Fort Worth Star-Telegram from Fort Worth, Texas (2024)

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pmm1mmommi rAinm I Sun Aug 3 1969 Fort Worth STAR-TELEGRAM 17-C IT'S SO EASY TO PLACE STAR-TELEGRAM CLASSIFIED ADS JUST DIAL ID 2-7722 FOR RESULTS' OVER 200000 cmcuLAyloN WIRY DAY W( sort Prop: 75K ILike Resort PrIE711( I Lake Resort Pro 75KJ I SubAcreage Unimp 18 1 I Real Estate Watt' 75MJ 1 I Lake Resort Prop 75KI 1 Sub Acreage Unimps 781 1 udiANOwnsleato i I etasiosess PropertUd3 PO YOU Commercial and Industrial PROPERTY NEEDS CALL ferreo searey ED 27011 'Ls De CORDOVA LAKE INDIVIDIJAL win's $t9 buy 'mil ea-) kph in 2 or 3 jadroqn1 NM fen trom owner 4 teal INDIVIDUAL III bul eiviee in or 3-bedroom horna 73253410 Bolding Lots we Twd lots voltn wattr SeWlf and Ivo reAdy to build On now Writ to' Boa 264 Star-144gram divine full' oarliculfs lot and block numbar sub-dlionion and Price 3410 ACRE TRACTS Newark Texas $5043 clown on highway 2 ACRE TRACTS North of Watauga on top rood Mg down 10 ACRE TRALT with 2 acre laits Smithflpld Only $2250 bair 30 ACRE TRACE bwoll for dnve100- men OwY $2250 acre Stroltos RAY JONES Ye 1-1144 MUST SELL-4040 acres will tics if 1400 Per acre 616-2220 SOUTWIAKE White Chapel Road 62S acres on cOrror of two hot-topped rO4Cit occes in fieefoget Rufti's Floo IN SU 24749 AT 446S8 DIr''''' 7 OPEN SPACES Aril flu love et Ine wide open soeces7 See ftlis 17 cre tract toclevi 6t4u4ital palatine $ite ti4rst office 1619151 re3y UM 014-VSP SPIIRISH I Vacant Lots 76 I Lt-u-b Aueage Imp 77 I 1 Abskiittf PUCCI NOIVI COOKIIII EAGLI MT LAKI AINIKA residential lot at VW C011411011 Dr te i Se Aueb Spacious brans name owner 244-1832o deep wed end barna bil mild from ioite Par inturmotion rail duplex I'a bi0i-k Off Ldnti5tOr 536-5VOT Sabine Vallee Real Estates TF )-12M Lk( 0)61 i91114 3 NICE butiding sites in one of trie acrea win) better neighborhoods In Coileyvilis 111 brick Small lake plenty frees at ill sell separe or 'nattier wells City wafer barn fenced 2824211 Curtis Owens 26111041 3firk) oar acre Mid-Cit) Betty Hinton 201-194 McDONALD CO TO SETTLE ESTATE AZLE 701 trOilttigill on DO hil Richland Choke Leh $2603 PM to Ront Serino fed creek 5 SmIthIe'd Ion S1 30 edth- morn stone nous near schools stet Los 111650 mail down payment dium DrOPosed new high Scrial Pat Hill 284-6031 Pat itill 2134424 adieini(o Oak Wooded lo1 2 'A 2 Acres large modern od noose otodts ott Hwy 1214 ail utilities (3 bedrooms) beautiful orcherd fine Soi00 IndIvklual 2014142 Wail water born good ftsning not -sTfEtLi It VI iii dour total $200000 $34400 casn Overton Pork Acklition Baionce 1430U per morith Al OodS6100 Idard 2 miles NVV Newark Nunnallie Realty Co 3 F-KrissiiiiC------ ReelIty C6 SIONY COLONIAL bull Acreage Imp 77 to SPU OS UY SUSINISS PROSSITY CALL "McDONALD" ED 114511 A POST WORTH WASIT Over 35 Years 5zrAnslik6T1 EgMet I With 1111 Vttiet btil sewer Some' sill Armstrong 292-3211 hem For more Ovoid Celt Wood 1155 ACRES 5 miles north of Weath- 2141047 284AO111 2044134v-tore 12 mile off FM No SI skis 'teed frees beautiful building site ACIllEiNORTH RICHLAND 14150 gutty 'dome I per cent loaA Joins the cfChhe Club DCOpecty lust al $5150 her Tooth S12523-4420 north of 121A Freeway Priced rignt ITTAZI1E17-5-iniles NoThi-Of Witath erfordt off FM 51 Scattered frees 1 ACRE COLLEVVILLE beautiful building site private COed Restricted corner lot it cood area If BY OWPOC existing loan a I 6 De I want a hice 10 build your icent interest 817523440 1 ACRE COLLEVVILLE Restricted corner lot cood siren If you want a nice lot 10 build your i nr AO Art am 110 owit On 4'S acres tust outside DO-0BU- OYCAR DEALING DIRECT WITH DYNAMIC INVESTORS I WA 6-4753 Lor tixix $th with Islauttol woes Colityylite area 62CA4) eaco i o-3229 CUMIUr LW 1-2W5 FOR SALE Vwcant wooded lot i Pameia Lane Easy access Loop '102o and 1 ornolket12395 PE 2-1)03 WA 6-053 tire Pm Itsi on Lon Stephenson Road Three bedrooms PAO baths etude den separate dining room barn stabe fruit trees fenced and crubt trnred Beeutaut grounds 1 JOHN FRANK AGUE 292-4441 FUN Complete private recreational pool fishing lake islands CONVENIENCE City water and natural gas to each lot underground electricity and telephone paved streets CLOSE-IN 1 Mile south of Granbury on Glen Rose Hwy 30 miles from circle at Benbrook to Front gates FOR YOU Perfect for weekends or permanent homes for commuters you Come to SPIIIISH TRAIL FIRST SALESMAN ON DUTY FRI -SAT 10 A TO DARK SUNDAY 1 PM 10 DARK PHONE 17-573-1336 OFFICE 115 SPANISH TRAIL DRIVE ervm Pormeon this is it Total price only $4000 liturryi AS VA I 714-1114 201-3M0 HELEN JOHNSON I PILL LUSK EALIORS-001 22 acrAs $2100 'Cr CAPPS is CHRISTIAN BU 14230 itrvi Boom area Belknao and I-1v 12 Pivridi-41L3OO 7212S-21 anonion-4135O (tort A Ran(101 92001111 Invostora NowIrtv an acre 000d location tor apts on Mitcneti BvU "LIZ" JlaiStEN PIE 75659 I jgdof 211410sivaiyamo At RFS tank water lime lots of trees sandy loam 312 miles southwest of Alvarado i12000 George Mtototean 77b-11111 75-3379 AiltIFULLY wodati a to near Arlornton restricted Clk 4-8635 Owner will sell all or In et this land 4 localed between Leas Arlington and la ACRES fri 1441-- t4' owdterartdci 1 0 i promised tir Joe due Pool reservoir Water i )' titre arid gas within 0 year tno- le 77Cli WEATHERFORD Peelleay aw bile harries not Located 441-at4 on Red Stone et' Kenrea- a scree a miles from Spritezhown cGmmelktrTAL Kicthwer arente90 ea a ls rn 4442 TA1' 4-1 1211 dele-Sobirte eld balance can tse asSumett cinitr big Bend National Perk 50 7J1-ratS9 Al A I PUEVISry ItEALT011 I WA 4323 I lbw acre 512 per Cent ZO veers lhriltrnes Mountains Land I Cettle r12-4 442 2o AC4S near WA S-Elea 0 WOO Emeira Lite Sidg Della '0 A 4 ay I 201 etJtkelies 120 ACTtS near briar water arid rMi11'reel''''Rinisesr r- (c AA 4 a itii I 201 electric dvaiable rANER Race SI at Grace onli ammarval 70)(19a NV IVSO Totten a 21 SOS AT 4-10A1 77CA WEATHERFORO Ponwav 441-Sytt4 TOP DOLLAR PAID IN CASH FOR YOUR HOME OR EOUITY REGARDLESS OF CONDITION ANY WHERE IN PORT WORTH OR DALLAS FORT WORTH DALLAS 926-8171 943-4773 CALL COLLECT SEMINARY SOUTH OFFICE BLDG SUITE COPYRIGHT DYNAMIC INVESTORS 1969 MANWirtIAAstoomonmaaraomlonomptiat usos DOWN Sh month-2 lio11 TA0VM73 clustrial 220S-07 Hayes A FARM IN THE CITY Si() down SI9 Month Partial lotTIIS ettacious howl end 3 acres ha lignI Hick) trial Oft Wilbarger 820 ac-eastr access In Poly Freeway and cess turnoff 4202 month oared R031010 820- Room tor horses 0f1rOto 18th $1420 Ictris GL 1-8211 roncect JOIN FRANK AGEE-2P2-444t 2109 ner 926 9609 24th St See to atOre-423AG" Clete Owner MA 4-1966 beautfol trees golf CO4Jr lot e- 922-660S 1214 ACRES-NEWARK-- Srssom oKler hom edecteated tor- lOGLEA country I estates 17 clotted On dead end street SiL shj paved soo '31 Srtiei 500 ri td allagne WA 6-1727 Ca ow WOODED lots overlooking Private! -ALE00 MINI-RANCH Dark Sadl end SUrrelf COUlitTV ettel JOHN FRANK AGEE 2924441 12 2 2 live oak trees matter many ex923 6664 973669511d1 for comfortagle loving( school low low taxes Only 9f2a002 ogiulltEi2 TO 240011i VA or FI-IA This won't last Corner 141010 (room tor 2 duplex- SPANtS14 FLAVOR et-22 Oft 6 acres ift AtOOO 1 blork! es Ca rcan! PE 2 0492 PE 1163 FRANCE SHANNON REALTOR to scnoni Soarosh ins de and not lak low --i I-2 et4-f 'ION iii-YESTORS- Onhi S2179J IVO 0Ou MoOftt- 3 excellent 4-oltx lots Mid Cities 2ita wth good down sow tare ared SALVERS REALTY KU 239Sel BENNIE EVAN REALTOR 29)-5956 262-1969 81231)2 MIthfl 136-3262! RESIOENUAL 101 for bale by -0 -1T-Trifirtif ite-ii--- I CL ENDON 1 er 406 Pafford $950 9235917 Ley nom tress iiikt Oti comers barns fenced 30 acres ail LO 15 mottly any sae north soe to to $60000 20 JOShud (011Sil or forms Dan I4pent I ent lufg wg to Broker 5-(4-7532 1 auno(ntrrent SINGLE Lot 6Sx170 1428 Muse ini GARBER REAL ESTATE a II od North Antliadowbreok33eP5O6 i tes 19'24403 9734664 9214695 i I Arlington Property 7-5T1 I Arlington Property 75L 1 I Arlington Property 751 ty StS000 7 3315 Movie Piaci MA 4 2046 F-DR SALE 5 rime IS uo 317 Phoenix A izona! I leeilLi Sielcri- I 12 ACRES 2 miles norTr-orRenclon fre 2442043 1 Ion Corner trews C010 water WOODED restricted hives s'te 175 lyictor Tins iey CR i acres Near Rencion 274-3521 MAROtE BURCH CO ED 5-4451 R-6-7------ NO CITY taties (511T-tient to Port 151v acs diploma So oily 1020Th tracts near Hwy 621 Worth and Weath Lw down erford 3 to 5 arra re Elet1 ICIMEM11! ffZZWiZSMi PRICED FOR Aft nee homes to WI TME DRUMMOND Co TE 11211 TE 84)60 HAVE BUYERS for homes businesi oroherly Frank CiarkMA 4-423 Top CASH TODAY! we Can be used tor MOO home I y71-1-: 'Ca-sy-w-7 t-WIy- payments I CE 1- 3330 Marie Popo MA 4-2(46 i Kay Realtor 211: "141 QUICK SALE' 4 AC0 15 mtles south ot Ft ACRES-Rouon unimproved Worth In Johnson County Exceltent i rub I aid a AaAttlawffsrti Liall nar i 17 49 WC 15 mtles south of Fr AC Ft oursh unimproved Worth in otreon County Excellent La 0 thersty saw per i ii 4 es" 0 it '''''4''' fi1 4-00 0 -44 4' rt A i7 A 7' '-k '1-7'' Ode' 46 4 'N 04' oe 4-oof te-k c' 4Nt 0 11 47 SO '10o t1 4 40 0 s1 rt' 4 SP 41' tC 4 '144 '6 3 IA ome 05 1 7 -4 40s4 "t' 4t-lo'4 740tott''''tII 4 Iliot' 4 4 i- r401721 0'" 14 For ralunies or clear homes it Any condohon any loraroon IJ AAA Mortuade -fl91 I 'til fl AOil bed Owner wil carry I histh biadiogiosnigtetolireme I j'a75te: K-a-y- I Realtor 2445734! Fully develened industrial no? 292494 926 7111 chnce 1 acre tracts Sl500 D'ot'onv 0 PHI Marl of lorl 34 ACRES south of Azle owner will Restr itteet ilt NOS rite Phone or HI carry note 42 acre tracts $1250 acre 2-acre tract STEVE MURR1N CO Reese Real Estate 441153a I -acre tract 17 ACRE tract near Joshue Co-or Office JE trNaodtc 1131110 0 JE 4-2C3 6 1 waier Se50 per acre 29SIS4t 1 AVONDALE NTS PAVED ROADS ROADS WATER LIGHTS' and still priced much less than any FOR SALE by owner 71 acres MI IN Richland Hills on Starnes Ori OFF ICE or retail on Denton wv other exclusive country subdivision iC8 bocter'S Office an Nedr Ego Aim residence 834-0333 478-3170 Paved road beautiful oak trees as- In Haltom br Lake en FrwayItut behind trees for horses ori r1- eel ei -WO Inc siiii priced much lest than any rF c1-rOn -witbaUtt --If r61 7 in as- rOOS eyom-b ro ik0 ----5 0 48tor--- -ti Other exclusive countrii subdivision a ice an Nedr Ego Ant Lake on Frway turt behind trees for horses resi ence 834-0333 Must 534i7)1 Fred Rowan Joshua 2 St HELEN JOHNSON LUSH i Need homes to bell Call AT SELL US YOUR HOME Ai pay highest We pal closing' cost Equity or clear borne Alli areas Any condition Pay cash Ronert A Randal 926-01151 TOP cash your home equity or clear Care Schuder ED 54133 WAIThITHONICIN Maartowbrook Benbrook Ride: mar Charlene erauttl 921-5'33 Jmmy Carr elee Jewel Davis Realtor 137-066 eAcH tor duplex or house with aot TE 7076 weekend Best otter of S7000 oe ever IC 0 i le i A I tile bulidin0 on under construction into Fort Worth tor country estate soil this q0171I-1Tel DIRECTION: miles north oe Se- gnaw on US 11-28 to Avondale 'Per acre Einan(ina SVallabli tor liacksboro Highway near Azle mugs His i Estates re mdo gualltied Person Btl 1-2Sle ion lot leSx285 $13500 676-0S70 Fe 81 prct Hts Estates Fres InttrA and ercc uurn-ru pc or ltn 13Xttl3 TA109 76-000 ea $uso WA 4 9624 10 ACRES Large 2-bedroom home RGE LOT Pciglea Hols 1 101 off perfect 20)(40 chelfan noose taro uMaest corner Stonedate and Rd- Medi barn All fenced Only S20S00 in 15030 730-91411 Smthiteld XIS AND small creed South 10 Large ll-electric 2- kftheast Garden Acres and Josh- bedroom 2-bath Hay yorythmo 1 Dan Nuoentt aroker S34-1532 tDee0ank fweliof-oldDcrelnetonSaprdaillitarSgirni 06 FIELDER dandy lot also Azle Hamm MA 6-19 3009 I NCHE 0 2-bedroom lot 0 LIAPILoCoX stol(soo 39Cc0abhironk Mw2cr37Citt I $Iii501th-lmthaocrrneeeths12ncaromwmcrn: DaiPatcsi ealtor 2462141 4 ACRES 5-toot chain hrta fence RETTIEST lot in Meadowbrook 40 pecan trees 40 feet tall oh ooar Corner of Holt and MenzerIS4000 year Income Double MOblie ISO elandiey tired on Habert i home 3 lar940 outbuilchngs Tractor rced roht wth all eoulntrent Well Puma A 00mtold Relltv 534-0163 bagain Burnell St Newark area $uso WA 49624 LARGE LOT Pdelea Ho Is 1 lot off souMhest corner Stonedate and 15030 730-9148 LOTS AND smell 'cresols South Southeast Garden Acres and Dan Nunenst aroker $34-1533 2006 FIELDER dandy lot also Azle Ave lot Hamm MA 6-1923 DUPLEX lots 3900 block McCort Askrd Kathr yn Realtor 2461141 PRETTIEST lot in Meadowbroott I DrotAir Corner of Holt end Menzerl Also Handiey dr ed on Heibert priced richt Bgomtield Resity 534-0103 Woman Sunday ortif PE 2471)7 I 31 Acress650 Acre itkOVSTRIAi zoned S700 sautr PE 24291 foot brock bowling UlAVNi Just south A of Oak Grove trIA lot 2811 Azle Ave Terms Jack Maxwell Investmenfs cromik MO view StirlOV Frank tare MA 4-24211 ideal for tracts roads 2 sdes Owner IL bUI(1 to suit or sett Loft next 1 lf14 LP MIMI 11JF? OCAY 1nA1Ce be tdoor to Seminary South 275-l1 Shown in I 13 "TOT'S" GOT 'EM Choy Loretta on Harwood Rd io conditioned bvs Serving cold Oevereooe RiOSne rl I A 'ON acre revrirred co- commercial Irarteleen0 DUSe lealty Vlirk adartments Ca SUIRLESON W1114 loo water oeved road owner et- ment suaLtsom wilN top water paved road owner Si- Zoned low down Daiments Finincirga ED 1123 4TOOM home Old b'f eII oumo 40 acres in cuts Onty $250 err with S4000 IdeeNn lipid 'We12111 Plors) 12 rnleS Wo St of Cleburne on Glen Pose Pd RAT JONES TE 11144 004 AU 2203 A' 4-n17 To SELL OR BUY 9 2 '2-0 I 40 Years Experence McDonald 8 Co BEAR Iqht gas water cty phone 1 oaoce Kirby Betts CR 4-771 1-22v2344-e-4 ye-512-e etc tit) to 01 Dilbi Ce-iki A DEA 1-7212i34-4-4ssiiatsie ft PO To es AREA 4 40 el 710 4 1 0 cx NI 01 0 '4 Zicoill' ak i 51( sy 4 4 4 4444 fl Ott40 ''4 1 OA t'' 1 11i 'II 0 4 4t 4' 0 IL I e4 ki -''e gd t1 3 4 144 24 i 4 14': i I 7Z Lto io11141 3'14'441101 It 7 'V 41V1444214441tPit4404 i '''4141 ejtil 1 4 i 11141Ilie OW 4 -4 or --a 1 i it 44' dltY 1 I 4 ek iorgort-4'V' i Wf )- t'' 't i 1::: ''''c'2 ---4'1 xior i t- r't iv'' vot Ar I 1 0 1 s' Vt' 471' tt4' 4 f''''0- '1 4741' zeo- If A14 sts ''trti164alL'4''447: v-IF 4 1 teS- e' --4'-- 443i 3 4 ''-t41 Zoo 4' 1 A '1C I 4111 if i c- 111 'r 1 14 i '3 vo 0 4'? f- i' et' i tf--1 7 1 1 1' i' 111 A1 I1 i i 41 1 '11 111 14' I I 1 434 -i---t i 1 t- 1-- i 11 it ri 4 hv 1 '4 1' i 111 111V4 ''1 4 44 '111 1 1)' 41' tit 1t1 '''t '1 1 1 'lig '14 'A1 1' Ct i i A1 ko -WI 1 4 oA i o1 4 4'44 '''11 41'1 0 Of ts'i i' l' o4 '44 -)' 4r" 4' 4 S'-' i 4-- usiveRstri DR WANTED medium price from owner Can pay good cash down Write details Box 293 Star-Telegram POLY EASMAOOD Equity or clear env condition David Brown JE 4-1069 JE 5-739e BURLESON bo is you like restricted home' soes good investment SEVERAL TRACTS 1 HURST 22 ecru choice commerciaL Ruth's Realty BU 2-4719 OU 2-534- NEAR RENDON 35 Acres or more 4709 Less than 35 1 tiTURE service ssation locelson iftai-111Vs-36'4 Acres oft FM ill acres UM Owner finsoca with 20 Hwy 14 ACce Corner FM Per cent down Approximately I acre walt potential with I NEAR JOSHUA Watt Loretta co00 water 1ams eas epope Kamileen Rouse Oetetv S'kf'1 41156 22 ome a on extstind buki TU Ha in Wu? at Gra Ine Co ner 1614 acres on FM MCAlLE HOME site on norMwest 420000 e5000 0wra -tera' -r 30 Acres on Rodd 703-4225a0 corner caved County Road 012 and Grapevine Reel Estate 2672761 30 Acres on Road an8 Vs rrillel Watt et Mt 35 5'SOUTH FREEWAY 100x164 "Elt O'her trcts large end small SOUIN OF MANSFIELD Per Jcer'ONtNlIPTANIKCI reaGa commerciat owner wiSheS to bvitch t2-3-6-4 Acre Tracts v23- 92664 payment tor 6695 1 TR 1 38 4-636 SOUTH OF ARLINGTON 1 imMEDiA10 cash buyers tor WWI' PE down ea Acres near propo sed Hwy 360 commerciai oropeette Young lEt to- In OAKIEW FARMS Lame 170 0 BOX 3i and proposed new lake 43 A25n2be-4414ei nce REAMS aras273 oak trees Go 6 miles south of Burl- l'' 't Ea McNabb 21s11 son on 1) 81 turn oft on 917 salt APPROXIMATELY 3 acres for Sista If we ain't oat it we'll let 1'1 rod cross over to access road on icorner IS 20 and 9)9 300 ft Wordape eso ede Go la milt north thenlEasy off and on ramps watts! end LOW--LOW 13-OWN turn titans so OAKVIEW FARMS eectricity Sys or reit Jow smith Restricted 2-aere tracts enter let- JOHN PRANK AGE 2t2-4641 Miners We 811-125-1511 frictty city pnones sandy foam rorsieissis 973-6695 FOR SALE or ttacte smelt titca DIRECTIONS: From Crowley west' 118 7 to 1902 sout 2 it m-es ed down wtit finance balance kw 10 CaSiect near OiecirtwOOCI ShOOrtne SUMMIT RIDGE ESTATES CPI- 10 ACRES will divide 1 per cent-budding 6200 se ft a years old lo 21 6 miles Ora pe 2-6251 Burleson loth at Bueson Will trade for Dodos property or I lot 35 to et exit east On el to sell on loan assumption 411rt per 1a TO 1 i V01 trei 1 or 1- aw I un FilFICr1 on Grav EilarSI-E-St011 etrW 22 acres choice commerckeL SEVERAL TRACTS Realty BU 2-4749 EU 2-5342 35 Acres or more $700 Less Men 35 4 acres $800 Owner finence with 20 i r'SJ i URE sorstscie station loCattOn Per cent down lAtteretimetely 1 acre wttPt Loretta "ff 111756'e a a On Wen 114 Ha in 5 8too Groameilne on corner Kamleen Rouse teesotv WA 4-0222 rn ocitentiel vett exotints build MCAILE HOME sites on norttiwest corner oaved CovntY RrAel 912 end ra0evine Real Estete 2672716r" I'is miles west et Mt 35 5 per cent down 10 yea' on balance SOUTH FREEWAY 100:664 "EA JoHN FRANK AGeg 2S2-4441 Cornrnerciat owner WiSheS to bvitch cl23-6695 923R664 for lease TR 4-6361 5 PR COST down payment for 3-41MAAE1AE CSh "Vers for WV' acres In OAKVIEW FARMS Larger OreCe11 YOung ELer Oak tr th ees Go 4 miles sou of Burke- Do! isi" ton ois 81 turn on on 917 exit APPROXIMATtLY 3 acres for $141 anti CrosS (War to access road on i corner IS 20 and 9)9 300 ft frontacie ME RR ICK SITT-Korthc rest addition tvivercrest Country Club area Leslie Ligon McClure 732 28051 acre wooded lot near Masonic home zoned to familY Ferne Brandt 451-5615 RA NW 0000 TER Meactowbrook es ft frontage For QUICK BALE only SIBUCL Eunice Hear-roil JE 5-7272 3200 LOC zoned Only $250g Terms if 0 sired ttallie Cooper WA 4 2750 YOSEMITE COURT In Eastern Hills Beautiful lave wooded lot $5800 Eunice Heareell JE 5-7277 Helen Perkins ED 6-5776 CHOICE tree covered corner lot in beautiful Carol Qs Call tOCI8V McCoulty Reel Eltate 4411329 COMMERCIAL LOTS 400 ft frontade on a motor street' witnin 1 blocks of a nire main interstmon zoned Owner nos piens tor 33 unit apt 536-4193 Olgy Poouln 31271041 McDONALD CO OVERTON of beautil tul trees! Exclusive Quiet dead end street A wonderful address Lot size Iiilyviao Restricted for a larger better homel and sensibly priced at 1113150 Owner 2926027 LOY 60x135' 4503 Udine JE 1-2390 I 1 1 1 i 1 I PropOut of Fort1N 75R I AT GODLEY or we 1 teterv miecorated 3 bedroom den 2-car hinge trees Dario tencit AT 4-936 Violet Broome AX 51XiS MISTER RETiAED Looking for 812 acres wart nice 1 114 1 brick? tirrekrtitul barn utomatic itederS and tanks for horses or cows Fruit trees fenced and irAnIelicecctiaPitrikieNCountytuSteirpi6 38 ACRES with 1-rOdm brick home facing Angion Or and Anglin Circe Vctor TinS ley WA 447 MARGIE BURCH ED 344511 NEAR Azle 1 bedroom 3 acres son lor tease CE 7-175 1 37 ACRES with taro 2-bedroom! 'home on John White Rd 8110001 down Lib 536-368 13- BE OROOM frame 1acre for I nor se lovers Between A ei ler and Grapevine S1600 1st Texas Lend and den Jack Douthitt ED 241411 FINEST imation East Side tor ma home court IS acres near me- thOrMorilare ier MS errartOed I Set Mts I Woody Teague GL 1-1971 1 FOR SALE by owner 1168 acres' 'well Improved 30 minutes from Frail Worth About Ig in trees Balancel tnastal berMirde Grass Hoe ere isnot on 3 sides 3 water weltiS CO00' domestic Water 2 nooses taros barn Priced tor saw Owner will carry first lien note reeSonedie inteeeSt Mile last of Renticm Hi9nway 1187 4184552 2 ACRES 3 bedroom brick south of Arlinolon CR 440a8 ExCelient 3-bedroom brick 1650 sql I I year eid 2 baths huge ifitcn- en-den combination dishwasher otst posal carpeted Extra large doubtel garage and storage ISaiklnlY lot in new addition Beiteve me it is some-1 thing to behold! $20000 Shown any-i time day or moist GODLEY SEAL ESTATE Carrell tell) 289-2271 2 luxury Colorado Mountain homes winterized beautiful views One new and has 3 bedrooms horse i barns lovely yard The other has Si bedrooms ecres horse barns' Both are rxiced at S39950 For further details call or write Bill Haver 1401 Main Pueblo 81002 Phone: area code 333 545-2101 AT GODLEY Jack Maxwell Investments I 6020 iett to sign icent Interest Contact Gleva Invest- 1 JOHN FRANK AGEE plelaxoeNsT35A70-5E54130N i 197 1 FERmANE NT AND MOS1111 HOME 1 FREEWAY LOOP LOTS FOR SALE Zoned industrel located on Craver's 13 acres development In Itte1 2 acre tracts and ma Mannincent i Rd near Willard 1 mile soutn of city or to 0411O eo $1000 an acro-1tmcenerv with crest variety oi trees 1 Lancaster and Rosedale exit on 120 Owner carry 90 ow cent Snown I ated on kills flat lend and i L000 Prime location for bUSIneSS Seytitoe day or niont cr eeks Natural beau' undisturbed( 'appraised it S315440 wilt sell for GODLEY REAL ESTATE A fine community water system arid i S20000 Owner out of town 1 111171-309-23731 all roads beim beyed e750 oer ecre 1I Stephenson AVIS Alvin Houston 5-5---A-zots pertly wowed 3550 oo as little as S'100 down VS DOI' TexaS At i 5-09n1 228-651e acre can toclay I riVeTtylows Go iatkaaoto Hwy 3 CENTRALLY locted--pood freweay so 'own of La Ju-11711) Fern Brandt 4Si-56151mile mist AzI Lon to left at Dick Truck Viso 5 3 a YE HAVE several tracts afe at "Live na Hil son ni- 3(f 7" 1 I I 1 rF1'ert pretettedt of Crowley roost-Inc in size from 1S' sions A frOlei te oddition Sales- A 3 2864 til am a Paneled and cl-a erstisfrted offices en to 22 acres Ail hays toad frontage men en lanotaertit 2 electricity and telephone CO wit "76721 724794 irrt-teres ter ayallabie Al have ether a pond MOBILE Homr -kits wooded Or S'ftn Vr11171144n6t 'ltd MM I creek or a site for a cond Some clear Sount from 11250 my 29S-7STV 1614yAC E5--Lorwc cornmw c41 oft have good trees Not restricted 44 A( RE la rapidly wow dinSt MObite Horne SLOW dOWni Area ReAdv for develooroeot stsag 183 Euless Teke ol dzan 1Pa Mont finanCina Use-4404 AT 4 owner will carry balance C0004trt-r acre 1 7e31 A4 21203 or 974541 or 2924779 I SESISTA A CO 12-9111 2f12-0664 I INVESTORS 1 For Mo Acres situated in Prtrile Ths COMM' bile Homes It 1 PATTERSON 1 siness Property 60 1 co'eml area OwIllr MeV sell Call Eoi is nice not ere Nose PAT 293-41191 trailer parks 1 to 4 ere tracts convenient to WI Fort Worte Come 82Riverside I Clinton Wright Realtor out and look DIRECTIONS: 0 miles 22 A a10 ticteuer Feet $151100 2922770 north blieker' light In Saginaw on A' zonredT 1122fre ecomEie14 ami pam vs MANSFIELD HWY uHnwyitthrteel-2S F7 Ete240A7VOpN1026Al271 Hit Hwy at Seminary Or Jack Maxwell Investments Less th ri 25 cents sis ft realistic pr wdo and deep zoned C-1 SI soft ice Mak ts0r0041SRC effer victor Tlinsiev WA 44461 to sieve mon'y or mew sound Ire KELLER SAAfttl ligtOPU rra it ps dALA as idogtrystorrt Vds milli 'Want iii ta 7' '4 eCr PS zoned Commercial Manstie'd Hwy it Seminary Or Less thin 2S cents se ft Victnr Tinsley WA 4-4541 MARCH! BUNCH CO ID 54451 wd add (Sera zoned C-I SI seft ruaiisttc price Make peree4ist4c offer to money oir mew sound in vestment We will oepottete mon del estates Two choice one half acre Wilding slots It you are blenniriq on a P001 inquire about tbe one wit' Its own wel S8500 to S9750 Frances 13cktotd 921 4ta-8 Office 792-3838 Realtors MU 1 il! 1 ttli 1 ''l I'' I it '7-t tl 100 ACRES South of Keller ideal for develooment 12000 oer acre Good terms unuttes Grapevine Real Estete 201-2261 NEAR GRAPEVINE LAKE 5 PEDROOM 2 herh roonn house wIth fireoiece central air-heal nese Iv remodeled on wooded 4 acre tract wth pasture 000d barn and sIdele LS5I31 111200 oown Grecs" sire Peal 2t2-2261 SOUTH FREEWAY 1-2-2 enek den air VA-FtiA 4784274 2950002 3 BEDROOM home store end station 3 miles north of Azle Terms Llsbv JE 6-1117 ISub Acreage Imp 77 I "GOLD MEDALLION" ail eectric COIOniill brick near Lake Weather Yoar-od It acres restricted area 3 bedrooms 2 baths tares de fireolace finished double daracte metered water tow takes $4600 financed at 7 per Cent T7773 LADI 47a lastri CLINIC 4470 AM-11M Comelete facilities central aif end Eguipment optional DENTON NWT 3-7-7 large corner Ict S30000 OFFICE BUILDING VitikikirdlIAA11 zJ BOURLAND ROAD Anoroximaralv 2 outs lights gas OVER 201 BIAUTIPUL on- water 16000 acre-olds tracts Overlooking Lake Weatherford and CROSS TIMBERS I bfdroom 2 bath Gold Maclailioni acres tights gas water S47S0 homes ranging from $24500 ready 1 6 LADYS LYLES insoection Divo west oni pallet 7424404 ON SOUTH SIDE 24)(32 FT BUILDING rind rifeettot tive-roord rowdenc 'ter Neese Construction Many uses So convdment and economical to Ive by your Nisi- doss HOME AND BUSINESS IN EXCELLENT CONDITION Irtsats Orni OMNI Coromrvl Only MS 900 WA al4791 Brick 3-bedroom 114noth Israel kitchertden price S1500 with 1-141 acres adioining S16000 a1lY-1 time day or night GODLEY REAL ESTATE Carren (8171 3897373 2 BEDROOM house on lame sot located in small country town 50 miles north on Hwy 287 Total once $2 291 277-9505 or PE 2-3195 frame house on lot 70x110 1 block trom Lake Cranbury 36250 317) 5731489 OWNER 1-1-1 frame fenced EnuitY1 $3000 378 month balance 895110 2141 DA 81892 35 ACRES Azle all or part of Silver: Creek Rd Small down payment Low interest ALEDO REAL ESTATE 4411961 FOR SALE Barracks building with wood Skiing asbestos thingled roof wood floor 100 long 25' wide Lcoated at Keller Elementary School Keller Texas to be moved from site On tact Kenneth Pains Keller schools 287-4211 80 ACRES IN Clinton Arkansas In country 3 bedroom house 3 bondh ocod fence Pfenty Of wii game 15 miles to Freers Ferry Lake $15300 cash Or terms (501) 592-376C STA 1 14 1 EL41i 3 bedroom 3400 down 3 month 8229 ()dell SALE New 3-bedroom brkk 'bath double garage AO to wall capet air conditioned range dish- washer and disporial llT26 2rklSt A1SO 629 Dallas Ave and 2026 A Dril Lane Tyson Taylor AN 4-1 3121 or AN 7-4960 WICHITA FALLS 6 lots Toned industrial 3 small hous- es 25x50 metal bu elm to el to the railroad Located in the 600 block Of Oak Street call McCiintock for details Collect 3264221 Acton Texal 7114-0681 284-113 281-39150 HELEN JOHNSON 8 IIILL LUSK EALTOR 9-6 FOR SALE largo bedroom house large living room den kitchen and bath also Cabin Lake Bricigtoorts Cabin Mac 116x100 I All for quick sale will sell sebarnte 303 Miller Decatur Texas 627- I 3044 Doesn't This Way of Life Beat Mowing the Lawn? If you planned to spend the day pulling weeds DON'T! Instead come see the furnished model homes at Arlington Downs When you own a Townhouse here you'll never have to mow the lawn or paint the house or put a new roof on it It's all done for you while you're picnicing swimming or spending some time over at the Country Club-style receation center Like we said doesn't that beat mowing the lawn? Arlington Downs Townhouses t4: 3s 6 I'Vestiew Terrace 261-1636 Just south of Abram on Fielder 71 Doesn This Way of Life Beat Mowing the Lawn? If you planned to spend the day pulling weeds DON'T! Instead come see the furnished model homes at Arlington Downs When you own a Townhouse here you'll never have to mow the lawn or paint the house or put a new roof on it It's all done for you while you're picnicing swimming or spending some time over at the Country Club-style receation center Like we said doesn't that beat mowing the lawn? Arlington Downs Townhouses 3s6 1Veshiew Terrace 261-1636 Just south of Abram on Fielder or vour 141ohotav 80 to Ranch House Root Ii7414411 267-103 M-4203 Chiend 01 ver 30 4 story leusuless and warehouse tocill- CALL POUNDS JR CADDO ACRES NM 4414111 or 3354261 LINIMPOVIrtt ENT CALL PouNos-Ja 441-118 or 33s-42o1 CADDO ACRES I I05 UNIMPROVID LOT 20o0 ell electric Spanish hOrrul 00 11 1ACPE choice trects only $25 165 0' DAViS Sivd wooded acres 'n Mansfield r3r ivate down IOW monthly payments good cilPloS 8 CtiletSttatit 8 flO4IhIY tkiVrneMS good CHRISTIAN 801-4230 taxe 473-1482 7'4-58 co same trees Dorection: 11 Go 40 to ZONED INDUSTRIAL rrs Crcos 16 ACREL Laguna Vista Estates Good toato-O- -N-ortti- erce1 wv" 6-5776 Pee 99:1 cootinua tt7 or Va deo Has good frarne horn on it ood Helen Perkins HELENitttit*am BILL Lusk1 ort PrhOltrty 4-8034 IPR7ed tt Caii Mario Wood 284-i Joshua turn 0 AtiK Est 10o7 114-1134 i WANT 10 ocrosntote IT Icen: COMMERCIAL CORNER HeLEN BILL LUSK 6 Larcaster locator! wtOithatociithmotortatvw14stoc strielosH Haike Cooper Unimp 78 I kuk A ILL 771 Acreage Unimp 78 I AT GODLEY Rep cask sso 'onto AcW1 welcomeili-4-Zr0-ta heavy im reta1 business offices or clinic! str-Tgrim Bc1cr usrA1 75000 priced richt SE COMM NI wi O-esent brick bvitrtnO tos iv cooverttho Seller ll cart CKoce 70 or 40 acres all orasal root cord lVi bare well located neari tWo Gooley on a hot too road S5OS sorllint" 8Qmreeetti c'r brtcu'h Evill'atita Near Artas beautifulid tract: trowrMO-iniBEIRYlvat tMolor zoned Commgr cler3713118 Por cent eottior Illincr6 acre Illeeters MIA Richland tillism-fla 0 'Office P242701 re Shown anytime day Or moht All I '4-- ti OekiBloOtreteld lele wooded includyno pecan yot a 5140203i CO GODLEY Iv tOPII Tract is rwrsirc 1 talfl Lilt" Heavily i 820 AND CO Ai E' wooded Includ trtql pecan 111U GOOL A LS ttittto 'YDS Net 3 cHoiCE IA ACRES MILES south el 810SOIN on Merv 1 Fenced and cross-fonced stock tank room 3Vs both home on hill surrounded by native oak tree ideal for gromIng family or arrange for rental Income 120000 down Owner carry batance Call tor further details MARGIE BURCH Co JE 1-3711 ED 5-051 LEASE 2bodroorn I acres was-Firer-I dryer connections 2 car garage near Azle Se5 month NEAR Seminnry South 2-bec1room frame shettrork tond panelling fenced yard S11500 (817) 6412471 To Emory Agency SIT 295-2e50 I NEAR acres with frame brierte only St7200 'SALVERS REALTY SU T5954 BU 21969 BLI 2-0121 SOUTH Of Arlington 14 acres 11-2 central hent and air fenced barn Yenned 4734210 KELLER-2 ACRES 3 isdroomS reugh codar electric stove refrigerated 1t ca rbot draped S21300 Owner will sell house and 2 lots actOroximottly 200k2n0 tor 813500 Loan balance 212700 Drivable at si53 m0010011 GLADYS LYLES vu-svpi 167-1453 EY11203 '100 ACRES rocroxirnetely IS mites west or Cleburne with 2-bedroom RANCH STYLE home $30000 SliSki SAM THEO EMBRY AGENCY (71 and molt POoPERTifs--E com- 0 Carr 1 to It crea and IllrOor mercia: near Oakland Blvd and WA 2' t-o acres sod inrw near Okland Let lvd and cocolteerclel a MUST seil quit In Illls acres este pith soft stood grass cromil Rosedale Priced riont Would trade suit for awns Dap less to $1200 Der acts Per crl 5391 lvie Posits 536-0441 meet On duplex Cs i l--os I down A I 10 PO cm sod 4 scrc C01-1vvilli 262471 2 $mith 177443 ideal for Mob i lio NOM Rinett In towel 5)(260 lot silt two MidCitsts North of fiktio on T30 to lire 'older 'lorries Good ooonte1 roe McDONALD CO turn left st Walnut Creek bridge On smell retell business erir smit slot zzAAZs CIA AzrzA Az bridge on 21-0271 $mith 177-343 Cr mll buines cW rreths 8 men on up I MidCitit* turn len at Walnut eek sa reteX ss ocrent cDONALD CO 41 TaaFett COUNT MaYi artery corner location Sq MOdern air condcrad butidoa Zoned no tat 20 or 30 Was anazunt df kttsd oPrt000l 113aa lel ft to 02 Zee tq ft The enztvis Co JE 64311 I Real Estate Wntd 75M I I Real Estate Watd 75M I AT GODLEY 'le acr zoned for 1 ACRES wi ill nmpera iMOBILE HOME ACIREAOR 25th 125 es Kris 23C001204301 701AI i31 0 011 from ctIte't Peen 13U242re BLit-58131 HELEN JR0EINLSTO0P4R st4Int 21-11 SVC lake Wilt sett all pROPERTY INVEWrkiT rent Excellent investment potential ne8r IY priced Call Bucklie Almy or Dart Will sell to vettram ALSO lisnolk) complete once FERREE SEARCY Elaine welt" Peal Estate lot on Hemphill roned 31-7ort 7e24s6tGrenclialtne Texas UN P-3333 business Jessie Jeeeson Pn ttret Jorste Jacson ED 5-3291 DON'T LOSE Your home or credit! We need your property tor our case buyers PINER POWELL PE 3-1191 All Am's ED 6-7723 QUICK CASH SOLO LISTINGS IN I East Sous ioutheast Southwest est Have Rovers for Re Meg Hills Hidhiand Fosd WA 4E5'231 Maud arady WA 30005 BURL ELDER JE 40711 WANT Arl His home aot oav I i SAjO cash 19) month Consider run down Aisents wttcome Reolv 1 Seir-Toevam Box 211 1 I Real Estate Mitt! 75M I WANT TO buy15roPerty neM COm "'nullity Conroe Westside $1000 cosh1 1150 rn9ntts Box 2S1 Star-Telegram List Your Business Property VVith experiemed itoerits MrOoneld bee been serving Fort Worth Reel Estate needs for OVER 35 YEARS 1301 I LANCASTER ED 3-4SSI 4411' 30 ai7-691-410111 CASH-CASH 3 ACRES On FM 11 2 IsKirooms 2 bet 112 sforv briO 2 mites (af of Joshua haxib finaorinc vIvian Butts AX 2-2606 I separate $100 acre 251-442 Ar le Iv ior Arill H01( 231391) Fort Wo'th IKAsi KELLER now 1016 ortei1 4WD DIST11811110N SIT! 1 restrIcted The 15 rOY If'S Co 01 I sectinowesterl0001n diotrwentt Non-restrict- zona 1 I eri 0111tfes- aexbrstS 1 al 1tyntomcs I Acre Or more $NO n0 '11 block of freeway Pavtd toad water and telephone down month Lhih oak trees it 6-071 1 1 Restretod ow rode fo are Notl cr west kettere 4 cetornlor iltoutv Nortneast a SALE KIP SrP 1394 sec i ft masonry warwriouse Ouiidino work' 5 ACRES-1 m'oes east of Kelier nice trukrnd $iks Priced HOP sorei pt fnewq freeway South of Keller best reriktonflal Stitt 446409 SQ It of lood 4 dfil'rNavend 12 045 dmo Ile ie oo eislowinopeords Northwest Keller 4 IFT11 ruivr''''" i EroS-z7 pss 1 rrd't oCrtlenolder I "I'IN ft masonry warehouse I' Restricted 5 ACRES- 7 thhos oast of Kollor offices fifkle sq it of lend 4 nice btArtn41 $1717 Pritect rittnt Sceith of Kellett test residential atoll blocks aro IV tnrm i VIIIIIIIIVIV Wooded Rftftriclodd IF YOUR mode good expo sure to ctublic view and also I good traffic count iterel a de siretne ('CItIO WI Sth Avenue Sint ingx133 sone tight industrial lust across thei Preet Nom the convention renter 14tory ortic budding offering excellent Investment opoortimillos Terms reeling Mil Mid-Cities Are 44 tre toned tor local retail btooness surroundod by 4 streets Ono ot Is chociest locations In Northanst Torrant County This nil comer lot het I two rim Sonnet tor business purposes $ae 17'174111 St NondlOy Dr and Normandy Ray Wyatt Co RiALtolts '13-twiroom brick on We Ems in CM ilimts reduced to $t5000 It's I bargain' Shown anytime day or Mont GODLEY REAL ESTATE ii i Carrell (817) r)-7373 I MajeOic Partoramic View 1234 Acres within cornmutino dIstanra of Fort Worth A boautitul custom built nom central electric heateir wilts view of til ntir country 'now sv oral water tankt S36-4)93 Oloy Peouto 1124104 McDONALD 81 CO FOR SALE -room house 3 VOOP3 1 Oid Burleson Texas Si bv s000int I mint only 277107 Lake Whitnay Restricted wooded sites overlooking lake Ideal for retirement pe 7-toct Josmur-- Loedroore frame ists0 FHA 1117443-217L THEO EMBRY AGENCY 7-29S-2650 JOSHUA-2 bedroom brick kitcliendn combination fireolace all250 117-444-2471 THEO EMBRY AGEN Cy al1-2154650 0 4 30S 1 Your float" or Outer home LIP too needed No closioa coat PINER POWELL 11101 All Ffl Lirm PE 2-11et Ali Areas ED it-122S For equity in home farm sots South 3outhwest City CARL 0 MONTGOMERY REALTOR 916 ()2ii Astoq AX WEALIN reputable inctiv dual wants acreaqa west or southwest close-in on payout or will tratte Querknitted real eittitil MC001101IS or nOteS Reply StarTeletram Box 250 MY COmPAhY needs nem site 3 to 50 acres zoned "F't thru at bariaain Will considar and In ORMtry adjacent utilities wrIte Vice ElvttcterrIzsram TO i I 1 i CASH TODAY FOR EQUITY or clear homes Oe rentals any condition prefer Poly and Eastsioe Gass 01-1-943I 1-4117 CASH FOR eduitis or okter homes Regardless of conodion Ali areas or Maxine Ward WA S-1643 WEST SIDE 3 bedroom to $13000 From owner 535-4421 WE HAVE cash buyers tor property all over city Call LAI LALLA04 WRIGHT REALTOR we Du so sett trade Member of Office 4916 James WA 4225e tLL US your home owls We Pay You all cosh TE 1-5647 Judd Agency Mont Sunday 40806 ISAVE cash buyers fur 150000 to 680000 deer hunting property in Fort Worth San Angelo San ArttOO0 ragle Must ba worlh money Ione Realtor 2135 Est Seminary Drive Fort Worth 76119 WANT 10 scree more syth trees water with or without house $1000 cash ISO Month Agents welcome RmilY Slarletegram Box 278 WILL BUY eoulties in South 5de apartment houses Call 2311917 after 5 nooses JJ7-5Vr 0er IALLA 0 A OffiCO ILL US POS VDU I A--22SIL1-11 IONE cai Sa0000 dotal Worth Sa rams MIA Flatlet Drive For ViTirT0- water will cosh ISO ISO Root0 Stat WiLk BU' oarmoot BEAUTIFUL budding site 2 aerial 1 orris MC Onfd fiCI trockoge OH doors dock in Morgan Modows born gond Sfl1075 Lots Edwerds au t3694 16 WmairEe: TicerAnterkrnrtromler112 1 feced In 0 au crordat4wvit gase caromed offices Assume ri ger FOSTER LONDON AT 41001 8 1------ii---500 titt 171'1 OWNER WILL FINANCE 534340173531X rro Dielman 714 jmworteithroo AT 2 PER CENT 418 AiLPES on Ranch Hogs ad tricihr MIttra1 041 394 1 across from new GO golf COMM' teleDhOtte cestos lOhL Mock-- Mont by 434 cionth Tonosil ago City erat" Smog quitY ate ripsD10011 WO INDAtOtk Der- J1 oft 7" treewet 7 blocks fivers Cardinal Realty 'flitted 3731(1 SO with gee down and MI rood About 443' trackage Price VA Der month idOwnsif comes 'sate r3s Pm sq loss for cosh Cott usd 9261111 7P7-6N1 927871" he Ftoviel Co JE 66311 BEAT INFLATION et-4GICE Mobile Home Pork Local20AEO comotercratIO6 frontage Wdth iand in tract sdlos 76 tim 23 Crete tots of road frootorda nose TWC 640orn house $13503 to 3 7 SLOOS Dor cr hitt be I hill averioofillse Lake Katherine howl 2774471 5 Del- cent down Miscount Woethontord S3101 will tiendle own- scro3 4lustrial Al! tor cosh Minnsum restric 1 or carry note I 4410f4 W011thst- utilities available Ill rents On tions wilier creels thrd sr trdickenti Coil us The erevies alf kl Aid kitikto Cr1 1 TA A 1 I ns tv At An Mr tAlo hetwoon CO JE 64111 BEAT INFLATION CNOICE mom! Nom rorim 103 WIWI md in tract sates 74 tinnt 23 MPS lettli of road frontons to 3 aCret VOSS DOc acre Noe on hill overiooking Lake 5 tor per cent gown discount Weethorford 15801) will handle awn- 1 cash Minimum restric 'or carry note I 44094 Weather- tions Co-OD weier creek tnrd beautiful budding sstes Go 1 rroALL Aerinto 'or Alf telwfwfn 't I 1 i i i 1 PAID IN CASH for your homt or owl REGARDLESS OF NYWHF RE IN FORT RTH zh O'Pr -se ED Newman 030933 CASit tor iikler home or env Ct Pc01on P6rker OL 10111 Use Classined ED 2-7722 CASH FOR your equity West Side Oliwow Watsorl 24440i4 PE 8 5080 Lena Taylor MA 6-3687 10 YEARS pa vIna cash (no limit) to homes 21-hour service professional confidence Integrity Homer Newman orthr JE 4443 PE 2-2016 iaq Co RIO acres e-roOM borne Creek Pented 1'004'qt arena co-do water 1110000 34-0311 701-0tat Fred Oteimen 5:341731 2 ACRES-1-room camp house Walnut aermes 11200 down WA eSSie tUilaiart Acres excellent of) Itee hew I bedroom horne forma! dining uttlIty morn attached $17150 70- 1 Der cent down tonwder trade or try' VA 81 7067 TaltE'S NO CHARGE FOR THE LAKE heautitul a acres torn small cottede netr Graoevine Lake fenced new weft orctiard country iivino Pak OWN and HUM) DaYmenta of Sae MERMAN BOSWELL REAL ESTATE FOR SALE by owner lic-14tre'sirti Richland Stills On Starnes rtr Paved road boteutitut oak troak oda tUre bend trees for horses Ideal tee country estate Must sell Itts weekend Best offer of 120O0 or Over or acre Finencind availab4 tcr ouelltIed oersOn BU17576 'TOTS" GOT 'EM I Arlington Property 15L I Property 75L I I Arlington Property 75L I PrI Arling mole north ot Pale on rte 1Godie amd cieburnt 1103c1 0k west lok mitit on ISA to first Mv MO romd On ien tette S13S Call tor euvj el 72i74v4 St It FTIV bui idi no ittei 17 ts Conveluent to new troort Will di- MODERN MOTEL AT THE CROSSROADS OP CENTRAL TEXAS 31 ueffs with approxomafey 12 scree Of lane for expamon PIuS 41 DOW er ry5avant that setts 174 EXCELLePer itiTTURN ON INVSSIMENT Cali Cart Morfgomorv of 192011 Ott $153 Old Graneury Re Ft Worth Texas 761 VIE ARE SOLD OUT NEED LicrINas DESPERATELY ON IMPROVED EOmmfeCIAL AND INDOSTRiAl PROPERTY AND UNIMPROVED CRAGS Cali Vesta Brown vapines and Sundars 4MS57 days jE 6-7141 TAYLORMcSRATER MANLY 3510 Lancasw JE 7141 4FINNIPPLREIW 'WO likillEINAMMOSI I ak4 wet Sch0-15or Realty 751-5475 7574777 M01111511 InMe SITES FOR SAI 1 ecnd gracts ki Sou derns Cntnrmontv wet'? end rovnd rond ena MVO roe Toirme aW IForms-Landanchs 82 1 enrottmonra tnolated toctrierty CHOICI ICKATT OR ERT PI whom cow hch01 riirtld I ArNbrtrriOntS reSt herneS POWAVIO I croaks and Picts flat land PrIcas ham Parka business commercial start at Sine down and eorrnnt end INeovx indvotrial moth itimuht dot lam I 410 6 wrn Aril-Von Port Worth aimless''' she Itf1P Forest NM Crowienr Mansitaid end fthsnitnim4n en WM I tni 6" In Aril-49ton Port Worth Olor legend 5nopy Forest Hill Crow Irv Mansfinid enct 1 TWO StALITIFUL TRACTS ot AA And 79 acre tern on Walnut Creek edia4n1 on North Wrle cihr Pkirt Walnut Creek Manch Wooded alkoetly Coastal Bor mucte Can be dvelaped Go north pi Alio an 730 to coy tirnits tura left et Walnut Creek IWO en thew mot t011oW Call ker Boyd $17-23743114 NEAR ocren $2600 Per Acre- City water Cosst Bermuda PPfflhIp Real istele Int e71-43 11 43-10(11 NEAR Keller wooded 10'801 In plir ritmt dawn $0 rhirli firlanCinq I pet I 5 HOMES READY TO OCCUPY OCCUPANCY ON LOAN APPROVAL OPEN SUNDAY 1 TO 7 PM DMIVONSt Wont en PM int rural trees 1 mdas 3rn Crowkay turn tytt ow PM "TOT" REAMS 423-n231 19(12 Ind oct miles to SPACE el taoNabb 27SiSai AC Ops ales or knk Cletaarw Prow- 60wwtoveN builei ete it cri1 way to 20tAue od turn richt on 10 howl Man at IsttCalsvon as 1st 011 13 I mil" turn rt fr NORTHSIDE BUildertgl VAS and 1902 ao I mlle tro SPACE ACAES laDS AISO 3 10m 2100 om bock mem 41111 Ax 367 WA 21141 sooTHsioe106 ittn Ave Irtedireli Noun mari at 1st Ce leave at lee NORTNSIDE Buildings IV atvl Nett AISO 3 lee 3100 bock Mao th Ave medical j' ihOws In ale conditioned boo kl Servit cold beverachin NEAR BURLESON acre showplace like neer ell elee tric coned barns fences pastures trIPPS creek etc All the herd work done S60000 Negotiate terms ACRES on high hill with breathtokino view olre 3bedroom 2-bath home home lignIS Oak water city phone deco well creek pecan Der- smmon walnut alum thicket IOC NEAR ALVARADO I ACRES vith oicser home I mile wett ot neer new lake CI "Tot" Reams 411-5211 Ed McNabb VS 8541 9 we sing act we II est it! T''t999 BY 27971 intartat BU 27977 area A percent laterest IOW mentely lartertetnes Also reaseere Tee Wino 101 rear seeabet terrrrs leek tone esti BARBER REAL tSTATE Nitas 797-441 cent I for Year COL I EYV I LLE a acres 1 suburban scrodige or000rty Young Pat W-4 1 ntOn 7q1-11 ED 770 any 17'113 uNatsTRIcrEo IN I HE hear? 9f re 7464 feet rA 10(304V frontage tween Mnsfielct end eannon 71ft Acre andy wilts befootfoi Great inVeStMent DOtfntiM CpIV WO Odr dr rd GOOd 'VMS CM Apel It 472 Great investment DOtOntiAl Str1N' 6 Cw'r cr Good terms i wci cit 472 Breakfast area Beamed Ceiling PRICE RANGE $18350 $19250 tow MONTHLY PAYMENTS FHA OP VA SPECIAL: 197 Jolt City Limits Him Toot Fronts on kJ 281 Ho l-rcom nke horn other houses SPOS tt landing stripiistest toe subdsion gotgoin at eialJw good terms Ail deeds On request Ciassion Holdon Etclosit Agent G5 ion Rego 'tun 704 Phone lei- 21t acros clout tn Locolod tor MOSILE HOttle out Jcssisont Hwy in'ett Homed terms Lii" JENSEN P1174451 ISA ACRES of uninsprovoi greseiond Iwitttin 31) minute south of or Loksted on good gravel rood near pavemont All fences good corn rdition and Dori aro new doe woil With windmill escootionallY one Orte511 "'hien ha tNCIt bosun se stocked Hos whor* le to IS Cr lake can Ito creoted with rrMilnUttl lzs dAM Gend building sIt and hos silo tc an air strio wiM bttructiOnlk flis Woes hos rho potential Ho doeelootirtnt into on excellent small rancn or Worse Farm OWner selli finance Comm rto-1541 m477o 15100 AcRts tutton County wo7 teted Intoroved stood roods Irs) irt encfs tsiHerr Pr loomore WvIltr lox 1411 Port Airs oswd most In 'rms ff Ceithr 107-3104 Mon ow Teta 1 I '4 tt Paneled family room 2 Baths Acoustical ceiling 2 Car Garage Total Electric Patio Wall paper entry Central air Carpeted conditioning 3 Bedrooms and Heating 261-4661 After 7 PM MTTC I rain Ai the crow Foe Aoyut i mitws to Court Neu lo 3 orrei zoned beevy commrciat In TO li AC gt et brautttal trees Ind uttltios retro4d MOW hills 011 HWY 1117 ow Bendon Pe $AW) Lorto TityPor AAA CW1 moo water soon omtv 11 son ----IT4 iff611-11 NE LOCAT tair art (It 4-4991 cl*t 4711r2 3000 brwit en tee 1(tert2lir Oen 770to F01114LB 3 91 0003 restri4tod 21 tovit Blvd 4 milts MOM' 00 miles west et Webb r4067 wwv 121 333500 Of tiftwe a OR 4 ACE ES woodtd oar souitv ba tow: ST23 Por tiO1 Up INIV MOM'S pi otleutos 50011 ner Wr cont ot Ftrth WA 6- 113 it 4-1383 Tel-WO Cotner EU 135 7 TE I- COra 519 Cetner SU 14165! Call 261-0063 Am And rood on tisrsts sIdes (tint) WettW ilia) tnk Isrsced on 3In 'Odes low taxes Idttt I tor Mnbito HOITte Dark SOS Po- acre MA 5 per tent 1 Cin Via IS years to PilY CO north ot Ails 1 to It! 01 7 west 1 rnle on 1542 to 3rd rneet On let nd coo Orl tencs Call Mr Bowl 11117 7c14304 INVESTORS-DEVELOPERS Ito acres neer Fools Mt Lose Ideal for (teVO0Cotrent SIAM acre OWnr Iwill finance 29 per tont down 0 GALLAGRER WA it-Int ---m---- SM i I I 51 acres leiott trolls posted rood LISOO etre 258 ACaPS toolo oo used Oar toodiod 'wit t9D om JOIn Hoy 0i ste DUI-WO BU 1-10i4 BLI I-4141 Ad road of taws sides Co OD wetpr i roe tank fenced on 3 des low taxes 611 ea AoLhill i4nme Dere a 89 ACRES west of Roannaii NWv frentraot Oft 114 IS the' I rnl intPrOatit 1SW Farm home sirth Gond Oen welt and end build 'nos St SOO oar acre with tiond ferone 5ranthrine Real Estate 207i WCRS )-hitdrnom horne Old barn well p*rno stock tank aril chard S2S0 t401) down 121 owes west of Cleburrat Itv Jones 1-12441 cottivvILLE-t- ac04 3-bodroorn 'firstnie In need of rived' trews c1101110 Davit-1r MtIP Use Classified ED 27722 OAS MORE model's I moo STAR-TELEGSAIA POD)110 AC4111 produce as tOSUItS re IDIOM WIS dill Sid Peddle Ad Oen 'umber- I I Di ItECTIONI Wetsoo Sci looi Rood (Hwy 360) ttt 303 lipit or Wwv 303 le ill stroopt ift cm Svgun Lon to tollt Ann Drive (Soo $4p) DRECTIONI Wetsos Schoai good (Hwy ISO) to ma or Hwy 303 to 1st Wof iott 3vgun Lon to toolt Ono Drivc (Soo $4n1 BER11111 mEnininunommomore momomme 2 93 ACRES in benutlful Whci mon 71 onllem southwm9 if erChteftV Cornolettee eecod with new othel NA! on etlete paved rood Co-o enter electricity undornrountd Inte- onlne rent schnol bus OrelItleted wtth thedwitortr Dorrntti2d 1741 Mwen I per 110INV ektinV C0114111 no cloolne 264'121 22494 921-1129e ED 2-7722 I j1 a.

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Author: Maia Crooks Jr

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Author information

Name: Maia Crooks Jr

Birthday: 1997-09-21

Address: 93119 Joseph Street, Peggyfurt, NC 11582

Phone: +2983088926881

Job: Principal Design Liaison

Hobby: Web surfing, Skiing, role-playing games, Sketching, Polo, Sewing, Genealogy

Introduction: My name is Maia Crooks Jr, I am a homely, joyous, shiny, successful, hilarious, thoughtful, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.