Lexington Herald-Leader from Lexington, Kentucky (2024)

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Lexington Herald-Leaderi

Lexington, Kentucky

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TAX PASSES 'WM iK- CLUB RACES SEVEN EVENTS ON MATINEE CARD AND 16 HEATS ARE NECESSARY ScreeniDoors we areoffering all sices in kitchen doors complete read to hang at Freeze Your Ovi Grasun Four -styles front doors in 25 r' sizes right ical a- Your Lawns Smcoth and attractive if you will use one of our high grade Moyrors on it Easy running and dose cutting -i $3:00 4 vote on the corporation tax Saturday at 1 Previous to presenting this request there had been much conferring between Senators Aldrich and Bailey Cummins Borah and other opponents of the amendment- and it was generally supposed that they reached an understanding that a vote would be taken Saturday as suggested by Mr Aldrich When it seemed that such a compact was probable Senator Oimmlns came to the front with an objection While many Senators were displeased with the idea' that because of the then parliamentary status of the corporation amendment It was not capable of modification the Iowa Senator took the reverse position He opposed the agreement because the provision would be amendable in case it should 'be substituted for the Dodge countervailing duty which every one' understood would result He entered a formal objection to a unanimous agreement which not only bad the effect of preventing the fixing of a vote for Saturday hut of forcing it today Even after Mr Cummin's objection had been recorded and Mr Aldrich had called for a vote it looked as If he would be disappointed Senator Fra Mer who had been a supporter of the income tax amendment and an- opponent of the corporation tax wm absent from the chamber on account of illness Desiring that he should 'be present when the vote was taken Mr Dailey took the floor and announced his determination- to hold It until Mr Frazier could make his appearance Mr Frazier soon came In and thereupon the Texas Senator yielded and the voting 'began The first vote upon the motion to sqbstltute the corporation tax amendment for the lodge countervailing duty amendment prevailed by the vote of 45 to 4L The affirmative vote was cast' entirely by Republicans even Senator MriSnery of Louisiana who voted with the majority side for all protective measures throwing his ballot with his own party Immediately following Mr Lodge withdrew his amendment and a vote waa taken- on the motion to substitute the corporation tax amendment for the income tax amendment offered -jointly by Senators Bailey and Cummins The result wae an exact counterpart of tbe vote on previous roll calL Next in order came the vote upon the corporation tax upon its own merits but before this ballot could be reported Mr Bacon sought to obtain an action on the two amendments to that provision presented by himself but Mr Aldrich moved to lay it upon the table with successful result First these amendments provided for an exemption of educational charitable and religious Institutions against which Mr 'Aldrich made his first point of order Because he did so he fell into a sharp clash with its author Tbe effect of tbe point in order was to cut off debate but Aldrich chanced to drop a remark that he would Mr Bacon to proceed The form of the expression seemed to Incense the Georgia Senator and he retorted sharply to the effect that he waa "not surprised that Mr Aldrich should assume such manner because For a Safe Sane Fourth of July Use Only Coal I for Fire Works 3 GOES THROUGH THE SENATE BYV0TE0F60T011 FRIDAY NIGHT Administrative Features Will Now Be Taken Up as the Income Question is Dis- posed of AfMelatad Pnh Tdtsnm) WASHINGTON July 3 TbeCOT- poratlon tax amendment which waa ngiwted by President Taft drawn by Attorney General Wickersham and presented to the Senate by Mr Aid-rich chairman of the Ooxxunlttee on: Finance is an Integral part of they tariff bill as that bill now stands After much tribulation the Senate reached a vote on the proposition Shortly before adjourning at 7 Friday and It waa agreed to by the large vote of 60 to IL With all the modifying amendments disposed of many Democrats voted with moat of the Republicans for the amendment Only three Democrats voted against the provision on the Qni vote but some refrained from voting at alL A teat vote was 4ad on tee substitution of the corporation tax for the income tax provision On that vote forty-five Senators cast their allots in the affirmative and thirty-one In the negstivei On this ballot all the Democratic votes were cast for the Income tax which also reoeived the support fa number of insurgent Republicans Tbe Income question disposed of the Senate Saturday' will enter upon the administrative features of tbe tariff bill possibly taking np the maximum and minimum rate provision Tbe reaching of a vote came as somewhat of a surprise to a large majority of the Senators but not to Senator Aldrich and his Intimate advisers Mr Aldrich had been confident from the time of his arrival in the Senate early in the day after a brief vacation that he would succeed in getting the vote before adjournment The results duns that while the situation seemed extremely critical for a time the chairman of The Finance Committee did not count without a thorough understanding of the situation He therefore kept his lieutenants bnsy in holding their supporters lu The chamber and tat no time during the day was the Senate without a quorum 1 The debate was somewhat more animated than Friday and there was a steady fire of oratory from the beginning of the session at 10 until 4:30 Friday afternoon During that time Senators Hepburn Hughes Cummins Kewlands Bayner Bran-dfge Mr Root and Aldrich discussed all the phases of the Income tax ques- Of these Mr Newlands waa the last speaker and when he had concluded Mr Aldrich took the floor and made a request tor unanimous agreement for Go Another 1 Fourth of July will be an Independence day for sure to the man who has his bin7 full of Payne's Coal No danger Price lowest now yam 4 Warehouse 4th 4 Henry Fayette Phone 5331 WVWWVWVWWWWWflftWWWWWWWWWWWWVWwC The Proof of the Pudding Is Competition i The Genuine for Sale in Lexington only by reeman Linnig Coal Co ew PImbs 11G old 4M'' 747 Uaseafeae Remember until August zo we will sell this high grade coal at the reduced price of $275 Pr ton if- easy with one of our freezers more econom- and healthful too to $1350 Office 181 North Mill Street Both Phones 865 ri nmii a ir -Hil- from interest1 payments Norses Show Rapid Improve: mentOverthe Form of the Previous Friday and Some Excellent Time Is Made A fair attendance though not nearly what It might have beeq was out for the -second card of matinee races of the Driving Club which was given 1 Friday afternoon Seven rces werq oh the card and sixteen heats were necessary to decide them Rapid improvement was shown over the form of the previous week The first race was called at I o'clock and were sandwiched by threes tbe laet beat of the last race being reached before o'clock Several heats were so closely contested that 'the audience was on Its feet fairly breathless awaiting the result and liberal applause greeted the victor Equal to the racing seen in a meet where high 'admissions are charged and all free with a cordial Invitation Jo the program tho Driving Club is providing and the next meet which Is to be held on July It will no doubt be witnessed by a much larger crowd Amlle in 1:10 la the best mark made Friday which Is going some for an amateur meet The Orator who was unplaced In 2:12 and 2:10 heats last week going In 2:10 and Other performers showed improvements Th Vs by C- Har ris the timing by 8 Ryley Jones end Mike Bowerman and the Judgea atand wee occupied by I Watkins IL Spurr and Coleman The- first race called out Skldoo Slrena and Whalebone the Utter taking the first heat comfortably 61-rena breaking In tbe stretch and dropping to the rear In the second heat 81rana proved to bf contender and was to the front all the way round Whalebone trailing until the stretch when he moved up and in the plnce the mare again going up and Whalebone took the heat and with second ribbon to Skldoo Whalebone was on the ground and at his business 1 all the way round and showed some seconds better than the week before when he was Inclined to go up In the air The first mile was done In 2:25 which was slower than the second waa done Minor Eel waa piloted through two straight winning heata by Shropshire In the second event Roan Joe broke on first turn each time out but waa on hie gait In time to lt Minor Eel win by only a head for the first heat while his second break on the second heat was In the stretch end Benito gave the -Eel a chase for the They were off only after scoring Tor hlrd Easter Lilly breaking at tbe wire The Sor-JtookJb2y? heats wtolle Easter Lilly and Ellen Brown took each second and third position and the two fastest heats or the afternoon this -race being 2:10 and ZIioH 1 Three heata were 'needed for the fourth race and they were done In 8:10 Shropshire took Irish Maid under the wire ahead for the first The Comedian To The Comedian JSI sscond time and the Maid flipped four seconds off the gait for the third mile taking the heat and race Princess was not a contender not for lack of speed tocause of her repeated breaking and the best Pr Norwood could do ber third each time round Sport of the Times was not ipfl oualy challenged'-for "fifth taking It In straight with Booker second and Keene third In the flrtheat Keene broke when an active participant In the race and lost too much to recover and be a factor brought out only Rohinola and The Vetm-an Dot scratching the Mday The Vetera? did the deriding heat of a-race In 21944 "4 Robin best mile was done-in -some thought before-but when they went the first mile side by side in 1 2:1616 it was evident that there had been 4 cnntMt The second mile was done In over ltdthte bI orre11 hd no walk "ryen)h the second fqujre three heata for a decision 8 Burhrldga threw atlK SLSJTL in turn Into tho itrstph while Dr Rolllnsm to the repeated on In" and othra la- torought Panama 255 taken1 "in by Mrrtrld Ah Doctor toSk MR the race In 2:23 L6 driving a busy finUh to Vail frnm th £o5Ct thought a break" Moretta had put her out of the race almoet wa suh a one any lover of a harnesa race could not help enjoying and two weeks hJ! another equflly Interestlng ence wlll fi pttfo-- The summaries of events are as follows: first Class pact a Friday's seven Whel ebone bf by" skTdoiJ Second Claes 0 -mplnv- mrFK8hronSr Benitob Tim C- Boworth)-2 Thlrd Class pacing: br fS L1r W' Withl 1 Fourth Race Class I trotting Irh alA by Charley Herr ShropghlreV i 1 ComMlan ch by Marion (C Harbl eon) 2 ra Dr' B- J-t pacing: Bpor of the Times bv Ash- land Wilkes (A H- Jewell) i A Durcii trotting: TheVetermn ch by Directum Bey- (Henry Caywood) 2 ''X Seventh Class 1 trotting-Panama Bond by The Smdl-1 by D- Barb ridge) lirDntfn) 4steif4lii 8:2416 2:226 8 THE WEATHER Local Fersoast Partly cloudy and somewhat lower temperature tnntebt and Sunday Lexington the tmn-peroture ranged from 78 to 88 degrees At Lexington lastyaar ths temperature Don Carlos tee pretender tq the 'V Spanish throne Is said to be dvlns in Varese' Italy His ailment is' cerebral paralysis and his condition Is critical For years tbe pretender has been an invalid but theCarllst organs have continued to deny that hie condition was serious Don Carlos possesses considerable wealth but lives in retirement KING OF SPAIN SUBMITS TO OPERATION AS POLYPUS WHICH AFFECTED HIS HEARING IS REMOVED (Associated Press Telegrams) PARIS July 3 A special despatch from Biarritz says that Dr Moore today operated on King Alfonso for the removal of a polypus According to the despatch the King came to Biarritz to consult with the specialist concerning a deafness which he believed to be due to salutes fired In his honor during a recent visit to Valencia An examination however showed that the trouble was due principally to a polypus which was removed without difficulty MEDICOS ACCEPT Challenge of Druggists to Play Ball and Use 8ome Exciting Language The physicians and surgeons Friday accepted the challenge of the druggists to a base ball game as follows: TIVK'ACCEPTAKCE To the Druggists: The summer time Indeed has come its madness Alls the air and strange Indeed te the effect on the weaker anl- mnl The rabbit spits In the hull (Iok'b face the Jackal snarls at the lion and the local druggists maddest ot all have challenged the doctors to battle Qur first Impulse on reading this challenge Is to laugh but when we think of the money the populace will gladly pay to see them exterminated It makes us pause and In charity's sweet name accept But if we accept we must stipulate a few stipulations 1st Knowing the nature of a druggist and fearing that they will play hall' a a they rol? pills no 'pitcher' for shall the druggists shall offer a batsman any substitute for a strike and call It something juat as good 2nd In case of injury to a player no patent remedy shall be applied as we are strictly ethical ana besides we need the money Srd No player for the doctors shallbe Intimidated by showing him the muscular development of Mr Hartlng as this would All the bravest with fear 4th No coaching or advice shall he given the druggists by Messrs- Ram Rice and Jim Roache This would be manifestly unfair as these gentlemen have cornered all the knowledge on tbe subject If after reading these few articles this aggregation of fakers whatnot still persist In their suicidal course we as guardians of the health and well-being of this community will effectually disintegrate them to their original atom and remove them from Its precincts We accept your challenge sirs and we promise you a beating the echo of which will go reverberating down the vale of time MEDICOS ORDERED TO JAIL Editor of Paper Which Offered 81000 For Kidnaping of Governor Tay -lor la Sentenced FORT SCOTT Kas July Fred Warren business manager of the Appeal to Reason a socialist paper published at Girard Kas was sentenced to six' months in jail and a line of 81500 by Judge Pollock In the Federal Court Several weeks ago Warren was arrested for alleged violation of the postal regulations In sending through the mall a prfpted offer of a reward of 31000 to anyone who would kidnap William Taylor of Kentucky and return him to that State A motion for a new trial waa overruled An appeal will be taken The socialists of the country have pledged 336000 to support Warren In his defense LUXURIES OF LIFE All That Can Be Sold on Sunday Ao cording to Paducah Police Judge 8 Special Judge David Browning In the Ftolleo Court rendered his opinion -In Sunday law violation cases' -which1 he took under-'advisem*nt about two Weeks ago He holds that- It la nee-emary for drugstores to keep open on Sunday and that soda fountain drinks ice cream and cigars are modern necessities and can be sold as the public demand them He fined a grooerv man for keeping open sTru Nine times out of ten when a an nags a man there's a reaaoa for ft ranged from 81 degrees to 66 degrees Highest and lowest temperatures on record on July 3 were 96 degrees in 1898-and 54 degrees in 1892 Precipitation was 011 Inch below normal Sun eets Saturday at 7:04 p- rises Sunday at 4:20 a General A storm of considerable energy over tbe Gulf of St Lawrence taken in connection with high pressure over tbe Dakotas Is being attended by considerable wind from a northerly quadrant In this locality and will result In decreased temperatures at the same time with fair or partly cloudy skies Rain has occurred in northeastern districts the heaviest amount being 114 Inches at Montreal The pressure continues Over the southern plateau and high temperatures are there prevailing' During tee next 36 hours in Lexington much more agreeable conditions will obtain VALUABLECATTLEKILLED As Result of Fierce Electrical Storm in Nicholas County CARLISLE KY July 3-r-Carlisle and sections of Nicholas county suffered much damage from heavy rains which have fallen In the last thirty-six hours In some places the water fell in sheets badly washing the 'ground which has already sustained much damage this summer Lightning accompanying the rain is reported to have done much damage Reports are- to the effect that a number of head of fine cattle were killed in this vicinity Over two hundred tele-phones In this city were put out of commission for several hours and electric light plant had to shut off its current for a time LAST OF FAMOUS FAMILY FRANKFORT XT July The death of Miss Patsy Bibb at 9:30 Friday morning -removed the last of the famous Bibb family that was so closely connected 'with the history of Kentucky and Frankfort for so many' years Miss Bibb was the last surviving child of tee late Attlcus Bibb whose wife was Miss Mary Sneet before marriage- and a member of the well-known Bneed family of this city Miss Bibb was 55 years old and has been her home hire with her cousin Mrs Roben Crittenden' for several years- The funeral will be at the Episcopal church Saturday afternoon at 4:80 Bishop C- Penlck officiating DR 8HELTMAN TO PREACH Rv Clyde Sheltman will preach at Walnut Hill Church on Sunday afternoon at 8 ONE WAY OF SAVING MONEY to order your coal from ua We 'v cac supply you with Glen Mazy Barren Fork Yellow Jacket1 Tel- lico Cahhd And Smokeless Nov Without the Comfort of Screens Screen doors and windows are not only a protection from flies and other insects but are also a bar against dangerous and fatal GERMS of different kinds Screen money is the best invested money-about the home and it renders comfort and peace to the whole family be had been dictating to the Senate so long that he was accustomed to use language of that When the amendment was laid on the table by a vote of 42 to 32 the Georgia Senator Immediately presented another amendment requiring taxation of bonds which was rejected 41 to 84 The climax was then reached without any preliminaries and a final vote taken It was upon agreeing to the corporation tax amendment as a part of the tariff bill This amendment wae adopted- by a vote of 66 to 11 OBF" Through Summer MAIN STREET I YOUR LAWN Yes it needs cutting badly Corce ret a lawn mower that runs light and cuts easy Dill Maguire Mowers Vdil rMI 1 1 a 'i- -aj i Money which is received are high grade ball bearing also plain bearing Run light cut easy We carry complee stock Parts easy to get if broken We also sell the famous Continental a mower of wide reputation We can sell you a mower from $350 to See our guaranteed water hose NO 840 WEST OoaliCa 1 It.

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Lexington Herald-Leader from Lexington, Kentucky (2024)
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Author: Domingo Moore

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Author information

Name: Domingo Moore

Birthday: 1997-05-20

Address: 6485 Kohler Route, Antonioton, VT 77375-0299

Phone: +3213869077934

Job: Sales Analyst

Hobby: Kayaking, Roller skating, Cabaret, Rugby, Homebrewing, Creative writing, amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.