I'm from the deep blue underworld - Chapter 47 - Coolish_Corvid_Cryptid (2024)

Chapter Text

Mediocrity was no longer working for Tommy Danger Kraken Innit Watson. That much was clear.

Still that small mistake of checking his grades was weighing on his mind.

It wasn’t his fault! He had so much sh*t going on, it was unrealistic to be expected to stay on top of school work.

He was passing most of his classes. Barely. But barely was passing, and right now, was good enough for him.

It was biology. That stupid class. It got in the way of everything, and it was at eight in the morning! How could he possibly be expected to do well?

It hurt a bit, getting handed the test worth 10% of his grade with a large bright red ‘F’ on it.

But there was nothing he could do. Just watch his Dad’s eyes dim in disappointment.

He needed a juice.

“That’s it, I am set for the rest of the semester!” Tubbo declared, dropping into the seat next to Tommy. Fundy and Ranboo followed close behind.

“You got a B. Chill out.” Fundy huffed amused.

“Well what did you get?”

“A-. Not my best work honestly.”

“Shut the f*ck up bro.”

“Ranboo, Boo, my beloved, validate me with your score.”

“Oh, for biology? I got an A+ I think.”

“f*ck off.”

“Prove it.”

Ranboo placed his test on the table. On it was an A+ in blue pen and a smiley face.

“How the f*ck did you do that? We missed like half the review days?” Fundy asked in a baffled tone.

“It was easy. We don’t even get that much work here.”

Tommy no longer wanted a juice. In fact he felt sick to his stomach.

He got up, and left the table, not bothering to say anything to his overly competitive friends.

On most days, it was hard to pout in the moon pool.

Something about the enchanting atmosphere, methodical drip of water, and actual magic just made him feel better.

Not today though. Today it felt like it was mocking him. Like the walls themselves were laughing at his misfortune.

It was hardly misfortune. His friends had all aced that test. It was just him.

He watched the pool’s surface tension break, once, twice, followed by two gasps for air.

“Are you ok?” Tubbo asked.

“Yeah, I’m fine.” He didn’t deserve to whine about problems he caused.

“You seem upset.” Ranboo placed his hand on his shoulder.

Tommy dipped down into the pool, sitting so his mouth was barely above water.

“Don’t worry about it.”

“Are you mad at us or something?”

“No. I didn’t mean to act like a dick.”

Tubbo’s eyes narrowed. His answers were clearly not satisfactory.

“Just spit it out already.”

“Ok! Fine. I failed biology!”

He shifted, once more, so he wasn’t looking at them. He didn’t want to see their reactions.

“It’s alright Tommy. I’m sure it’s not that bad.” Ranboo was not reassuring.

“It’s one test! We can help you study next time.”

“I guess. But I have sh*t marks on everything else too. I’ve been too busy.”

He made the mistake of glancing over. Ranboo’s eyes were filled with pity.

“Sorry, I’m being dramatic. It’s just one class! You guys did well, that’s awesome.”

He tried to sound supportive. He really did. It wasn’t that he wasn’t happy for them either, because he was. Everything just felt so overwhelming.

He was feeling better after a swim with his friends.

Anyone would be. It was literal magic swimming around the coral reefs.

“Tommy, can you come here?” His Dad asked, as he entered the house.


“What’s up?” Tommy sent him one of his award winning smiles.

There it was. The look of disappointment. He had let him down once more.

“I got a call from the school. You bombed that biology test.”

“Sorry, Dad.”

“Why? What happened?”

“Nothing. I guess I just got lazy.”

Phil sighed.

“Well, the good news is that your biology teacher is allowing you to retake the test on monday. They suggested a tutor.”

A second chance.

“Ok! I’ll call Fundy! Or maybe Ranboo..”

“No need, you’ve already had a student volunteer.”

The doorbell rang.

“That should be them now!”

His Dad went to get the door, and Tommy followed, eager to discover this mystery person. Who would want to tutor him?

The door opened to reveal the monster. The foul being entering his living room and also his life.

“Hi Tommy!” Sally said, giving him a wave.

Who is this enthusiastic, seriously..


“I brought over some study materials for you, where do you think is best?”

“I guess we can go upstairs.”

He reluctantly led Sally to his room, stepping aside and sarcastically welcoming her.

She gave him an ingenuine smile, more like a sneer.

“Well I have a lot of the book’s review printed out here, along with a list of assigned chapters.”

She handed him a stack of paperwork, with a page long reading list.

“What!? This is so much!”

“Well, you want a good grade. This will make sure of that.” There was a condescending undertone. She talked as if this was a reluctant business meeting.

“Why are you here?”

“To help you study.”

“..Don’t you hate me?”

She looked at him, with intense teal eyes. It felt like he was being dissected.

“I understand why you did it. You were jealous. But I think it would be beneficial if we could be friends.”

“You want to be my friend?” It comes off meaner than intended. And he does feel bad about snooping. But the want to be friends completely blindsides him.

“I’m sure you’ve realized I like your brother. I don’t want to ostracize him from his family. Maybe we could at least be acquaintances?”

She offers her hand. Tommy’s stomach drops.

But all he really has against her is jealousy. He was the asshole.

“Yeah. I’m sorry about the diary thing.”

He shakes her hand. It sends a shiver down his back.

“It’s forgotten. Now, I’ll leave you to your revision. Good luck.”

She walks swiftly out of the room, closing the door behind her.

He lets out a breath, and glances over at the stacks of homework.

Ugh. This is going to be a long weekend.

He’s on his way to get water, when he hears giggling.

Wilbur’s door is open. It’s not his fault for being curious.

“I think it’s an amazing drawing.” Sally says in a playful tone.

“I told you I’m no artist.” Wilbur responds.

“It has soul. That’s what they say art is about anyway.” She boops his nose.


“Well, I’ve heard you're a master artist. Why don’t you show me some of your work?”

Sally pulled a large binder from her bag, on the cover is a painting of a beach.

A few pieces fall out as she starts sorting through it.

“What about these?” Wilbur’s playful tone is replaced with a nervous one.

“Which ones? Oh, no, those are my grandfather’s.”


“Mako? Like the island? Do you know where that is?”

“What? Oh no, that’s probably not Mako. It just had similar vibes.”

“Are you absolutely sure? I’ve been searching for that island forever!”

“Well it’s hard to tell.”

“We should go there. I could teach you about landscape paintings?”

“I don’t really feel comfortable with that.”

“Why not?”

“Mako just creeps me out.”

“It’s good to face your fears.”

“Yeah.. but..”

“But what?”

“I just have some stuff about Mako.”

“Again, It’s always good to face things head on. Tomorrow good?”

“Wait, but..”

“We could go swimming too! Oh, this will be so fun! We’ll need a boat though..”

Wilbur eyes are cast downwards.

“..I guess we could ask Techno to bring us.”

“Brilliant!” She kisses his cheek and leans forward to look at the drawing still held in Wilbur’s hands.

“I didn’t know my grandfather that well. He died when I was seven.”

“I’m sorry.”

“It was a long time ago. He was really special. You can only meet so many people that unique, y'know? They aren’t a dime a dozen.”

“I think you're really special.”

“Aw. You're sweet.” She tucks a strand of hair behind her ear. “I think you might be special too, Wilbur.”

“Might be?” Wilbur asks in mock offense.

“Well, I still have a lot to learn about you.” This time, she tucks a strand of Wilbur’s hair behind his ear. “I suppose we should ask Techno about using his boat.”

“I suppose.”

Tommy turns and retreats back to his room.

“-And she has him wrapped around her finger! It’s Awful.”

“Don’t you think that's a little dramatic?” Tubbo responded over the discord call.

“They’re going to Mako! Tubbo we have to do something.”

“Yeah, yeah. Ok, me and Ranboo will keep an eye on them.”

“I’m coming too!” He asserts.

“You have homework.” Ranboo reminds.

“Shush boob boy.”

“Please stop calling me that.”

“She was so weird to me earlier too.”

“She was trying to be nice. She has reason to dislike you, and yet she is being kind still. Leave her alone.” Fundy says.

“Who’s side are you on?”

“I’m on yours, and you need to stop obsessing over this.” And Fundy is right.


Tommy turns back to his unbelievably boring homework. There are a couple ambient noises of minecraft from Tubbo’s crappy mic. Other than that it’s silent.

Techno let them drive the boat! Techno never lets him drive the boat!

He isn’t even supervising.

“Oh, this is it! It’s gorgeous!” Sally said as she twirled, her skirt spinning in the wind.

“Yeah. I suppose it’s nice.”

“Nice? C’mon, it’s amazing. Fantastic.”

“Sure.” Wilbur agrees half heartedly, climbing from the boat. He brings what looks like art supplies with him.

“Well, at least they’re staying on the beach?” Ranboo whispers, trying to be comforting.

Sally turns to start through the jungle.

“You jinxed it!” Tubbo whispered back angrily.

“Where are you going?” Wilbur asked.

“I want to find this!” She responds and holds up a different drawing.

“But it’s dangerous in there! There’s snakes, and cliffs.. And bugs!”

“I’m not scared. C’mon, man up Wil.”

Wilbur follows after her, reluctantly, glancing at the boat.

“Ugh, Wilbur, you fool.” Tommy mumbles, moving to start after them.

They hike for a while. It’s hard to keep pace, especially with the sticks and dry leaves covering the forest floor. It’s a landmine, any wrong step could blow their cover.

Sally and Wilbur are getting close to the moonpool. It is the natural progression of hiking up the island, but it puts the three of them on edge.

They stop, a mere thirty feet from the entrance. On the rocky terrain around the river.

It’s decently well hidden, and fauna covers it. To find it naturally you’d practically have to fall in.

“This place is breathtaking.” Sally says, sitting on a rock.

“Yeah. I guess.”

“Aw, there’s no need to be so on edge. I’m here to protect you.”

“Thanks, I suppose.”

“Of course.”

They sit for a long minute. Sally seems content to take in the scenery. Wilbur glances around nervously.

“I can’t see very well.” Tommy whispers to his friends, starting to maneuver around the rocks.

“Tom!” Tubbo calls quietly. He is ignored. Tommy just needs to scoot around this.

He shifts around the rocks and trees, sure to stay out of sight. He makes it around to one nearby, he can see their faces here.

“Are you sure you're alright?” Sally asked Wilbur, noticing his hesitance.

“I told you, this place puts me on edge.”


“I don’t really feel comfortable talking about it.”

“Why not? You can trust me y’know?”

“Yeah, I just.. I can’t.”

“Ok, well, I’m here if you ever want to talk about it.”

“I do appreciate that.”

Tommy’s attention was grabbed by Tubbo sneaking across some rocks, in plain sight! What was he thinking?

“So, Uhm, I actually wanted to ask you something?”

“Yeah, of course.”

Luckily Sally and Wilbur were too busy staring at each other to notice Tubbo shuffling across a narrow rock face.

“Do you want to go to the movies with me sometime?”

“Wha- Do you mean as friends?”

“No.. I mean as more than friends.”

“Like, uh, boyfriend and girlfriend?”

“Yeah, something like that.”

“Sally. I’d love to go to the movies with you.”

“That’s good. Because I like you alot.”

“I like you too.”

She leaned in, Wilbur leaned back.

Tommy averted his eyes away. Gross!

He looked over just in time to see Tubbo lose his footing, and go tumbling into the river with a loud splash.

“What was that?”

“Hmm? What was what?”

“I heard a noise.”

Tommy watched as she started approaching Tubbo, who was laying there with his tail visible.

He ducked behind a rock, in a poor attempt to hide.

Tommy needed to distract her.

He wasn't sure where it came from. How he did it. It was just pure instinct. The need to protect Tubbo.

He started singing, an unknown tune he knew by heart, and a mythical sound came out.

Tommy wasn’t bad at singing, but he had never had this kind of mythical quality to his voice.

Sally was entranced, she turned to him, face slack, eyes dim. Approaching slowly.

She nearly tumbled down the rock, not even reacting.

Every muscle in Wilbur’s body was tense. His face was filled with pure and unfiltered terror.

“Sally? Sally!”

Sally was getting close. Tommy stopped singing.

Wilbur grabbed her arm and she dropped like a sack of bricks. The only reason she didn’t smack her head on the hard stone was Wilbur.

“What happened?” She asked, rubbing her eyes.

“Uh. I don’t know. You fainted. Are you alright?” His voice was full of fear.

f*ck and sh*t. Tommy had scared him. He had used his siren power. He had used it around Wilbur.

“I don’t know. I heard this strange noise.”

“I didn’t hear anything.”

“You must’ve.”

“Maybe we should get back to the boat, you could be dehydrated.”

“I suppose.”

Sally glanced around again, eyes moving right past him.

There was a knock on the door.

It Took Tommy a minute to reorient himself. He was in the bath, he was doing homework, and he fell asleep.

“Tommy? I’m here for our study session.”

He jumped up at the sound of Sally’s voice.

“You’re already here?!”

“Don’t worry, take your time.”

He pulled the plug on the drain, and pulled himself out of the bath. The hairdryer was out of reach.

He reached down, focusing on the feeling of water coating his scales. Drying himself was an extra tedious task with his new powers. Luckily, he hadn’t zapped himself with lightning yet, but he had burned himself plenty.

It was only a minute before he was dry.

The textbook had bubbles on it.

A wipe with the towel would have to do. Tommy would have to be extra careful opening it next.

He rested his hand on the doorknob, but stopped to take a breath.

Sally was a normal person who hadn’t done anything to him. She was just dating his brother. It was fine, she was nice. He was also going to be nice to her.

He opened the door.

Her back was turned, but he could see his bracelet sitting on her wrist.

“What the f*ck are you doing with that?!”

She held it at him and he snatched it back.

“It’s just a cool bracelet, I was admiring it.”

That was his special mermaid magic bracelet, and this f*cking wrongun was not allowed to touch it.

“Don’t touch my stuff.”

He checked it over to make sure there wasn’t any damage. The red stone still sat securely in its mold, connected to the silver chain.

It wasn’t something he would have picked out on his own, but he adored that bracelet. It was a connection to remind him of Tubbo and Ranboo. It was his prized possession.

“Ok, noted.” Sally said, putting her hands up. “Did you finish your review?”

“Almost. I have about half a page left.”

“Can I see what you’ve done so far?”

He handed her the stack of paperwork he had spent the last day and all night working on.

She spent a minute shuffling through it, humming affirmations.

“Yeah it looks right.”

“Ok. Thank god I’m done. That was so much homework.”

“Actually, I have a practice essay for you to do.”


“It’s only three pages.”


“Do you want to pass?”

He thought about it. Was this really worth it?


He needed to be responsible. Even if it meant losing his whole weekend and two nights sleep.

“Great, good luck.” She exited the room.

He face planted into the bed and screamed.

Phil had brought him dinner, but he could hear Sally’s laughter echoing up the stairs.

She was eating dinner with his family, and he was stuck doing homework.

Tommy was trying really hard to not hate her, but he couldn’t help his mind labeling this as intentional.

The essay was such a pain. How was he supposed to write about something so boring.

He passed the test. He even got an A- on it.

It really didn’t feel worth it.

Tubbo had bought him a juice in celebration. He was lucky to have supportive friends.

I'm from the deep blue underworld - Chapter 47 - Coolish_Corvid_Cryptid (2024)
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Author: Delena Feil

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Views: 5395

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Author information

Name: Delena Feil

Birthday: 1998-08-29

Address: 747 Lubowitz Run, Sidmouth, HI 90646-5543

Phone: +99513241752844

Job: Design Supervisor

Hobby: Digital arts, Lacemaking, Air sports, Running, Scouting, Shooting, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.