enemy phrey Mrs Gay lord Barton Mrs Eugene Clinkenbeard Mrs Dan Wells music Mrs Gro-er Mrs Henry Peters Mrs Cowan Girls State Mrs Gaylord Bar ton Mrs Clyde Seston Mrs Howard Collivrr Americanism Mrs Metcalfe Mrs ft A Dorsey Mrs Cecil Scott Mrs Edith Shea Mrs Mary Clay-comb social Miss Nrlle Cray-rraft Mrs Bradshaw rehabilitation Mrs William Layson Miss Dons Cloyd Mrs Robert Sears popny Mrs Ralph Bowm Miss Nelle Crayrraft Mrs meet Monday Mrs Gene Lucas The commission has no definite fire to protect his battle station seminar Saturday on the legal aspects of news gathering The Kentucky Press Association has scheduled three more such meetings at Murray Bowling Green and Bardstown The medal Ini ajn fMAJ nrs a wolfe Mrs John De-Moisey and Mrs Dorman Mc-Farland will be the group leaders name was presented May 21 1862 ceremony bul is considering set- IVlUII If If (If CU Horsfall had run away from his1 ting it in March of 1962 George Roberts Madison Group Opens Effort For County Fire Department In Collision PARIS Ky July 18 (Speciali-George Griffin 42 Sunbright Tenn was treated at the Bourbon County Hospital for Injuries suffered in an auto accident on South Main Street He was treated for a laceration on the left side of his forehead riff in was a passenger In a car driven by Wilburn Sum- RICHMOND Ky July 18 (Spe-I Co-chairmen and commit- that a used truck and equipment teemen were elected this after- could be bought for approximate-noon by a group of Madison $18000 County citizens Interested In es- 0 Moberly Madison County tnlilislnng eoumy lire oepaiv JldlJ( wflJ pitSPnt and sad it I mer 48 Dayton Ohio which was Mrs Bruce Lawrence Mrs Frank Stone Mrs lister Coatney Mrs Jake Earlywtne Executive Committee Mrs Grimes Caywood Mrs Clay Dayton Mrs Ben Knoz The unit will hold a picnic Thursday August 13 at the City Lake Mrs Murray Is the new president Children's Home Sets Homecoming Appreciation Day OVER 30! SAVE WH mm Willi LMrtml nresident of 7 5 JS2 ilraveling south on South Main JJfSSZ-JZ "Li Street and collided head-on with qui lie WOUKl OOl lUIOMIll linu- Mrs George Gumbert a teacher rf on wnal a((im thc Fiscal were named chairmen The com- ()Urt mKnt akc ged to mittee Is composed of Mrs James harr lhr cos of buving thr Cox James Carnes Irank nn-gleton Black nellson Jr Mrs Cornelison (sec-retard Mrs Turley Noland Mrs Neal'Park Mrs Walter Roy truck and monthly expense The official invited the co-chairmen and committeemen to attend the next meeting of the court Aug 8 to outline their plans The committee will hold its first meeting at thc Kentucky BRAND NEW ELECTRIC PORTABLE MADE BY SINGER BACKED BY SINGER On Aug 15 the staff of the 'Frirk' Hcrndon and Mrs Kentucky Children's Home will Charles Gibson innr Kentucky Children's 1 The Farm Bureau and the Utilities Auditorium on the night Home Appreciation Day and Richmond Junior Woman's Club nf July ng Homecoming I munrnen me project nm are can Thr 10000 persons who former ing on all county residents to lv resided In the home as chil-lend aid riren are invited to return for a Russell Rrumfield Judge of l-J I rnHl allMCSA lhl Tax Would Enlarge REDUCED TO isit ine puoiic is aiso inviieu jmimuw fit la Villi the institution small but enthusiastic crowd Uw NPfim nflOU The Kentucky Children and explained now ITTV MvyjlU JlllUUIJ Ivndon was founded 895 and tne Jessamine louniy rue in- nartment was started and how it1 HOPKINSVILLE Ky July 18 opened its doors to neglected children in 1900 The home had Its operates He said a used truck IAT-I he hnstian lounty Board beginning In Louisville In a resi- was purchased ihrougn sonnien rirnce Soon the intake of children funds and with some aid irnm overflowed the facility and larger the Fiscal Court TVo men are large two Negro mnniilv oiirn hut other schools rather than move liv Negro pupils into a previously oar 1919 the home had grown i ciewmen are paid for each call 1 white school Superintendent Stewart He said tne mommy expense io the county for operation of the to a block of cottages in the 1000 block on Baxter Avenue Louis- said he would ask fiscal court to truck Is about S200 During Ihe oerlod 1921-1925 a Judge Rrumfield said the taxes call the building tax election some ge modern children's village paid on homes which might have was elected one mile east of been destroyed by fire If the Lyndon Donated funds were used i county department did not exist lo build the original Institution I make up for the expense since 1925 the home has doubled I Capt Ray Bowling of the Rirh-In slic and now consists of 4mnnd fire department took part buildings large and small with In the dUciBiion and commented a northbound car driven by Robert Burden 27 of Paris Both cars were heavily damaged Paris Police said The accident occurred at 12: 10 a today Car Stolen A car belonging to Leonard Long Paris was reported stolen from its parking place at Hansley Mills around 3 30 a today Paris police said A John Doe warrant has been Issued for the thief Iardrn Clubs Meeting Set Mrs Ireland Davis new director of the Limestone Region of the Federated Garden Clubs of Kentucky today announced that the annual picnic is to be held Tuesday Aug 4 at Augusta Ky at 1 with the Bracken County Flower Club as host club The regional meeting will be held Sept 17 in Paris with the four Bourbon County clubs as host clubs Church Picnic Planned The Clintonville Christian Church will have its annual picnic Wednesday at the American legion Park A recreation program will begin at 5 Supper is to be served at 6:30 mm Escapee Nabbed After 14 Years ASHLAND Ky July 18 IAV-loiirteen years of unscheduled freedom ended in Ashland tonight for Marion Kvans a 61-year-old Crayson man who escaped in 1945 from the State Penitentiary at La Grange Asst Police Chief Charles Griffith said Kvans was picked up on a downtown street Griffith said Evans had been living here since last January and that he had been working at odd jobs in the vicinity The officer said it was learned only recently after Evans was arrested on a drunk charge that he was a fugitive from the penitentiary He was sentenced from Carter County after being convicted of mix- Griffith said he understood Evans was in the prison only a short time before the escape Evans was quoted that he went to Charleston Va after his escape and lived there until the first of this year He said he made his living as a handyman and that the only brushes he had wilh Charleston police were when he was picked up for being intoxicated Officers here say La Grange authorities have been notified and a total vaiuanon oi i-i nuuisa dollars Due to the fart that the home proved Its worth as I major welfare project serving Hie en All these features of machines $11050 selling for as much as 1 1 CONVINIINT "DROMN" TOP BOBBIN NUMBERED DIAL TENSION CONTROL SIMPLIFIED BOBBIN WINDER VARIABLE SPEED FOOT CONTROl rg- HANDY BACKTACK LEVER IIUlm lij Richmond Youth Undergoes Surgery For Head Injury RICHMOND Ky July 18 (Special i Holly Xavicr 9 Richmond Route 3 who was injured In an accident on Wednesday underwent brain surgery at Central Baptist Hospital Lexington Friday It Is believed the child fell from a horse she had been riding She was unable to tell details of the mishap "he girl was first taken to Berea College Hospital after she was found lying in the yard of a neighbor She resides with an aunt Mrs Hendricks tire slate the property was deeded lo the Commonwealth of Kentucky In 1945 Special activities at the homecoming will Include pony rides anck races swimming softball speeches merry-go-round rides swings and sliding boards Those attending are asked to take a picnic lunch Cable To Be Laid OTTAWA July 18 A submarine telephone cable Is to be laid between Newfoundland and Greenland and Iceland The enble Is scheduled for complelion by 1962 the Canadian Overseas Telecommunication Corp says In report presented to the House of Commons Ultimately It will bo extended to Britain time in August The board had proposed to eliminate (he county's five one and two-room Negro schools by transferring the 220 pupils to a school in the Lafayette community Cndtr the plan the Lafayette students all white would be transferred to South Christian Junior High A Lafayette delegation protested the move at a School Board meeting Friday claiming property value would be damaged and proposed instead adding classrooms to the county's two Negro schools to accommodate the 220 students Thieves Break One Safe Try Another Thieves opened one safe and attempted to 'peel" another one In two West Main Street break-ins iHiliee reported yesterday An undetermined amount of money was taken from thc safe at Miller's Inc 156 West Main Street Joseph Lopez 454 Oldham Avenue told police tlx building was entered through windows on the roof An unsuccessful attempt to break open a safe at Mangel's 164 West Main Street wa reported by Krancis Carmical Route 3 Nicholasville Police said the thieves apparently forced a window on the roof and climbed into an air duct to get into the building Carmical said there was nothing missing from the store 1 ONLY A LIMITED NUMBER PARTS SINGER SERVICE rrv I lzj sm TERMITES Are Seeking to Destroy Your Security IN THIS SHIPMENT 5f IT NOW AT YOUR SINGER SEWING CENTER Odorteti No Fire Risk Convenient Terms Proven Nationally Five-Year Guarantee '( penis working illently tn ttin dark mur ven now bfl tatlnf tnto tha beams a rl rafters of your home to destroy the security you enjoy Call us today for a FREE ESTIMATE AND SURVEY for your own peace of mind Listed in phone book under SINGER SEWING MACHINE COMPANY 225 EAST MAIN ST LEXINGTON KY PHONE 2-5995 Richmond Frankfort Winchester IF IT'S A PEST CALL LOUISVILLE CHEMICAL CO that they Will send guards to pick The African gray parrot is MFC ro SOS Hi- of Co A Trrtrmr4 known to survive as long as 80 him up probably the first of next years in captivity weck.
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