Leveraging Your Revenue Operations Org Chart for Success (2024)

As a business leader, you know that driving revenue growth is essential to the success of your organization. But achieving this goal can be challenging, especially as your business grows and becomes more complex.

This is where a revenue operations, or “RevOps”, team comes in. RevOps teams are responsible for aligning and integrating the various business functions that are critical to driving revenue growth. These functions often include sales, sales enablement, marketing, finance, and customer success teams.

By bringing teams together and aligning their efforts, a RevOps team helps businesses optimize processes and better meet the needs of customers. When executed correctly, RevOps has the power to improve customer satisfaction, boost conversion rates, and ultimately, drive more revenue.

However, for a RevOps team to be effective, it must have a well-defined org chart or team structure in place. In this guide, we explore the common ways to structure a RevOps team and offer key insights for organizing your own RevOps function.

What you’ll learn:

  • Benefits of a strategically designed revenue operations org chart
  • Key factors to consider when setting up your RevOps team structure
  • Tips for implementing and maintaining your RevOps team structure long term

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Leveraging Your Revenue Operations Org Chart for Success (1)

Leveraging Your Revenue Operations Org Chart for Success (2)

Leveraging Your Revenue Operations Org Chart for Success (3)

Benefits of a strategically designed revenue operations org chart

Having a well-defined revenue operations team structure has a number of benefits. Let’s take a look at a few examples.

Improved alignment and collaboration among teams

With a clear revenue operations structure, it’s easier for operations managers and individual contributors to understand how their roles and responsibilities fit into the broader organization. This can improve communication and collaboration among team members, enabling them to work together more effectively to achieve overarching business goals.

When a revenue operations team has clear lines of communication and clear areas of responsibility, the entire organization wins.

More efficient and effective processes

A well-designed revenue operations org chart can help to identify and eliminate bottlenecks and inefficiencies in your revenue generation processes. This can result in more streamlined operations, enabling your business to serve customers more efficiently and effectively.

Because RevOps involves multiple departments and key stakeholders, there is plenty of room for error and miscommunication. Think of revenue operations as a giant game of telephone involving disparate teams and tech stacks. Information and mission-critical data is passed from one human or system to another human or system.

This game of telephone looks different depending on the size of any given company. At smaller organizations, this telephone chain might be one or two people. But, at the enterprise level, it may take hundreds of people and systems to move a single prospect through the customer lifecycle.

A clearly defined organizational structure allows for easier identification of gaps or inefficiencies in the flow of information. This helps your team to work smarter, not harder.

Better customer satisfaction and increased revenue

By aligning and integrating revenue-critical functions, RevOps teams can help businesses to better meet the needs of their customers. This can lead to an improved customer experience, higher conversion rates, and ultimately, increased revenue.

The most successful organizations think about the customer life cycle as something that starts when a customer is still just a prospect. This means RevOps must control everything from lead acquisition and hand off to opportunity stages and sales cycles – all before a prospect even becomes a customer.

Every gap or inefficiency you solve along this path leads to additional revenue generated by sales, customer success and marketing teams.

The same thought process applies to the customer lifecycle as well. When someone becomes a paying customer, it’s RevOps’ job to understand the logistics of onboarding and customer success. Closing gaps and making handoffs more efficient during this stage of the customer journey plays a key role in customer retention and revenue generation.

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Leveraging Your Revenue Operations Org Chart for Success (5)

Key factors to consider when setting up your RevOps team structure

When designing your RevOps team structure, make sure you do so with the following considerations in mind.

Define clear roles and responsibilities

It’s important to clearly define the role and responsibilities of each RevOps team member. This includes how they each fit into the overall structure of your RevOps organization and the greater company as a whole. In turn, you improve productivity and collaboration.

Going through this exercise will also help you identify gaps and prevent important work from falling through the cracks. This exercise will also help your team and organization as a whole, work more efficiently. Think about it this way, clear lanes and ownership makes for more efficient communication. When your team knows who is responsible for what, there is less duplication of efforts and work gets done faster.

Establish clear lines of communication

As we briefly touched on above, effective communication is essential for any team. And, due to its cross functional nature, this is especially true for RevOps. It’s important to establish clear lines of communication across teams to ensure everyone is on the same page and set up to work together effectively.

This means holding conversations with other departments and sharing org charts, roles, and responsibilities to all key stakeholders. Think of this as providing other teams with a user guide for the revenue operations function. Doing so makes the organization more productive and also establishes good will with other departments. It shows you’re invested in other teams’ success.

Set goals and KPIs for each team member

Although members of a RevOps team may not hold a revenue goal, it’s important to set S.M.A.R.T. goals and KPIs for each team member. This provides necessary focus and direction. These North Star metrics should be aligned with the broader goals of the organization.

As a leader, these goals are important for establishing a culture of accountability. For managers and individual contributors, these goals are important for guiding day-to-day decisions and project management.

Think about this while organizing your revenue operations org chart. The way you divide functions and teams should align with what each is responsible for. If an individual contributor’s goals don’t have a clear connection to their manager’s goals, the larger team may feel a disconnect. This disconnect may manifest as: difficulty holding individuals accountable, trouble prioritizing projects, or individual contributors who don’t understand how their contributions feed the organization’s larger goals.

Think of goal misalignment in your org chart like a minor knee injury. You adjust your gait in tiny, almost imperceivable ways to overcompensate for the weakness. At first it’s fine, but eventually, over time, this has a domino effect. A month later, your whole body is suffering because of an initially small injury.

Stay flexible and agile

The business landscape is constantly changing, and your RevOps org chart should be able to adapt to these changes. It’s important to design a team structure that is flexible and can evolve as your business grows and faces new challenges. This will ensure that your RevOps team is always equipped to support the goals of your business and drive revenue growth.

Clearly defined roles and responsibilities, open communication, and clear goals all play a role in being able to adapt to change and growth quickly.

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Leveraging Your Revenue Operations Org Chart for Success (6)

Tips for implementing and maintaining your RevOps team structure long term

After building a RevOps team, it’s important to implement it effectively and maintain it over time. We’ve compiled some of our top tips to help you do this below.

Clearly communicate your structure and expectations to all team members

It’s essential to clearly communicate the details of the team structure and the expectations for each team member to everyone involved. This will help team members to understand their roles and responsibilities, and ensure that everyone is on the same page.

We recommend doing so in a broad range of channels and settings. This will increase the likelihood that you reach each team member in a way that resonates with them. You may feel like a broken record, but over-communication doesn’t always feel the same to the recipient. Here’s what we suggest:

  • Document and share in a written format that everyone has access to. This is helpful for those who may take longer to process and understand any changes you’ve made. It also makes for a more transparent process.
  • Share in 1:1 and group meetings. Don’t blindside your team in a group setting, particularly if major changes are happening. Make sure each team member has a conversation with their manager before making any broader announcements. This reinforces your messaging and shows that you’re having the same conversations in public that you’re having in private.
  • Give your team the “why” behind your decisions. Individual contributors and middle management aren’t always exposed to the same conversations the leadership team is exposed to. Therefore, as a leader, your motivations may not be as clear to your team as you think. This leaves room for assumptions that aren’t necessarily true.

Regularly review and assess the effectiveness of your team structure

Your RevOps team structure should not be set in stone. As we previously mentioned, the most successful teams are agile and flexible. They can pivot.

But, in RevOps in particular, an agile team is difficult to create. Often in RevOps, we don’t know we’ve missed a chance to adjust or change course until we’re already facing the consequences of inaction. The best way to predict and adjust to change is to regularly review and assess the effectiveness of your RevOps org chart – on either a monthly or quarterly basis.

Make tweaks and adjustments to your org chart as needed

Finally, don’t be afraid to make additional adjustments. As your business grows and changes, your RevOps team structure will need to evolve as well.

This may involve role changes, new hires, or team adjustments to ensure that your structure continues to support the goals of your business. Being proactive and strategic about your ongoing review of your team structure will allow you to adjust and make changes proactively.

Be prepared to make adjustments to ensure that your structure continues to support the goals of your business and drive revenue growth. This means building a culture that embraces frequent, smaller shifts in service of the business. Although it may seem counterintuitive, regular team adjustments are less disruptive in the long run than putting your team through a complete overhaul once every few years.

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Build the revenue operations org chart that fits your company’s needs

A well-defined RevOps team structure is crucial for driving revenue growth and optimizing operations in your business. By aligning all revenue generating teams and functions, RevOps leaders can help businesses achieve their goals more efficiently.

Of course, when it comes to generating revenue and maintaining the systems and teams involved, each business is different. One organization’s needs may be vastly different than the next organization. As a RevOps leader you can leverage the tactics included in this article to make more effective decisions when it comes to your team.

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Leveraging Your Revenue Operations Org Chart for Success (7)

Leveraging Your Revenue Operations Org Chart for Success (8)

Leveraging Your Revenue Operations Org Chart for Success (9)

Leveraging Your Revenue Operations Org Chart for Success (2024)


How to improve revenue operations? ›

10 Revenue Operations Best Practices to Maximize Growth
  1. Establish a RevOps Leader. ...
  2. Create Cohesive Business Goals. ...
  3. Manage Data for Effective Decision-Making. ...
  4. Implement the Right Technology. ...
  5. Build Cross-Functional Teams. ...
  6. Map the Customer Journey. ...
  7. Review Existing Strategies and Processes.
Feb 26, 2024

What is the rev ops strategy? ›

RevOps is a strategic function designed to maximize a business's revenue potential. It does that by uniting people, processes and technology for a shared goal: generating more revenue. Key RevOps activities include: Coordinating sales and marketing collaboration.

What is the structure of a revenue ops team? ›

Some of the key roles within a revenue operations team include revenue operations manager, sales operations analyst, marketing operations manager, customer success operations analyst, and data analyst.

What is the revenue operations process? ›

Revenue operations (RevOps) is a strategic approach that integrates and aligns sales, marketing and customer success to enhance the customer experience and boost revenue growth.

What are the four pillars of revenue operations? ›

4 pillars of revenue operations

Don't panic - there are four things you need to know about revenue operations: operations, enablement, insights, and tools. Let's talk about each of them.

What are the 4 methods to increase revenue? ›

What Are The '4 Methods to Increase Revenue'? If you want your business to bring in more money, there are only 4 Methods to Increase Revenue: increasing the number of customers, increasing average transaction size, increasing the frequency of transactions per customer, and raising your prices.

What is the second core element of a RevOps strategy? ›

There are three core elements to any RevOps strategy:​​

Implementing systems that will collect the data you need to identify your company's opportunities for growth. ​Communicating those opportunities to company leaders and committing to a plan that addresses them.

What is the revenue operations workflow? ›

The RevOps process is a consolidated business strategy that starts with the marketing team before leading into sales and then, finally, to customer success. While the overarching goals are the same (i.e., increase revenue and reduce operational expenses), different teams meet those goals in a variety of ways.

What is the RevOps operating model? ›

RevOps operating model. The Revenue Operating model is a series of repeatable activities that companies can do across marketing, sales, customer success, and other revenue-generating functions.

How to build a RevOps team? ›

Your RevOps team should be made up of people with a variety of skills and experience, including sales, marketing, data analytics, and technology. Create a clear vision and mission. Your RevOps team should have a clear understanding of its goals and objectives. Set clear KPIs.

What is the future of revenue operations? ›

Revenue operations trends are constantly evolving as new tools come to the forefront, such as AI-powered automations, and as economic fluctuations take companies in a different direction, altering a company's revenue needs and focus.

Where should revenue operations sit? ›

Ideally, the Vice President of Revenue Operations should report to the Chief Revenue Officer. The Chief Revenue Officer also oversees marketing, sales, and customer success leadership teams. The VP of Revenue Operations should be on equal footing with the marketing, sales, and customer success leadership teams.

What skills do you need for revenue operations? ›

Qualities and Skills of Strong RevOps Leaders:
  • Data-Driven Decision Making. ...
  • Cross-Functional Collaboration. ...
  • Process Optimization. ...
  • Technology Proficiency. ...
  • Strategic Vision. ...
  • Customer-Centric Focus. ...
  • Adaptability. ...
  • Leadership and Communication Skills.

How to break into revenue operations? ›

RevOps, or Revenue Operations, requires a blend of sales, marketing, and customer success knowledge, along with analytical and process optimization skills. To start, immerse yourself in learning through courses or certifications in sales operations, CRM tools, and analytics.

What does a rev ops person do? ›

Revenue operations (RevOps) refer to bringing sales, marketing, and customer service together to drive revenue growth for a business. It ensures all of these teams work towards the same goals and gives managerial stakeholders a complete view of revenue streams.

What are some strategies to improve the revenue cycle? ›

With that in mind, here are eight ways to make your revenue cycle more efficient.
  • Improve Appointment Scheduling. ...
  • Automate Patient Eligibility Verification. ...
  • Verify Payment Processes Up Front. ...
  • Modernize Claims Processing. ...
  • Outsource Medical Billing. ...
  • Manage Claim Denials. ...
  • Track & Follow Up on Claims.

What is a good way to optimize revenue? ›

How to Optimize the Areas of Your Revenue. There are four top-level strategies to work on when optimizing your revenue: acquisition, retention, expansion and pricing. As you're working to maximize the results of each area, it's important to remember that the strategies are not siloed.

How can sales operations be improved? ›

We'll talk about how good leadership, special sales incentives, and clear jobs can help make sales ops better.
  1. Strengthen Leadership Skills. ...
  2. Streamline Sales Processes. ...
  3. Implement Proactive Management Practices. ...
  4. Personalize Sales Incentives. ...
  5. Invest in the Right Tools. ...
  6. Promote Cross-Functional Collaboration.
Feb 25, 2024

How do you increase revenue growth? ›

How to Increase Revenue in a Business
  1. Optimizing pricing strategies.
  2. Expanding target markets.
  3. Upgrading products or services.
  4. Improving sales and marketing techniques.
  5. Cutting costs.
Aug 2, 2024

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Author: Gregorio Kreiger

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Name: Gregorio Kreiger

Birthday: 1994-12-18

Address: 89212 Tracey Ramp, Sunside, MT 08453-0951

Phone: +9014805370218

Job: Customer Designer

Hobby: Mountain biking, Orienteering, Hiking, Sewing, Backpacking, Mushroom hunting, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.