Hiking and Trekking Tours in Iceland | Arctic Adventures (2024)


Our Iceland hiking and trekking tours offer extraordinary experiences in remote locations and breathtaking landscapes. Discover the most scenic hikes in off-radar locations in the Land of Ice and Fire!


Nature is what keeps Iceland on the top of endless travel lists, while its secluded geographical location helps preserve the unspoiled vistas.

Iceland offers a plethora of unique landscapes like no other place in the world, providing fantastic opportunities for memorable trekking trips. From moss-covered lava fields to jagged glaciers and majestic volcanoes – the list of one-of-a-kind locations goes on. A hiking trip is an ideal chance to venture deep into the pristine panoramas of nature reserves and national parks to witness unfettered geothermal powers and ancient ice masses.

There are some trekking and hiking tours in Iceland available all year round, which is a perfect opportunity to see the dramatc landscapes. These tours take hiking experiences to a whole different level as you ascend Iceland’s most iconic glaciers, marvel over steaming hot springs, or walk up to volcanic areas.


We offer a wide range of hiking tours across Iceland to suit a variety of fitness levels and offer insight into different parts of the country. Where you choose to hike will impact the kinds of landscapes you’ll discover, the terrain you’ll encounter, and, therefore, the difficulty of your hiking trip.


One of the best places for hiking in Iceland is Thorsmork Valley. The Thorsmork hiking trail offers an optimal experience to see the distinct seasonal scenery in Iceland. From the budding spring and leafy summer to colorful autumn and snowy winter, the mountain top will give you a panoramic view of glaciers, rivers, and streams glistering against the black sand in the sun. The acclaimed “Valley of Thor” is nothing but splendid, the ideal place for a hiking trip.

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Located in the Southern Highlands, Thorsmork is about 150 km from Reykjavik and 100 km from Selfoss. When driving over gravelly terrain as you do in the Highlands, it is vital to have a capable automobile and an experienced driver. Self-driving requires a 4X4 vehicle with river crossing insurance coverage. Booked tours usually take on the adventure with a super jeep. Anyone visiting the valley will need a similar vehicle to cross the powerful Krossá River.

Hiking in Thorsmork can be challenging but exciting at the same time. Available from April to October, the Fimmvorduhals trail is popular for running events and hiking tours.

Review our blog with all the information you need on what to wear in Iceland. On your way to Thorsmork, you will also be able to take a glance at the famous volcano Eyjafjallajökull, which interrupted European and international air travel in 2010. Two new craters, Magni and Móði, were created that year near this area. They were named after the sons of Thor. The Seljalandsfoss waterfall, one of the most photogenic streams in Iceland, will also be on your route. These are all part of what you will see when you are hiking or trekking in Thorsmork Valley – the Icelandic geographic miracle.


Landmannalaugar is a nature reserve that constantly reminds you of the beauty of our planet Earth. The best way to see this vast wilderness is on foot. Located in southern Iceland, the 190 km (118 mi) drive from Reykjavík requires a 4WD vehicle that will eventually be necessary to power through this mountainous area.

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The Highlands are the home to multiple hiking trails that attract countless outdoor enthusiasts:

  • Laugavegur trail
  • Brennisteinsalda Mountain trail, also called the Sulphur Wave trail
  • Blahnjukur Mountain trail, known as the Blue Peak trail
  • Ljótipollur trial, meaning Ugly Puddle trail
  • Hellismannaleið trail
  • Sprengisandur trail

Laugavegur hiking trail is most popular among both local and international hikers. Every summer, you will see backpackers trekking on this route with the incomparable landscape passing on both sides. One of the wonderful things about this area is that you can choose from short, beginner-level hikes, or opt for an all-out rugged Icelandic trekking tour. If you are curious about this route, check out the full guide to hiking Laugavegur trail in Iceland.

The Brennisteinsalda Mountain “Sulphur Wave” trail is another iconic route. The two-hour hike is never monotonous marching on a tundra. The juxtaposition of greenish moss and maroon hills with the backdrop of dark lava and ash fields transforms this hike into an intense visual treat. The well-known Laugahraun lava field with its lustrous colors and rough texture is a must-visit. This path is one of the most highly recommended trails for hikers in Iceland.

Next to Mt.Brennisteinsalda is Mt. Blahnjukur, known for the Blue Peak trail which leads the hikers all the way up to the 940 m (3,084 ft) top where five glaciers are visible on a good, clear day.

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In addition to several other trails in this area, the Landmannalaugar Highland region provides a paradise where you will witness nature’s miraculous design. The tours can be either a one-day hike or a multi-day trek. Also, always remember to bring your bathing suit. The abundant natural hot springs in this area will welcome you with a therapeutic treatment after a long day of hiking.

There are many possible and wonderful routes when you hike in Iceland, and the Landmannalaugar hiking tours are without a doubt amongst the most beautiful. If you are an eager hiking enthusiast who has come this far from another time zone to visit Iceland, then it is inexcusable that you miss this area of untouched nature.


Kerlingarfjöll Mountain Range is located within the remote Icelandic wilderness, deep within the Highlands. This location offers incomparable hiking and trekking experiences, taking visitors through geothermal valleys, snow fields, and glacial rivers.

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The name “Kerlingarfjöll” is a combination of two Icelandic words: “Kerling,” which means “an old lady,” and “fjöll,” meaning “the mountain.” It is no surprise that this name comes from a legend (like many other famous names in Iceland). The legend says that there was once a woman troll passing through the area who was turned into stone by the morning sun. You can still see her column while hiking through the area.

The Icelandic highlands, where this mountain range is located, is an uninhabited region in central Iceland. Kerlingarfjöll is approximately 10,000 years old and was formed as a result of volcanic activity in the region. This area offers a beautiful mixture of geothermal hot springs and colorful rhyolite mountains. Kerlingarfjöll is often compared to the famous Landmannalaugar, a hiking area with rhyolite mountains. If you’re looking for a less popular (but still beautiful) option, the Kerlingarfjöll hiking tour might be the perfect choice!

Glymur Waterfall

Iceland is famous for its waterfalls in all forms and sizes. The variety of roaring cascades scattered throughout the country is nothing short of amazing. Among the astonishing waterfalls in Iceland, Glymur was once the highest of all.

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Hiking to Glymur and back usually takes two to three hours. Both the north and south sides are good for observing the waterfall, but the south side is recommended since it faces the cascade. And it will be even more charming when the weather creates the conditions for a rainbow.

In Iceland, hiking is a stunning combination of beautiful for the eyes and illuminating for the mind. Hiking to Glymur is no different. Its location in Hvalfjordur (Whale Fjord), West Iceland, offers diverse scenery with an endless green sprawling all over the land, and a lava cave where you can spot the water stream and mountain ranges from inside. The Glymur Waterfall hike is also a perfect day tour if you are planning to relax for the evening back in Reykjavík.

Snæfellsjökull Glacier

Situated at the western point of the Snæfellsnes Peninsula, Snæfellsjökull Glacier is bestowed with a majestic view of land and ocean. Its peak reaches 1,446 m (4,744 ft) above sea level. When clouds are passing low overhead, it’s possible to pass through the clouds to reach the peak! When you reach the top, the view will prove the worth of all the effort you’ve put into your hiking trip. You can even see the east coast of Greenland in superb visibility. The ice, the sky, the ocean, and the top of other mountains will all feature in your panoramic view. It is the most pristine glacier in Iceland.

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Snæfellsjökull glacier gained international fame after the movie “Journey to the Center of the Earth” in 2008. Aside from the fictional narrative in the movie, the glacier itself shares a similar mysterious spirit. It is a beautifully shaped volcano with a white cap, and people living on the Northwest coast of Iceland's capital region can sometimes see its vision. It is a 700,000-year-old volcano that fills the imagination of those who are poetic and brave.

Hiking to the glacier summit usually takes three to five hours depending on the weather. If your route begins in the small fishing village of Arnarstapi, the hiking distance to the peak is 7-8 km (4.3-4.9 mi). There will be crevasses and other potential dangers along the way, so a professional guide on the team is the best way to remain as safe as possible. An adventurous glacier hiking experience like this one needs a team that works together, making glacier hiking a unique and incredible activity. That’s what is unique about glacier hikes. It pulls you away from daily normality and puts you in extraordinary conditions. It reminds you that while humans are capable, we are vulnerable.

Iceland’s high latitude has formed some of the largest glaciers in the world. Before Snæfellsjökull, there are 12 other glaciers that are larger. Vatnajökull glacier is the largest in Iceland and in Europe. Global warming presents problems to many glaciers in the world. In August 2012, the summit of Snæfellsjökull glacier was free of ice for the first time in recorded history. And Vatnajökull glacier has been shrinking at an alarming rate too. Although it’s not under imminent change, the natural magnificence needs to be well-protected.

Reykjadalur Geothermal Area

Reykjadalur (which translates to “steam valley”) Geothermal Area is a live demonstration of the earth's energy. When you travel on the Ring Road from Reykjavík 45 km (28 mi) to the south, you will see a sweeping view of the Hellisheiði Mountains with numerous ribbons of steam coming out of the ground. That’s when you know Reykjadalur is close.

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Before you can relax in the hot spring river, you’ll need to hike 3 km (1.86 mi) to get there. This is not a challenging walk but is nonetheless a stunning experience. Meandering between valleys in this area before taking a dip in the hot spring river in the middle of the wilderness is an unforgettable day out. The nature of hiking in Reykjadalur is more recreational than athletic, making it a suitable activity for people of all ages and fitness levels.

Along the way, you will see a small canyon called Djupagil and a babbling waterfall known as Djupagilsfoss. The hot steam emits a sulfur smell. If you are willing to walk further north beyond the common hot bath point, you will see the mineral-painted rocks and ground. It is an absolute relaxation experience for the senses, with a symphony of colors, sounds, and smells.

Another beloved thing to do in this area is to get to know the Icelandic horses. Icelanders are very proud of what their horses can do – the noteworthy gait tölt. They are good at crossing rough terrain and are skillful with their footwork – they can do five gaits! This attracts quite a lot of curious visitors to ride on horseback for this exotic experience. That’s why riding horseback in the Reykjadalur area is so popular.

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Hikers and visitors usually start their day in the nearby town named Hveragerdi. The town has beautiful greenhouses and even the largest banana plantation in Europe. Hveragerdi also has options for your last-minute preparations before venturing into Reykjadalur Valley for further activities. There are several restaurants, shops where you can buy woolen inner layers and hiking outfits, and a museum with the “Quake 2008” exhibition that displays and simulates the damage of the earthquake in May 2008 in South Iceland.

Iceland is known for its dynamic geology. Starting about 24 million years ago, the divergent boundary of the Eurasian and the North American tectonic plates began to create an island under the ocean. Eventually, the oldest rock in Iceland emerged above the ocean surface, 16 – 18 million years ago. The movement from the two plates sliding apart constantly releases energy and shapes the island nation with volcanos, ice caves, steam, geysers, and waterfalls. These endless geological activities make Iceland a huge geothermal hotbed. In contrast with the hotspot activities, the near-Arctic latitude bestowed Iceland with glaciers, cool air, and temperamental weather. Altogether, it molds the ultimate harmony of fire and ice on an island standing alone in the North Atlantic. Even more miraculous is that you can actually see and touch the two continents when you visit Silfra Fissure.

Iceland, therefore, became the unparalleled choice when you desire intimacy with our planet. And hiking is only the beginning of getting to know how wonderful it is to be in Iceland.

Other Hiking Places

In addition to the more far-off locations for long and rustic trekking tours in Iceland, there are also quite a few opportunities for hiking near Reykjavik.

Heidmork Nature Reserve, located on the outskirts of Reykjavik, is a popular hiking location for the locals. It is also a backdrop for many Icelandic photographers. Although the mossy land is not to be stepped on due to its fragility, looking at it nearby is also relishing. In winter, when Heiðmörk is covered by snow, you can also join the locals for cross-country skiing.

Besides Heiðmörk, Mt. Esja is another favorite weekend destination among the residents of the capital region. Two of the best-known hiking trails are Þverfellshorn (780m / 2559 ft ) and Kerhólakambur (851m / 2792 ft ). There are marks along the way for hikers and climbers. If you are not a very experienced hiker, the point to turn back is usually by the sight of a huge rock named Stein at 597m (1959 ft) high.

For more information, check our full list of top hiking trails in Iceland.

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The highest point of Esja is Hábunga, which reaches 914 m (2,999 ft) above sea level. This requires another 3km-or-1.86 mile-climbing northeast. Your efforts will be rewarded by the breathtaking view of the cityscapes fragmented by the curving roads extending to the horizon.

If hiking in Heiðmörk is too easy and the Esja trail is a bit too challenging, there is one spot that offers a happy medium – the lesser-known but totally beautiful Mt. Helgafell in Hafnarfjörður. It is only 340 m (1115 ft) high, which makes the hiking fun and easy, plus it doesn’t get much better than the view at the top when the moonlight falls and the city lights turn on.

If you are traveling to East Iceland, there are several hiking trails definitely worth trying:

  • Storurd, a remote valley located in Mt. Dyrfjoll; the trail takes five to seven hours to finish and the elevation gain is estimated at 600m (1968 ft).
  • Mt Snaefell, the hiking trail starts from the Snaefellsskali Hut, a small mountain hut at the foot of Mt Snaefell; it takes six to seven hours to the top and is suitable for experienced hikers.
  • Skalanes, this is a three-hour relaxed walk across a diverse nature reserve of grassland, waterfalls, seashores, and beaches; for those who are interested in Iceland’s culture and heritage, the nearby village and farm are also good to visit.

Visitors from densely urbanized areas are often amazed by the vicinity of nature in Iceland. There is no need to make too much effort when you plan to spend quality time in the scenic countryside because it is simply everywhere.


Iceland is known for its abundance of natural wonders and hiking trails. In addition, hiking is one of the most accessible ways to explore the wild landscapes and remote locations around the country. So why should you choose a guided hiking or trekking tour rather than setting off on your own?

  • Getting Around - The majority of our hiking tours offer pick-up from Reykjavík and drop-off back to your hotel or nearby. This can take a lot of work off of your plate, particularly when you have your heart set on a few hours of hiking in Iceland’s Highlands. Booking a hiking tour allows you to focus your energy on taking in the beautiful sights that await you around every bend.
  • Safety First - You will be in safer hands exploring Iceland’s wilderness on one of our hiking tours than by yourself. This includes on Iceland’s roads, where difficult terrain can prove challenging to inexperienced drivers, as well as on foot. While hiking is a relatively safe activity, your guide will ensure you are never lost and always take the safest routes to some spectacular views.
  • Expert Guides - While you can read up and take all the maps with you, you will likely not amass the same amount of insider knowledge that our local tour guides will know. This means that you’ll learn fascinating pieces of information, avoid the crowds, and learn a lot more about your environment on a guided hiking tour.
  • Small Group - Our small group tours ensure that you’re always in safe hands. Not only will the paths feel less crowded, but you can also find like-minded people to talk to and share this unique experience with.


With such a range of tours available, the choices can seem a little overwhelming! If you’re struggling to decide on the tour that you want to partake in, you should ask yourself some questions to determine the right option for you.

  • How long are you spending in Iceland? We can offer hiking explorations in one day, two days, or trekking across several days. How long you have to spend in Iceland will, without a doubt, narrow down your hiking tour options.
  • Who are you traveling with? If you’re traveling to Iceland with your whole family, you will likely want a shorter hiking experience to make it as accessible as possible for children.
  • How experienced at hiking are you? While most of our hikes are accessible for all fitness levels, multi-day trekking experiences are more of an intense experience for those who have never done so before. Consider this before diving into the deep end!
  • What are your priorities in Iceland? If hiking is the one item on your Iceland bucket list, you can really throw yourself into the Highlands, such as with our 8-Day Laugavegur Trek. However, if you’d like more variety, our combination tours are a better choice for you - for example, our 4-Day Golden Circle, South Coast, and Landmannalaugar tour offers a well-rounded experience.


As Icelanders are very outdoorsy, hiking is a basic activity that is done solo or in a group. The outdoor facilities in Iceland are well established. Areas such as Thorsmork Valley and Landmannalaugar have huts available for temporary use to hikers and trekkers. However, since unpredictable weather could result in harsh conditions, as a traveler, it’s always good to have a companion on the road. If you’re traveling alone, it’s necessary to update your itinerary on safetravel.is so that rescue teams can quickly locate you in case of an emergency. Preparation for hiking in Iceland is key.

When you travel to Iceland, it’s useful to pack swimming suits and bath towels. Iceland abounds in hot springs, so you need to be prepared for a likely chance to immerse yourself in the warm water and be able to dry yourself afterwards. This is also a fun side of hiking in Iceland, as besides just walking on a trail, there are so many other things to experience along the way. However, you need to be careful when choosing a hot spring for your relaxing soak, as some of them can be too hot to bathe in! In order to stay safe, it’s always better to think twice before acting in wild surroundings.

Hiking and Trekking Tours in Iceland | Arctic Adventures (2024)
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